Another Video: New Footage and Plot Spoilers has posted a behind-the-scenes video for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader that seems to basically walk through the entire plot of the film!

Click here, if ye dare.

UPDATE: Watch it on YouTube…

124 Responses

  1. Evan Morgan says:

    I don't think that it is weird at all. Lucy fought in PC against Nikkabrik and was willing to take on the whole entire Telmarine army by herself with her dagger.Makes sense she would actually fight like this in the movie. Susan fighting was a little weird, but I wasn't too weirded out by it.

  2. Litus says:

    I really believe on what you say. You nailed it! Glum you should read it.

  3. Moonwood says:

    I agree with aragorn2 and puddlglum–I think some people are a lot more exited about the movie, than the book being made into a movie…

  4. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I'm so excited to see Lucy finally get out there and kick some butt! lol Georgie is finally happy to do some more stunts too πŸ™‚

  5. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I know! That scene makes him look a little sinister. I don't like how they made his like that.

  6. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Lucy actually FIGHTS in the Battle of Anvard with a bow and arrow. I prefer Lucy fighting over Susan, after all, Susan IS Queen Susan the Gentle, not Queen Susan the Fighter, considering she doesn't even fight in hers days of being Queen or going back to Narnia in Prince Caspian.

  7. Pepper Darcy says:

    *shrugs* that's okay… I knew when i said that I'd get some looks πŸ˜‰ And I respect all of your guy's opinions of course πŸ˜€

  8. Pepper Darcy says:

    I do commend you guys for expressing your opinions without being nasty. That's wonderful!! πŸ˜€

  9. Karen says:

    I agree, it better be a darn good movie to make up for changing the story. *sigh*

  10. Starlily says:

    I'm loving the Goldwater scene with Edmund and Caspian. I think it'll be pretty good–kind of tense, like it should be. I also like Caspian a lot better with an English accent. It feels more natural. Eustace's transformation doesn't look like the book…but it might be an interesting adaptation, and could actually work.
    Laura Brent is very beautiful, but I think a blue glow detracts from her looks a little. πŸ™ Hopefully when I see more of her she'll look better.

    Oh, and I love the Dufflepuds! πŸ˜€ They look quite funny, as they should. Just hope their CGI doesn't look too fake in the movie.

  11. FL says:

    LOL Flute Player I love the way you put it at first. Anyway yeah, I'm kinda 'eh' when I saw that scene bit cos yeah, Caspian should've been the one starting the whole gold fight. But he looks just as selfish/ambitious as Ed from the clip so I'm good πŸ˜€

  12. motovin03 says:

    5 days to go!!! Narnia will once again conquer The Philippines! I'm so excited to see The Dawn Treader dock on Philippine shores! YAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!! ;-D

  13. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Edmund looks so amazing! When he kills the sea monster in the end I'm going to stand up in the theater and be like "YES! YEEESSSS!!!!" no lie.

  14. decarus says:

    That was a lot of spoilers. I just don't know if i can be all in anymore. I just can't do it.

  15. simplyphilly says:

    My cousin told me that there's already a lot of merchandise there. She even has a VDT calendar.

  16. Reepicheep, Knight of Narnia says:

    Thanks, Mayor Wilkins, that's exactly what I've been thinking ever since PC came out, but you said it way better than I could. Ditto on everything.

  17. Queen Elizabeth says:

    What doyou mean? If you have read the book all of that info is already known.

  18. Princess Lucy says:

    maybe the map is used at the begginig of the film where the captain drinian i think shows them the islands….its in the book πŸ™‚

  19. Princess Lucy says:

    good thinking πŸ™‚

  20. King_Cor_the_Great says:

    Whoa!!! Anna Popplewell was interviewed? First Andrew now Anna? I wonder if Will is in any of the behind the scenes videos!

  21. Caspian XI says:

    Aslan's mane, I totally agree! πŸ˜€ Why can't anyone understand this?!

