‘Dawn Treader’ Sneak Peek at Biola Media Conference
From the Biona Media Conference website:
The next film in The Chronicles of Narnia series, The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, will make its West Coast debut when the president of Walden Media, Micheal Flaherty, unveils clips from the upcoming film at the Biola Media Conference on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at CBS Studios in Studio City, CA.
“We are beyond thrilled to have Micheal Flaherty give us an advance look at Voyage of the Dawn Treader, noted Jack Hafer, producer of the award-winning film “To End All Wars” and Chair of Biola University’s nationally acclaimed Cinema and Media Arts program. “As the co-founder and president of Walden Media, he has a unique and visionary perspective on the latest installment of this extraordinary franchise. And for anyone who’s a Narnia fan, this is a not-to-be-missed event.”
The Biola Media Conference, sponsored by Biola University and part of the FrontGate Media group, attracts over 600 attendees – making it the largest event in the country for people of faith working in the entertainment industry. It is known for its intimate and practical conversations with leading Hollywood professionals, with industry training and instruction from some of the most influential individuals in Film, TV, PR, Media Marketing, Management and Digital Media. Conference topics cover every aspect of media related careers, technologies, and ministries from the creative, to the financial, to the production process.
The Biola Media Conference has extended the early DISCOUNTED rate. Take advantage of the Early Admission price of $135 until March 26; $150 General Admission from March 27 – April 27; and $180 at the door. For more information or to register online, visit www.biolamedia.com.
You can read the whole story here. And obviously, if you’re able to attend, we’d LOVE to receive a spy report from you!
so that prolly means that a trailer wont be out till after that doesnt it? i hope a trailer comes out soon. but it usually isnt until 5 or 6 months before the movies comes out. so that leaves us some time. ugh i want a trailer now.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is the trailer debut!
Iron Man 2 is out the weekend after this, so you never know…
Archenlander took the words out of my mouth. We probably won't get any video of any kind until after May 1. It is a shame I can't go.
Sweet! Sail on Voyage of the Dawn Treader. You are ever nearer.
I'm geussing the trailer will be out in June or July. Probably in July. 🙂
That's exactly what I thought 🙁 But then again, the clips could be completely unrelated to the trailer – like scenes that aren't from the trailer? (As you can probably tell, I'm really hoping for a trailer sometime in the near future :P)
Oh, I despise waiting! I am very eager for the trailer, but I guess it will be a while longer before we see any bit of video from this very anticipated movie.
I hope the trailer comes out soon!
Biola is the place I wanna go to when I go to college! And I want to major in the Cinema Media Arts Program! Biola's amazing! Whoever goes to that conference is in for a treat! 🙂
May 1st is just about around the time we were expecting a trailer anyway (late April, early May), so I'm not exactly surprised. I had hoped it would be out earlier, but hey, at least we have a tentative-ish date!
Although, remember that this could be previewing actual movie clips; the trailer could still could out earlier. But still, I'd say May 1st is a safe bet.
WOW… man I cannot wait until we can see some clips…then again, you can never tell if the movie will be good or bad by comercials! 🙂 Hehe
YES ive been waiting 4 this *tear*
I want the Dawn Treader clips to be on the internet, not some Biola Media thing! 🙁 And I don't want to wait until May for a trailer! Must…have…patience…
But on the bright side, at least something is happening. And it shouldn't be too long until some movie footage is finally released to the public. 🙂
@fantasia_kitty: Paula Parker is a just a 'go-between,' a middleman of sorts. The news release is on Biola Media Conference's website: http://www.biolamedia.com/pr_031710.shtml
I am thinking that the trailer will come sometime in may.. I sure hope it comes soon! 😀 I'm thinking sometime in the middle of may or something.. 🙂
There's an official-looking trailer on Youtube. Should I believe it?
It is a horrid wait for the trailer…
No Valiant Queen you shouldnt…
Man I live on the west coast but not in California I wish it would come in July I will be down there then but no :/
Production will make it very well known which is their trailer, and I should hope that it's obvious (from the official trailer) who and what is actually in the movie and what is put together from the other two Narnia films and other films like Pirates of the Caribbean.
