Group Publishing, Walden Media, and 20th Century Fox have teamed up and put together a Vacation Bible School package called ‘Fun for the Whole Family’ Hour.
Fun-for-the-Whole-Family Hour combines the excitement of VBS with the thrilling adventure of Narnia in an experience that gets all ages connecting with each other and with God.
It’s one action-packed hour where the families in your church can talk, laugh, share, discuss Scripture, and worship together–and watch never-before-seen clips from the latest Narnia adventure. This film explores family-friendly themes like grace and transformation, giving families the chance to look at God’s transforming love in a new way.
Featuring FREE exclusive clips from the upcoming Narnia movie The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
The leader pack will be available to ship June 1, 2010. Do you know what this means NarniaWebbers? VDT clip are less than two months away! UPDATE: The VBS package will be available June 30th instead of June 1st as was previously reported.
More information and preordering is available on Group’s website here.
Thanks to QueenSusanJ316 for the initial report, and Liberty Hoffman for the link!
UPDATE: One of the pages on the website includes a new image from the movie:
Nice catch, AslansCountry.com!
I don't know if I want to watch the clips before I see the movie…I'll have to think about it. Well, actually, I think I do want to. I saw clips of LWW before it came out and it didn't spoil anything for me. And it's not like I don't know what's going to happen!
The guy on Caspian's left is Drinian, right?
awww cool new picture!
Yes I think so
cool pic
@ beruna: 'definitely' π (p.s. I like ur name)
yea me too, probably
Did i say "all"? any way, same here!
I hope someone will put the clips on Youtube, because I won't be able to see them otherwise. π
LOVE YOUR NAME! My sister is a Murtag defender. π
So, whose up for some family fun?!?!?! π
No, but seriously, I hope somewhat puts the vids on Youtube, because I don't think my family will let me get a 20 dollar set thingy just for some VDT clips. π
I agree with you there. It seems like they've realized that a good bunch of the fans are Christians, not screaming teenage girls who want to see Caspian and Susan kiss. *ahem* But I won't go into that right now…But I do think Fox realizes this. Go Fox! π
the green in the background makes the ship look like a plastic toy.
In prince caspian they were going for realism. Now they're going for fakeism.
Thanks. Murtagh is my favorite character in eragon.
It does knida look fake. But it still looks magneficent(in my opinion) I think their dawn treader is worthy of the title
I also love your name. Pippin and gimli are awesome
Murtagh is my favorite too but I think he will die. I always like the ones that die.
Anyone have an idea as to when the trailer will come out? I heard somewhere that it might be around the first of May. Anyone know for sure? Or think for sure?
I don't think they were TRYING to make it look fake. And I don't think it will look plastic in the actual film. Although, I don't think it looks plastic. I think it just looks…well, green. π
Thanks. I was 99.9% sure – thanks for clarifying. π
I don;t think he is going to die(or at least I hope he doesn't)
I don't really know though I think it won't come out until july or august.
your welcome
I'm not even going 2 watch the trailer. π THIS IS GOING TO BE HAAAAAARRRRRRRD!! im i the only 1?
*Grins* mine too! π Thank You! I am very glad you like it. π
Oh man if he dies! OH…I don't even want to think about it. π
@ queensusan316…
Hey, just wondering what the "316" on your name stands for….
Omac, my friend. Calm yourself. Deep slow breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Don't stamp your hoofs at me either. Just pace about a little.
Omac the centaur, how come you won't be able to see the trailer? π
"Are you sure nobody's following us?"
"Of course…it would be totally inconceivable!
"Out of curiousity, why do you ask?"
"Well, I just happened to look back, and something is there."
"What? Inconceivable!"
*groan* First thing that popped into my head. Oh, Ben, if you have another Inigo line in this movie you are doomed. He looks kinda *snerk* piratey, though. π
@ puddleglum: thank you i shall. π —- @ QueenArsvid14: I could but i dont want no what everything is like. if its like PCs, I would no the who story. whats going to happen and all. of course it IS a long wait and I might go ahead and watch it. π
Haha okay I get it π
who is Murtagh??
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILLIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! π
Nice, Caspian! Love that movie.
I always felt sorry for the albino.
what albino?? or r u calling the sons-of-adams albinos?
Awesome! I MIGHT buy it, you're REALLY tempting me here!
P.S. Happy birthday to William Mosely!
I just don't see any way for him to live. But I really hope he does!! Murtagh is one of the characters in Eragon. keep the story of Aslan alive.
I love Murtagh too! I was so disappointed when he turned bad, but I think Eragon might find a way to save him. I hope so π
Only the poor fellow in "The Princess Bride" who was the assistant to the six-fingered man-who-killed-Inigo's-father. Not only did he get a knob on the head from a giant(a rather diminuative one by Narnian standards), but then became un-employed when Inigo killed his employer.
oh, ok. I no nothing of this topic, there4 i shall take my comments elsewhere. π
oh. a gues I haven't seen that either. π 6 fingered man?? hm, cool!