Official Theatrical Trailer on Yahoo Movies!
YahooMovies has the exclusive theatrical trailer premiere for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! It contains lots of new footage. Check it out here!
UPDATE: Watch it on YouTube…
UPDATE: Here are 1080p screen captures (new shots only)…
20th Century Fox Logo
Walden Media Logo
Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Reepcheep arrive on the shore at the end of Narnia. A huge wave of water stands in front of them and they walk towards it. Aslan’s shadow is seen on the beach. Lucy realizes that Aslan has joined them and is walking besides them. She turns…
Lucy: Aslan.
Aslan: You have returned for a reason. You have come far. Now your journey lies beyond.
Aslan roars and a hole forms in the wall of water.
Shot of the Dawn Treader sailing on the water. Shot of Drinian and the crew at the helm of the Dawn Treader. Edmund and Lucy stand on the deck soaking wet wearing blankets.
Caspian: Behold our castaways, King and Queen of Narnia.
The crew bows.
Lucy: Reepicheep!
Reepicheep: Your majesties!
Dragon Eustace opens an eye and a reflection of Aslan is seen in it. Dragon Eustace appears to be injured as he tries to rise from a sandy shore. Aslan stands not far away.
Shot of Cambridge. Shot of the Dawn Treader entering a bay. Shot of Dragon Eustace diving towards the water and then flying alongside the ship.
Eustace on the deck of the Dawn Treader, very unhappy.
Eustace: Where in the blazes am I?
Tavros the Minotaur: You’re on the Dawn Treader.
Eustace faints and the crew laughs.
Tavros: Was it something I said?
Edmund, Caspian, and Drinian stand looking out from the side of the ship. Edmund looks through a telescope.
Coriakin: There is the source of your trouble.
Shot of the White Witch in green mist.
Coriakin: It seeks to corrupt all goodness.
Green mist surrounds the Dawn Treader and the form of the White Witch swirls past Edmund.
Coriakin: It can steal the light from this world.
The Dawn Treader sails towards the Island of Green Mist. The Dawn Treader sails through a storm.
Edmund holds a sword that suddenly glows blue. Coriakin points at Edmund.
Coriakin: That sword you carry. It must be laid at Aslan’s Table.
Shot of a cart being pulled through the streets of Narrowhaven. Shot of the three Lords at Aslan’s table waking up with all of the seven swords laid in front of them.
Coriakin: Only then can their true power be unleashed.
Coriakin throws a map across a room. Islands are seen growing out of it.
Reepicheep: Aslan’s Country
Shot of Aslan standing on the shore. Shot of a rowboat rowing through a sea of white lilies.
Lucy: Do you really believe there’s such a place?
Reepicheep: We have nothing if not belief.
Shot of Lilliandil walking through an island. She stands before Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy, and turns into a star and flies up into the sky.
Water nymphs leap out of the water in front of the sailing Dawn Treader and dive back in.
Lucy stands in Coriakin’s library with snow falling all around her. She smiles.
Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, and Reepicheep stand at the edge of the ship looking down into the water. With a cry of excitement Reepicheep leaps into the water and lands next to Eustace.
Lilliandil walks along smiling.
Lilliandil: Travelers of Narnia. I am your guide.
Caspian: You are most beautiful.
Lilliandil: If it is a distraction for you, I can change forms.
Caspian and Edmund: No!
Caspian and Edmund look at each other. Lucy looks at them both and rolls her eyes.
Lucy enters into the Magician’s House through invisible doors that close behind her. Coriakin appears in front of his table and turns around.
Edmund, Susan, and Peter walk arm in arm through a lovely outdoor party. All smiling.
The Dawn Treader sailing through a gorgeous sunset.
Caspian looking stern.
Caspian: Now is the time to be strong. Never give in.
The sailors in the background cheer.
Coriakin stands in his garden with the crew of the Dawn Treader behind him. He throws something. Dufflepuds leap about.
Caspian, Drinian, and Edmund are walking through the streets of Narrowhaven with the people on the sides cheering. Rhince steps out from the crowd to speak to them.
Dragon Eustace flies very low to the water with the Dawn Treader behind him.
Someone (perhaps Caspian or Reepicheep?): No fear! No retreat!
Reepicheep swings around on a rope aboard the Dawn Treader. Dragon Eustace flies along carrying Reepicheep on his back. Reepicheep fights someone on the streets of Narrowhaven. Caspian fights a slaver in the Bell Tower. More fighting on the streets of Narrowhaven.
Shot of the Dawn Treader sailing through a storm. Shot of blue light shooting up from the seven swords and making a beam into the sky. Caspian and the crew shouting during a pitched battle with the sea serpent. Edmund holds the glowing blue sword out towards the serpent. The serpent dives towards him. Aslan roars on the beach.
