Interview with Morgan Keavney-Rattue, Stand-In for Eustace
NarniaWebber icarus ran across a really interesting interview with Morgan Keavney-Rattue who is the stand-in for Eustace on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. We first reported on Morgan back in early December when he did an interview for The Weekender.
This particular interview with Noosa radio in Australia is really good if you want to know exactly what a stand-in does. There was a lot of confusion as to exactly what a stand-in does when we posted the story on Zak Morcillo who is apparently the stand-in for Peter.
You can listen to the interview on Noosa’s website here (currently the third story down) or you can click on the podcast link below.
Thanks to icarus for the heads-up!
Podcast: Play in new window | Embed
NNEEEEWWWWWWSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was about to die! Keep the story of Aslan alive!
"He's a snobby kid, but he's real smart."
That sounds great! When I read the VoDT book last summer (for the umpteenth time), I was struck by Eustace's knowledge after he became nice. I'm glad they're going to get that right in the movie. But did they say he turns nice AT the end, or BY the end? I'd have to listen again to find out, and I don't feel like it. 🙂
Nice! Really interesting. Oh man, I loooovveee the accent!! Like his first name, too. 😉 Same as mine! lol
That's my name, too.
I like his description of Eustace as a character.
This is quite cool!!! He sounds nice and it's a cool statement he made about eustace. That kinda seems to sum him up. I'm so glad there is news!!! 🙂 VOTD ISN"T COMING FAST ENOUGH!!
Sail on Dawn treader!
"Until the end of the movie, where he is nice." That pretty much confirms that Eustace's transformation may not be until the near end. Which I'm not very happy about, but I guess I can only hope they just don't rush it. But the way he described Eustace sounds perfect, and makes me all the more excited to see the movie. 😀 Oh, and he has a really cool accent. 🙂
Cool kid! 😀 Love the accent too 😉 Would be fun to have his job… *sight*
Coolio!! Yeah I like his accent. Scary thing is he looks EXACTLY like a kid I know in P.E. 😮 I'm really glad that he's wanting to do good in school so if acting doesn't work he has another option. That's a very wise decision!! 😀
Sounds cool! Love his accent.
lol i wish i was living over in their area so i can hear everyone with that accent i would love that 😀
*gasp!* maybe he is the kid! know anyone named Morgan? lol jk i would find it really wierd too if someone i knew looked just like an actor. i once had a teacher that looked just like Megan Fox 😀
YAY NEWS!!!!!! I have yet to listen to the podcast.. im sure it's good. :))))
haha i remember him – he smiled at me a few times on set *blushes* lol
YAAAAAA!!!!! News!!!! Keep it coming!!!
Anyone else sick of hearing that he has a good/cool accent? Any takers?
He looks great for Euestace's stand in. Hope more, interestinger news comes real soon! Long live Narnia! 🙂
Say, How did some of you guys get a picture for yourself to go with your name?
Haha I think me and him would get along if we met – I like his shirt and he's drinking a coke in the pic! (The coke just says it all!)
Hmmm… his description of Eustace was quite good!
Hahahaha. I've met him 🙂
I'm loving how everyone is admiring the Aussie accent, makes me proud!
Australian don't have accents… Everyone else does! 😀
I've been suggesting they make that change for over a year. I like the idea. I hope they can execute it well.
i had a dream about him last night – weird as that may sound lol and we were eating spaghetti and throwing it at each other
Execute? Interesting choice of words, there, GlumPuddle 😉
Actually his accent is rather unusual – he speaks slowly, with a rather polished edge to his voice. My guess is he's had speech and drama lessons. The usually strong Australian vowels are much lighter. Unless he isn't Aussie-born?
me too. mmmm…
Lol! Aren't dreams funny? 🙂
I think he looks a lot like William (Eustace)- well done. Haven't listened to the audio yet, look forward to hearing the famous accent;)
Go to, and sign up.
