“No One Touches the Tail” TV Spot Online

We received dozens of reports on the new Voyage of the Dawn Treader commercial that has just appeared on TV. It’s got lots of great new shots. Check it out!

YouTube link is here.

Thanks to Lilly the Valiant, Jenn, and Louloudi the Centaur for the heads up!

EDIT:  A slightly higher quality of the video can be found by clicking here.

147 Responses

  1. samuel says:

    Wow, the more I see, the more excited I'm getting. These clips looked especially good as far as quality and story telling goes

  2. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Yeah for Reepicheep! I hope he is as funny, yet serious, as he was in Prince Caspian.

  3. Narnia Freak says:

    I like "No one touches the tail" bit! December, hurry up and get here!!

  4. Rilian The Disenchanted says:

    It's just wonderful. Great new footage. All the effects are top-notch. If this doesn't make the audience go to the cinemas en masse, i don't know what will.
    Looks better than the Harry Potter tv-spots if you ask me.

  5. Josh says:

    Pay close attention to the legs of Aslan during the 2-3 second mark of the trailer. Notice anything…different?

  6. Mina says:

    The :18-:19 mark makes me laugh…it's like "Duck you idiot!" I love it though. I think I saw a differet TV spot yesterday though. Of course, I only saw the end, but it looked like a shorten version of the trailer. I do have a question though, is Caspian saying "You've got an extraordinary adventure/destiny ahead of you." It doesn't sound like Aslan to me.

  7. Azon says:

    OH MY WORD!! I love it! Look at the 18 second spot! Is that Aslan I see in Eustace's eye! AWWWWWWW!! Can't wait!

  8. 7chronicles says:

    I Wish I could Watch It!!!!!!!!!!! Must avoid SPOILERS, must stay away :)Glad to know it is good though! I can't wait for December 10th!

  9. Starlily says:

    Wow, I wish this was better quality, because these clips look good! Split-second shots of the sea serpent and dragon, and I love Reepicheep and Eustace! Can't wait to see that scene. I hope I can see this on TV soon. Has anyone seen it on regular channels? (I don't get cable)

  10. don't mess with me says:

    yes! this is goin to be the best freakin movie in the entire universe!! i can just tell!

  11. Shastafan says:

    Yessss! Now this is cool! That dragon eye kinda freaked me out(it's not how I imagined it), but besides that, everything looks great here! And I assure you I'll still laughing at the "no one touches the tail!" bit! 😀

  12. eilonwy22 says:

    I see what you mean about the legs 😉 I love seeing the three sleepers and Reep! I'm actually more encouraged by this than anything else I've seen so far.

  13. The Bulgy Bear says:

    That was epic! I love it so much! And as Azon pointed out, I think that maybe it really is Aslan reflected in Eustace's eyes. I think that could be when (SPOILER ALERT) Eustace goes back to Ramandu's island after being stabbed by Rhoop. Possibly.

  14. Caspian XI says:


  15. Starlily says:

    I was going to say I couldn't see it, but I looked again and I almost think you're right. It does look a bit like lamb legs. It would be so cool if his shadow was a lamb and then morphed into a lion–a subtle but effective nod to book fans. However, I'm not setting my hopes on it. We'll just have to wait and see.

  16. Mike says:

    You may be right. There is something reflected there and it appears to be Aslan. If so, this shot is towards the end of the film.

    A very nice touch.

  17. MinotaurforAslan says:

    LOL! New footage looks great!

  18. [ForNarniaAndForAslan] says:


  19. Narnian at Heart says:


  20. Tribunal says:

    Looks amazing. It looks beautiful when Aslan roars into the water.

  21. King Ty of Narnia says:

    YES, finally, i do like this, but i cant hear it veary well.

  22. DanielmyBrother says:

    Good trailer, I seen it on True Jackson and I Carly yesterday.It's going to be a fun ride on the Dawn Treader!

  23. StephanieTheFaithful says:

    It just keeps getting better and better….


  24. Pepper Darcy says:

    Wow. I was *really* afraid that Dawn Treader was going to sink because everone seemed so disappointed… so while I *loved* all that I saw, I was discouraged because I thought no-one else would like it, but bravo all of you! You've made my day by all of your happy and eager comments! I canNOT wait for this movie! Was the TV spot good?