I feel just like you, narnian4life! And I feel just like you concerning your screen name too! (In case you didn't catch what that meant, I'm pro life as well!) 🙂
Trailers have an annoying habit of delaying themselves and delaying themselves and getting your hopes up and then crushing them and then FINALLY coming out. Let us hope that VotDT doesn't follow this pattern.
Great that's more good news keep it coming GO NARNIA
Does it seem that the Christian groups are being targeted more for this film than Prince Caspian. It looks like they are going to really try to get the Christian fanbase really hyped up for this one! I'd say it's a good move.
All of the trailers on Youtube are decidedly fan-made. Thanks guys!
Glad something will be happening by then. 🙂
Sail on VDT!
yay something interesting is happening. that alone just makes me happy, now where is that trailer?
Sounds exciting, but why so long a wait, I am going insane!
I've promised myself to NOT see any trailer or clip before the movie comes in theaters because I totally spoiled PC with seeing everything I could find. But I guess it'll be hard… :s
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA GO! I WANNA GO! I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WISH I COULD GO!!!!!!!!!
*random fan note: the showing ends on WILLIAM MOSELEY'S birthday <3
muy bien pero el estreno es el dia 7 de mayo esperamo zaz
oh, I wish I could go! it sounds awesome!!!!!
I live in CA, but I couldn't afford it! :'( *cries*
If HP can release a trailer of Deathly Hallows last Christmas, almost a year before its November release, I'm sure that the clips shown in this conference show there is a trailer to arrive shortly afterwards. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Yeah, like they were for The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. But since I can't go, the best thing I can do is wait and pray. It WILL get here eventually. Hopefully the message in it has remained intact.
Oh God help me I can't wait THAT long for a trailer. When I saw this page I thought perhaps it could finally be here… Why do they have to torture us?
Still hoping for a May release for the trailer. I remember seeing the first trailer for LWW in May 2005 when I went to the theater to see Revenge of the Sith.
Does this mean that we'll get a trailer in May? That would be a dream come true.
Oh, too bad!
I seriously want a trailer to come out! Why is it that other sequels come out so close together but Narnia movies are 2 years apart?!? It's because the movies are good quality. But a trailer seriously needs to be released like now
yeah PC trailers did give a lot away… but I don't think I could last that long haha I have no willpower… props to you
From the Narnia movie archives:
The LWW teaser trailer debuted at this conference in April 2005, and was released online a week or two after that.
I love your prolife picture, narnian4life! I am also pro-life! I just keep meeting people who share my beliefs everyday. Isn't God good?
Thanks fanofnarnia! I guess we can expect that nothing will be released before May 1st, then. Only 41 days… 🙂
This is very good news, and probably indicative of the move to Fox. I don't know if anyone remembers the bootlegged trailer of LWW taken at the BMC, but that one leak had huge ramifications; as the host, Biola had to take the fall for it. I can only hope the same does not happen this time (if only all fans were as nice as those on this site), because what the BMC does to support Christian professionals in the industry is unprecedented. We need it continue.
June is when they'll release the 1st trailer.
I'm very positive, because that's how it has been before.
Me too!!
Pass the time by getting involved at a crisis pregnancy clinic – you'll be happy you did!
Oh yeahhh I remember that too… wow, maybe it will come sooner than I thought!!!
Oh i am just too excited! I can honestly say that I'm like a stalker when it comes to looking for the trailer! I look for it day after day =)
me two. Lol I promised my mom actually!
I Thought it was going to be in may, because when i went to see the revenge of the sith it was out then which was in may for LWW
i want to go soooooo bad!! give us some clips to look at!!
just 262 days, 13 hours, 2 minutes, and counting!!!!! 🙂
I hope the movie has a lovely bright color grading. I'd like to see the trailer to find out how they've done it. My life seems to go so fast it'll probably be out before I know it!
haha! Agreed! Time is flying really fast! I can't believe it is March 22 already! 🙁 Ah! haha 😉
Oh goodness, me too! I saw a picture of me 3 years ago the other day, and it seems like that picture was taken yesterday!! I almost went into shock because I was soo little 😀
I meant that I saw the picture that was taken 3 years ago. Kinda left out a few words. Oops 😀
Oooooh i'm Pro-Life too!
me two!