Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
i'm a new zealander too π
and i have the same dream as you π
"Can't afford an agent" sounds about right for me. I will continue to wish for this dream as i long for it.
i know i have the talent, it's the chance that i'm worried about.
also i'm 15 !!
Okay before I start, you should know that I'm not trying to ruin anyone's dream here, I'm just trying to be truthful, and practical. If the casting directors didn't come to America, it wouldn't be 'unfair treatment'. They would simply be doing their job, and not wasting their whole movie's budget on casting. As beaverarmour mentioned, casting is also a very time consuming process, and we want to find a Jill before 2050, I would imagine.
Remember through all this that God has a unique plan for each one of us. This plan is better than anything any of us could ever imagine. So if you don't get the part of Jill Pole, don't stress, because God has an absolutely awesome plan for you, and he cares for everyone whether we're famous or not.
And dreams, I've learnt the hard way, can often (not necessarily always, but a lot) tear us away from what God wants. Sometimes, our dreams not coming true can be a greater blessing than we could have possibly imagined. It can open our eyes up beyond our own desires to what He has designed us to be, which is so much greater than simply getting to play a cool character in a great movie with lots of adoring fans. God loves us so much that he sometimes dashes our dreams against the rocks so that we can see that what we wanted our life to be wasn't what was best for us, and get back on track to the amazing path He has laid before us.
I'm not trying to be a know all here, I'm just speaking from what God's been showing me lately, and I would hate for anyone here to lose faith in God or to think that life is unfair simply because they did not get a part in a movie.
God bless everyone in the New Year, and good luck to everyone auditioning for the role of Jill… but if you don't get the part, always trust in His plan for you!
Thanks anyway!!I think you can act Jill.And I will ask to my parents 2 help me!I am a bit scared cuz my parents disagree with me… But it's all right!I will be a brave-girl like Jill!! I didn't expected your answer,so I was really happy when I read it. Thank you,Emilee!Thank you so much!! And a Happy New yearrrr!!!!
Thank U!!Your coments made me so happy! Yeah,it's a pleasure!! *I am a lucky girl cuz I can get such nice friends!*Long live Aslan,and a happy new year!!
Yeah,Gem,certainly U R right.How sad!But…I really want to(that's the reason why I started working to save money to go to UK)! …Maybe I will try. And yes,perhaps I can act Aravis better than Jill!!! After all,evreything will be deside by Aslan,not me!
Oh,and I forget to say this!Maybe I can dye my hair(perhaps it makes you surprise,but many Japanese do it.It is not unusual acting in Japan)if my hair coulor is problem.
Yes, I am a Christian to, and I think that Jill does go through a hard time trying to believe and trust in Aslan, like I have also.I find the part that Jill plays in the book, a role much the similar to me!Jill Pole is My Dream.
I to face the same problem as all of you, but you guys probably have the money to do it , and I don't. And i live in Australia, in Little town. and I just hope that you guys in Amerrica and Britan and anywhere else have a chance to audition GOOD LUCK
please can you go to all drama schools in west london. if you go to the arts educational school london i would surgest go for years 10 and 11. in year 10 it should be isobel hobby norris and in year 11 it should be helena debono
um well how about the fact that we are so good many shows in america are snapping up the chance to work with actors for the suck suck on that
well exsactly. if you have so many shows in america why would u want a part in a english film then ?. and inever said that americans werent good enough or anything like that i was just saying that they will most prob in the end go with someone who is english because it is a english film and a english role. thats all i have been saying.
its ok . it is hard ,very but you learn to deal with it and toughen up abit and you get through it . everyday at a time. yer like skander lol londons cool but very cold at the moment lol. it looksa bit like narnia all cpverd in snow. i agree jill wants to prove something to others but i think mainly to her self that she is alot stronger and has a lot more courage. wow your homeschooled . i would love to me homeschooled . public school is horrible and hard and not like what they show in the movies lol π
I really like the opportunity to audition for Jill, but I have a bigger problem than you: (I live in Chile in South America and speak Spanish, even if they may not speak English very fluid, but imagine that if you do not even want do auditions in the United States, less will give the opportunity for a Latina girl right?
No no no, don't dye your hair! I think you should stay JUST THE WAY YOU ARE and go for Aravis! You probably would be really good at it.
