Dawn Treader Screened in New York
A thirty minute series of clips from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was screened in New York on Monday night. The Examiner website has posted an in-depth article by Carla Hay on the event.
You can read the full article here.
The first portion of the article is spoiler free, but there are descriptions of each of the nine clips shown with extensive spoilers. Scenes with the Pevensies, Eustace, and Reepicheep are all described.
A third trailer is also mentioned. The Examiner reporter calls it “a visual feast.” She also said of the film as a whole that “looks like it fully delivers the magical excitement in that classic story.”
Here are some highlights from the scene descriptions and interviews:
- Susan is seen writing a letter to Lucy and Edmund near the beginning of the film.
- During a food shortage on the ship, Reepicheep catches Eustace stealing an orange.
- Lucy is kidnapped by the Dufflepuds and taken to the magician’s house to say the spell.
- The seven swords must be placed at Aslan’s feet in order to destroy the Dark Island.
- Lilliandil introduces herself as the daughter of Ramandu.
- DragonEustace fights the sea-serpent.
- Lucy asks Reepicheep to let her hug him before he leaves, and he reluctantly consents.
Michael Apted:
Q: What’s the real story on re-casting the voice of Reepicheep for “Dawn Treader”? At first Bill Nighy was supposed to do the voice, and then Simon Pegg got the role.
Apted: Well, I did it with Bill, first of all, but it turned out that he was perhaps a little too old for it. He was great. I loved it. I did record him, but then we looked at it very carefully, and thought, “Well, it doesn’t quite have that energy.” He has more drollness of a slightly older man. And he was very disappointed, and I was upset. But you know, Simon came in, and we auditioned a lot of people. Simon was very good. He came in and just nailed it.Q: Can you clear up any rumors about why Eddie Izzard was not asked to reprise the role of Reepicheep?
Apted: I wanted to make some changes. I changed Caspian’s accent. And I wanted to change [the voice of Reepicheep], because I thought we’d get more humor out of it. It was just my choice, really.
Mark Johnson:
Q: What lessons did you learn from working on “Prince Caspian” that you took with you in working on “Dawn Treader”?
Johnson: it’s really the books. People almost want us to apologize that “Prince Caspian” took us away from the world of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” It’s in the books. We had to the one next because of the kids, or we would never have been able to do it. I did learn that it’s very important, this whole notion of Narnia and Narnia creatures and being back there, as opposed to being more earth-bound. We learned to embrace the magic and the wonder of Narnia, as opposed to being more concrete, I think. And this [“Dawn Treader”] book really leant that to us.
Q: I know you get asked this question a lot, but I’ll ask anyway: Will there be a fourth “Narnia” movie?
Johnson: Keep in mind that the two youngest Penvensie kids, Lucy and Edmund, don’t come back, so the next movie will have Eustace. We could do “The Silver Chair” or we could do “The Magician’s Nephew.”
Thanks to icarus for the story!
UPDATE: ComingSoon.net has posted their report, and it includes more spoilers. The biggest one by far is that Caspian needs to find the seven swords in order to prevent the White Witch from returning!
That thing about the dark island pretty much disproves the souls deal, don't ya'll think? GlumPuddle, I'd like to hear your take on it.
A very good article. Ye be warned. Serious spoilers in there which cause seasick like symptoms in some folks.
Looks like it will be a great movie.
Oh my. I want to read the spoilers SO BAD.
Wouldn't mind just a little bit of information, but she's describing full scenes! I can't make myself do it.
I hope the Spoiler-Free Monastery opens soon; the moral support will very much be welcome. :p
I can't wait for the Spoiled Rotten Empire to get here!!! Arrrg! 😛
Don't even *mention* the dark side to me right now; I am not feeling very resolute and am afraid of what I might do. 😛
Haha! Were you involved in any of the small "battles" last year? 😛
There's also an interesting article at comingsoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=70197
Oh, man, I was almost hyperventilating when I saw this! It's like getting a big present full of goodies!
Okay, my overall impression, after reading the article, is extremely positive. Sure, there are minor annoyances, and reading about clips is much different from seeing them, but I can't help feeling like the film is going in the right direction. Even though most of the scenes differ from the book, they have the same spirit and sound pretty good.
I'm not going to ramble on about what I think of the descriptions of the clips (I'll leave that to other, more qualified Narniawebbers), but I will say that the interactions between Eustace and Reepicheep sound great, the part with Susan and also the part with Lucy and the Dufflepuds sounds interesting, and I couldn't help laughing about the part with Caspian and Lilliandil. Also the ending sounds great.
Man, I wish I could see the clips! I want to know what the dragon and sea serpent look like (I don't mind if the serpent is scary–the BBC one was pretty disturbing), and I want to see how good the CGI looks. Can't wait for the third trailer!!! 😀
I think that the diectors need to make more movies. Such as "The Magicians Nephew".
Hey, it sounds good. Most of the changes seem like they're just tweaking some stuff and combining (i.e. Eustace/orange/tail-pulling) I think the biggest thing that they changed is the Lucy/Kidnapped by two invisible giants and the part about Eustace being a dragon when the sea-serpent attacks. But it's not even as close to the attrocious changes in PC. So I'm happy.