Huge thanks to SParcher44 for the heads up!
Talk about crazy good!!!
*Rolls her eyes* That has nothing to do with this and you know it, Bookwyrm. CS Lewis never specified whether Jadis was LotGK, whether you want to believe it or not. He did with Aravis, Jill, and Lucy.
i am saving the pics when i have the chance! and saved them in the narnia3 folder!
We must to keep in mind that the trailer is not the abstract of the film, but essentially part of a marketing campaign. They know exactly what to put in a trailer to catch the attention of a bigger audience: to show the story in the simpliest way as possible and to focus in the action sequences.
The trailer should help us to figure out how Apted translated the text of C.S. Lewis into images, I mean the colors, the CGI, the camera angles, and in that aspect IΒ΄m amazed at the creativity of the production team π
But in the other hand, itΒ΄s totally unfair to judge the details of the screenplay watching just 2.18 minutes of 112 minutes… in that aspect in particular I trust in Tirian analysis, this movie is gonna rock! π
I really liked it, but that begining part with the Dawn treader sailing always gives me the idea of poor camera work.
I cannot wait to see the scene with Dragon Eustace and Aslan. Maybe it won't be as good as the book (for one thing it's not by a pool in moonlight), but it still looks like it's going to be nice. I love the atmosphere of that one short clip of Aslan and Eustace looking at each other. I hope it will be a beautiful scene. And even though the Dragon doesn't look as well-done in that part, I'm sure he'll look great in the film. Yeah, that part made the trailer for me. π
I also loved Aslan roaring open the wave, all the shots of Reepicheep, and Lilliandil walking on the island. There are a couple things in the trailer that annoy me, but I won't dwell on them. However, I'm going to have to be careful not to get my hopes too high. Think pessimistic thoughts, Starlily, so you won't be disappointed…
Brilliant!! This looks awesome!
Great trailer. Makes me want to see the movie very much. HOWEVER… the "Enemies Will Unite" line has me worried.
Fox is just doing this to keep Narniawebbers in a state of constant panic, I bet. π
I think that's on purpose. They go with the handheld camera in several scenes. An example of another movie with a lot of handheld camera is Hancock (if you've ever seen it). It's just another type of filming. It looks like it'll be interesting, though. =D
This looks like it might turn out to be a decent movie after all! I'm not getting my hopes to high, but it did blow me away at how exciting and amazing it looked!!!!
I loved the different shots of the Dawn Treader and the opening in the wall of water. If you look carefully you can see waterfalls in the background… I wonder if those are the same ones that are in the Last Battle?!?!? If so, that is really cool! XD
I am really excited and can't wait to see the movie!! π
Looking good. I think that if I saw this in a movie theater and new nothing about the books, I would want to see this movie. π
I think the general moviegoing audience will like this trailer. Definitely better than the first one. Sail on VDT!
Really, poor camera work? are you blind, it's breathtaking hahahaha
Hmmmm, the shot of Aslan roaring is the same location of when Aslan meets Dragon Eustace.
Could it really be that Aslan just roars and Eustace changes back to human? That would be lame if so.
I rewatched the one clip of Eustace talking about Aslan while they are in the row boat. And the way it's worded he may not have been talking about his undragoning but Aslan pulling the last sword out of dragon Eustace. It still sort of portrays grace if this is so, but still not quite the same as Aslan ripping the dragon skin away.
I could be totally off, which I hope I am. π
Just don't like the thought of them changing the undragonning scene. But there's still hope.
Nothing's been confirmed yet about how the undragonning happens.
To specify – the waterfalls i mentioned, when Aslan roars at the wall of water – are in screen shot #5, in the left-hand corner. I'm so excited!!!! π
thats a good thought…or it can be Aslan calling the others to come to see eustrace after they have defeated the sea serpent…just a suggestion though..i hope too they dnt change the undragoning part…i guess we have a month to see…
Now THIS LOOKS LIKE A NARNIA TRAILER!!!! I am Soooooooooooo Happy! I have to say Im Very Glad that they put the shot of Susan, Edmund and Peter! I. Know. I. Will. Love. This. Movie!
I Love the eustace and Aslan and everything! One Month tomorrow my friends!
Actually he did too. Did you miss the multiple references to Northern witches and the LotGK being of the same crew as the WW? Oh and the fact that the WW is *dead*.
I also went crazy when I saw Aslan and Eustace Dragon. It was one of my favorite shots (if not my favorite). I also LOVED the one of Peter, Susan, and Edmund. Very cute. Caspian looks great. And the shot of Lucy going into the Magicians house was soooo cool! My personal favorite trailer so far!!
I'm excited! So excited! I've decided I'm going to enjoy the movie for what it is and if I want an close version of the book I'll listen to the Focus on the Family radio theatre version.
