Dawn Treader Plot Details!

ChristianityToday has posted an article about the “Narnia Summit” that was held last week, where Walden Media showed footage and walked through the entire script with Christian leaders, Lewis experts, and fan sites like NarniaWeb and NarniaFans. (Read Tirian’s report here)

It is definitly worth reading the entire article, but here are some highlights that will get everyone talking:

The Ending:

Kathy Keller: “I’m glad the final interaction between Aslan and Lucy was there in its unadulterated entirety, because I consider that the pinnacle of the entire seven books.”

I have spoken with Tirian, and he confirmed that the line “there I have another name” is in the film! This is something NarniaWebbers have been concerned about for some time. Rejoice!

The Undragoning:

Keller says she learned that writers originally wanted Eustace, still in dragon form, to fight a sea monster and “earn” his return to human form. But she says Flaherty, a committed Christian, “put them straight that you don’t earn grace, you receive it once you are humbled and aware of your need.”

Tirian also confirmed that, in the film, we will see Aslan ripping the dragon skin off of Eustace! If you have not read the book, you are probably incredibly confused right now. If you have… rejoice again!

And now for the big spoiler:

“I was less than enthusiastic about the imposition of an invented quest to recover the seven swords of the seven lords to undo some evil magic of a new witch,” [Keller] said. “It is a fairly innocuous addition, but as a purist I would have been happier without it.”

Tirian confirmed the bit about the seven swords, but added: “I haven’t seen any evidence of a new witch being added to this story.”

There is sure to be both positive and negative reactions to these spoilers, but it seems that just about everyone in attendance, even those that disliked the first two films, was generally very happy with what they saw and heard.

Thanks to Icarus for the tip!

UPDATE: There was a good deal of confusion due to the line about a witch being in the film. And while both Tirian and Specter from NarniaFans denied it, it was thought that perhaps they weren’t present when the information was given.

However, ChristianityToday released this statement today which puts any confusion to rest. “CT has since learned from Walden that the ‘new witch’ is not in the final version of the film, but was scrapped during script discussions.” So there you go, no witch!

Thanks PrincessMia241 and Narnialover101 for the heads-up!

338 Responses

  1. narnian1 says:

    Very happy about the final meeting with Aslan and Eustace's undragonning.

    I skipped the final spoiler since it's new to the story

  2. Aslanisthebest says:

    *peeks in from wanting to be spoiler-free…* And this will be the last time I check in on too many movie details, but this is just what I was hoping to see! How exciting that "There I have another name" will be in the film along with Aslan ripping of Eustace's dragon skin! Eh, that's too bad about the last bit, and that's sort of what annoys me, since I tend to be a book purist, but the good news is definitely splendid.

  3. LL says:

    I was hoping more than anything that “there I have another name” would be considered and it was!!! It's just another one of those things God can use through the film! 🙂

  4. Well I'm not gonna freak out.. I think it would be nice to not have another witch, as we had the White Witch in LWW, and if they make it we will have the Lady of the Green Kertle in SC. Interesting plot line though…

  5. Silver the Wanderer says:

    OHMYGOODNESS, did they really keep in the "There I have another name" line?!?! Eeeeep!!! *jumps up and down with joy* That is my favorite line in the whole series! And the undragoning of Eustace…yay!!!

    And about the last one….ehhh, I'm just not going to comment on that and spoil my happiness about the first two. Hopefully, any changes they made still contain the spirit of the book.

  6. Rilian says:

    Overall, great news!

  7. glumPuddle says:

    Some overwhelmingly awesome news! … with a bit at the end that has be scratching my head.

  8. lucia says:

    SOOOO EXCITED about this great news!!!!!! Things are really coming together! I am really happy that they are remaining true to the book regarding Aslan and his interactions with the children. Jack would be pleased <3

  9. Talking Rat says:

    Yay! So happy about the first two items!
    Swords? Seems a little too much like a videogame. But whatever. I'd rather they had that than that they didn't have the first two. 🙂

  10. I'm not reading it…I don't want to spoil it!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. 7chronicles says:

    I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!! They kept the "There I have another name" quote!!!! And Eustace's Undragoning!!!! I'm not to worried about the "unfathomable fate" any more, I think if everyone thought it flowed ok in the film it will be ok, especially if they keeping things like these two scenes in the film!!!!!!

