Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
Wow, excellent! You've a far better chance than me, as far as experience goes. I hope they'll green light SC so auditions will start.
I love that, "HUZZAH!" lol. How did you get a profile pic? I just can't figure it out.
lol. Have you seen the "check the gate" video? Skandar makes me laugh in that one too. He's like "Check the gate, WATCH yourself," I love how he says "watch".
And what he says is so true in the interview with William, about always having to save him, lol.
Ooops, at the end of my last comment there's this lone "And," lol. I accidently clicked Submit. Anyway, I was going to say was about that scene at Goldwater in VDT, Edmund gets frustrated about always being under Peter or Caspians authority, and he says "You know I'm braver than both of you," I had to hold myself back from yelling "Yes you are Edmund! You rule!" LOL. Sorry for the long comments.
but what i am saying is why have second best ? i mean if u wanted to a dog for a part why cast a cat ? maybe it could be a pretty convincing dog but at the end of the day you want a dog.this is just my opinion but americans get alot of films that english actors dont get . and if they wanted a normal american school girl why would they cast someone english ? but this is just one opion π
i no me too π i just hope they are open auditions . there arent that many around anymore which i think is unfair and kind of silly off them as they are missing out on some really good not yet found actors . :)like you and me
Haha, it's one of my favorite words! (x Through, I believe. If you make an account on there and upload a pic, it'll show up on here. It's all very simple. (:
Hey, Wishing4JillPole, you sound like you would be great for Jill! I guess I always thought of her having light brown hair, but I also always thought of her as being taller and that's you. Best of luck! Hope you get a chance.
The books are written by a British author, the characters are British, it is set in England, sorry, BUT THE BOOKS ARE OOZING BRITISH!!! That's doesn't mean Americans are other people from other countries can't enjoy them and love them, but you can't change a whole story just because you want to act in it. Sorry, that's just not going to happen. And no offense, cause you can have your opinion, but I don't see how anyone who loves the books can even think of changing who the characters are. Not what they look like or whatever, but who they are as British school kids. It would be like changing Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings from descendent of a king of men to descendent of a king of dwarves or something. Don't you see how awful it would be?
You're welcome, glad I could help.
Oh my gosh, a few nights ago I had a dream that I was Jill Pole! I was in Narnia, first with Eustace, and then with Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Georgie, and some other more minor characters from VDT. I had to save them or go get help or something, and we were on this beach with little islands of sand a few feet from the shore and rocky cliffs on the main beach. I was running through the water and I fell and was drowning or something. There was some other stuff that happened, but I can't remember what.
Are you going to put a pic of yourself on here or Skandar <3 cause I can't put one of myself on here π
Actually (ack-chellay) I have no interest in acting. So I'm not just saying this cause I want to be Jill, cause I don't. And they are called ACTors! They don't have to be British to ACT Brittish. I know so many people who would love to play Jill who are American. Jill can still be British without an accent. Sorry but I don't think you get the meaning of BASED on the book. She can still be British, but maybe Americans would like to play her…
I love how Skandar says WATCH too! π And Georgie's little dance to the song is super cute. (My sister and I actually ran around Meijer's parking lot singing 'Check the Gate! Watch yourself!')
Yea I was so happy at Goldwater when Ed finally got everything out. He needed to show who's boss. lol
HE was king before Caspian was born so he does have some seniority lol π
I love the prince Caspian blooper reel. (have you seen it?) I love when Skandar trips coming down the hill and his little sword dance lol
well i hope you get an agent! maybe this is your lucky chance maybe you will be chosen … good luck to you
Jill Pole is my dream to come true.I pray every day that I can
audition. Can some one reply to me and tell me how to audition?
Happy New Year
Do you have any experience acting?
I'll probably do an Ed pic or something. I have a google account, so I could likely get a pic loaded on hear from there. BTW, I plan to create my blog tomorrow. π
Yeah, I know. I would love to get this part, because I think she's the only one left that I could portray best. But I don't know if I should go through the trouble of pursuing it or not, due to my limited experience, and financial situation. π Plus, I don't know if my parents would want to do all the traveling and what not involved.
But what about those of us who can't afford agents? is it just "good luck, but no can do"?
I'd love to audition for Jill Pole, but I'm under the category of No Agent, No Way. If there is information and help for agent-less actresses, please post it.
I have seen it, and of course love it! I like the part where Will is on Caspian's horse:
Will: I'm Prince Caspian!