Though I am curious why they have the narnian version of a batlight in the movie?
So Peters with suan and so is ed??? where Lucy???? Apart from that i am absolutely LOVING it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's definitely intentional. It's intended to be a sort of "perspective" shot from the water level, and that's why the camera is bobbing up and down, as if floating in the water.
It looks like Sckander keyens finnaly hit his grothspert in screen cap 57 see that hes the same hight as will
But nobody knew much about the LotGK in the first place. What little they did was told to Eustace and Jill. Besides, Jadis could have been brought back to life again, like Ninnabrik (I'm almost certain I spelled that wrong) was going to help do in the Prince Caspain BOOK. It makes sense to me, because both had similair tactics- Jadis and LotGK stayed out of Narnia for some time in the books before attempting to conquer it. Only difference- Jadis succeded.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm really not being sarcastic now.
Trailers are notorious for putting shots and even sounds/dialogue together that are from completely different scenes. I think the movie context will allay any concerns. π
Oh my word. . . .I CAN NOT believe myself right now. . .I actually thouht I wasn't going to make this movie such a big deal. I WAS ABOUT TO CRY!!!!!!!!!!! My heart feels so good and flutterly inside! AND THAT'S NOT JUST BEING EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE!
I'm just SO happy that the're making Narnia BEAUTIFUL again! And not just the inside but the outside too it seems like! And WOW Aslan looks, like, 50% WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than he did in Prince Caspian! But you can still tell he's CGI. But still, he almost looks REAL again! WOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!! I really do think this movie is going to be great! I hope they still stick to the book alot though, and they are doing quite a good job. π Thank God.
I love how Reep goes "woo-hoo!" when he jumps into the water! Haha, and Eustace is with him! Reepicheep does sound like he changed alot after that important lesson Aslan taught him about arrogence in PC. π And I LOVE how he rides Eustace as a dragon! Almost what I imagined!
Now I almost (but still can ;)) can not wait till December 10th! Ahhhhhhh. . . .Narnia. . . .
I think VDT is going to remind me of the good memories of LWW. Wich is REALLY GOOD.
Hmm- I don't want to get too optimistic but this is a definite improvement
Loved it! Great to see Susan and Peter, as well as the play between Eustice and Reep. My only complant is the phrase "enimies will unite" what????
Well, okay, there is another difference- LotGK wasn't very icy. But maybe Jadis just got tired of being cold all the time. (Kidding, kidding.) Or she tried a different approach. (VEEEERY POSSIBLE.) Or maybe she thought Aslan was afraid of tunnels. (Unlikely.)
Or even… *turns off the lights and gabs a flashlight* LOTGK WAS THE SISTER OF JADIS!!!
Bleh. Even I hope they don't do that.
Point is, LotGK could be Jadis. Or she could be another whitch altogther. But as far as I know, it was never firmly confirmed.
Now THIS trailer makes me feel better about the film! π I'm not sure why though. I'll have to watch it again to find out.
I could be wrong but much of the dialog in this trailer seems to be overdubbed, except for caspians line, eustace and the minotaur, and reeps "belief" line
AHHH!!!!!! Looks amazing!! So much better than the first one.
Hmm. notice the Peter,Susan, Edmund, Lucy at a party.
Perhaps this is where the "Ambassadors wife at a party" character comes in? A minor "our world character, perhaps, like the "geeky kid"?
Well, this was the best trailer in my opinion!!! This looks like it will be a very good movie, even if it isn't much like the book. I'm still trying to keep my hopes down, and not think about the book, but I'm pretty excited! π
Buut, what is this Susan and Edmund and Peter at the end of the trailer?! Susan's part just "a teeny tiny fraction? if you're looking carefully you might see me"?? Hm..
The part with Aslan and dragon Eustace looks amazing!!!!!
This is amazing!!!!!! Takes away many of my doubts. Woohoo!!! Long live Aslan and Narnia!! π
WOW! so impressed with this trailer! Can't wait for the release of this movie December 10th! IT SHALL BE EPIC!!!!!!
This trailer is amazing!! I can't stop watching it! π
The dragon is absolutely stunning.
Reepicheep is adorable.
The White Witch and Dark Island scene looks wonderfully creepy and the Sea Serpent…… terrifying. Now THAT is a worst nightmare come true for a sailor (or for anyone). What I love about Narnia (one of the things, I should say) is that there is SUCH a clear distinction between Good (Aslan) and Evil (The White Witch/Green Mist and Sea Serpent). I worry though that children will be scared when they see this.
My favorite shot by far is Dragon Eustace breathing heavily on the beach as Aslan approaches. But the whole trailer made me so excited. I showed my whole family this preview right away and we all got chills.