  22. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I miss Will. It's been forever!

  23. Queen Elizabeth says:

    HELP!!!! I want to start a blog about fantasy movies including Narnia of course. Any tips on getting started and how to make it interesting?

  24. Pepper Darcy says:

    hey! I know you! Ask Earwen why she doesn't hang out on Narniaweb! πŸ™‚

  25. NarnianAllTheWay says:

    I love the part with Edmund & Caspian! It was fantastic, exactly how I imagined it in the book. Can't wait for this movie EVEN MORE. 12 more days!

  26. Omac the centaur says:

    me nether. im gonna wait for the movie. πŸ™‚

  27. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    Yeah. I noticed they mixed up the order of the islands too. Ramandu's island was the last island they came too, but here it's the second to last. Also I noticed that lucy fights in the battle. Awesome! I loved it when susan fought in Prince Caspian.

  28. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    You have just perfectly explained what I think.

  29. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    I think it'll work. The symbolism behind eustace's undragoning was that aslan (Jesus) is the only person that can set us free from our sins which can turn us into a monster figuratively. And sometimes the process can be painful. The fire works just as well if not better.

  30. Eltis says:

    The Map is created by the magician to show everywhere they've been in the book I'm thinking it'll only be in one scene.

  31. FaunFan says:

    Wow. This should be amazing. I'm starting to not care about the discrepancies from the books and just enjoy watching a terrific movie! Those were awesome new clips, and yay, we finally heard from Skander!

    BTW, did anyone notice Ben's hesitation before saying, "Ramandu's daughter"? Ooh…. Call me a hopeless romantic if you will, but I think it's so cute!

  32. Mayor Wilkins says:

    You're very welcome. πŸ˜‰
    I see no need to be nasty to fellow Narnia fans. πŸ˜€
    But I do have strong opinions, and I tried to express them in as peaceful a way as I could.
    Cheers, everyone! πŸ˜‰

  33. GlimGlum says:

    Looking good visually. πŸ˜€ We'll see how the fans and general audience respond in 11 days or so. Sail on VDT! πŸ™‚

  34. GlimGlum says:

    Maybe Aslan was seen but it wasn't reported. πŸ™‚

  35. Narnian Meerkat says:


  36. Evan Morgan says:

    Ah, yes. That also. Thank you for reminding me. Lucy's gonna kick some Lone Island butt(:

  37. decarus says:

    Are you crazy? There was a ton of spoilers in that.

  38. Mina says:

    I know. I was thrown off like wait what's Anna doing on the boat? Her background is the same one as Will P's and if you notice (based on the picture leaked already) Susan's Horn is gone. Funny, that they put Susan in the same spot as her disappearing Horn. Side note: I love her dress, I just can't get over it…she looks gorgeous in it. Also, I thought it was funny how the actress who plays RD (pardon me, I can't remember her name) randomly shows up. She's very pretty, and I think it's because you can see her face and not her "glow."

  39. decarus says:

    In the books? This film isn't anything like the books.

    I think i will like it better then PC just because PC is the better book so i was more annoyed by the damage they did to it in the film.

  40. Queen Elizabeth says:

    It seems like Edmund has the most "issues" so to speak in the film.
    1) He get's in a fight with Caspian on the boat.
    2) Then he gets tempted with gold, and has another fight on goldwater island.
    3) Then he is temted by the green mist.
    4) And then he has a little quarrel with Caspian because he also finds Lilliandil attractive.
    I think he's just jealous. But he shouldn't be, he would do just fine on his own.

  41. Noogah says:

    You know glumPuddle, you couldn't have picked out a better username. I'm really tired of your pessimistic attitude, and how you try to pass along your opinions as facts. VOTD isn't a book about saving the world, but isn't about the longing of one's true home or righting wrongs and blah blah.

