New Narnia Trailer Making an Appearance on DVD
NarniaFans has posted that there is a trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the DVD of The Diary of the Wimpy Kid. They have a transcript available and it appears that there is new material in this trailer mixed with footage from the teaser. The approximate running time is 1:09. You can view the whole story here.

Image from the second trailer (courtesy of NarniaFans)
Hm, well it can't be much if it's only 1:09 and DVD released. But with how little information we've been given, any new footage would be exciting.
Looking forward to it. Hopefully it is a better edited trailer than the first one we were given.
Awesome!:D If the movie came out yesterday then shouldn't we have a glance at the trailer by now?
The trailer was released on DVD, so it has not yet been released on-line.
Well, it looks like Paul put up some pictures on narniafans from the trailer!
Yay 😀
Hopefully somebody puts it up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Judging by the transcript, the new trailer sounds better than the current one. Not sure about the 'lost souls' comment though.
And Juding by the screenshots, they fixed A LOT of the CGI in some scenes from the first trailer.
My first reaction: I want to see it!!
My second reaction: Caspian says "Think of the lost souls we're trying to save." We've heard that line before, but I still don't like it. Oh well, at least Caspian actually talks in this one.
My third reaction: What? No Eustace?
Where are you finding these screenshots? NarniaFans seems to be down at the moment.
It works for me. The screenshots are in the first story, on the top of the page.
lost souls? what lost souls? do they mean the seven lords? or perhaps the slaves? im quite confused by Caspian's line, all of it. i mean, i like the "think of Aslan, think of Narnia" bit, but that doesnt make sense either. well, at least he finally talked!
Sorry narnia fans…I wasn't sure where to post this and I didn't know how to send in a spy report 🙁
Anyway I have this app on my iPod called flixter which shows upcoming movies. I've seen the voyage of the dawn treader listed under upcoming movies before but when I checked this time I was surprised to see what poster was displayed beside the movie title. It was the same poster that appeared in narniaweb not to long ago featuringthe ship with the incomplete sail (the same one that had us wondering wheter it was an actual poster or just really good fan art). Once agai. I'm sorry to post this here but this was the only way I could let you guys know.
Sail on VDT! 🙂
Really? All I get is the message – 'Error establishing a database connection'.
same here. the website is acting funny for me
Okay, the website is up again. The screenshots look great; they're a huge improvement from the previous trailer. Now, all we have to do is see the trailer in action. Personally I'm excited again for the movie (the trailer did not excite me).
Who cares? You make it sound as though that's important.
Even tho diary of a wimpy kid looks stupid I'm gonna buy the dvd just to see narnia trailer
Don't do that. The trailer should be on YouTube within a few days.
At least we can see what's behind the four kids; it was driving me nuts. I'm still confused by it. Looks like thrones out in the middle of nowhere. Hopefully it's just some sort of flashback or something. I can't wait to see it!!!
I saw the second trailer at youtube earlier when I visited the 20th Century Fox Philippines page on Facebook and I'm super-dupper pumped right now! Awesome!
Finally a screencap with all of Susan's dress showing!
I agree. Don't waist your money! I think that movie looks strange too. 🙂
Is it just me, or has the Reepicheep art changed?
i just might have to get the dvd 😉
Wait a minute, has the MOVIE come out yet or just the TRAILER?!?!?!
How exciting, new stuff!
Yeah, I hope we get to see it soon!
Finally, a full picture of the four kids. It looks like four thrones are behind them, like they set up a court outside somewhere?
that was nice way to put it… but maybe she thinks its important i personall dont think it is but she wanted tell everyone. got a problem with that?
i think some where it said that the art might change, good eye.
So to those who heard C talk…did they indeed take away his Telmarine accent, or was that just a rumor? I will be VERY ticked if they did!!
Just the trailer, the movie comes out December 10th 🙂
wow…pretty neat..all u guys posted comments wre hilarious…should be a comedy show…..bbff!!
the trailer was okay…the image ontop of the website of the dawn treader ship in the sea looks kinda fake??? XP..watev…but so far so good!!! LOL
Yep. Exactly what I think!
The 2nd Trailer=
Looks interesting… even more confused- and excited now…
Psh! It's actually a pretty funny movie adapted of a series of books.
Anyway, it's sure to reach a lot of people. You know, the ones who buy the DVD and don't just watch it on Netflix. (Annoying!)
Hm, well it can’t be much if it’s only 1:09 and DVD released. But with how little information we’ve been given, any new footage would be exciting. Just the trailer, the movie comes out December 10th.At least we can see what’s behind the four kids; it was driving me nuts. I’m still confused by it. Looks like thrones out in the middle of nowhere. Hopefully it’s just some sort of flashback or something. I can’t wait to see it!!!. My first reaction: I want to see it!!
My second reaction: Caspian says "Think of the lost souls we’re trying to save." We’ve heard that line before, but I still don’t like it. Oh well, at least Caspian actually talks in this one.
My third reaction: What? No Eustace?. The trailer should be on YouTube within a few days. By the way im very exited to see narnia the third one i love narnia i watch it most of the times i canot wait until december im think that susan lucy and edmund and peter will stay in narnia!!!!!! forever instead of leaving all the time. well what about caspian is he still look aftering the castle he must be i think the narnian people are going to get old and old and old so they die Nice Trailer From Ben Hashemi im From England YAYAYAYAYA I LOVE NARNIA
narnia rocks
😮 :O
Sorry, just checking how to make the shocked smiley face. Pay no attention. 😉
I think I might have to rent this, just to see the trailer! LOL! 🙂
HAHAHA! I do the same thing all the time! 😉
Yes, they did take away his Telmarine accent. don't worry though, it really bothers me, too.
I am just waiting for it!12\10 will be happy!