Lucy outshines the other Narnia heroes (Caspian, Ed, Eustace, and Reep?) YES! YES! I am so glad! Apted, here is ONE Lucy Fan that you have just made SUPER happy.
Stuck out his tounge?! Wow, Ed, you are cranky. But then again, that's Ed for you 🙂
*gasp* Eustace is going to be a pain in the neck! CANNOT WAIT FOR THE THIRD TRAILER! YAY!! 😀
Ooh! Ahhhh! I love, love, love the idea of Susan writing a letter back home to them (ironically, I had a sort of dream you could say last night about Susan writing a letter, only it was for an idea I have for an opening of a future AU fanfic, nothing at all to do with dawn treader, it was just an odd conquensdence).
Everything sounds wonderful with Reepicheep, Aunt alberta and uncle harold, and Eustace (oh my god, he sounds awesome!).
Only two things make me feel a little erm…awkward…Lilliandil offering to appear in a different form (what the elk?) and Edmund (I'm sorry according to the typo his name is EDWARD-seriously, I hate it when they don't proof read; LOL) liking her… Kind of makes me think back to when we narniawebbers were all thinking, "Susan/Caspian? what's next, Edmund and Ramandu's daughter?" all scornfully (I think we should all start playing the lottery, our future predictions in jokes are too uncanny. LOL, kidding)
Seriously, though, the movie sounds AWESOME. I smelly a new favorite movie for me…
And does anyone know when this supposed new trailer is going to come out?
No, I wasn't on the forum in those days, but I followed them closely and found them very entertaining. xD And if I recall, I gobbled up spoilers as soon as I could get my hands on them back then. I'm hoping to redeem myself with this film. 😛
Join the Spoiler Rotten Empire. We have root beer. 😛
I wouldn't worry much about Edmund being attracted to Lilliandil. In the book, it said when everyone saw her they realized what true beauty was. And if she was that gorgeous, why shouldn't Edmund appreciate her looks? But they'd better not carry it farther than that… :/
Maybe Lilliandil meant she could appear as a star instead of a human? I doubt she can shapeshift into anything else–that would be odd.
I don't think Edmund's going to like Lilliandil, like, not LIKE her like her, but just think she's pretty. More than one guy can think a girl is pretty, you know. ;P
I would be delighted… amazingly happy… overjoyed… I WOULD- if they hadn't just hinted at Edmund liking Liliandil, as in, a love triangle….
Well, to put my feelings one this short, if I ever meet whoever wrote that THING in, they are going to have a lot of apologizing to do. Plese just let be a tiny bit of the story. 1 out of 10000000000 would be good.
oh gosh I want to read the spoilers SOOOOOO BAD. AAAHHHH its killing me!
I only skiped through it. I didn't read it all. but im sooooo tempted. whos read it?
Hmmmm… This is good news mixed with some bad news.
I'm really annoyed at the seven swords plot line and the dragon/serpent battle, especially if the battle is near the end. It just doesn't sound right. Though the rest sounds really great. This can still be a good film, though the added plot line about the Dark Island really annoys me right now.
"Ye be warned. Serious spoilers in there which cause seasick like symptoms in some folks."
LOL. So true.
Disproves? How so?
Recovering lost souls could still be a part of the story.
Too much! I can't take it all in! Definitely some positives and definitely some negatives. I have a feeling I'm going to like the first half of the film more than the second half.
Well, it sounds interesting, but I'm still feeling uncomfortable about the whole "seven swords" plotline. If they somehow tie each sword to one of the lost lords, I suppose it won't be so bad. What really gets me is not the swords themselves, but the fact that the swords are needed to save Narnia, when in the book Caspian only sailed from Narnia because there was no danger to fight in the first place.
Well, it seems to me they wouldn't have the whole "souls" deal if they were going to use this whole other plot about Dark Island. At least not the whole "stolen souls" thing. The darkness that they have to defeat now is the Dark Island. I wouldn't think they would have two plot lines.
Two major plot lines, I mean.
Every new piece I hear brings pretty mixed emotions. Hopes and fears all combine, and I don't even know what to think of the film any more. I'm still very anxious for it's arrival, but what I'm feeling about DT isn't anything like my exuberance for LWW… I was hoping that the switch to Fox would bring that magical anticipation back.
I am honestly disgusted at the Caspian/Edmund thing with Lilliandil. I mean, really??? They try to hard to prove a point.
finally some news. I did not read all the spoilers, I just scooped over them real quick. I just could not resist. But from what I read, the beginning and the end of the article, that is, it all sounds really good. Although some changes were made, we already knew about them, so it's no shock. And all the rest sounds sooo great. And a new trailer is coming!!!! yihaaa!
Thanks for the link! Is the writer writing from Eustace's point of view or what? Calling Reepicheep a rat… =O
How about this in the Interview with Michael Apted?