  12. thyservant says:

    That's great news!Hurray!!!
    But I'm wondering how they explain the origin of another witch…

  13. Victor says:

    Hey que alegria, saber un poco mas de la gran aventura que veremos en pantala en diciembre de 2010, en mexico tambien esperamos con ansias esta tercera parte de una de las mejores historias escritas en este mundo.

  14. Talking Rat says:

    P.S. all you podcasters– certainly you have enough fodder for another one now! 🙂

  15. Follower of Aslan says:

    It is great to hear that there are avid book purists out there getting involved with the movies! I was greatly encouraged to read the full article, and the opinions expressed were strikingly similar to my own.
    I am ELATED that they are keeping some key themes and moments from the book! Hopefully they won't put too much emphasis on the swords thing, and more on the finding the end of the world, discovery/adventure, etc. etc.

  16. Skilletdude says:

    I can deal with a silly addition to the quest like these swords if it makes the filmmakers happy. It's just great to hear that these two crucial spiritual moments are unaltered in the film!

  17. Odette says:

    Well, when I spoke to Michael Apted last April, he and I talked about the whole un-dragoning of Eustace, and he mentioned making sure that the point that grace was un-earned remained in the movie. So, I'm excited that's still the same!! And Apted did say that he enjoyed the ending of VDT, so I was hoping beyond hope that the end was unchanged!!! YAY!!!! SUPER EXCITED!!! Like Keller said, I would be ok without the witch and the swords, but I'm not too overly hating them at this point. We'll see coming up, though. Even more excited now!!! YAAY!!!! Further up, and Further in!!

  18. Odette says:

    I admit to having a total brain hiccup just now…I must be tired…I spoke to Michael Flaherty, not Michael Apted. Sorry. Total brain freeze. Now I'll go to bed before I embarrass myself further…

  19. Adeona says:

    *Rejoices deliriously*

    Well. Talk about wonderful news! The seven swords thing is almost nothing compared to the happiness of knowing that the "There I have another name" quote will be there (*Rejoices more*), and I'm glad the laughably "Epic" Serpent/Dragon battle is out of the picture! As long as there is no Witch, the swords can't be all that bad. Wonder if this has anything to do with the seven giant, weird statues.

  20. ethuil says:

    This is wonderful, wonderful, and we'll see…overall, I'm excited! But seven swords…I would accept the swords but another witch…that I wouldn't react well to unless it was done REALLY well…at least the end comes out all right! Saved by grace, ethuil

  21. Shy Galadriel says:

    Hm… The witch doesn't sound too good. But ALL THE REST IS REALLY AWESOME! This is probably the best news I've heard since I heard they were going to make the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!!! Will it never come!

  22. Fireflower says:

    A bittersweet moment! I'm so glad they are keeping the important, meaningful parts of the story. I think those are two of the most. But a quest for swords and another witch? That would mean three witches in four books! (Not counting Jadis' cameo in PC…)

    If they do add a witch though…could it have something to do with Jadis' stone dagger that appears again in VDT??

  23. JadistarkilleR says:

    all excellent! even the last bit about 7 swords of the 7 Lords (told you guys the witch/ malevolent presence is still in there lol! )

    this is the swan song of the Pevensies, particularly this set– Lucy and Edmund. they were the first two to enter Narnia, and were the ones changed the most (specially Edmund). the book ending was perfect, better yet its totally filmable. i'm glad they decided to keep it the way it was.

  24. MurtaghLuv says:

    My heart is thumping so hard I am so excited the final conformation(is that how you spell it) is amazing. it gives me hope that me if they do a last battle the will have aslan turn into Him. and also that they are going to have the book way of eustace sheddings his dragon skin also reassures me. Now I am definetly going to see VDT in theaters(even though was already planning on it). Sail on VDT.