I agree that everyone should have a chance. They could do like a cople of auditions in America,(Like in the big cities) a few in Britain. And hen they could take the best girls of each and audition them together and see who is best! :D. Because some people even though they live in america it doesnt mean they cant sound british. I can put on an accent so good my parents say I sound like Lucy. Mabey if enaough people right about this Walden Media&Fox will do something about it! π
Well, let's not go into all the details about what movie had the best digital effects. I believe that LWW was brillant for other reasons other than the digital effects, by the way which were amazing, such as Aslan? He was the best in LWW than he's been in any other film. But they had the perfect balance of staying true to the story and adding or changing things to ENRICH it, making it everything I though LWW should be on a screen. I think it was some of the most brillant film-making I've ever seen. That's why it was so disappointing to see PC and VDT not do so well and know that a lot of it was due to the fact that they didn't seem to truely acknowledge that the books were their inspiration and guide in making the films. That's why I feel so strongly that if they want any chance at making a successful SC, or any other Narnian movie, they have to get back to what they were able to do in LWW and recreate that same amazing perfection for each book. I mean, each book deserves to have it's story told as wonderfully as LWW's was.
Hey anybody know how to even get an agent? Cause I would love to try out but, I dont know how to get an agent. :S
Also anybody know how to even get an agent? Cause I would love to try out but, I dont know how to get an agent. :S
I'm going to start a blog too! I was going to do it WEEKS ago. But now I finally have time. My screen name on there will still be Queen Elizabeth. And I will get you guys more info on where it is π (To Edmund's Aueen: I'm having a column on there called all Edmund * all the time π
the url for my blog is
(ps: Edmund's Queen I am a fan on your blog, or following it, or whatever it's called π
Ok I just want to get it out there and if your reading this please reply back because I would love to know π
Basically I'm 14 years old, British, slightly northern accent can be altered easily though π
5"1 and, unlike most of What you all want Jill to look like I have strawberry blonde hair, with natural highlights, and im slim :)I've had not much acting experience apart from stage and in the mist of trying to find an agent as soon as possible so when the times comes, I realllly want to try out for Jill π tell me what you think haha :Dx
Snap. Just another reason being American is stupid. Jill Pole is my favorite character in all of the Narnia series. I have always imagined myself as her. The Silver Chair is also my favorite Narnia book. I wish I could audition, but because of this I see my chances are slim. What a pitty. Best of luck to whoever is going for it!
I wish to much- thanks. May God bless you and keep you too π
Marian*true*Narnian- I'm in America, and my sister claims that I can to a Brittish accent for my life. but anything is possible (besides, I have to learn for a musical :()
JillDream- anyone in the world can sign up for an audition, but there's a catch. you need an agent. If not this time, there's always the next!
Oh your welcome(: I always look back on things I have posted on to make sure someone hasn't wrote anything ,if they have I always respond. I try to help people has much as possible. I think telling your parents is a wonderful thing to do. Just be brave and they will accept what you want to do. I wish you the best of Luck! Happy New years to you too!:)
Yea I understand what you are saying. I hope they get someone that will make Jill llok good instead of making her look bad!Ya know?
Well Has been taking classes for a British accent. My agent is working me just incase the Silver Chair does get the green light! If *ANYONE* needs advice on how to get an agent I would love to help,since I have one. Im hoping to get the role of Jill but knows so does everyone else on here. I wish everyone luck!
i too understand what you are saying but humans are not like cats and dogs accents are just that accents who the hell cares about where you come from as long as you are a good actor and can pull it off!
okay so you wanted to audition for a film that did not even get filmed so you can think whatever i could have gotten the part but it wasnt made but i am most certain that this will and the thing is an american or canadian who might not have the money or support for an agent will never get discovered never get their chance to fufil their dream and they will live heir life full of past wondering.. what would my life be like now.. would i be happy?… and they might have been perfect for it and the most amazing actor ever but there will be no chance for them i know they could do other things but if one opportunity passes others will too.
this is for you english kid first look over your writing (inever) second yah shure thats all youve been saying and i will agree a brit will probly get cast but us americans (and even canadians) do deserve a chance
I'm open to advice! I know this sounds slightly bizarre but if I rang the mobile number provided for this agency I found, on bank holiday Monday that is, they would be angry? (because of it being a holiday) silly question really but im really just curious since it's a MOBILE and not a telephone π thanks
i have he same dream as all of you and i mean i am THE best accent adopter (not just personal opinion every one ive met told me so) im from wisconsin and can do the best northern accent, new yorker, and all southern accents if i am around thoes people enough. when i see my dads family from mississippi i start to talk and sound exactly like them same for my moms new york family and my wisconsin friends. but you see i have lived in poland and have learnt that language and others and when i speek it my accent is almost flawless my european friends have said and i have traveld to the uk and ireland and i started to talk like them exactly and they would hear me talk and ask what part of the uk i was from and i would explain my strange voice habbits. also i dont really feal american at all i absolutley know i am a european at heart and living in europe i felt like i belonged every ehere i went in europe exept pairis for some reason but i was so happy to feal i belonged i cry all the time here and i git really depresses untill i saw this dr. but i want so badley to be jill pole and eaven thoug i love america i cant stay here without having searious probs like i have had but whatever dont give americans a chance just make us feal like sh*t and crush our morals like bugs im so low i i cant really care any more so whatever
okay for you little person who is "not trying to ruin anyones dreams" but do you really think god can influince everything if you or god can then tell me why do we have wars why do people kill inocent people who are just trying to live why is the world crumbling down before our eyes and not every one is trying to help fix it why are some powerful people powerful when they are cruel and rude and just plain old mean and tell my why is god ruining the ozone killing "his" animals "his" people "his" world "his" creation????? tell me why does god give poeple who love him abusive and terrible lives only for them to die a sad and cruel death when they have ammounted to nothing.