  25. decarus says:

    Now that was new. I can't hear it, but still.

  26. ~DaughterOfEve~ says:

    My sister showed me this the other day! So exciting! I love how they used trailer music they used for the LWW trailers. I am so excited for this movie!

  27. Narnia Ultimate Fan says:

    love it, love, it, LOVE IT!!!!

  28. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    That was the best!

  29. Mina says:

    I liked PC despite its flaws, so I was pretty sure I'd like the Dawn Treader. =D

  30. Litus says:

    Good one, I noticed alot of people here has doubt for the movie, great promotion Narniaweb you started it all thanks for being a "Movie" Fan site, you should change your slogan "Your source for Narnia Movie News since 2003" into "Discouraging people since Prince Caspian"

  31. gryphons8 says:

    What channel is this on?

  32. You blame Narniaweb for the fans' negative attitudes? That seems unfair. I think you'll find all the Narniaweb News stories are either completely unbiased or on the positive side.

  33. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Hey, trust me,you DON'T WANT TO GET YOUR HOPES TOO HIGH!
    I mean, sure, I think this movie will be great too, but, JUST DON'T GET OBESSED!

  34. Melanie says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! It looks so wonderful!!!! I so wish I could go see it in theaters when it comes out!

  35. Reepicheep775 says:

    Caspian is a zombie! O_O

  36. Ugly Pig says:

    Wow. The new shots look very cool. I'm starting to get excited here. 🙂

  37. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    Yeah Litus, that was completely uncalled for. The people who run narniaweb try very hard to keep things positive.

  38. 8SilverSky says:

    EEE!!! This is so amazing! So, did anyone else notice the mountains behind the giant wave? You can see the faintly in the second shot!

  39. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I really wish Aslan would morph into himself from a lamb in a shadow, that would make it look a little more serious. I love when he roars into the never ending wave and opens the portal home. 🙂

  40. wolfloversk says:

    Thank you narnialover101- again we say this is NOT A MOVIE FANSITE, but a NARNIA FANSITE AND MOVIE NEWS SITE big difference, most members here hold the books as a high value, higher than the movies in fact and joined not because they loved the movies but because they loved the books. Also I'm sorry, but the polls on the site tend to prove that NarniaWebbers are generally positive.

  41. wolfloversk says:

    and they definitely succeed in doing it.

  42. SavedByGrace says:

    Looks like it could be Aslan; maybe when Eustace is about to be changed from dragon to human? All in all, very cool.

  43. kingofthewood says:

    Simply fantastic!!! That is all I have to say.

  44. Mina says:

    Which part?
    I thought he nearly got his head taken off by the Dragon…

  45. Amelia says:

    Aslan opening the waves is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

  46. SavedByGrace says:

    Are you kiding? I love PC, despite some differences between it and the book. I'm sure VoDT will do just fine.

  47. pselpevensie says:

    "no one touches the tail!" hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  48. decarus says:

    What are you talking about? I see nothing.

  49. decarus says:

    Oh yeah i do see what looks like Aslan. At least Aslan comes to him. I still dislike that it seems like he is earning his undragoning.

  50. wolfloversk says:

    Look at how big his legs are, and how far apart they are. Then drag the dot thing slowly so you can watch it in slow motion- Does it remind you of a different animal, maybe a baby sheep 😉

  51. Fire vein says:


  52. Narniadreamer says:

    very cool!

  53. narnian resident says:

    hey there were alot of new shots we've never seen before also there! how exciting! i really love the dragon swooping over what looked like Caspian, and that shot of the crew throwing what looks like big arrows of some sort, maybe at the sea serpent. it looks amazing!!!

  54. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Yes, those are called harpoons.

  55. Manuel says:

    I agree.

  56. wolfloversk says:

    I thought they were javelins (sp?)…

  57. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Hahahahahaha, that was AWESOME! I love how Caspian looks so serious on that boat. Man, Reepicheep really looks so REAL! His facial expressions look SO real! But I hate Aslan's roar. 😛

  58. Eustace says:

    That's cool!

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