Trailer Release Soon
Narnia Fans is reporting that we could see a trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in about two weeks. Check out the article here for the full details.
As always, we will be sure to post the trailer along with a full set of screen-caps and the transcript.
This may also mean that the trailer will premiere in front of Toy Story 3 as that’s the most appropriate movie set to release in two weeks. Can’t wait. Sail on Dawn Treader!
UPDATE: Kristi at The Lion’s Call reports that Walden has confirmed the trailer will premiere in front of Toy Story 3!
Awesome! I could see it being in front of Toy Story, since it's targeted toward a similar audience. Plus Toy Story will be (I assume) very popular, meaning better advertising.
This will make or break my expectations for the movie… fingers crossed!
Glad it's in two weeks!! Will be counting down for sure! On internet or in front of a movie in theaters?
I can it being in front of Toy Story 3 but I don't get why Disney would to that after dropping the Narnia films in the first place… I really hope this first teaser shows the world that Narnia is back to conquer the box office!
YES!! Come ooooon Dawn Treader!
"We eagerly await thy coming, oh most noble of ships. Thy beauty hath been transcribed upon our hearts for years. Fail us not."
Why is that front page news _again_ , when we already had the approximate 2 weeks ago π ?
I knew it. I thought as much after the prediction that it would be finished around June 11th. Giving them time to put together and distribute or release it puts the 18th as a fair guess.
If it does release with Toy Story 3, it won't be because it's attached by Disney. Simply 3D trailers usually show in front of 3D movies despite what company it belongs to.
Wait, 2 weeks. CRAP! Ill be out of the country!!! NOOO!!!!
It's nice to have a fairly reliable and more definite time to look forward to. Sail on VDT! π
let the countdown begin!!!! oh i cant wait!!!!
(I love exclamation points :P)
Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait for Toy Story 3 now!
Because that was basically a guess; this is more of an official announcement. π
i could have guessed this. but i'm still going to take it with a grain of salt. don't want to get my hopes up.
I HAVE ONE WORD: A-W-E-S-O-M-E……!!!! <3
YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Oh yeah! I feel a little dance comin along! I am DYING for the trailer. That sounds kinda weird, "DYING" for the trailer. Now I feel stupid. I think this Narnia stuff is kind of becoming an idol for me. Not an idol that I worship, but I mean, I'm kind of more excited about it than God. Sad face π This stinks! NOT the trailer thing; that's awesome!!! But the whole "not putting God first" thing. Sorry, I kinda got off the point… Anyways, I can't wait for the movie!!!!
Ha ha! That's exactly what I'm thinking! But I wasn't brave enough to post it…
well its about time i'm going to see toy story 3 – i am 15 – how sad lol – but i've seen and LOVED the first two so why not go see this one lol and if VDT is there I will be even more thrilled BRING IT ON!
I LOVE Toy Story too!
I've always thought it would come out with Toy Story. This will be perfect! Toy Story 3 is already selling out showings which is basically unheard of for any film this far from the release date. This movie is going to be HUGE! This can't do anything but help Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
That's always a serious danger with this fandom stuff.
Man, I'm 20 and I can't wait to see it! I grew up with Toy Story!
I'm with FriendOfNarnia2! I'm 17 and I couldn't be more excited for Toy Story 3. I'm not ashamed of it in the least, either. π
Yea, I heard that the Narnia trailer is going to appear before the next Toy Story movie.
Since Toy Story is in 3D, they'll show 3D trailers like Narnia.
Hey! I'm 17, too! π Alright, if anyone goes to see Toy Story 3, let us Narnia Fans know! I think I would maybe go just to see the trailer on the silver screen! π (I mean, I like Toy Story, as well!) Sail on, Dawn Treader!
Two weeks! What movie will it be with? I'm excited and happy!
Sail on VDT!!
Only two weeks till the first public trailer! Hurrah!
YAH! Can't wait! π
i cant belive this. I can wait to see the trailer im so happy im sreaming of joy and happiness!!!!!!!!! i cant belive it, plis trailer b the best!!!!!!!!
I read this in my sixth period and jumped for joy in the middle of my class! I'm very excited, my expectations are high.
Excited sqeak: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!" π π π π π π
Just don't forget that not every showing of Toy Story will come with the trailer. You need to call your theater and ask first. That way you can make sure you attend a showing with the trailer.
Yes yes yes! That's so cool! That means I can see the trailer before I leave for Cedar Point on the 21st! Very nice indeed. Ekk! *gets chills*
oh, you're probably just excited. I'm sure God is still number one, you're just too jazzed about the trailer to realize that. Anyone would be. In any fandom. As long as you're aware of it, don't let the guilt eat at you.
YAY!! I can't wait. I wasn't really planning on going to see Toy Story 3, but now I just might. Maybe I'll get luck and see the trailer. *crosses fingers*
Nathan, shut up already, wont you? You haven't any idea what you're talking about. first you say, "Yeah, yeah, it came out with the new shrek movie" then you're like, no no no it didn't. Now you're all saying, "I knew it would come with toy story." You just like attention. Get over yourself. Sail on VDT! (waves).
i gasped and nearly choked myself when i saw the update! i am literally shaking right now. o my goodness i've never been so shook up with excitement before…..eeehhhh! i cant contain myself π
haha that must have been so funny. i would probably squeal real loud and have everyone look at me if i saw it in class
thats beautiful!
Maybe you should practice having a couple "Narnia-free" days before the trailer comes. That might help you remember that it's only a movie, and life will go on with or without it.
Still, I'm pretty excited too. I'm just keeping it hidden. (WWWOOOOOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!) Whoops, let it out! π
π Yeay! I'm so super excited. π
AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's great)))))))))))))))))))
yeah now I will have to go see a movie in the theaters
YES!!! I love that, "Conquer the box offices."
Thank you Lucy, you took the words right out of my mouth.
I'm 16 and the Toy Story movies are my favorite PIXAR movies and I am so happy baout Toy Story 3! I hope the VotDT trailer is in front of it! yay! I can't wait for the trailer! yay! yay! awesome awesome awesome!
Ha yeah I recieved a few stares π
YAY YAY YAY! I hope this prediction is right! I can't wait for some clips!
Okay, that's enough. Nathan's gotten enough flack, thanks. It's easy to make a mistake with all the rumours floating around. If you want to correct, please do it kindly and respectfully.
um, yeah, right! toy story and narnia REALLY don't have ANYTHING in common, besides, the majority of toy story's fans will be six-year-olds, while voyage of the dawn treader's will be mostly SIXTH GRADE and up.
getting closer… and closer…
this nathan guy is seriously acting like a jerk. No one knows what movie the trailer will come out with until it actually comes out with one!!! Settle down, everybody!!
Well, many of the first two Toy Story films' fans may have been six years old when they were released over ten years ago. Now they're a bit older; I'd say a trailer in front of Toy Story 3 would be an excellent strategy.