Dawn Treader Trailer Spotted on Fox Movie Channel

NarniaWebber Raticus writes: “This afternoon at about 3PM Central Standard Time, the trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was shown on Fox Movie Channel. It was shown after an interview with the director of Ramona & Beezus.” This is the first we’ve heard of the trailer being shown on TV. It’s great to hear about more promotion that Fox is doing for VDT! Thanks Raticus!

31 Responses

  1. further up and further in says:

    I don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but at the Creation Music Festival in Pennsylvania two weeks ago, they showed the trailer four straight nights on the big screen. There were about 35,000-50,000 people there.

  2. stephanie says:

    when they will release another trailer.! a real good trailer with the dragon, fighting,special effects, music!pleaseeeeeeeee

  3. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    This is great to here! Some more promotion!

  4. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:


  5. LOTRFREAK says:

    i saw it before toy story 3 in theatres

  6. Pepper Darcy says:


  7. I've seen the trailer on TV on June, 19th. I've written about this here http://narnianos.com/blog/2010/06/19/trailer-vpa-comeca-ser-divulgado-tv/

  8. Yay! I hope non-Narnia fans took big notice of it, if they happened to see it on TV. Wow, that's a LOT of people. I went to see Toy Story 3 in 3D, but no VDT trailer. I was little upset, but not surprised that they didn't show it. I saw the Legend of the Guardians: Owls of Ga'Hoole trailer in 3D, though. Pretty cool. Good thing it's coming out in Sept., not Dec., or November.

  9. PaigeReeder says:

    No way! At Creation?
    They did a big promotion for LWW at Cornerstone Festival, and a smidgeon for PC (I got a free t-shirt both times), but nothing on VDT this year! Oooh, why have they so neglected us?

  10. Not Of This World says:


  11. tmc4narnia says:

    I saw the trailer before eclipse, not expecting, but a nice surprise

  12. Jessica says:

    Yay! Thank you FOX for you're diligence!

  13. QueenLucy12 says:

    AWESOME! I saw the trailer on the gospel channel yesterday!!! I almost screamed!!!

  14. narnian resident says:

    yay! this will surely make more notice of it. wonderful, Fox!

  15. narnian resident says:

    me too. i had forgotten that they had told us it would appear before toy story, and so when it showed i jumped in my seat and almost choked, just like my brother did with popcorn with the PC trailer :-).
    oh, by the way, love your username! fellow Lord of the Rings freak right here 😀

  16. 220chrisTian says:

    Thanks for the info! Creationfest Northwest will be July 21-24. Maybe the trailer will appear there? http://www.creationfest.com/nw/schedule.php

  17. GlimGlum says:

    My stepmother says she saw it on an inspirational channel and possibly Lifetime. Sail on VDT! 🙂

  18. Fire Fairy says:

    Same here, my theater has yet to show it, either before Toy Story 3 or The Last Airbender. Will keep an eye out for it when I go see The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Ramona & Beezus.

  19. lucyrocks17 says:

    YEAHHHHHHHH finally it's showed on T.V.!!!!!!! =)

  20. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Aaaaaand what's so great about the trailer being on TV?. . .

  21. Liberty Hoffman says:


  22. Tom Boughan says:

    At my local theater, they showed a poster for Dawn Treader.I was suprised to see it.

  23. QueenLucy12 says:

    so for the people that never knew that the movie is coming out.
    more people, more money, more movies!

  24. pselpevensie says:

    i hope they start to show it on other channels soon!

  25. Haha, I like your username, too, LOTRFREAK! 🙂 I would've started chanting Narnia if I got to see the VDT trailer in theaters! I probably will for future movies this year, and I will definitely scream, when I see the first Hobbit trailer!;)

  26. sandyentersNarnia says:

    wow! Go VDT! :D. We all support the cast and crews who worked hard for making this splendid movie!

  27. true-narnian_queen says:

    AWSOME!!!! I saw it on TBN like two of three days after the realese:D i was sooooooooo freaken excited to actually see it on tv!!! SAIL ON DAWN TREADER!!!

  28. Aslans-mane says:

    They showed the poster every where at the theater I go to. I was suprised to see it because it doesn't come out for a while.

  29. I saw on GMC a few times like 3 weeks ago 🙂

  1. July 18, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen Lambert, ivansoiivans. ivansoiivans said: Dawn Treader Trailer Spotted on Fox Movie Channel: NarniaWebber Raticus writes: “This afternoon at about 3PM Centr… http://bit.ly/cwD8CE […]