The World Premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Today’s the big day Narnia fans! The world premiere of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! All of the administrators for the three big fansites,, and are in London to report on the event.
In case you have forgotten, here is the link to the live webcam where you can see the red carpet and everything being setup.
We will be updating this story throughout the day with live tweets and pictures and whatnot so keep checking back on this story! Here are the tweets I have found so far, if you know of any more, please send them in via spy reports so I can get them added!
AslansCountry: London is snowy and cold! Premiere later today, the Kilns tomorrow, then interviews on Thursday!
simonpegg: Today I shall meet the Queen of England. I’m not a royalist particularly but I confess to being rather excited. Squeeeeeeen!
narniafans: We’re in London for the #DawnTreader premiere! If you have twitter, we’ll try to update from time to time….
narniafans: The Royal Performance / World Premiere of The Voyage of the #DawnTreader is tonight! Her Majesty the Queen will be there!
NarniaWeb: It is a cold, snowy, blustery day in London. Lots of billboards for #DawnTreader
joemcelderry91: Getting ready for premiere got beyonce live tour cd on!!
Rynelf09: Four hours to premiere β¦ mrs Rynelf is getting her hair done.
joemcelderry91: you can pre-order my new single someone wake me up with the narnia soundtrack there’s a place for us as the b side…
AslansCountry: The Press Pen is now open! Watch the live web cam as the premiere starts preparing to begin!
Official UK page – Narnia: Voyage Of The Dawn Treader: Who is excited about the Royal World Premiere tonight? Joe McElderry will be performing his new single and the X Factor semi-finalists will be gracing the red carpet!
8:43am MT/3:43pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Change of plans, we won’t be on the red carpet (bummer!) but will be en route in two hours.
8:57am MT/3:57pm GMT
joemcelderry91: Guys… I’m going to be performing in Leicster square in london at around 6.45… Cant wait!!
8:59am MT/3:59pm GMT
DavidGArnold: better go and iron a shirt for Her Majesty later….not FOR her, for me…on the occasion of meeting her.She’s already got an ironed shirt
9:00am MT/4:00pm GMT
DavidGArnold: hope i dont accidentally head butt her like in Mr Bean.Or like last time I accidentally headbutted her
9:22am MT/4:22pm GMT
joemcelderry91: I’ve heard the x factor gang are coming tonight… it will be good to have a catch up with cher and everyone
9:31am MT/4:31pm GMT
AslansCountry: #DawnTreader talent arrives in exactly 1 hour! Keep your eyes on the live web cam!
9:36am MT/4:36pm GMT
Steven Rooke: With my rented dinner suit on my body and my georgeous wife on my arm, I’m about to walk out the door for the Royal Premiere of the Dawn Treader. Excited doesn’t cover it.
9:45am MT/4:45pm GMT
DavidGArnold: Ok….shirt is ok….suit is ok….score is finished so I don’t need to worry about that.bucket of revels so I can play guess the revel? Yup
9:48am MT/4:48pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Check out the journal which came in our goodie bags:
10:00am MT/5:00pm GMT
AslansCountry: Just 30 minutes until we’ll start seeing #DawnTreader talent walking the red carpet!
10:02am MT/5:02pm GMT
DavidGArnold: As I don’t have a hand held device which enables live tweeting, I shall not be running a commentary on tonights events.
10:03am MT/5:03pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Another goodie bag find: this awesome #DawnTreader umbrella!
10:04am MT/5:04pm GMT
DavidGArnold: However , I reckon the words ‘nice crown’ may be uttered…alongside….”mr Arnold,here’s that knighthood we’ve been trying to give you”
10:20am MT/5:20pm GMT
joemcelderry91: On way to the premiere now!!! π
10:36am MT/5:36pm GMT
simonpegg: If I didn’t know better I’d think 20th Century Fox arranged the weather in London tonight. #Narnia.

It looks like some of the stars have started to arrive. I see people on the red carpet and other people holding umbrellas.
11:06am MT/6:06pm GMT
NarniaWeb: The webcam doesn’t do this justice. Absolutely unbelievable!’

Unfortunately the best I'm getting of the actors or crew are their backs. A few moments ago however, the girl at the very far left of this pic was posing on the red carpet. Not sure who it is.
11:11am MT/6:11pm GMT
NarniaWeb: There’s real snow AND fake snow.
11:16am MT/6:16pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Everyone has popcorn and water at their seat. They are playing the live cast interviews inside the theater.
11:18am MT/6:18pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Georgie’s dress looks like the dark white which dress. Gorgeous! Ben looks dashing with his short hair.
11:23am MT/6:23pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Just found out that the queen and cast will be in the OTHER theater #argh
11:26am MT/6:26pm GMT
Thanks Georgina for the first pic from the premiere!! Here’s Anna Popplewell.
11:29am MT/6:29pm GMT
narniafans: Everyone has been arriving. #DawnTreader
11:30am MT/6:30pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Anna and Will are here too. Just saw @simonpegg getting interviewed.
