Dawn Treader Trailer Screen Caps

Below you will find hi-res screen captures from every scene in the trailer so that you can pore over every minute detail. Hopefully, these will soon be replaced with even better quality captures!

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, make sure to click here for our complete coverage.

211 Responses

  1. RuralNarniaFan says:

    Woot, hi-res screen caps! Let the picking-apart begin. 😛

  2. tenthofthatname says:

    The more I look at the Pevensies in that walking segment the odder they look, like something vacant in their eyes.

  3. Josh says:

    As much as I love William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, & Tilda Swinton…they should've been left out of the movie. But that gripe aside, it looks AMAZING! I love the screen of the wideshot of the Dawn Treader sailing into the sunset! Beautiful! it's my new background!

  4. glumPuddle says:

    Hopefully we'll have even better quality captures soon! Keep checking back.

  5. silverPhoenix says:

    Um…I have to ask…why is Caspian in the coracle with the kids?

  6. DamselJillPole says:

    Nice job doing the capping! I'm probably going to take a few 🙂

  7. Susan says:

    you are totally right. You voice my thoughts EXACTLY.

  8. Rebecca T. says:

    It looks like they're focusing on Edmund and Lucy to try to keep people's interest in the characters they already met–I wish we saw more of Caspian and especially Eustace! I can't wait to see how Will and Anna show up in the actual movie. But I love how much Aslan is even in the trailer, and it looks amazing!!

  9. Liliana♥ says:

    That's cool, thanks! Ah, its 4:00 in the morning over here in LA and I still can't sleep. My mommy is gonna get mad :/

  10. Starlily says:

    I wanted to see Eustace as a dragon!! 🙁
    But other than that…I like the trailer. It's a little different from what I expected, and I'm not so keen on the White Witch being there, or Lilliandil glowing like that, but I'll survive. I just want to see more now!!

  11. jill says:

    Well the trailor looked great. I can not wait to see the movie lilli something or other looked beautiful, she is whereing near the same dress Pauline Bynes depicted lovely.

  12. jill says:

    I want to see him as a dragon to. Can't wait. Yippy!

  13. Hope in the Lord says:

    I'm a little nervous Edmund say ''Squirt? But I'm a king!'' Lucy: ''Not in this world.'' I hope they not gonna make Ed my precious Ed channel Peter in PC… And it looks like the witch is targeting him again, can he never escape her after everything she's done?

  14. Ambervina says:

    So totally wicked COOL!!

    Love all the scenes with Corakin. And holy jumpin' dufflepods Lucy looks so grown up! The enlistment thing with Edmund was cute. I didn't recognize him at first.

    Did anyone else notice this but is Lu using Susan's bow! Maybe its just one of her own that looks like Su's?

    Hahaha!! Love dufflepods! Poor Eustace looks like he's about to have a heart attack!

    Quick question, any Narnia production people, why are Peter AND Susan in Narnian dress in this film *raises eyebrows* Hmm…

    Overall great first trailer!! Have hope Narnia fans!

  15. WilliamMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    i was thinking that too! and; does anybody notice that Edmund's blue sword is Rhindon, Peter's sword?!

  16. narnian1 says:

    Thanks for the screencaps! It'll save the hassle of me later trying to do it. 🙂

  17. TumnusTheBrave says:

    Lucy using susans bow? Edmunds sword glows?

  18. NarniaWarrior says:

    It was terrific !!! Everything to wet your appetite…I am sure more trailers will follow, but not seeing anything for so long it was awesome. Did anyone notice how Lucy's voice seemed a little more grown up and slightly deeper…175 and counting…Adonai

  19. Avra says:

    Light on Eustace, but promising. I really like the transition from England to Narnia!

  20. NarniaWarrior says:

    Hey…you guys are doing a great job…if it was not for you we would be all over creation looking foe tidbits of info…you help close the gaps for us…thanks guys….you ROCK….175 and still counting

  21. greenbird37 says:

    Long awaited and very much pleased…a sign that its really happening and will be here before we know it!

  22. Kathy says:

    So, I really love the idea of Edmund trying to enlist. Especially since it looks like he was enlisting solely to get away from the Scrubbs (presumably who Lucy and him were getting groceries for).

    It seems a little unnecessary to include Peter & Susan in the trailer, but I guess people are used to seeing four Pevensies, so non-fans won't be confused all of a sudden?

    Edmund with Rhindon, and Rhindon glowing all blue. Still want to find out what that means, exactly.

