Exhibit Run in Houston Extended

Eilonwy19 sent a spy report in saying that the Narnia Exhibition run in Houston, TX has been extended through April 25 due to popular demand. You can check out the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s website for exhibit details here. The exhibit was initially scheduled to move on at the end of January.

26 Responses

  1. Caspian says:

    I went a few weeks ago, and it was very, very cool. I got to touch a replica Rhindon…;D The gift shop was rather disappointing, though. 😛 I'd hoped they would have a few cool t-shirts, but what they had was overpriced and not really worth buying. (or so I thought).

    So they're going to be there a while longer…perhaps I shall have to return. ;D


  2. LadyChristythenoble says:

    Aww come on I wish they'd bring that to PA!!!

  3. pselpevensie says:


  4. DamselJillPole says:

    Come to Louisiana! You're just next door to me.

  5. Aravis and Hwin says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!! I really wish they'd come to PA!!!

  6. andrea says:

    I am gonna go again! yay!

  7. Liberty Hoffman says:

    I wish they would bring it to NH! lucky people in Texas! I wish I could go! it sounds awesome! 🙂

  8. Liberty Hoffman says:

    yeah! I agree! I went to The Museum Of Scince in Boston for the LOTR exibit! they should have Narnia there!

  9. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:

    i sorta wish itd moov 2 my arya 😀

  10. AndreyaofNarnia says:

    I have some friends who are in Texas right now. Thing is they went to the Exhibit in Kansas already. Lucky ducks…
    Oh well! I have a replica of Rhindon myself. *goes off and strokes sword* Boy am I obessed! 😀

  11. Eilonwy19 says:

    I just went today and it is amazing! So much more stuff than I was even expecting! I loved sitting in the White Witches chair. It is actually cold! The whole thing was just sooo much fun, I want to go again!

  12. starkat says:

    I've been twice. I enjoyed it tremendously. I'm glad it is doing well enough to extend the run. 🙂

  13. Adeona says:

    Do they have any of the costumes in this exhibition? (Especially any female costumes?)

  14. Adeona says:

    Bring it to AK! (Yeah, right. But I can dream, can't I?)

  15. Emmanuelle says:

    I wish the Exibit would come to… Paris 😀

  16. starkat says:

    Yes they do. It is primarily costumes and props.

  17. Eilonwy19 says:

    Starkat is right. It is mostly all costumes but they also have a lot of props from the movies. The very first thing you see though is a room with a bunch of C.S. Lewis' actually belongings. That was pretty cool to see too.

  18. MurtaghLuv says:

    It need to come to CA sourthern actually. were is it going afterwards.

  19. DonnaN says:

    I hope that it comes to Ohio! Come to Toledo Museum of Art! We got the Star Wars exhibit there a few years ago. I want to see it so badly.

  20. narnia365 says:

    Come to Atlanta… please… lol, well, I'm glad (if anything) that the exhibit has been extended because of popular demand. That's definitely a good thing!

  21. Eustace says:

    I went. It was pretty cool. I am glad it's getting extended some of my friends didn't get to go.

  22. NarniaHannah♥(used to be celtic13 and LucyReepicheep4♥) says:

    Houston, we have a problem.
    BECAUSE I'M NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Come to MN!!!! Or Wisconsin. Or somewhere in my area!!!!!
    Lucky people who live in Texas. 😀
    I guess it's good that it got extended.

  23. Lady of Narnia says:

    Yes! They've extended it! (I haven't had a chance to go see it yet) This is awesome! Houston, here I come!

  24. ChristProclamer says:

    I haven't seen it yet, but I will. I'm just waiting for a report on it…I was going to see it last week, but had to go out of town. I've already seen it when it was in Philadelphia, but my sister and I are going to go together this time.

  25. jagged_steel says:

    Mm…Narnia: The Exhibition was in Philly for a while last year (at the Franklin Institute).

  26. karensk says:

    Yes, they have a lot of costumes (and swords and shields) from the movies. I was impressed by the quality of the craftsmanship of the costumes. Some of the costumes: the Pevensie children's schoolclothes from Caspian, their regal costumes from the final scene with Aslan, one of the White Witch's gowns and her wand, suit of armor, chain mail shirts, capes, swords, shields, and plenty more. It was definitely worth it!