Two Narnia Fans Tie the Knot

Last year, while The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, was being filmed, Paul Martin, webmaster at proposed to his girlfriend, Courtney, on-board the Dawn Treader. She was completely surprised but said “YES!” (Read the story here.)

Today, Paul and Courtney were married and before they can take a breath, they are being whisked off to England for a magical journey aboard The Matthew (outfitted as the Dawn Treader). While on the trip, they will be keeping a video blog, so stay tuned as we’ll let you know when new entries hit. Here’s a video intro by Paul.

On behalf of everyone at NarniaWeb, we’d like to offer our congratulations (and Lion hugs) to Paul and Courtney!

49 Responses

  1. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    I like how there's a lamppost behind him. πŸ™‚

  2. Lady_Liln says:

    Congratulations to Paul and Courtney! May you a very rich and blessed life together!

  3. Lady_Liln says:

    *have! "May you have. . ."

  4. Cynical Narnia Fanboy says:

    That's a pretty sweet honeymoon present-a ride on the (pseudo) Dawn Treader…Congrats you guys! Have an amazing marriage

  5. Cynical Narnia Fanboy says:

    Oh, and ditto with the lion hugs…!

  6. Griffle says:

    Congratulations! I wish you all the best!

  7. LOL Lion Hugs!!! YES! Congrats guys, you have a once in a lifetime opportunity on that ship!!!

  8. SavedByGrace says:

    Cool! I loved how Paul proposed to Courtney; that was so creative! Congrats, you guys!

  9. Queen of Narnia says:

    OMIGOSH! That is sooo sweet! Congratulations both of you! I hope you have a long and happy marrige! Have fun on the Dawn Treader!

  10. DragonGirl28 says:

    Aw, congratulations! How fun!

  11. wolfloversk says:


  12. NarniaQueen411 says:

    Omg! congrats you guys! :D:D
    That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard a guy do to propose!
    I hope it'll be equally as cute and romantic when my boyfriend proposes to me <3

  13. Boke_Wyrm says:

    Congratulations to the happy couple and to the brave groom! Proposing in public was a chivalrous move worthy of Reepicheep!

  14. Violamom says:

    That's actually the mast of the Dawn Treader set…(or one of them anyway…don't remember how many it has!) Happy Day, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Specter! Many beautiful years to you both!! *Hugs* from Vmom and Dearheart! πŸ˜€ <><

  15. Starlily says:

    Lucky, lucky them! I wish them all the best and hope they have a glorious voyage!! πŸ˜€ (Wish I could go along too, but three's a crowd. πŸ˜‰ )

  16. DamselJillPole says:

    Awe how adorable! Congrats to the couple. That is the sweetest story ever. Sweet! πŸ˜€

  17. LucyTheValiant says:

    Congratulations! May the rest if your lives be filled with happiness πŸ™‚

  18. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    Maybe we're looking at a different video…idk, it looks like a lamppost to me.

  19. Reepicheep says:

    How sweet. All the bast to Paul and Courtney.

  20. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Congratulations to Paul and Courtney! πŸ˜€ Have an awesome time aboard the Matthew!

  21. narnian resident says:

    now thats what i call the most romantic thing ever πŸ˜€ i wanna fall in love in Narnia! that would be a dream come true!

  22. Fire vein says:

    AAAHH!! How sweet!

  23. Movie Aristotle says:

    Congratulations! I pray God's richest blessings for you both.

  24. always narnian says:

    πŸ™‚ Neat

  25. Son of Adam says:

    Congratulation! πŸ˜€

  26. Sammie says:

    What a story for their kids. Congratulations!

  27. Congratulations! That is awesome!

  28. Varnafinde says:

    Congratulations! Proposal on the "real" Dawn Treader and honeymoon on the "working copy" – could it be any more romantic for Friends of Narnia?

  29. hot chic says:

    congrat's!!!! i'll give u some pointers, FIGHT NAKED!!!!!!

  30. Lucy says:

    How cute! They got married and went on the dawn treader and they're both NARNIA FANS! awwwwww! So sweet. majorly cute.

  31. Lylanarniafan says:


  32. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    A big congrats to them both!

  33. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    Awww πŸ˜€

  34. daughter of the King says:


  35. Omac the centaur says:


  36. Jill says:

    May you grow old together and be young at heart.

  37. QueenLucy12 says:

    Yay! Congrats!!! I would love to get purposed in Narnia! Have a Wonderful,Blessed marriage!

  38. Kayla says:

    yay! Congrats to you both!!!

  39. Aww how cute! How many people can say they've been proposed and/or married on a ship modeled after one that is suppose to becoming up in a hit Narnia movie? Or any movie at that matter! Congrats to them!

  40. Liberty Hoffman says:

    congrats Paul and Courtney! awesome!

  41. snowstargirl says:

    Wow, congratulations! This is wonderful!

  42. May you have many happy years together…and may you always lean on Jesus…umm, I mean ALSAN…to be your guide through your lives!

  43. whoops…I meant ASLAN, but, of course you knew that… ;}

  44. hot chic says:

    i'll give you one hint, fight naked and have sex really good!

  45. Manticore says:

    is this really necessary, chic? πŸ™

  46. Manticore says:

    Congratulations to the both of you. May you enjoy health and love; may the good times happen often; may the bad times pass quickly. Have a good life. πŸ™‚

  47. Wonderful.
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  48. Narniadreamer says:

    Oh, cool! Congratulations!

  1. August 28, 2010

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