"Susan and Peter Pevensie, as well as the White Witch, are in the first "Dawn Treader" trailer, even though they don’t appear in the "Dawn Treader" book. Is it fair to assume that these characters will factor into a new aspect to the movie version of the story, instead of being incidental cameos?
"Apted: Oh yeah."
What do you think of that? I know glumPuddle has to have an opinion on it? 🙂
I don't think it's that bad… It's not good, but it's not that bad. They're just trying to insert some humor into the film. I almost laughed when I read it. Better than in Prince Caspian, all they did was add several "shut up"'s into the dialogue.
It is kind of nonsensical, but the point is to add some humor. And I doubt there will be any competition between the two over Ramandu's Daughter. But, I do feel annoyed as you do, this is so typical of Hollywood. <_<
Well I read it! lol Edmund and Caspian! I can imagine that now! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I Can't Wait!!! edward seriously… edward. UGH! Gosh still got to wait….
I agree with you completely.
I was worried at the start of production, but know it is starting to grow on me!
I laughed out loud about Edmund, Caspian and Lilliandil.
uh noway am i reading those new spoilers. Im upset with myself for reading the other spoilers.
I've decided not to read or look at the spoilers. I'll just be surprised when I see the film for real! Anyone with me on that?
Man. I wished it was Dec 10th. I'm filled with anticipation.
I think that Susan will not have much screen time, but her brief appearance will figure into "a new aspect of the movie version of the story:" Susan not being able to return because of border problems, and the younger Pevensies being stuck at Eustace' house as a result.
As for the WW, it would appear that my worst fears have been realized. The unfathomable fate they are trying to prevent is the return of the White Witch.
Sounds like it could be a pretty good movie; just not a great adaptation. 😀
WOW, i was hoping that susan might be in the begining, it turns out she's actually gonna wright a letter. i've never thought of that.
Wow. Not quite sure what to think about all this. Most of the scenes that were changed I'm okay with, but Magician's island bothers me. Two "invisible giants"? Are they talking about the dufflepuds? Or am I missing something? I really love how the Magician's island plays out in the book, and I wish it could stay that way (or at least remain similar) in the movie. Apparently not. Oh well, only time will tell.
I also have a problem with this seven-swords-white-whitch-returning thing. Seriously? It sounds a little ridiculous. I thought Tilda Swinton said her appearance is very brief. Ugh…
But we really can't tell how all this is going to play out yet, so I still have some hope for the film. Eustace sounds great, and the character developments of Edmund and Lucy seem pretty well thought out as well. Oh boy…72 days until we know for sure.
They can't have Ed liking Liliandi that way. She marries Caspian at the end of the book! Not ok!
Here, here!
Quite unnecessary.
At least we know Jadis won't be the Lady of the Green Kirtle, because we know they stopped the White Witch from returning.
Yes, I agree that that is what they are trying to do: add humor. I think I'm irked because Edmund is just too adorkable I don't want them making him a girl-crazy freak! JK jk 🙂
As long as they keep it there and not have it continue throughout the rest of the film, then it's okay. Besides, they're getting paid to like her, anyway. LOL!
They have to find the swords to stop the white witch from coming back?!?! That is terrible. Why can't they stop using her. She was only suppose to be in one movie, not THREE!!!!! I didn't read all of the spoilers, just a quick browse. I hate how they had to make it into a "find the swords or Narnia will die thing". It was suppose to be a "Narnia is save so we can go off on a small adventure thing."
I don't think he will like her that way. It is possible for a guy to think a girl's pretty without falling in love with her…
seven swords….Aslan's feet….destroy the Dark Island….what? ok, thats new. i dont think i mind it, it kinda makes the story sound more interesting. i guess i'll have to see.
woh, Dragon Eustace battles the Sea Serpent?! wow, big change there. in the book, Eustace is back to a boy when the Serpent attacks, and he does bravely try to whack at it with a sword, which he breaks. hmm…i'm not yet sure of this change, but im not going to say anything against it until i see it.
i like the part that says Susan writes a letter to them in the beginning. i wonder what she would be writing to them about? sounds interesting. this is getting me really excited!
They should make the Silver Chair next. Not the Magician's Nephew. I'm sure Glumpuddle would agree.
Oh my gosh! How many things must they change! It was good enough the way it was; can't they just leave a good book alone!?!
Squeee! Spoilers!!!
Though some parts I don't understand… like the "253 days" or Ed's attraction to Lilliandil or Lucy's kidnapping….
very interesting. I am kinda concerned about the whole sea serpent and Dragoneuastace. but its probably because of the time issue.
I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope they don't make it to girly.
I am sick of the White Witch. If they're going to stray from the story anyhow, why not come up with something more original? AGH!!!!
*sigh* I'm totally with you here.
Good point checkers, but I think the "recovering lost souls" is a result of defeating the dark island
I am so glad they didn't kick out the guy Ramandu!!
This plot sounds deviated, but not so bad as PC, so I'm happy 😀
fabulous. i can't wait till December!
I can't wait 'till the dawn treader sails!!!!It's going to be a great voyage!!!!It's a perfect Christmas present!!!!Can't wait!!!!