“There’s a Place for Us” on iTunes
Carrie Underwood’s song “There’s a Place for Us” can now be purchased for $1.29 on iTunes. Go here to download it, or here to read the lyrics. The song will be included on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack, which releases on December 7. CORRECTION: Currently, it appears this song will not be included on the soundtrack.
For Prince Caspian, Switchfoot’s song “This is Home” was online early, but it ended it being a completely different mix than what was included on the soundtrack. And then, during the film’s closing credits, a version of the song with very different lyrics was played.
In a related story, Amazon has updated their cover art for the Dawn Treader soundtrack.
Thanks to ‘Narnia_Maniac,’ ‘HM Swanwhite,’ and everyone else who alerted us.
I would like to have this song on my Ipod! The only other Carrie Underwood song besides Jesus Take the Wheel and Temporary Home.
I already bought it. It's awesome.
Cover art it better,but I'd prefer just the ship on it, oh well. I won't be buying the song yet, haven't heard it either. I will be buying full soundtrack when it releases like I did with first two movies, (not mp3 download, hard copy), but I won't begin to listen to it until after I've seen the movie. 🙂
dudee, i LOVEE This is Home. but i likee the mix betterr then the one on the credits! gladd Carriee Underwoodd is gonna be on vdt. aperantlyy the musicc directorr and i have the samee tastee in musicc. i lovee ALL the musicc on bothh dvds. sometimess i'll just leavee the credits playingg just forr the musicc. CANTT WAITT TILL DECEMBERR TENTHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
Repeating my question so it will be seen……
I’m thinking about getting this song, since I have an itunes gift card and it sounds amazing. One quick question though: will this song also be on the VoDT soundtrack album? In the past, the songs sung by popular artists such as Regina Spector and Imogene Heap were included in the soundtrack albums. I don’t want to have to buy this song twice, so if anyone has any info about that, that would be great.
I believe the story above confirms that "The song will be included on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack, which releases on December 7." You still might want to buy it because we don't know if it will sound the same on on the pre-release and the actually Cd.
-What Might Have Happened-
I gave the song another chance. I can't stand it 🙁 It's not so much the tune or voice so much as the lyrics… 🙁 oh well! as long as the movie turns out, it'll be okay! 🙂
I love it! Carrie has beautiful voice, and the song describes Narnia!
You can hear the whole song at http://goo.gl/PdLBI (that’s on Youtube). I love it! Once you listen to it, be sure to download it! (The best part is at 2:55, when there’s silence, followed by an ochestral buildup.)
Sorry! My mistake. It appears this song will NOT be included on the CD. I have added a correction to the story. Sorry for the confusion.
Another correction for you: It sadly appears as though it's only available on the US version of iTunes. Not that you stated that it is available everywhere, but you might wanna add the fact that you're talking about the US version of the iTunes store. The rest of us will have to wait…as always. 🙁
WOW! I am impressed with this song. Did not think it would be this good. So, glad they got Carrie Underwood on board. I think she really got the concept and what Narnia is all about. I watched several interviews, she seems so sweet and very passionate about the Narnia series. She also talks about her faith and religion. I couldn't be happier, they found someone on Hollywood who actually gets this series. Plus, lets hope this gives a much added publicity to the new movie.
It's alright…but come on, $1.29? It could at least be a little cheaper or even free!
Seriously, this is THE COVER ART I've been hoping for!!!
(I loath the snowy version)
This song sounds GREAT!!
Reminds me of "Wunderkind" by Alanis Morissette
(… which was from LWW's soundtrack)
i did notice that when we bought the DVD of PC, that "This is Home" was different from the soundtrack. it was funny, because i had the cd long before the DVD, and so i had memorized the lyrics and loved singing to it, and so when i watched the DVD i was letting the credits roll, and i started singing the lyrics from the cd and was taken aback when it was singing something different. it was funny 😀
thats upsdetting though that it wont be added on the soundtrack. wish it was
i just found it on youtube, and its beautiful!!!! i think its perfect for Narnia, mainly this story. the lyrics are perfect, and her voice is amazing! i just love it! i cannot wait to hear it in the movie!!!
