Historic Ship ‘Matthew’ to Help Promote Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The 'Matthew' will become the Dawn Treader later this year

A life-size replica of the historic ship ‘Matthew’ will be used later this year to help promote The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

It hasn’t been announced exactly how the ship will be used, but apparently it will be outfitted to look like the Dawn Treader. The production could be planning to use the ship during the premier.

The Matthew is a replica of John Cabot’s ship which set sail for Asia over 500 years ago and first discovered Newfoundland. You can find out more about the ship at matthew.co.uk. The Matthew is usually anchored in Bristol but can sail to other locations.

Here are a few more pictures of the ship:

Thanks to Icarus for the tip.

86 Responses

  1. Nathan says:

    Cool Ship

  2. Palagrin says:

    Interesting. Quite how they want to convert it baffles me, though.

  3. Sir Jack says:

    cool ship, but i think it's a lillte big for the dawn treader…

  4. icarus says:

    If they stick a dragon prow and tail on that ship, change the sail to purple, and then sail it up the Thames to the UK premiere of the movie at the O2 Arena (assuming they have it there again) it would quite simply blow my mind! I mean, how ridiculously cool would that be!? The entire cast and crew arrive at the premiere on a replica of the Dawn Treader! If they aren't planning on using the boat for that purpose, then i hope they are reading this and take note! 🙂

  5. Wow! That's a beautiful ship! I've always dreamed of being able to be on a real sailing ship. I can't wait to see how production will do it up. This is a cool idea! 🙂

  6. Daredevil says:

    If you ask me, it looks much smaller than the Dawn Treader set they built 😉

  7. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:


  8. Starlily says:

    That would be just…WOW. :O I hope they do it!

  9. Karnia says:

    Niiiiice! Maybe they're going to give "tours of the Dawn Treader"..?

  10. GlimGlum says:

    Great idea! Sail on Dawn Treader and Matthew. 🙂

  11. gabinkyunable/to/roar says:

    ummmm i thik ill stick to the original shp thnak you…
    est sail dawn treader! trailer in one week!!

  12. ernesto says:

    pero lo van a meter el barco de Narnia al agua verdad que si pues esperamos que si y si


  13. Narniamiss says:

    I actually think this is a perfect ship for the Dawn Treader! It'll be interesting to see the transformation.

  14. I wonder if that's legal… lol

  15. Haggith Tarkheena (trying to think of new name) says:

    What do they mean by "promote" The Voyage of the Dawn Treader?

  16. LadyCourage says:

    Veeery interesting… Am curious to see how it'll be used.

  17. narnianheart says:

    OMG!! That is a way cool ship. I want one. =p

  18. Puddleglum says:

    Yes. Very nice ship, and all. Excellent idea using it for promotion of the movie.

    I am still leaving my feet on more solid ground, thank you.

  19. just jill says:

    nice ship but the dawn treader is supposed to be fairly small

  20. pselpevensie says:

    that's so cool! hope it works!!!

  21. Boke_Wyrm says:

    Hard to tell from the pictures, but out on the open ocean, that ship IS rather small. I've been on a replica of the Half Moon, Henry Hudson's ship, and it is tiny. Sea voyages were not for sissies :-).

  22. Braden Woodburn says:

    Very cool indeed. 🙂

  23. Aslan's Meadow says:

    That WOULD be cool if they arrived in that…very memorable.

  24. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Ooooh interesting idea! Very creative advertising. I like it :3

  25. Lylanarniafan says:

    yo creo que si , porque ya vimos las fotos del original, pero hay que ver esperemos eso!!

  26. Lylanarniafan says:

    I't will be great that in the premier they use it, imagen nothing more narnian

  27. kittengirl says:

    Wow! This is cool!

  28. MurtaghLuv says:

    AWESOME SHIP!!!! that is such a cool boat. i love sail ships.