Ben: No you aren't. Get down.
Will: Oh, sorry.
They're funny too. But they aren't as full of wonderfulness as Skandar the Magnificent. OMG that part in the beginning of VDT when Ed's like "Please let me hit him!" about Eustace is so funny! I hope there'll be VDT bloopers! I REALLY hope that! I kinda wish Edmund could've lost his shirt in the water when they enter Narnia. That'd be nice…;)
This was one of my favorite books. though I need to freshen up and read them again, I would really like to audition for this part. I just saw The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and it made me think of how much I really love acting. I'm American. I know it says they will look in the UK first, but I'll be willing to travel. afterall, I can pull off a great British accent.
I don't have that much experience, and no agent, but hey! some great actors don't have agents!
I love acting and Georgie! You rock, Lucy!
I really hope I can audition.
Im with you, Narnian Queen!
sorry, I'm back. Hey all you people at the top-I wish to much and queenlucypevensie! Hey its a british movie!!! they should be able to cast thier own citizens! I guess you could audition, but their most likely to hire a british Jill!
sorry, Im bursting my dream!
Happy new year!
Sorry. Just had to do that π
I'm glad you girls are so enthusiastic about auditioning for your dream role, and don't let anyone dampen that dream. I have a dream, but it's pretty much got a big fence right in front of it, and it's pretty hard to get to the other side. Hope your guys' dreams come true.
" I do want to try and get the role play for Jill Pole also I am a Kiwi Iv'e done drama 2009 and iv'e done singing lessons also I no how to act two!
Ive got brown hair and brown eyes two! If ur looking for a person like that in ur movie well maby I might be the sort of person you are looking for…
I'm English but not British I come from New Zealand and if you have a feedback to me plz let me no thanks! And a happy 2011 π "
If I hear anything in the UK I'll let you know too π
thank you future jill π
im not saying that the people who arent english cant audtion but im just saying that jill is english and they will probs cast an english actress. and also narnia and harry potter are the only teenage films britan has really . so it would be fair if a english girl was chosen π but who knows anything could happen.
I pray every day, to become the role, when a audition comes ;s good luck for everyone π
yeah i no what you mean i feel the same i really feel i have a good understanding of jill and that i canrealte to her really well.i guess its easiyer for me to get the audition as i live in london. but i no what you mean about the whole travelling part of it . its a huge commitment for like parents and familys to take. it sholdnt be to bad for me as my mum and dad have just got divorced so my mum would love time out and everything. but who knows .
Ok me too π You'll have to tell me where your blog is so I can read it π
Nice π Ack-chellay I watched the behind the scenes video of the underwater scene and his shirt comes up pretty far in the clip in the actual movie when the three of them are flailing around in the water lol (re-watch it and I bet you'd see it π
And in the recent interview (the Pix one or something?) He models the 3D glasses. OH YEA! lol
I'm sorry about your parents' divorce. That must be hard.
It's so cool that you live in London! Just like Skandar!
I'm homeschooled, so I don't really know what a public school environment is like. I can relate to Jill in other ways, though. She wants to show that she's not some sissy who lacks any courage.
Ok, VDT is coming to my small town theater this month, so I'll go again to see Edmund's shirt come up,lol! Ack-chellay, I was going to go see it again anyway of course.
Yes I love the Pix interview. He says that the Dufflepuds are some of his favorite creatures, then he says "ack-chellay"! I thought of you when he said that lol. When the interviewer said something about people stopping him on the streets of NYC, I was like "I would!" Imagine seeing him out in the city, and asking him for a quick picture…I'd hate to interrupt his "shopping" but, dang, a picture with him!
I would sneak up behind a rack of clothes and just be like "Can I get a picture with you?" Then maybe ask for a hug OR get a picutre of me giving him a hug. SCORE! But I doubt he would ever come to Michigan π
I understand what you are saying but I think they should give everyone a chance to live or try to make there dreams come true
Thank you. For being saying what you said. I completely agree with you.
Ps I can pull off a great British accent. I am a Narnia geek so I know almost everything about Jill. One thing I like about the books is that they are based somewhat on God, or the Bible. I as a Christian believe that these movies help people dream something good for a change. God loves everyone and is fair and I wish I could be like him. I believe in fairness, and truth and love. I also believe in chances. Casting only British people, is not wrong it is unfair. I always have a mouthful to say. And can't sand unfair treatment.