    Yes, those elements are there, but they aren't what the book is focused around. There are many potential themes in the book. Reepicheep's whole "longing for his home" and the character inner conflict arcs are both short. I'm not ecstatic about the seven swords thing either, but I'll give the movie makers some room to breathe as long as they include most of the other important stuff, and most reviews will have me believe they will.

    Can you do nothing but gripe and nit-pick? Lighten up.

  42. Believer in His new name says:

    Wow! Looks like it will be amazing, can't wait till it comes out! Just hope they don't put too much "Lucy the Fighter" in it. A little too much of that with Susan ( Susan "the gentle") in the last film…

  43. Pepper Darcy says:

    Um, Noogah, it's okay if that's what Glumpuddle believes about VotDT. He's not nitpicking at me. I didn't feel like he was being rude. He expressed his opposite opinion *very* considerately. And he didn't offend me.

    It's sorta hard, you know, to tell someone to *not* be pessimistic by nature when that's the way they were made. Again, Glumpuddle didn't offend me. I'm glad he has opinions just like you have one and I have one. It's not like it's Scripture and absolute (black and white). It's just a story, and a story isn't worth slaying eachother over or fighting about.

    I'd like to think that a lot of people, especially mods like Glumpuddle could have a very kind debate on book verses movie and still keep their cool. So, he's just saying what he thinks πŸ™‚

    Don't worry, Glumpuddle, ya didn't offend me ;D I respect your differing opinion just as much as I respect the others on this site πŸ™‚

  44. Pepper Darcy says:

    yeah! πŸ˜€ And by 'respect' I mean I respect Glumpuddle's opinon just as much as yours! πŸ™‚ So you're good, Glumpuddle! πŸ˜€

  45. Daniel James says:

    That was a lovely explanation! You just took all the thoughts from my head and wrote (er, typed) them quite eloquently. Bravo!
    ~Is it just me, or did I just sound English? By jove, I believe I did!

  46. THANK YOU, FLUTE PLAYER!!! I'm really ticked off that they changed that. It showed how Edmund the Power Seeker (LWW) changed into Edmund the Just. I was really mad when people starting to say that Death Water was both their temptation when it was just Caspian's. Now their changing it to Ed. Grrrr… Though what I love about Edmund is that he questions some authority and has a little dash of rebellion.

  47. I am sorry, dear, Paul Herlinger died several months ago.
    Andre Stojka is the voice of Whit now.

  48. Jazmine says:

    Why is Susan Is not in the film of narnia 3?

  49. emijoy says:

    I also noticed that Goldwater Island and Dragon Island are the same too.

  50. emijoy says:

    hehe with you on that

  51. FL says:

    OH GUYS!!! run don't walk to

    The second clip has some new footages!

    (I've reported this through Spy Report too)

  52. FL says:

    ok sorry, the 3 clips are basically almost the same…you just need to watch the 2nd clip to see the new footages.

  53. Princess Lucy says:

    thanxs FL…i seen quite a few new clips…wow…its gets more amazing by the minute….it sounds funny with the indian voices over the actors voice doesn't it…but its cute πŸ™‚

  54. Princess Lucy says:

    susan has a cameo in this film…

  55. Princess Lucy says:

    which part of the clip..sorri i guess i got tempted with the new visuals..hehhee

  56. QueenSusanJ316 says:

    Where is the part on Susan? I am trying to avoid spoilers, but need a good shot of her dress for my lion party costume.

  57. PeterPan says:


  58. stars_daughter17 says:

    I am SO tempted to watch this and all the other videos that have been posted, but I did that last year with Prince Caspian and wasn't as surprised as I would have liked to have been. This year I have only watched the trailers for the Voyage of The Dawn Treader. Wheew! I can't wait till it comes out on the 10th!! πŸ™‚

  59. Lucy Helen Ycul says:

    We get to see Anna!

  60. Fire Fairy says:

    It definitely makes it work well on screen without making it really graphic. If you think about it, they could have taken this scene and made it really graphic, since Aslan tears off Eustace's skin and all that. I really think I'll like this.