11:33am MT/6:33pm GMT
narniafans: Skandar Keynes is on stage. #DawnTreader
11:34am MT/6:34pm GMT
AslansCountry: The Royal World Premiere! We’re updating this post as often as possible – stay tuned!
11:39am MT/6:39pm GMT
Thanks NarniaFan101! First pic of Will Moseley at the premiere!
11:45am MT/6:45pm GMT
Thanks Daniel James! WireImage has all of their pictures online. Includes Ben, Liam, both Wills, Georgie, Anna, Skandar, Michael Apted, Laura Brent and more!!
11:45am MT/6:45pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Will has LONG HAIR!
11:48am MT/6:48pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Ben just told a funny story about singing for the Queen on his 18th bday and the real reason he has to skip the premiere and do his show.
11:51am MT/6:51pm GMT
joemcelderry91: Going onstage now!!
12:04pm MT/7:04pm GMT
NarniaWeb: The Empire not quite sold out. Maybe 80% full. The video is off now. I think we may just be waiting on the Queen now.
12:10pm MT/7:10pm GMT
NarniaWeb: All the cast is here in our theater and Apted is introducing each one. They are all up front.
12:13pm MT/7:13pm GMT
AslansCountry: I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album “Royal World Premiere in London”
12:14pm MT/7:14pm GMT
NarniaWeb: The video is back on and Joe M is singing a song. No sound though. Our theater is cracking up.
12:19pm MT/7:19pm GMT
joemcelderry91: About to meet the queen!!
12:31pm MT/7:31pm GMT
NarniaWeb: The Queen is in the house!
12:32pm MT/7:32pm GMT
NarniaWeb: It’s starting! See you later!
12:40pm MT/7:40pm GMT
simonpegg: I totally just met the Queen.
12:44pm MT/7:44pm GMT
joemcelderry91: Just met the queen i was soo nervous!! I can take my tie off now haha!! X
12:56pm MT/7:56pm GMT
AslansCountry: #DawnTreader world premiere: The Queen has arrived and the movie has begun! Stay tuned for more news!
1:02pm MT/8:02pm GMT
Mark Sommer has 6 short video clips of his voyage to the world premiere. You can check them out on his blog here.
1:13pm MT/8:13pm GMT
The has more pictures!! See them here.

Image from From left to right: Liam Neeson, Simon Pegg, Skandar Keynes, Laura Brent, Anna Popplewell, Georgie Henley, Michael Apted, Will Poulter, Will Moseley, Andrew Adamson
1:49pm MT/8:49pm GMT
New pic of Georgie and Ben from View here.
1:54pm MT/8:54pm GMT
GettyImages are now online. View them here.
2:29pm MT/9:29pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Love love love it in 3D. The green mist is an amazing effect. Liked the movie even better the second time.
2:31pm MT/9:31pm GMT
NarniaWeb: Alternate posters
3:04pm MT/10:04pm GMT
BenBarnesOnline has started their gallery of pics of Ben at the premiere which you can see here.
3:06pm MT/10:06pm GMT
simonpegg: Narnia was a trip. Proper festive, family magic. Prince Philip asked me when I first realised I had the voice of a mouse.
3:15pm MT/10:15pm GMT
simonpegg: Okay so who here has seen Queen Elizabeth II wearing 3D glasses? Because I have and it was wonderful.
3:45pm MT/10:45pm GMT
The first red carpet interview is online. Simon Pegg talks to Sky News. Link.
4:01pm MT/11:01pm GMT
The Press Association has a story on the actors meeting the Queen of England. Link
4:45pm MT/11:45pm GMT
DavidGArnold: Narnia premiere done….snow falling…done…..queen watching with 3D glasses on….done.walking 35 minutes in snow to get cab…done
Ben just left, and Simon Pegg just met the Queen!
The Norwegian premier is 25th of December, but I'm going to London at the 18th, and manage to talk my parents and brother into seeing it there… I wish it was sooner, but better than the 25th!
Can't wait!
Everyone must be there they are rolling up the red carpet.
This is so exciting…now I'm going to be dying to come back here and check up on it all again!
And I have got to say, those pictures of Liam Neeson hugging Georgie are too cute. And…I love Anna's dress and hair. And Laura Brent looks so beautiful; It is amazing to see her with Anna and George, for some reason that was something I really dreamed of seeing years ago, and now it's here!
Sweet….!!!!! Can't believe it's almost here!
Yikes, William's hair!!! Dislike.
Anna's dress is a little shocking too. :-/
my goodness, Georgie is taller than Anna!
i have to wait till december 30th >.<
Wow! I want to be there! But I have to wait untill the 25 december.. π Then Narnia have arrived to Sweeden.
I now how it feels. ItΒ΄s sucks XD
haha i was watching it in class π
Yea, me too. I live in Finland, so.. π And actually I have to wait till 26th of December, cause I can't go watch it on Christmas Day.
