‘Narnia: The Exhibition’ Headed to Huntsville, AL?

Well it looks like we may know a future location that ‘Narnia: The Exihibition‘ will be heading. Huntsville Alabama’s U.S. Space and Rocket Center. A local news site in Huntsville reported on a big Star Wars exhibit that is coming to the museum, and included this tidbit in their story: “And although the Star Wars exhibit hasn’t even begun yet, the Space and Rocket Center has already booked the next big exhibit to come in the fall of 2010: ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.”

The exhibition which features costumes, props, and sets from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian movies, is currently at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It wraps up there on April 25.

If it’s the same Narnia exhibit that’s heading to Alabama (presumably it is), there would be quite a gap over the summer where it wouldn’t be showing, so perhaps it will head somewhere else in the meantime? We’ll keep you posted as we hear more information.

34 Responses

  1. The Servant says:

    Too bad I live far away from Alabama πŸ˜‰

  2. starkat says:

    When I went, I spoke to someone and they mentioned the possibility of it going to the northeast U.S., but that was before the run was extended. Maybe it is still going that way?

    I've been to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center and that is a cool place to visit. One of the Space Camp locations is located there.

  3. Aravis and Hwin says:

    I'd love it to come to the northeast!!! πŸ™‚

  4. NarnianElf says:

    Wow! Awesome! I now think its time for a vaction… maybe I'll kinda mention to my mom that it would be fun to see Alabama… haha, I don't think it'd work πŸ˜€

  5. Aslie says:

    Oh I hope it comes to Huntsville! I live only four hours from there!!!! That'd be soooo exciting. My friend and I can go and see it. πŸ˜€

  6. Andrea says:

    For me when I went to the Houston one it was real magicl for me it haves me chills when you enter it's like the scene when every Lucy first walks into narnia on a rainy day, the people helping are solo nice

  7. narnian resident says:

    man, we never got around to going up to houston to see it. thats a darn too, i would have loved it. so much going on i had sort of forgotten it was only couple hours away πŸ™

  8. Narniamiss says:

    With a banjo on my knee…

  9. Liberty Hoffman says:

    me too! :((
    oh well…..

  10. Duffleglum says:

    Um, it says RIGHT THERE where they're headed before Huntsville, AL:

    5/22/2009 -08/23/2009 UNION STATION

    11/28/2008-04/19/2009 THE FRANKLIN

    I hope I didn't miss the Los Angeles, CA showing

  11. Duffleglum says:

    good one

  12. KingSkandartheJust says:

    Gosh it's amazing during early post production how slow the news comes in.

  13. I_LiVe_iN_NarNia:P says:

    Haha, i live on the wrong continent so… πŸ˜›

  14. campgirl says:

    hey cool! That's not far from me! πŸ™‚

  15. Daredevil says:

    Those dates are all from last year and before.

  16. ernesto says:

    cuando va a poner ese museo de narnia de sera a mexico eh

  17. YES!!!!!! I live 2 hours away from Huntsville man I hope I can go that would be so awesome does anybody no what will be there

  18. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:

    i live in chicago ilinois… WAY 2 far north πŸ™

  19. QueenLanitheHyper says:


  20. Hermitess of Narnia says:

    It already went to Philadelphia, it didn't make enough revenue there so I guess they decided to have it in the "Bible Belt" (midwest and south).

  21. liz645 says:

    to far….. I don't live in the u.s πŸ™

  22. starkat says:

    The source I spoke with was fairly certain of their information. They worked directly with their exhibit. As that was back just after they first arrived in Houston, things may have changed, but I would not be surprised to see it go back there.

  23. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Oh I live not TOO far away from there! I hope it does! Maybe I can save up and go! That would be SOOOOO cool!!! πŸ˜€

  24. BamaGriz says:

    We live in Huntsville. So, don't be too jealous y'all.

  25. Omac the centaur says:

    hm, that sounds cool:)

  26. Omac the centaur says:

    @ I_LiVe_iN_NarNia– and from your name supposedly you are from another wold πŸ˜›

  27. Omac the centaur says:

    that was supposed two be a : P

  28. Omac the centaur says:

    um, is that a bad thing?

  29. Omac the centaur says:

    oh, i guess that was. πŸ˜‰

  30. David says:

    Took the kids to see this today, I loved it, but then I grew up "in" Narnia so I knew the history of everything. The only bad part was they would allow NO photography even without flash. So I walked around with my Nikon D90 crying the whole time. The kids loved it as well and they are 14 and 15. It was expensive, $75 for all three of us but if you love movie stuff and seeing things from the books come to life you will love the exhibit!!!!

  31. when is the narnia exihibition coming to Mexico?

    [i think….]

  32. Omac the centaur says:

    haha poor you!

  33. Waleed Khan says:

    at leest its mooving on

  34. lucy12 says:

    AWESOME!!!!!! I am soooooo happy that i live in Alabama!!!!!
    its just a few hours away!:D