    Also, the bit with the Star's Daughter, when she says "the fate of Narnia rests upon you" (or something like that), when she says you, she turns to her right. And then the scene where she goes back into the sky (presumably, turning into a glowy ball of light and all), Edmund is the one who would have been right. The other two figures are Caspian and Lucy, I think, so is she referring solely to Edmund (glowy sword maybe has to do with that?) or all of them, and just making eye contact because it's good to make eye contact?

    Either way, I'm excited!

  23. Midshipman Pepper Darcy says:

    that looks so perfectly NARNIA! WOW! Apted has my complete respect now!! =) I can't wait till December 10th! I'm going to see it with some friends on my birthday (December 11th)!! Aw, Lucy is *so* cute! =) (my favourite character!=)

  24. Aunt Letty says:

    I think it looks like they're thinking sort of higher thoughts, like those shots are from someone's internal ruminations about the kings and queens of old and what they represent. Something abstract like that, anyway. It also explains why they're ALL wearing Narnian dress.

  25. Tarva says:

    Tilda is very strongly tinted green – anyone else thinking, "Lady of the Green Kirtle?"

  26. LucyLion says:

    This is so exciting! I have been waiting for this forever!
    One step closer, now just SIX MORE MONTHS…:o)

  27. High Queen Emily the Valiant says:


  28. High Queen Emily the Valiant says:

    yes actually now that you mention it

  29. Alambil and Tarva says:

    @ Tarva – I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out, but OMG :O

    Yeah, they really seem like they're hinting more and more at SC. First with Ramandu's Daughter's name, Lilliandil, sounding suspiciously like Rilian…

    Anyway, I am bothered by one thing, though–did ANYONE else notice that Aslan looks different than he did in the first 2 movies? His fur seems darker and his face looks altered, not as amazing as before…maybe it's just the angles from the trailer that make him look weird, but…:/

  30. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Wow! The screen caps! I am putting some on my desktop! WHOOOO!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!!! I'll have to get used to the minotaur's new look, but it looks pretty accurate to the book to me. Coriakin looks awesome! Aslan looks better in this movie than in PC in my opinion! Caspian looks great I just wish he had some lines there. I hope they put out another trailer with Eustace in his dragon form! I wonder why Rhindon was glowing blue…and why were Peter and Susan at the end…and what fate could Narnia befall if their quest should fail??? Mysteries! But the Star is absolutely gorgeous! This film is going to be AWESOME!!!! Long live Aslan and Sail on VDT!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

  31. High Queen Emily the Valiant says:

    Its not that he wanted to get away excactly it's that boys his age wanted to fight in the war and also maybe because he wants to fight again but also to get away from the real world like you said

  32. Alambil and Tarva says:

    OMG I saw that too and was like "WUT?!" O_o

    But in the shot with Aslan on land, there's only 3 people, so maybe Cas just went with them to "drop them off" (lol) and row the boat back to the ship. That's my guess. I guess it makes sense b/c they didn't want to leave the random boat floating out there with no one to bring it back? I dunno xD

  33. Not Of This World says:

    Actully I think they used them well. Even though they didn't show William (They're probobly going to show him in England) in the trailor, the way the showed Anna in the spell that made lucy look more beautiful was awesome, and on the Island Where Dreams Come True how it showed the White Witch confronting Edmund, it was Awesome! Great Trailer!

  34. QueenSusanJ316 says:

    Yeah I noticed that with the bow. I kind of hope it is because it is a beautiful bow. I wonder why Susan is in a different outfit then the original one we saw! I can't wait to see more!!!

  35. Aunt Letty says:

    Very, very happy with what I saw. Glad there's still six months of happy anticipation left. Can't wait. Huzzah for high escapism!

    Here's some stuff that stood out:

    1. Lucy's still wearing her shoes as she arrives onboard the D.T.. It's only a tiny factoid, won't affect the film really, but Lewis' words about her keeping her head and kicking them off sort of stuck in my head my whole childhood. If I'd ever fallen into the drink, I'd have known what to do. 🙂

    2. The shot with Lucy and Aslan together, looking into a mirror,or, more likely, Lucy looking and seeing Aslan in there with her? Interesting. On the D.T., or at Coriakin's?

    3. I never liked the voice Reep had in PC.. Lewis described it as "shrill", "piping", and "chirruping", and I've always heard it just like that in my head. It works as such a delightful foil for his noble heart and chivalrous ideals and is part of what makes his character so appealing. I'm glad they changed voice actors for this film. He sounds a bit more like Reep now.

    4. Had pictured Caspian's cabin a bit more practical-looking. Certainly not with those (ew!?) tacky, 70's leaded glass doors. Too reminiscent of the decade of all things fake, for me. But the rest of it is beautiful. Love the shelves of books and charts.

