Students: Win Tickets to Dawn Treader’s London Premiere

Students living in the United States who are in grades 4-6 can enter Scholastic’s contest to win tickets to the London premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Click here to enter the contest. Thanks to Icarus for the find.

31 Responses

  1. Starlily says:

    None of these contests ever apply to me. 🙁
    Oh well, good luck to the kids!

  2. Lucy says:

    Don't feel bad, starlily, they never apply to me either….

  3. Daredevil says:

    The rules there seem to confirm the date of the premiere too!

    "a trip for two to London, England to attend the November 30, 2010 premiere of "Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

  4. narnian resident says:

    darn. im too old. oh well, i wouldnt really have a chance to go all the way to London anyway. i'll be looking for pictures though 🙂

  5. DragonGirl28 says:

    lol my little sister is in 6th grade, i should totally try to get her to enter.

  6. Kathy says:

    UGH, my brother is in 7th grade. Dang. If only…

  7. Kate says:

    hmmmm, my sister is a 6th grader too.

  8. LL says:

    How is this possible if the Operation Narnia contest states, "you and a guest will be entered to win an all-expense paid trip to the Worldwide Premiere of 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' at London's historic Odeon Leicester Square this DECEMBER."

    Did they change the date from December (I think it was the 10th) to November now??

  9. Daredevil says:

    Its possible that the Operation Christmas Child competition was making a best guess estimate at the date. It has since been confirmed that the World Premiere would be in Late November via the Royal Performance announcement, so this date of Novemeber 30th matches up with that.

  10. Danielle says:

    My sister's in 5 grade. I wonder if I would be able to go with her or even pretend to be her. Probably not!!! 🙂

  11. Troy25 says:

    It would be very funy if you could do that! all my sibelings are to young or to old!

  12. Not Of This World says:

    Me either!

  13. SnowingRoses says:

    As luck will have it, I just started seventh grade….
    I really have to go and cry now.
    WHYY??? 😉

  14. QueenLucy12 says:

    Omgsh me TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why not 4-7th????? HELLO! MORE THAN JUST 4th – 6th graders WANT TO Go!!!!!!

  15. QueenLucy12 says:

    I would LOVE To go, but i can't… 🙁 even if i could I probably wouldn't enter, becuz I want to go see it with my best friends. I know, Crazy!

  16. Now I'm really confused. All the websites and posters say the world premiere is December 10. This premiere has nothing to do with the Royal Film Performance in November. The two premieres were separate for LWW in 2005 as well. So what's going on?!

  17. icarus says:

    The general release date is still December 10th, but World Premieres are usually held up to two weeks prior to that.

    Prince Caspian was released on May 16th, but had its World Premiere on May 7th in New York City.

    LWW was released on Decemeber 9th, but had its World Premiere (also a Royal Film Perfomance) 2 days earlier on December 7th.

    So there is nothing strange about VDT having its world Premiere a week and a half before the general release date. In fact thats pretty much the norm for most movies.

  18. pselpevensie says:

    figures…when a contest comes to the US im too old to enter it 🙁
    o well…maybe there'll b another contest

  19. Narnia Ultimate Fan says:

    None of them ever apply for me either. I would LOVE to go. Please make a contest open to Canada for students in highschool. And PLEASE let it be available in Quebec.

  20. lilims says:

    Aww darn, I'm in the 10th :/

  21. Northernranger says:

    HEHEHEHE, I knew little sisters would be useful for something!!! But I think highschoolers could get so much more out of it. Wish they didn't have to go with a parent of guardian though. I really hope they do it for older people!! Keep the story of Aslan alive!!!

  22. chickenbiscuitjr says:

    AAAAAAW….I wanted to join. Whyd i hafta be so old! T~T Oh well, GOOD LUCK CHILDREN!!!^^

  23. campgirl says:

    I'm in that age group *cough cough NOT* 🙁 oh well. good luck kids!!!

  24. wolfloversk says:

    Well at least this time it was in my counrty- unfortunately I'm a bit old. Ah well, Good luck kids!

  25. edmundlover14 says:

    It would of applied to me two years ago!

  26. Narnia Is My Life says:

    WHAT????????????? Ok I am really confused, when is the premiere in London. What date, day and month because I really really really really want to go and see it 🙂 but I will have to fly over there because I live far away :’( but I think it will be worth it if I get to see Skandar 😉

  27. Fire Fairy says:

    Can we enter our siblings? Even though I'm WAY too old (I'm not even in high school anymore!) I have a sister in 5th grade who would absolutely love to go.

  28. Mich-Queen Lucy says:

    I'm too young, and I'm too mexican hahaha D:
    I'm going to cry right now :'(
    Hahaha, if someone knows about other contests, let us now!!! please! I'd really like to go

  29. Mich-Queen Lucy says:

    I meant I'm too OLD! haha

  1. September 20, 2010

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