35 Minutes of Dawn Treader Completed

We’ve heard from NarniaWebber ‘Jill’ who has been in touch with a contact within the production. According to her contact, about 35 minutes of VDT has been completed and is looking fabulous. The Dawn Treader teaser trailer could be released in just three to four weeks. Can’t wait!

89 Responses

  1. AWESOME!!! This is such great news!! I'm dying for a teaser trailer!! SAIL ON VOTD!!! I can't wait for this! I'm so happy to hear the stuff is going smoothly! 😀

  2. DragonGirl says:

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! That's great news!!! 😀

  3. liz says:

    when is 3-4 weeks?

  4. King_Cor_the_Great says:

    yes!!!!! finally soon there will be clips!!!!

  5. princess_of_narnia says:

    Whoot!!! Sounds awesome!!! 😀

  6. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    Ahhh so excited!!!!

  7. Grant Wilson says:

    trailer comin soon it will probably be the best in the series

  8. Wow…exciting. Trailer, come soon! I'm leaning toward the 3 instead of the 4 weeks 😉

  9. LL says:

    Trailer me silly please…! 🙂

  10. LadyCourage says:

    WOOT!! Yippee! Am totally stoked… I'm leaning towards 3 weeks too. lol

  11. wolfloversk says:

    HOORAY!!!!!!! (*Is jumping up and down excitedly)

  12. 2ndtoOne says:

    3 or 4 weeks!? *Jumping up and down* I can't wait! I really hope that this turns out to be the case and we get our first look very soon!

  13. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    I can't believe it!
    You can say that again.
    I can't believe it! 🙂
    I can't wait!
    I think that 3-4 weeks is late June, early July. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think that estimate is most likely at least somewhat close. I hope mid-June, but I think more late June, and I'm being slightly to very pessimistic as usual when I say early July.
    I think my sentiments apply to all of us, judging from the comments and overall attitude on NW.

  14. narnian resident says:

    omg!!! a teaser trailer!!! yes! i am dying for anything at this moment now! just give me a 5-second video of it and i'll scream with glee 😀

  15. Aravis & Hwin says:

    Hurray!!! The sooner the better :D!

  16. Liberty Hoffman says:

    yay!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. narnian1 says:

    AAHHH YES !!!!! My countdown to 3 weeks, 4 maximum, begins.

  18. Daughter_of_Ramandu says:

    This is the best news by far! I can not wait!

  19. MurtaghLuv says:


  20. wut says:

    oh I don't know, maybe in about 3-4 weeks?

  21. Fire vein says:


  22. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    AH. *dies* Hurrah!

  23. LadyLiln says:

    Brilliant!!! Can't wait to see the trailer.

  24. jessie says:

    yay! hopefully we get the first trailer/clip really really really really really soon! Sail on VDT!

  25. Adeona says:

    Well, now we know VDT will be at least 35 minutes long… XD
    Can't wait for the trailer! I'm thinking Toy Story 3 or Last Airbender, for sure.

    Thanks Jill!

  26. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Lol. Making it that short would probably be the best way to completely bury any further hope of any more Narnia movies.
    Which leads to another question: How long should VotDT be? LWW was about 135 minutes (or 2 hours and fifteen minutes) and PC was about 149 minutes (or 2 hours and 29 minutes). So if VotDt follows the trend, it'll be 163 minutes (or 2 hours and 43 minutes). Would that not be awesome?! Although, bordering on 3 hours might be a little long for some people… not us Narnia fan(atic)s, but just for the average person who has an indifferent interest (wow, that totally makes sense… NOT! But I hope that you know what I mean) in Narnia. So, how long should The Voyage last?

  27. lilims says:

    eeeppp 😀

  28. Fire Berry says:

    WHHOOO!! I'm totally psyched about seeing a trailer! 😀 Thanks, Jill!

  29. Adeona says:

    About the same length as PC, or a little teeny bit longer.

    Of course, I would be perfectly happy with four hours, but as you say, that would be beyond the interests of the average [and unfortunate] individual.

  30. eliseo says:

    looks like my prediction might pan out…a trailer possibly before 'the last airbender' in early july

  31. Lucy Helen Ycul says:

    I can't wait to see a teaser trailer!