I wonder how tall Skandar Keynes and Will Poulter are now… Morgan there looks pretty tall
I read, that Skandar is 5´8 feet. But I do not know how tall Will Poulter is.
que chido la informacion gracias por la informacion de ustedes y que sea muy padre el posted de la trabesia del viajero de Alba bye
Hey, I know a girl who looks a lot like Anna Popplewell! Then, one time when my family was in a restaurant, we saw a guy who could have been Elijah Wood's twin brother who was talking to a guy who resembled Orlando Bloom! Now isn't that wild!?
Sail on, Dawn Treader!
Hahaha!! That sounds like a really funny dream Emma! 🙂
hmm…I haven't heard the podcast yet but I love Australian accents and English accents. Nice to see he looks like Will P. sorta of.
Lol my mum was convinced it was Will and I'm like noo it is NOT will it's morgan! jeez lol
Hmm, maybe its just a Sunshine Coast/Queensland thing, because his accent is exactly the same as mine! And we're from the same area But maybe its also a speech-and-drama thing. He actually sounds a bit Kiwi, ahem, New Zealandish.
Haha! Yeah I often have really weird dreams like that too 🙂
vary interesting sounds like thay gut Eustace's as a character 322 day's to go Further up Further in!!!!
Tarwe, the Narnian Elf: are you SURE it WASN'T Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom? 😉 wouldn't it be sweet if it was actually? 😀
In a restraunt, our waitor looked a lot like the guy who plays Riley in National Treasure. 🙂 He didn't sound like him though.
haha….that's funny. I've had wierd dreams, too. I had a dream once that I was at a theater and Will Moseley & Skandar Keynes were there talking to all the people in the audience about their movie experience in Prince Caspian….it was strange….lol
I have always loved eustaces character, even before he was nice, Hes was just so interesting and entertaining.
WOW that accent was crazy I loved it.
Apparently Eustace is now 14 rather than 9, but that is understandable because thay have to make him look a year younger than lucy, and well Georgie Henley grew a bit faster then I think they wanted. But that is so cool. Man they really found someone who looks like Will I mean I frist thought it was W.P. it surpised me when I read that it wasn't.
morgan does look pretty tall. And Georgie isn't that much shorter than Skandar. and will is about her height. I think.
Dreams can be very interesting. I once dreamed that they were filming dawn treader in the US, which they aren't it was kinda confusing.
WOW!! That is really cool! it sounds like he is the perfect stand-in!
NarniaHannah: I was considering asking them for their autographs! Rats! If it was them, I missed my big chance! 😉
It's soooo funny how all of you love his accent! It's definately Australian not NZish and believe me, I know! If you've ever seen the Disney Channel show "As the Bell Rings" you'll hear the same accent:). I personally don't really like Aussie accents, but each to his (her) own:). It's sounds like he got one of the greatest jobs in the world aye, for all of the Tolkien fans living in NZ, I read on TORn ( that there will be casting calls for extras for the Peter Jackson/Guiellermo Del Toro upcoming movie "THE HOBBIT" due to start filming in March/April this year:)
That is so sweet! 😀 I can't believe that they are actually making "the Hobbit"! 😀 😀 😀 can't wait for that movie either….lol
Dude, this kid just called it soccer. I thought they called it football in Australia.
I know!!!!!! I wish they would Hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!
he does look really tall. William p has probaly grown alot.
Guess what!! I know 2 guys that look identical to William Mosely 😀
I had a dream that William, Anna, Skandar, and Georgie came to my house and I was shooting rubber bands at them (lol) then Skandar said that I was really weird and I started crying. I was pretty happy to wake up!!
I LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!! It is my second favorite movie series! I am soo excited!!!
Me too! I can't wait for the the Hobbit to come out! It will be so cool!
well I had a dream that I was swimming in the pool with the white witch
I can't belive that the Voyage of the Dawn Treader is coming out this year but I'm sad that it's coming in December but I can't wait to see it in the movie theater! :0 🙂 🙂