  25. Loyal Narnian says:

    Hmmm, the witch probably will be the Lady of the Green Kirtle. I don't think they will invent a totally unknown major character like that. It would be too many witches and plus there is the magician and the star. We don't need some new random magical character.

  26. Keyaan says:

    FANTASTIC NEWS!!! 😀 Although I did get a little annoyed with how in like every paragraph they felt the need to remind us that PC was a complete failure…cause I didn't think so.

    A new witch? hmm…

  27. pogginfan says:

    The good news outweighs the bad for me at the moment! It's definitely rekindled my enthusiasm for the film. 😀 I'm a bit worried about the 'new witch' thing, naturally. But the line that I've been hoping and hoping would be in the film has made it! That, and the bit about Aslan ripping Eustace's scales off, seriously almost seals this film as a great adaption for me already.

  28. martinthewarrior says:

    why can't they just show a trailer already! I mean we have been wateing for ever! sense we have been waiting so long it mite not even be that exiting. not that it won't be cool, but they mite not show that much.

  29. tenthofthatname says:

    I am absolutely hoping this has everything to do with The Silver Chair. Considering Ben Barnes' comment about borrowing from other books I am excited.

  30. Sue says:

    Agreed. Prince Caspian was awesome! I have to admit that it was quite a bad adaption of the book but the film and books are two different mediums and visions so it's not all bad. That's what drew me towards becoming a fan of Narnia in the first place. 🙂

  31. InLoveWithAslan says:


  32. Sue says:

    I think the witch might be the Lady of the Green Kirtle (although it was said that she was probably the transformed White Witch). I'm not exactly happy to hear this either. I just hope they'll keep the same plot!

  33. Susan the Gentel says:

    I am so happy to hear they didn't change the end!!!
    Not so sure about the witch and sword stuff though?

  34. Narnian says:

    Where does the Lady of the Green Kirtle come from actually?

  35. Claire-ayes says:

    He He He He. Yeay! Good stuff is going to be in the film. It's going to be interesting to see how they do the de-skinning – if that's the word for it.
    I am hoping this witch/sword malarkey won't be that prominent in the film though, seems to be an answer to the unfathomable fate? Maybe?

  36. ILF says:

    awsome i told my self not t read them but i did anyway,

  37. Eviliini says:

    Almost too good to be true! I can't believe that after all these years of waiting we're going to hear Aslan say those words, and of course Aslan ripping Eustace's dragon skin off. I have to admit that I was a little sceptical about the same people who produced LWW and Caspian doing the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but the fact that they understood the value of these scenes shows (to me anyway) that my favourite book is in good hands. The idea that seven swords will save Narnia from a witch is ridiculous, but I don't think it'll harm the important themes or the overall story too much.

  38. Midshipman Pepper Darcy says:

    Go Apted! Sounds like he's doing a SUPPER job! And not all that rot that Adamson added either : P

  39. Starlily says:

    WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! The two major things most Narnia fans were hoping for will be in the movie! I mean, if the undragoning and the ending are done right, then there's hope for the rest of the film. I'm so happy!
    I wonder how they'll show Aslan ripping Eustace's skin off exactly? It would be a tricky scene to do.
    Oh, and I have an idea about the seven swords. Maybe it's not a very good one, but I was thinking what if they use the swords to protect Narnia, to try and keep away the Lady of the Green Kirtle? But wait, in the Silver Chair no one has heard of her yet…
    Oh well, we'll have to wait for the movie to find out. I just hope Kathy Keller means what she says about it being an "innocuous addition"

  40. Starlily says:

    I think in the Silver Chair it says she came from the North. But I'd have to check the book again.

  41. Mal says:

    Happy day!!!