i too do not have an agent only because i dont want to pay one but i know how you can find one first think of the biggest city near you then try to get hold of a phone book of that city and look in it for agent agenceys and bang there you go but also i have heard/seen commercials on tv and popular radio stations for agenceys that are looking for someone to agent! so try that and count up your money ask your parents tell them your dream and take off to fly.
i totally agree with you all it does suck and i want it sooooo bad but by myself i cant affors an agent and my parents are to practical saying "why waist our money on sothing that will most deffinently never happen, dont you want a car?" but i know i am capable of greatness i i have the drive and perservierence to make it but i just… ya know cant afford it. Biggest bummer ever really and i have had a lot (seriously i cant count how many i dont even think there is a number for them) but i guess ill live… probably?…maby?… oh who knows.
oh god how i need an agent will you please help me you would absolutley be my hero and even i dont know who you are i would love you forever… awkward i know but its true
Thanks! I can't wait to check out your blog! I love the name. π I'm about to post a book review on my blog, so stay tuned. I may also see if I can find a way to make a collage of Edmund/Skandar pics for us to feast our eyes on, lol! You come too, other Pevensie girl! (BTW, Elizabeth, I don't know if you noticed, but my user name on blogspot is "Lady Caroline of Rohan" Be lookin' out for me!)
Wow, you sound like the perfect Aravis! BTW, I love your user name. Long Live King Aragorn!
Ok π Edmund's Queen your blog looks really cool so far π I can't wait to read more. I posted some of my artwork on mine. I hope you guys like it and please become a "follower" π Thanks! I will be looking out for your name, I love the title of yours too, very creative.
I think everyone interested should get to audition. That being said, I think the producers will go for someone English, or at least from the UK. A native will be more familiar with the customs and culture of the English people, therefore causing the part of Jill to be more "natural" than if a foreign actress was acting. Idk…that's just my opinion. I personally am not interested in the part for that reason and for the fact that acting is simply not my thing. As much as I love Narnia and would love to have a part in the making of a Narnia film, there's no way I would be comfortable on screen.
Good luck to anyone planning on auditioning!
I completely agree!You know guys my dream is further away than yours i'm from mexico but however i will do everything in my power to at least audition! Oh& a question how old is supposed to be jill? good luck to everyone(:
same π but hey guys the hope is the last thing that dies right? π
I'm 14! but i'm from mexico&i don't have an agent π good luck to everyone π hope i can get an agent soon..
Good luck being polly. I want to audition for diggory (if they make magicians nephew) so if the two of us get picked that would be cool to work together.
Good luck being polly. I want to be diggory so if we are the two actors that would be so cool.
Hey well maybe since it is a mobile number they would answer it is probably one of the agnets cell phone numbers so more then likely they would answer. But If not you could just call back the next day!:)
Hahah ok well first you need to search local talent agencys, or check agencys in big citys that you could go to for meetings. When you find one they will more than likely have contact info on there web page , so write it down. You will probably have to send them some Head shots and full body pictures along with some personal information such as height,weight, hair color,age and so on. If they like you and see something in you they will call you or get intouch with you in some way and then you can work on getting auditions or whatever you want to do. But if you live in U.S.A like I do the only agencys that really look out of countrys for auditions are in L.A or New York. I also advise you not to call them or keep checking up on wether they have looked at your pic and info becuse most agencys dont like when you keep calling. Good Luck!:)
Gem(: hah I feel like we talk a lot on here. But Queen Elizabeth I understand your saying you can be british without the accent but in the films so far everyone who has been british has an accent so for them to have an actress that is suppose to british and not speak it doesnt make much sense. I live in america and have a great british accent but they would rather have someone with a "real" accent then a fake.And I know someone who knows part of the cast and he says when they talk in reality you can really tell they have accents so they should hire someone who does have one so she can go along with everyone else and not be the odd ball out.
Guys check this out! I found this picture on a website of Aslan and Jill on the cliff. I don't know who she is, but I think she'd be a fantastc Jill Pole!