    5. Coriakin's room looks distinctly church cum Oxford, does it not? Very welcome nod to Lewis, I think. Like it.

    6. The title of the Beauty Incantation is interesting. Not "beaut[y]… beyond the lot of mortals" but simply "the beauty you always wanted to be". Changes things a bit for Lucy, doesn't it? I liked the other better, because the scope of Lucy's dilemma is greater, but I can see why this works for the film. It ties in several elements neatly, with less explaining required. Instead of wanting to be better than everyone in general, as a salve for the rejection she's just experienced from a girl she thought of as a friend, Lucy's wanting to be as beautiful as (ie., loved by her parents and everyone else, too) Susan? Have to see the film to see how they spin this out, but that's how it looks here.

    7. The glowing Star daughter works for me. She's supposed to look more beautiful, more ethereal, more noble, than a human woman would. How do you get a human actor that can pull that off? LOTR ran into that problem with the elves. Three cheers for C.G. enhancement!

    8.Yeah. what's with the glowing sword? Well, they can't lay all their cards on the table now, so I'm going to hope that's Ed either toying with or reacting to the WW's temptation, and not some cheesy replacement for the Albatross moment. That's a great moment. I have a hard time reading that part out loud to my kids. It makes me cry.

    8. I like the subtlety of Caspian sort of glowing a bit from within with the light coming off Ramandu's daughter, as opposed to the other two who are simply reflecting it off their surfaces. Maybe it just looks that way in that shot, but the bit of warm light you see along his back just behind his arm looks like he's glowing from inside a little.

    9. Huh. Caspian's in the boat with the others on the sea of lillies. What's that about?

    10. There are FOUR shadows on the beach in front of Aslan. Maybe it made better cinematic sense to have Caspian go with them and hear it from the Lion's mouth, rather than a scolding from a wall-image and then the film leaves behind a main character to follow the others for the last, what, fifteen minutes? of the film. Could work. Depending on what happens between Caspian and Aslan. Lewis left their exchange just between them, for a very good reason, which is; leaving some things to the imagination is more effective than trying and failing to describe them in detail. Which is why books will always be better than their movies, IMO.

    11. Ok, this is trivial but, did you notice? If you cover one side of Lucy's face, the right side (our right) is quite grownup looking, while the left side is very young and childlike. If you do the same thing with Peter's face, it's the opposite. Just sort of interesting, that's all.

  36. QueenSusanJ316 says:

    After looking at the stills. I noticed several things. One is that Edmund appears to be wearing the same clothes as in the first movie, and Lucy appears to be wearing Susan's play clothes from the first movie too. I was wondering why is Lucy using Susan's gifts?

  37. Aunt Letty says:

    Come to think of it, maybe it's a sort of "farewell til we meet again" sequence that comes at the end of the film, you know, after Lucy and Ed find out that they're not coming back, either. Sort of,…"your adventure starts here…" and then the shots of the four of them as Narnians plus some other thematic visuals with music? Something like that.

    Those four headshots just really have that abstract feel to them that comes with that kind of cinematic moment. It could be very affecting.

  38. Aunt Letty says:

    I thought she looked rather aged. Note the fine lines about her mouth, and the slightly saggy flesh on her jaws. But then, what can you expect of a corpse that keeps getting trotted out to do cameos?

  39. Aunt Letty says:

    well, Lucy is mentioned as being with the archers at one point in the book. So, it would be a neat point at which to fit in a glimpse of Susan's iconic bow. And, after all, Susan's not using it anymore. And, what are little sisters for, if not to use their big sister's coolest stuff without asking?

  40. Alambil and Tarva says:

    @ #8 (the first #8, b/c you accidentally put two lol)
    I think maybe that has something to do with the whole thing about how they have to follow a "blue star" (that was mentioned from the super trailer). Hopefully they'll have that AND the Albatross. I rather liked the Albatross moment too; it was a brilliant nod to Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' on Lewis' part.

    @ #8 (part two)
    I hadn't noticed that, but it seems as if he IS glowing from the inside. Permit me to have a little fangirl moment here *SQUEE* :p AWWWW ^_^ That is so sweet. Like Lilliandil has left a little bit of herself with him until he returns. *continues giggling and squeeing like a ridiculous child*

    @ #10
    Okay, so there ARE four people there–I wasn't sure if there were three or four. I guess cinematically it might make more sense than having Caspian just walk out of his cabin and say that he saw Aslan; I wonder how they would've done the whole "we're wandering around the ship, waiting for our king to get over his temper tantrum." Might not have worked so well on film to have people just standing there for an undefined amount of time. Depending on how the scene at the End of the World is done, having Caspian there to see the others off might work. Although in the book it seemed pretty clear to me that since no one knew exactly what was at the End of the World, if Caspian went, then he wouldn't have returned. He even says that he wants to go to the End and not come back. Maybe Aslan will be the one to remind him of Lilliandil instead of Lucy (who reminds him that he promised to return to Ramandu's island and he says, "Oh, there is that." Which I hope they keep in the film, because I always thought that was amusing, him completely forgetting his sadness because he gets to go back and see his girl. lol).