I completely understand your dilemma. I currently have a dream of acting and wish to help you. I don't have an agent either. I am currently doing my research on them. I have spent months upon months on searching for them. I have found websites. But they seem no good. All I can say is research more than I did. I know this isn't the best advice but hopefully it will help a little. May God bless you and keep you and his face shine upon you. Good luck. Stay positive.
I have the same dream as you do. I know you may think that is bad but I wish the best of luck for you. I pray that all Americans that have dreamt for this part may try out.
I realize that they can't have a whole bunch of random fans who all think they're perfect for the part but who would really be a waste of time for the casting directors all flocking the auditions. I'm not going to claim that I'm not one of them. But there are girls out there who would do amazing in the role of Jill but they either can't afford an agent or their parents just won't let them hire one or whatever. I think they should somehow get a chance. But that's not how it's going to be I suppose. It's a shame really.
I get your point. But it's not fair. I think people should be givin a chance
I completely agree with you. I've noticed that a lot of times the person who is casting the movie picks the person with bad morals. Not for the Narnian movies but for other movies. I pray these people won't make that mistake.
I honostly think that they should also give people outside of the Uk a chance as well. There are people all around the world that are also amazing actors/actresses.
I completely agree with skandarlove because everyone should be given a fair chance, not to be rude or anything. P.S. I don't know how to get an agent
I completely understand that Americans want to play her, and yes, I do think that someone other than British could play her if they could get some good voice training. Heck, I'm American, and I would LOVE to play Jill. But we do have to be realistic and think what is best for these movies. And looks what happens when we put too much emphasis on making only a film similiar to the books- we get PCs and VDTs, which, although were both good movies, were rather disappointing in my opinion and couldn't compare to the brillance of LWW.
And Princess Jennifer, please be more mature! You don't have to bash people, you just make yourself look bad.
I used to believe everyone should have a chance too… especially when I wanted to audition for the role of Will Parry in the Subtle Knife film (which was not made, btw, but beside the point). The fact is, it takes an unbelievable amount of time (and money I imagine) to hold auditions at all, not to mention to make it open to the full public. Unless the actor/actress is famous or has done reputable work, their is no reason to put an American in a British role when (quite frankly) there are plenty Brits to fill the role.
You can justify your position all you want, but it comes down to this: the competition is rough as is; not having to worry about an accent is just one less thing to have to think about, and in that, any English girl is going to have a leg up on.
I second that! (:
Ok guys, my blog is at, and is called Beneath the Mallorn Tree. I've only posted once, a welcoming post, but I'll have more soon.
I went to and all it gave me the option to do was to make my own blog. How do I see yours?
I fully understand your reasoning Gem. But they had Ben Barnes fake a Mediterrainian accent and PC turned out ok. I ack-chellay liked the movie PC better than the book. And the effects in VDT were way better than in LWW. LWW story was amazing, but the whitw witch's sleigh across the big field was a little lame π it looked like it was floating.
ummm… idk. Maybe if you typed this address in your search bar:
If that doesn't work, you may have to mke an account, which is no big deal. You will have to make a profile if you want to leave comments, though.
Oh, hang on a sec… try clicking on that link I gave above. It worked for me.
He came within a three hours' drive from where I live…and I missed it! Dang it! Ah, well, if get to play Jill then I can see him when we do The Last Battle. lol, like that'll ever happen. Maybe I'll be on vacation in London someday and I'll run into him somewhere. Or if I write a song to go at the end of SC, and I get tickets to the premier, and Skandar goes, I'll meet him there. There's still hope!
It would be an honor to be able to get Jill's part or even be in the audition.
I live in neither UK or America π
I'm in New Zealand. As we know some parts of the previous films have been taken here, and i'm just hoping i'd get in the audition.
My other problem is I don't have an agent, and i don't i can afford one π
Acting is something i want and to be able to be part of Narnia would be a wish come true.
Hi i face the same problem, i have no agents. and i'm not sure i can afford one.
i am also looking up some agents i might find but it might still be a NO WAY for me for the fact i live so far away π
But… even so i still have my fingers crossed and… nothing is impossible π
I'm a New Zealander and i can too pull off a pretty brilliant british accent, for the fact i've seen Narnia films (and harry potter films) a Gazzillion times !!
Also i don't have an agent and i will do anything just to get an audition.
*finger crossed*
Also Georgia/Lucy is amazing π
She's my age !!
Yes i completely understand, but i still want to try out, just the experience would be incredible π