i absolutely LOVE "Wunderkind"! that was such a beautiful song, and perfect for the movie. im really impressed with the songs they've chosen in all the movies. they've done a great job of tying them in to each different story. the LWW songs like "Can't take it in" (BEAUTIFUL song!) and "Wunderkind" really fit in with that theme of discovery and wonder. PC's songs were a perfect choice too. "The Call" really tied with that theme of leaving Narnia and that bitterweet ending. "A Dance 'Round the Memory Tree" was a really great pick, and "This is Home" was awesome! i am very excited about this song, and cant wait to hear it on screen 😀
Someone please upload it to YouTube! I'm not aloud to purchase music. 🙁
not gonna be on the CD?! Why? in the past they've been included. Darn. I'll buy it as a single then. On second thought, I'll just wait a while to be sure.
Well, they wouldn't make it free for the same reason the movie tickets aren't free.
Hey, here it is on youtube:
Enjoy!! 😀
I never thought I'd ever hear myself say this, but I prefer Wunderkind actually 😉 But again, it's not the end of the world 😀
You know what? it would be awesome if they could get someone to write a credit song for The Last Battle called: 'Between His Paws' especially since LB would be the 'crown jewel' so to speak… especially the credit song should be more meaningful and deep than the others since the 7 friends of Narnia are safe there FOREVER! 😀
So it'd be so neat if they could get Enya to write a song called 'Between His Paws…' if not Enya, I'm writing it 🙂 (just kidding) 😀
I love Carrie's version of "There's a Place for Us." The other versions didn't faze me and I wondered why they picked the song for the film and/or soundtrack [whatever happens in the future]. And I don't even like modern country music. Yet this song doesn't sound very country. And I think the lyrics fit Dawn Treader too, so I'm happy! I think I'm becoming a Carrie Underwood fan!
The odd thing is that I don't like this song as much as Wunderkind [fav], This is Home, and The Call – in that order. Yet NONE of them moved me to tears. None had pathos. Carrie's "There's a Place for Us" does. Every time I hear it on YouTube or in my head, I cry! The song has finality.
I also like Carrie's approach to this song. She seems to understand the movie – plot, characters, etc. I'm impressed with Carrie as a person, singer, and songwriter. She's the only one who can sing "There's a Place for Us." I hope Carrie and this song get the Grammys they deserve!
It is really Beautiful!!! Why Won't it be on the Soundtrack though!? I hate that, it really should be. Plus I don't have a tunes account and any money for it. darn.
*SIGH* I do not understand why it is not on the soundtrack, but I guess I will just have to buy it 🙂
i think it should be cheaper too, like $1.29 cheaper 😛
I'm quite certain that the reason it won't be included on the soundtrack is because depending on which country you're in, you'll have a different person singing it in the movie credits.
ie Carrie Underwood for the USA, Joe McEldery for the UK, etc.
We'll see if that's how it turns out for sure, but that's what I believe is going on.
I said this up above, but I'll go ahead and say it again in hopes more people will see it. 🙂
I’m quite certain that the reason it won’t be included on the soundtrack is because depending on which country you’re in, you’ll have a different person singing it in the movie credits.
ie Carrie Underwood for the USA, Joe McEldery for the UK, etc.
We’ll see if that’s how it turns out for sure, but that’s what I believe is going on.
This song is now #43 on iTunes's Top Tens & #1 on their Soundtrack Top Tens! Fantastic advertising for the movie! 🙂
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Why isn't going to be on the soundtrack!? That just sucks man. . . . .I was hoping it would be on the soundtrack. It's probably not because the're to many tracks on the soundtrack. 😛 Oh, well. ..
thanks fantasia kitty for that info, I guess that does make sense too. Still hopes for it on the CD though.
it's okay, I kind of feel the same way…..:(
earier yesterday it was #28! What a drop in a matter of hours though!
Eh. It's okay; I don't think I'll buy it, but I wouldn't mind if it was on the soundtrack (apparently it's not?) But I think Carrie's good for publicity. It kind of bugs me. It seems like all they're doing is catering toward the public and not the fans, which makes sense. I'm torn between wanting a fan-based Dawn Treader that doesn't sell well or a kind-of nice movie that sells well and precedes 4 other kind-of nice movies… what do yall think??
Yikes, what kind of dragon is that?? :p