Well, that's hard to say… Jill Pole is supposedly around 9 or 10 years old in the novel and that is the same age as Eustace. HOWEVER, Will Poulter is 18 (or at least he will be by the end of January) so they will most likely be looking for someone within two or three years of his age (preferably younger I would presume).
i dont know who u seem to think you are . but what gives you the right to come in to a civil conversation i was having with someone else and be so rude. and dont call me english kid. im not a kid and yes i am english if you have a problem with that dont leave a comment after me. i dont think i have ever come across such a cocky and rude person. everyone who has commented on here has been polite if they didint agree with something i said . so dont come along and start being rude to everyone. everyone has a write to thier own opinion . and one last thing dont try and correct me i have forgot to put a space between a word.
And this is for you Katherine. I read what you were saying about how god could not intervein. I have to STRONGLY disagree with EVERY Single Word you said! People like you blame their troubles on God, people like you always want someone to blame when something goes wrong. And you are blaming God for destroying the word! People need to take ownership of their actions. Man is the reason Why! We sin all the time!! Thats just life! And we have a devil(Satan) who lives on earth and causes people to fall. But thats why WE have Jesus Christ, he can help us to Not fall to temptation. And if you actualy paid attention to what Narnia is about you would know that Aslan represents God!!! And in voyage of the dawn treader the mist resembles Satan and all the sin in this world. And how Edmond was greedy when they were by the lake that turned everything it touched to gold! He was falling for the temptation. Same with Lucy she was not happy with who she was so she wished herself away and Aslan showed her that that was wrong. And that people need to be more content with who they are. That why Hollywood is soo messed up: people go to auditions and the casting people im not saying all but some, can be very critical about ypur looks. They'll say you dont have pretty skin. or pretty hair, or you aren't skinny enough or tall enough. So the people try to change! Look wat happened to Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus she's schanging just so she can get more fame. Their lives are very hard. So Yes God Can intervein and he does! He has intervein in my life Numerous times! One christmas we didnt have enough money for presents or even a christmas Tre! and and God Laid it on someones heart to leave a christmas tree at our front door! My dad was blessed with a car once!! So there you have your answer. God is NOT the cause of Your problems. He allows you to go through struggles, And when i was little i wondered why. And i realized that its because he draws us closer to Him by us struggling. Because when all ho[e seems lost the only person we have left to put our hope, faith and dreams in is God.
I quite agree with you and im crushing my dream to because I would love to be in Narnia but hey, We have Disney, and we americans are in a Ton of tv shows and movies!! People with British accents are not casted into a lot of movies. We have got plenty of other movies to be in!
Though I still do wish that I could be in Narnia!!:(
I don't mean to be rude but earlier you were blaming God for everything and now you are asking for his help???? Do you go to church? If you want to find out who he really is that would be a good place to start!!:)
hay anna beth
i know what you mean it is unfair. but hay like u say you do have disney channel for teenagers but in egland we donthave anything like that so these are knida our only opotunities . but dont get me wrong i think that you shoul be alloud to auditiona nd everything i dont think anyone should be excluded. oh and i completely agree on your comment to katherine on how god i shonw throughout the films of narnia and that i don think she understands the true meaning.
i've always wanted to play Jen pole like most of you here. unfortunately i don't have a British accent and can't afford an agent for what matters so i just wanted to wish you all good luck and may the best get the role! I'll be watching you π
Jill pole ***
To Katherine, i cordially dare to read it,aaaaaaaaall of it,
the world is full of evil and crime because people are evil to the core,theres not one good person in the world or beyond and i don't get where you'r(not sarcastic or mean please explain to me and ill try explain to you)comming from how is god causing pollution and damage in the world? i have had a fairly easy life(im 16), but like everyone i have had my pains and moments when i wished i was dead, but i'v come out stronger, not through my own strength ,but allowing God to heal me, infact i don't know if id be a believer if i hadn't had pain. Many,many times in life the answer is i don't know,i don't think we're ment to know everything,but ill tell you one thing i do know, when i die , me and my life won't amount to nothing , even if my throught is slit and im not buried propely i will make sure my life brings glory to God and His love is the only thing that can make me amount to anything. Even if i don't get this role i won't (im echoing a touth pastor) end up in a old movie nobody wants , im in God's story (wich lasts forever) and to Jesus be the glory. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall my love and prayers, amy
Heya. I have the same problem as some of you lot. I have no agent or money for it but if somebody could let me know for auditions for anything in chronicles of narnia that would be sooo much help. I don't mind any part that is available in the next sequel. So if you need an Asian,brown eyed, with black hair, female then I'm your gal. Thanks a bunch.