  29. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Great idea. 😀

  30. always narnian • loyal C.S. Lewis fan says:

    that is most interesting

  31. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    I think since since the "Matthew" is a historic ship, and is probably like a tourist thing, they'll probably put up stuff about VDT,etc. for tourists & visitors to check out. Then if people see it's (VDT) about a ship,etc. they (say the non-fans for example) might be interested in watching VDT & maybe reading the book. Good idea, I'll say.

  32. DancingprincessCari says:

    That's a good idea, but why didn't they just keep the one they used to film the movie?

  33. The Batman says:

    Sweet! I got to see the Mayflower II (a replica of the Mayflower) in Cape Cod a few years ago. It was so cool being able to walk around on it and see how tiny that ship really was inside!

  34. ooh awesome! can't wait to see how they use it! 😀

  35. coracle says:

    They can't use the set they used to film on because it isn't actually a ship!
    It's just the top part on a huge moving base (gimble) which made it move like a ship in the ocean.

  36. coracle says:

    @The Batman
    I have visited and walked around on The Endeavour (replica of Captain Cook's ship which he visited & mapped New Zealand and Australia and other Pacific islands). It was interesting to see how low the ceilings were. It's a working, sailing replica.

  37. Karine says:

    Interesting. I wonder what exactly they plan to do with it for the promo.

  38. Embrace says:

    The Ship Will Hit The Fan…s! 😉

  39. sam says:

    sooo excited!!!!

  40. Starlily says:

    Can you imagine being stuck on that boat coming all the way to America crammed in with a bunch of other people? Sounds like a nightmare to me!

  41. sirsimon says:

    I live an hour from bristol, so this is good news

  42. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    That would be pretty cool.
    And I've actually wondered if any of the "big guys" in Narnia production (or even the actors!) ever come on here and read what everybody else on here says….

  43. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    That would be sweet, Karnia! ;D

  44. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Ugh, don't remind me!

  45. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Yes, it does look smaller then the one they built.

  46. Going4God says:

    I have a very good feeling that VDT will gross only slightly lower, if not, above LWW!
    This makes me sooo exited!

  47. Aunt Letty says:

    That ship is probably a lot smaller than it looks in the photo, since the photo is taken looking up at the ship. I've been on board the Mayflower II numerous times, and have become wretchedly seasick from it, too. And no, I wasn't lucky enough to sail on it, it was all neatly tied up to the dock. I guess I wouldn't have survived the trip to Aslan's country( "seasick in Spithead"…for those Horatio fans out there 🙂 ) But I'd chance another bout of seasickness to go on board the "Dawn Treader". I think. Wouldn't that be the coolest traveling museum exhibit, ever?

  48. Lutra's Pearl says:

    If they ever wanted to get the public's input this would definitely be the right place. Keep the story of Aslan alive!!!

  49. Omac the centaur says:

    same here. 😉

  50. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    Oh, yeah! I also went on a historic ship museum @ the Sea Port in NYC. It was from the late 1800's (I think.) & it was TINY! ugh, that would be horrid to be forced to suffer like how they did back then!

  51. narnian resident says:

    what a beautiful ship! thats very interesting that they would want a specific replica of an old famous ship, but for whatever reason its very cool. gosh i've always dreamed of being on a real old fashioned ship. its one of my fantasies in life. i have alot of those 😀

  52. Starlily says:

    That's one of my fantasies too! To sail on, or at least have a tour of an old-fashioned ship. That would be amazingly cool!
    But it probably won't happen. I'll just keep dreamin'. 🙂

  53. Starlily says:

    Undeniably it would be the coolest ever! 😀

  54. skilletfreak says:

    never heard of the Matthew, but i am sure it is a voyage of the voyage of the dawn treader ship

  55. NarnianElf says:

    Yeah, me too.

  56. NarnianElf says:


  57. NarnianElf says:

    I would personally LOVE to have sailed around the world on one of the British frigates during the early 1800s. Old ships like that fascinate me! That's one of the reasons why Master & Commander and Horatio Hornblower are some of my favorite movies.

  58. NarnianElf says:

    Haha, that's one of my fantasies too! And, like y'all, I've got lots of dreams.

  1. June 10, 2010

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