  42. Narnia Girl says:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!! This sounds so exciting!!! I can't wait!!!!! 😀

  43. Starlily says:

    It didn't actually say that the LotGK and the White Witch were the same person. In the book it just said all Northern witches are the same KIND of person (if I remember correctly). They all act the same, and all want the same thing–power.

  44. narnian1 says:

    I went ahead and read that third spoiler. It actually sounds rather interesting to me. I'm a bit excited for it- the swords I mean, not so sure about the witch herself.

  45. Narnian says:

    I know. I mean… The White Witch (Jadis) comes from Charn… Then where is this witch in green from? Lewis himself didn't make it clear…I think…Thanks anyway!

  46. The Mad Author says:

    As a lover of both the books and movies who has followed the series since 2005, there is a time in every production cycle where you turn the corner, so to speak, and let out that big sigh of relief. *Whew, they're not going to ruin this one.* Then there's the moment when you suck your breath in and realize that, yet again, you're in for an incredible retelling of a cherished story. This is that point for me right now. Say goodbye to worries, bring on all your "unfathomable fates" and "seven swords!" If I've got those scenes in the movie, I can't think of anything possible they could do to spoil it. For Narnia and the North!

  47. Aravis and Hwin says:

    Yeah, when I read the sword thing I thought it didn't fit right. Hopefully they make some kind of important reason that they need the swords. 🙂 I was really happy happy about the first two things though! And super happy about the end scene with Aslan!

  48. Aravis and Hwin says:

    I know! I wish they would hurry up and show a trailor!!!!!!

  49. narnian resident says:

    hmm….seven swords? idk about that yet, but im so glad they'll have the "there i have another name" line in it, thats gonna make me so happy!! half of these are good and half of these are idks.

  50. Nathan says:

    If this is true, and they don't cut these scenes out, especially Aslan mentioning "there I have another name", and Eustuce's undragoning, then this movie is going to explode with success.

  51. narnia fan 7 says:

    Whut? "the seven swords of the seven lords" A new witch? I have a bad feeling But all the Rest of the news AWSOME!! but I hope the stuf About a "new witch" is a misak can't waet for a trailer Further up and Further in!

  52. Anna's Sister says:

    This is awesome!!!! I'm glad they kept the undragoning scene correct. But now I'm wondering if that sea serpent, dragon battle will still be in the film or if they took it out.?

  53. Narniamiss says:

    I am not very happy about the sword bit, but the other two sound excellent. I really hope the witch thing is a misunderstanding of some sort.

  54. narnia365 says:

    Well, that raises questions, but it's good to hear they were loyal to the book on some things.

  55. Lutra's Pearl says:

    I am so happy!!!! I really love the whole book but the best part is when Aslan is talking to Lucy and says that he is in our world to but has another name. It just has so much meaning in it. I am so glad they will keep it in there! I think Apted was one on the best choices ever! I think he can really bring back what Andrew lost in the first two. Keep the story of Aslan alive!!!

  56. Duffleglum says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!! I'm so glad they kept “there I have another name”!

    This is awesome

  57. Pattertwigs Pal says:

    I had a feeling that Flaherty wouldn't let them ruin Eustace's undragoning (if it was in his power to stop them,I wasn't sure how much say he gets), since he said it was one of his favorite parts in the whole series. I'm so glad that Aslan will be ripping off the scales and it the all important line at the end will be there! I'm too happy right now to worry about the sword / witch thing. (I'm sure I'll come to my senses soon)

  58. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Oh, goodness, this makes me so happy. This is promising to be really good. I'd take the new witch thing with a grain of salt until we see a trailer, though. I'm so glad they kept all of the Christian elements that makes this book so wonderful. I'm so happy! Really glad I'm able to go back and read the book again. So far they're doing a capital job. I have really high hopes for this movie, y'all.

  59. andr7450 says:

    I'm so happy!!! That's my fav conversation in all the books!!

  1. March 2, 2010

    […] NarniaWeb has posted an article detailing certain plot points in Dawn Treader. Before you click on the link, please beware of spoilers! […]