  32. GlimGlum says:

    Hooray! It's getting there. Pretty soon people will be saying: "I've seen the trailer 50 times already; I want to see the movie and I can't stand the waiting". 😀

    Sail on VDT!

  33. coracle says:

    Well if it's 3 weeks, I can potentially watch it for three days over a long weekend in my country. If not, at least I'll be able to watch it online without having to spend 2 hours downloading it first! (broadband is such an improvement)
    Roll on the teaser trailer!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  34. Claire-ayes says:

    Wooohhh!! 3 to 4 weeks you think? I can do that, that's nothing compared to the months wait we've already endured! Bring it on! x

  35. Sir Jack says:

    Jippie yeah! 3-4 weeks?! WoooooW

  36. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    3-4 weeks means June! Woohoo! Cannot believe it!!!;) June is usually when they release the trailers for the 2nd half of the year. Hee hee hee!

  37. Starlily says:

    So at the latest it could come out around June 11? I just said 11 because it's a Friday.
    Wow, now that we have this news, I hope they don't wait to release the trailer until July, like some Puddleglum-ish people are predicting. 😉

  38. Lutra's Pearl says:


  39. narnia365 says:

    That's great!!! (Though, I would rather have "3-4 days" instead of the weeks…) 😀 Or, even seconds… lol.

  40. narnian says:

    awww-some!! 3-4 weeks?! cant wait to see the trailer!! and a trailer means tons of movie clips!! the pictures were just not enough!! long live Aslan!! and sail on VDT!!

  41. AncientEgyptFan says:

    This sounds great!

    Thanks ‘Jill’! 🙂

  42. pselpevensie says:


  43. silverPhoenix says:


  44. glumpuddle says:

    I'm excited- but im really waiting for the REAL trailer (and the movie)

  45. Milady of Narnia says:

    So Excited!!!

  46. Roger says:

    I hope that they release the same trailer that some of us have already seen. That way we will all have a common ground to debate over and fewer of us will have the insider information. Besides I want to see it again. What I have seen was outstanding.

  47. Hannah says:

    YAAAAAAAY! I cannot wait! I have waited 2 years for this!!!!

  48. Lady Polly says:


  49. WilliamMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    Exactly my words! I'm DYING for the trailer. 3 or 4 weeks sounds short to me, but I know it'll be a LOOOONNNGGG wait! Oh well! I'm not very patient.

  50. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    You are such a Marshwiggle. Why can't you be happy that we FINALLY get something resembling film footage?! Aslan give me patience… Marshwiggles, after all, are known for being pessimistic and gloomy, but the upside is that they remain loyal to the end. 🙂 I wish you smooth sailing, DT!

  51. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Wait- what do you mean, "the trailer that some of us have already seen", and "what I have seen is outstanding"? Do you mean what I think you mean? *crosses fingers, and dares to ask question* Is there an earlier trailer?
    And I agree about the debating ground. Very good concept there.

  52. ernesto says:

    thanks for everything and hope to come the other website of the Narnia movie and Narnia the voyage of the Dawn Treader bye.

  53. Eustace says:

    Can we pick the number of weeks till the trailer comes out? I pick 3.

  54. Starlily says:

    I pick 1! 😀

    But I know it won't happen. We'll just have to be patient.

  55. Starlily says:

    Didn't you read about the Biola Media thing? They showed a trailer to a bunch of people, but they're not showing it to the public. You can read the description of it, though.

  56. Anna's Sister says:

    Three weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! That will take forever but at leased we have a deadline!!!

  57. Roger says:

    Thank you, Starlily. I saw it at Biola, and the trailer was outstanding. I have made many comments on Narniafans.com about the trailer. As soon after seeing the trailer and able to get to a computer, I wrote about what I saw. I was so excited, and Narnia Fans had started their thread first. I hope you all can see the trailer soon.

  58. NarniaQueen411 says:

    OMG – my stomach is doing absolute BACKFLIPS i am so excited!!!!! – I've been going crazy for one since the report that they showed some unfinished footage at that event a few weeks ago. :D:D:D:D

  1. May 13, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TV Watch Online. TV Watch Online said: 35 Minutes of Dawn Treader Completed: http://bit.ly/bpTbv6. […]

  2. May 13, 2010

    […] is according to a source at Narnia Web: We’ve heard from NarniaWebber ‘Jill’ who has been in touch with a contact within the […]