I wish i was there….I think this just pushed me over the edge, theres no way i'm going to survive waiting until the 10th to see the movie. π
everyone looks great
omg >.>…i wish i was related to one of themm…
Or atleast have them visit me or me to have gone to England
-_________________- I <3 Skandar!!
it really sucks when i went to the theater they say the release date is on december 30th but narniaweb posted some daes and it says january 6th :S
i have to wait till December 10th :X and ive seen the spoilers :/
Your theater is likely more accurate headstrong because Fox just moved up a bunch of release dates. What country are you from?
me too, liberty! don't be discouraged!
Awwww I sooo wish I was there. I can't stand Will Moseley's hair, he looked better with the cut that he didn't like in LWW. Georgie and Anna look gorgeous although Anna's dress is REALLY low. And Georgie's is kind of odd. But whatever.
Where is Arabella Morton, the cute little girl who plays Gael? Was she able to attend? In her video interview she mentioned being excited for the premiere and meeting The Queen.
Wow! Looks like everyone would really need those Narnia umbrellas, though.
I know I was like what the heck with Georgie's dress.
EEEKKK!!! I didn't even recognize him! I like Will M. with short hair much better! (I suppose the way he has it brushed doesn't really help.)
Anyway, I still wish I were there!
Well said! Where did Caspian put Rhindon? π
And to think I was shocked when I say Ben with a beard?!
Skandar is sooooooooooooooooo handsome!!!!!
really wanted to go!!!!!! going to the midnight premier though for my b-day CAN"T WAIT!!!!
im from Argentina
Anybody notice that Tilda Swinton appears to be missing?
Sigh. Why did Thanksgiving break have to be last week? I was praying I would get out of school early(because it is snowing right now) so I could watch, but no. Oh well, there's always the hopeful Silver Chair and photos and videos.
will needs a hair cut, but he still looks so handsome. Georgie and Anna,becautiful.Ben looks dashing. i love skandar β₯
Biever's hair is lots shorter than moseley's. I consider both short but I think most people should agree Bieber's is short. I prefer Will's hair in PC my self but I like it here too. I'm sure it's not going to last.
Why do they keep mislabeling Ben Barnes as Skandar Keynes? This is true for and Getty Images! Now I'm wondering about Wire Image as well…
Awh, Georgie looks so pretty (Her dress is my favourite)! Will M.- oh dear, Anna- she looks as if she is falling out of her dress, Laura- very pretty if it did not cut down like that I would like to have a dress like it. Eleven more days!!!!!
Love Georgie's long hair. Anna and Laura are so pretty! Look out Emma Watson! The Narnia girl and two Narnia women are here to take your place!!!!!
Did anyone else notcie how Victoria S is wearing the same top she did in the VDT music video? And by the way.. I WANT THAT GOODY BAG!!!!!!!!! π
you made me laugh so hard…;P
Yikes, Will Mosely has long hair! :O
Okay, that dress Laura Brent is wearing is a lot like the one I pictured for Ramandu's daughter. Why didn't she wear it in the movie? π π
Cool to see the Queen at a Narnia premiere. I wonder if she saw the film in 3D? Hee-hee. XD
I want to see the movie I can wait to 8th december I love Georgie she look fabolous and Laura too
You're watching it in 3-D?! *Is suddenly 10,000x's more interested.
Ugh, Will needs a haircut BAD!!
I hate Will's hair! gosh! I Love Georgie and Laura's dresses! Where's ben!?!?
Love it! Georgie+Anna dresses are amazing!
Georgie looks lovely and modest. π
LOL don't forget to add Arabella in that! π
Short video interview with Simon Pegg (Voice of Reepicheep):
I Love Georgie and Anna, plus the dresses! they look AMAZING as usual! Does anyone know where Georgie got that dress? I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE William's hair!!!!!!!!! He looked SO cute with short hair! But he looks HORRIBLE with long hair! I didn't even know that was him till I saw the tweet! He needs a hair cut bad…..and FAST! I guess time shows who's hot and who's not. He would look good if he didn't have long hair though. Georgie gets prettier every pic I see of her!
Right now im soooooooooooo jealous of everybody who went 2 that premiere!
Ya I hardly recognized him(will) in the picture
I believe it's long for a film he's doing…
I've heard the same. It's kinda funny in the pic where he is with Andrew. They've swapped hair lengths!
Does anyone noticed that on the official Narniasite Aslans Country is still closed? It says that it will come in november. Hope they will open it soon because I'm very curious π
he should've switched hairstyles with Ben! Ben looks better in long hair.
So, is there any photographic evidence of the Queen actually wearing 3D glasses? I want that photo, framed.
Holy cow! The premiere looks fun!
So if you guys had VODT soundtrack from the premiere, are you gonna upload the scores on youtube on somewhere?
I love the pictures from the premiere so much. I am really looking forward to the movie,and I can't wait to get the soundtrack and movie companion, as they are always great. Long Live Narnia!!!
Will needs a haircut… Really bad… Hahaha! I too want to see a picture of the queen wearing 3-D glasses π
Yay! Skandar Keynes is soooo handsome! π