I can't wait for this movie! π
Yee-hee-hee-hee-hee! I'm so crazy excited right now!!!!
I'm glad that they included the Aslan/dragoned-Eustace interaction (boy, do I like how it looks!) and the sweet water with Reep jumping in (cool how Eustace seems to be enjoying himself as well). Though I'm terribly curious as to why Rhindon is glowing. And no wonder they said that it was hard to make a minotaur look silly (but I think they did it wonderfully)! Does the sea serpent kind of (emphasis on "kind of") remind anyone of the octopus-like creature from LotR?
I guess it would be rather pointless to ask if anyone else is feeling some kind of thrill right now….
I feel the same as you about Reep riding Eustace (and all the rest of the Reep/Eustace interaction). That's just so cool!
Twinimage, I don't claim to know how this movie goes, but I'm going to hazard the theory that the undragoning does not happen the same time/place as the great wave. They were rowing to Aslan's country when he talked about meeting Aslan. I'll even go so far as to guess that the scene where Eustace and Reepicheep are in the water comes between the undragoning and Aslan's Country.
"state of constant panic" lol. I like it. π
I love the shot with Edmund, Susan, and Peter.
I notice some similarity with the Watcher and the sea serpent, too. Mostly around the mouth. But I don't think it's anything to worry about. Unfortunately, I guess it's inevitable that some of the diehard LOTR fans will claim Narnia "copied" something else from those movies. *Sigh*
The sea serpent actually reminded me a bit of a "sea cobra." Especially when it rears back and strikes. Am I wrong, or does it have a cobra-like hood in the shot when it strikes at Edmund in the final shot? Could someone help me with that? I don't really know what I'm seeing there.
It not only makes it cool, but I think it also shows how Aslan is always involved.
"lol" times two about Reep.
It looks awesome! Can't wait to see it next month!
I was so worried the Dawn Treader would look gaudy and childish because that's the way it looked when they were filming it. But, looks breathtaking in the movie!
I'm sorry, I didn't clarify which shot of Aslan, cause he roars more than once in this trailer. lol
At the end of the trailer I meant. It's the exactly same location as near the beginning where dragon Eustace sees Aslan.
I didn't mean at the world's end. That would be just too weird. lol Sorry for the misunderstanding. And you are right. It's not during the great wall/wave of water.
this movie is going to be amazing!!!!!
For further reference about what I'm talking about, look at images 18 and 79.
they must not have been done with these awesome graphics when they made the first trailer
I like it. It feels like you are floating in the water as well. But can anyone tell me, is there no Ramadu? I've been worried and wondering abut this for a long time now.
I wish they could have like a non Narnia movie with the Pevensies in it. Like a short film on their life at home.
Do they actually ever say anywhere that Aslan isn't really a dude in a lion costume? π There are multiple lines referring to them being separate characters. If Lewis had intended to make them the same person, he would have done so. As it stands, the burden of proof falls on the people claiming something is true that the author never claimed and all they can produce is random fanfiction ideas that have no basis in the books.
I can't say for certain why Dinode is displeased with this change, but probably for the same reason I am. In the book, Lucy did not want to Susan. She wanted to be better than Susan and wanted Susan to experience the emotions Lucy does when everyone fawns over Susan's beauty. They've skipped this and gone for ridiculous It's a Wonderful Life scene so they could shoehorn in Susan and Peter into the movie. The scene from the book would have been far cooler.
wow. I just saw it. It's about as long as the others… but it felt longer. This movie is… sooo awesome looking. It's… wow. Lighting, and effects, and scenery, and CG looks simply marvelous. Could I drool any MORE about this? =D *applaudes*
I've read all the news stories that come out, and as far as I can tell, there won't be any actor playing Ramandu in the movie. But since Lilliandil says she's his daughter, he'll at least be mentioned in the movie. Maybe we'll get to see him as a star. But no one knows for sure except for Tirian and the other people who've seen the film. I've gotten used to the idea of not seeing him in the movie, but I'm still not happy about it. π
After that awesome trailer you complain about the mouse's voice! Good grief.
Yeah, Im sure that would be a block buster. zzzzzzzzzzzz
They'll probably mention what's going on with Susan and Peter, and if they make it to The Last Battle, Susan's life will (probably) be recapped. Personally, I don't think it would work as a movie, but more as an extra book.
Narnian Meerkat, I KNOW!!! It's so beautiful! *screams* Susan, Peter, and Edmund were together –oh my goodness–we're really going to be able to see Susan and Peter again!!!!!!! I'm so thrilled! This trailer is definitely my favorite one of the four. Do you agree??
In addition, they showed the scene of Eustace as dragon about to be "skinned-off" by Aslan…aahhh! I can't wait now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED.