Group Publishing, Walden Media, and 20th Century Fox have teamed up and put together a Vacation Bible School package called ‘Fun for the Whole Family’ Hour.

Fun-for-the-Whole-Family Hour combines the excitement of VBS with the thrilling adventure of Narnia in an experience that gets all ages connecting with each other and with God.

It’s one action-packed hour where the families in your church can talk, laugh, share, discuss Scripture, and worship together–and watch never-before-seen clips from the latest Narnia adventure. This film explores family-friendly themes like grace and transformation, giving families the chance to look at God’s transforming love in a new way.

Featuring FREE exclusive clips from the upcoming Narnia movie The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!

The leader pack will be available to ship June 1, 2010. Do you know what this means NarniaWebbers? VDT clip are less than two months away! UPDATE: The VBS package will be available June 30th instead of June 1st as was previously reported.

More information and preordering is available on Group’s website here.

Thanks to QueenSusanJ316 for the initial report, and Liberty Hoffman for the link!

UPDATE: One of the pages on the website includes a new image from the movie:

Nice catch, AslansCountry.com!

165 Responses

  1. joe says:


  2. Liberty Hoffman says:

    I want to see that! it would be so cool!

  3. Bethany Weathers says:

    This is greatly exciting.

  4. Sarah says:




    …I'm usually not like this. I'm very excited is all.

  5. Eliseo says:

    I guess if they are advertising 'never before seen slips' when the order ships out in June 1st, then that means that a trailer will be out no earlier than June or maybe July (just as I expected).

  6. PaigeReeder says:

    Group is a great, er, group, too.

  7. NarnianElf says:


    P.S. What's VBS??

  8. fantasia_kitty says:

    Vacation Bible Study

  9. fantasia_kitty says:

    Vacation Bible SCHOOL!!! Not study. Sorry.

  10. Lucy says:

    dang, I was hoping for a trailer in may…now it looks like we may have to wait till June? Bummer.

  11. narnian resident says:

    i betcha they'll end up on youtube somehow sometime after it comes out. just saying, cuz it happens all the time πŸ™‚

  12. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Okay, I seriously wish I could run a VBS just for this!!!! This would be /so/ sweet (especially the clips!!!!!)! However, I hope that there are some true Christians behind this or else it wouldn't be quite so great for VBS'….

  13. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Yeah, I hope so.

  14. AslanJudah says:

    The only cool thing we did at VBS when i was little was eat stale cookies and drink watered down cool aide.

  15. Starlily says:

    Not necessarily. The trailer could show completely different clips than this VBS thing.

    But then again, what if you're right?

    πŸ™ Don't go dashing my hopes!


  16. Haggith Tarkheena says:

    He-he-he-he-HEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm so accited! Can't wait till June 1st!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  17. Haggith Tarkheena says:

    sorry. EXCITED.
    See!? See how excited I am!? I can't even spell things right! (No. Just kidding. lol.) πŸ™‚

  18. Haggith Tarkheena says:

    It probably will be! πŸ™‚

  19. Haggith Tarkheena says:

    No. . . .Well. . .I guess that makes since.

    But I think you are right Eliseo, because I did do the math, and the trailer should come out in July or June.

    Sweet! πŸ™‚

  20. iLiveInNarnia says:

    That's pretty sweet. πŸ™‚

  21. AncientEgyptFan says:

    WOW! This is awesome; I hope we get a trailer soon!
    It looks like a neat package too.

  22. narnia fan 7 says:


  23. DamselJillPole says:

    This looks like a fun thing to do with my cousin that I baby sit. Will surely get it once it's out.

  24. glumPuddle says:

    Hope there are some NarniaWebbers who can get to a VBS event!

  25. Lylanarniafan says:

    WOW !!!!!!!!!!!

  26. narnialover101 says:

    I believe it's actually a package you can buy that includes the clips, gP.

  27. QueenLucy12 says:

    IT HAS TO COME OUT SOON!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Follower of Aslan says:

    Yes, as far as I know, this looks like Vacation Bible School MATERIAL, and not an event or anything. I am familiar with packages/ciriculum like this, and the time of year also seems to be right(for summer).
    I wonder if the clips are just a few random shots/scenes, an entire trailer, the official movie trailer, (to be released in theaters) a small teaser trailer, behind the scenes, or what???
    CAN'T WAIT!!! πŸ˜€

  29. Narniafan says:

    I clicked the Vbs link. It seems like the VDT footage is definitely a big part of the program. I'm expecting about 5-20 minutes of footage.

  30. Narniafan says:

    Yay! πŸ™‚

  31. Narniafan says:

    BTW, any guesses to what scenes it will show? It seems like they're really focusing on the "grace" theme… so I think Eustace-as-Dragon will be definitely part of it. I'm betting on it.

  32. Puddleglum says:

    Now just a question. How many fans out there are going to volenteer to help at their Church's VBS if they use this program?
    How many would if they didn't?

  33. wolfloversk says:

    Either way I'm gonna try, but it depends on when they have it and when I leave for college… I'm cutting it close.

  34. I might buy this just for the clips :p

  35. ChristProclamer says:

    Oh…wow. If we weren't in such a news drought, this wouldn't be quite so exciting, but it is right now. So…do you have to go to VBS to see the clips, or can you just buy it? *confused*

    Either way, this is good. Hope this can be used to start word of mouth in the church. I know that church publicity went a long way in the differences between LWW and PC success.

  36. AndreyaofNarnia says:

    Narnia? VBS? Narnian VBS?? Cool!!! I hope our church uses this next year. πŸ™‚

  37. lilims says:

    yay πŸ˜€

  38. always narnian says:


  39. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    FK, when I read your first comment, I was like, "What?" πŸ™‚ Anyway, this sounds great, but I am the ultimate enemy of spoilers so I probably won't get it. I like waiting! It builds suspense! And I have so many horses to hold right now! πŸ™‚

  40. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Lol, if my church wants to get it, maybe I'll send a spy report, even though I'm avoiding spoilers. πŸ™‚ I'll ask.

  41. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    I'll do it for option 1 or option 2! Although I think we already have a VBS… and I love avoiding spoilers! They are my ultimate enemy!

  42. Watziznehm says:

    Interesting! Do you know what this means? It means that Fox's advertising campaign is getting back to the kind of advertising that was done for LWW: they are advertising to churches and from there the news will surely spread from mouth to mouth – a very effective mode of advertising. To me, that is perhaps more sweet than the fact that footage will be available by June!

  43. CaspianX says:


  44. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    That was my thought too….

  45. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    haha…ya, out old church did a "Narnian VBS" a couple years ago….it was awesome! They made the doors that enter the sanctuary into the doors of the wardrobe…it was pretty sweet! πŸ˜€

  46. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Sounds cool! Dude, I can't wait for footage. I'm STARVING for VDT πŸ˜›

  47. MurtaghLuv says:

    My church is doing a vbs. I hope they decide to use this. cause then when I help withit I can see clips!!! Hehe

  48. Beruna says:

    Poor you. My VBS memories are better, thank goodness.

  49. Beruna says:

    Woah, that completely slipped my mind!

  50. Lady of Narnia says:

    This is totally awesome!

  51. Milady of Narnia says:

    Great Idea!!

  52. WilliamMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    I am excited too! I really hope the clips come soon to Narniaweb! Dude, this is so hard to be patient for!!! Oh well, let's just hope it comes quickly and that it's a good movie πŸ™‚ ! And I really hope this movie focuses a bit on Lucy and Edmund, anyone agree? I mean, it's their last time in Narnia and I wish it will show their sibling affection for each other.

  53. WilliamMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    I know! Me too! πŸ™

  54. Mirima Rosetrader says:


  55. QueenLucy12 says:

    YES! There Should Some Brother Sister moments! that would be so cute!!!

  56. QueenLucy12 says:

    bummer, i was really hoping may. πŸ™
    (BUT, Who Knows!)

  57. QueenLucy12 says:

    omgsh! cool!!!

  58. Carrie says:

    I would say a behind the scenes thing with little random shots in it. Can't wait till June!!!

  59. pselpevensie says:

    AWESOME!!!!!! MUST GET!!!!!

  60. pselpevensie says:

    i have a question:
    it thw whole VBS a video, or is it activities, with clips from VDT seperate?