    But then again, even the 3 kids didn't necessarily go all the way to the End–only Reepicheep made it all the way to Aslan's Country (which I interpreted as being the very very end of the world). So maybe having Caspian there won't be such a big deal, b/c none of the human characters at that point even see Aslan's Country, so…oh, well, we'll just have to see 🙂

  41. Judy says:

    Since when does the daughter of the star have a name?

  42. Narniamiss says:

    So now not only will Caspian and Ed be using Rhindon, it also looks like Lucy will be using Susan's bow and arrows. I'm still not ok with this..those were priceless treasures!!

    Other than that..wow. This looks amazing. I actually can't wait to see the scene with Tilda in it; it looks like it will be very meaningful.
    Thanks Narniaweb for taking †he time to get all those screen caps! I know it must have taken a bit of time.

  43. It does look like it at first, but then look at the pommel. It's not the lion head. My guess is that it's one of the seven lords' swords, and that might be why it's glowing.

  44. Sammie says:

    I can't tell if that's Susan's bow and arrow from the picture, but Lucy has used a bow and arrow at least twice in the books: in "VDT" and in "Horse and His Boy" (in the latter, she's with the archers as they meet Rabdash's army).

    In "VDT", if I remember correctly, Caspian tells her to put arrow to the string as they approach Coriakin's island.

  45. Tarwe, the Narnian Elf says:

    OOOOO!!!!! It looks awesome! 😀 I think the movie makers had a lot of fun with their special effects! I think it is interesting how the trailer almost seems to be more centered on Edmund than on Lucy… No sign of the Mysterious Little Girl or Deathwater or dragonized Eustace… but they can't reveal all of their secrets, can they? 😉 December 10 is too far away!

  46. Let the fan art begin! Thanks!

  47. Falling in Narnia says:

    the White Whitch's eyes are green!!! definately aluding to the Silver Chair!!! I'm soooo excited!!!!!

  48. narnian resident says:

    now that i realized it, there was no shots of a dragon or sea serpent. perhaps they intend to surprise us? i dont know. i was really hoping to see Eustace Dragon in the trailer, but thats alright. maybe it takes too much work and they couldnt make a shot of it in time for the trailer. well, as long as they definately keep the dragon and sea serpent in the movie i wont mind its not in the trailer.

  49. NarniaNerd says:

    THANKS!!! *drools*

  50. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    And I'll add this: Does anyone notice that Lucy uses Susan's bow and arrows?

  51. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    I /love/ the Lucy-morph-into-Susan! That's just amazing! And did you read the spell? "Lashes, lips, and complexion; transform my reflection." That is just /too cool/!!!!

  52. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Yeah, when I was watching the trailer, I was like, "Hey, who's purple-shirt?" Then I watched again. "Hey, there are /four/ people in the boat (as opposed to /three/ (not counting Reep since he's not a "person" per se))!" Then I saw the screen-cap. "What in the blue blazes is /Caspian/ doing there?!?!?"

  53. FreakedOut says:

    YEAHHH… I saw the trailer on youtube. The part with Susan's bow is AWESOME. I'm glad they're puttinf Lucy into the action after three (or more) years of being left out. I have a feeling that they aren't gonna make a biggy out of them getting Susan's and Peter's items. Infact, I don't think they're even going to become their "official items" in this movie; notice in the film clips that Lucy and Edmund aren't wearing them. =P Just a though

  54. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Does anyone else like the way he says, "What's going on here?" and "This place just gets weirder and weirder!" lol. I've decided that I'm going to love their choice of Eustace!!!

  55. The Knight says:

    We Narnians are just having a field day. How AWESOME!

  56. Omac the centaur says:

    whats up with the blue sword?? its awesome but surprised me!

  57. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    I did like the trailer, I just didn't get the same feeling I had after watching the LWW trailer. It just didn't seem as special.

  58. narnianheart says:

    Oh my word!! Lucy is beautiful!!!!!!!

  59. Sir Jack says:

    *having 10000 ideas for a new Avatar* =) wonderful pics!

  1. June 17, 2010

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