Empire Magazine (Australia) Talks Dawn Treader

Empire VDT Feb 2010NarniaWebber White Wizards informs us that the Australian version of Empire Magazine also has an article on the upcoming films of 2010, which includes The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. However, this is not the same article we reported on a few days ago. It includes one spoiler in a quote from Michael Apted.

White Wizard writes:

The most interesting bits are a quote from Apted and the cost of the Dawn Treader ship, which was $2.3 million. I have never read this quote from Apted but it is quite interesting:

“This is a lot more psychological; it’s not a big action movie. There are a lot of different locations and adventures but, apart from a huge battle at the end with a sea serpent and a dragon, this is a character story. The quality of the book, and the appeal of the book, is that it’s more of an emotional than a swashbuckling adventure.”

There are definitely a lot of positive lines here, like “not a big action movie” and “a character story.” But I’m sure that the bit that will leave everybody talking is the line “a huge battle at the end with a sea serpent and a dragon.” Is this dragon Eustace? If so, did they move Dragon Island to the end of the movie? Or just the bit where Eustace turns back into a boy? Only 11 months of speculating to go!

Thanks to White Wizard for the report!

UPDATE: White Wizard has provided us with the transcript of the article. It can be seen on our forum here.

98 Responses

  1. Leolani says:

    I couldn't agree more Caspian!

  2. Lucille Brown says:

    At least he says its more of a character driven story.

  3. Liberty Hoffman says:

    ahh! I hope they have not done something awful and ruined the part of Eustce as a dragon! a huge battle with a sea serpent and a dragon, eh? oh boy…..

  4. Amer says:

    Has anyone considered that the quote was not meant to say that the huge battle at the end would involve a sea serpent AND a dragon, but that the movie will after all contain some exciting action such as "a huge battle at the end with a sea serpent," "and a dragon" (i.e. another example of one of the adventurous aspects of the movie)? I don't think Eustice the sorry dragon will get caught up in the battle with the sea serpent. But I am sure it will be a great film!

  5. iLiveInNarnia says:

    I agree!! maybe you should just direct the next movie! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Puddleglum says:


    -The dragon attacking is the dragon Eustice later discovers, dying from battle wounds.

    -The scene where Eustace is shed by Aslan still occurs, but at the end. Hoping that they still retain the attempts by Eustace to do so himself first. Think about it. The question could be asked by Edmund, or Lucy whether Eustace had "earned" it by defending the ship, opening up a "not by works, lest anyone can boast" moment.
    -They totally remake the end, and we all get very dissapointed. Sorry, but it's a possibilty

  7. WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    I totally agree! I love the the battle/action packed parts. I wish this were a battle-kind movie like LWW and PC. Still, I don't recall a lot of battles in VOTDT. I wish they don't change it too much from the book. I'll still like it though! I'll just be angry at the same time! LOL
    Aslan is on the Move!

  8. WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    That better NOT be true or I will sue the producers and writers! (not literally ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I wish I knew that for sure! Well, I'm still praying!!

  9. SavedByGrace says:

    Does this mean they've switched things up a little?

  10. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Yeah. When I read that, the whole Eustace turning nice from mean came into my mind. And also the idea of Lucy wanting to be a pretty as Susan and her overcoming her temptation of that….idk. just a thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Lady Galadriel says:

    I suspected the sequence of islands/action would get changed. Whatever sequence they are in, I hope the Lone Islands are at the beginning and Ramandu's island is at the end.

    My initial thought is that I really DON'T want to see a fight between a dragon and a sea serpent, if that is indeed what this is, especially if it's Eustace. It sounds too cliche, and a lot of people here have described how.

  12. AndreyaofNarnia says:

    I'm willing to just trust God and wait until I've seen it before forming my opinion! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. AndreyaofNarnia says:

    Good for you! After all, we can't be too picky. Nothing is perfect here on earth you know!

  14. AndreyaofNarnia says:

    Ditto!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. SamwiseGamgee says:

    Ok, I know alot of people have been saying this, but nooooooooooooooo! Don't they see? They're taking the "Narnian" out of Narnia! They're taking what was ment to be deep, thoughtful books and turning them into a typical medieval action movie with some talking animals. They're compleatly ignoring the reason we love Narnia so much, the themes of redemption, love, purity etc. and replacing it with big battle scenes. It's not Narnian! In PC, Lewis spent a couple paragraphs describing the battle, and they made it into half the movie! And the other half was agnst and Susipan. And I think that'll continue.

  16. Defender of the King says:

    I'm really not the least bit worried. I'm gonna love this movie 'cause it's a great movie, not 'cause it kept this scene in or left that scene out. I'm perfectly fine with Eustace's transformation being towards the end, even though I STILL don't think that that is what Apted meant. I know 'cause people misunderstand me all the time when I talk, 'cause I can't get what I want to say said in the right order and in the right way unless I have A LOT of time to think about it.
    The one thing that would really dissapoint me by them leaving it out would be the awesome scene between Edmund and Eustace after he's been un-dragoned. That's my big hope for this movie.
    [wrath], thanks for backing me up. I think that could be considered even more solid evidence than what I pointed out. It's still different from the book, though, but I can see what they could do with it. They could easily have it, in actuality, be Aslan who gets rid of the sea serpent. Another added in lesson in faith, that would be, just like in PC.

  17. Reepicheep, Knight of Narnia says:

    I really don't see anything to get excited about. Defender of the King, [wrath], and a few others of you (but especially [wrath]) have pointed out perfectly good arguments about why this looks like a misunderstanding. Anyway, after people's reaction to PC (which I thought was a fantastic movie), the movie makers would think twice about changing anything too big.

  18. pselpevensie says:

    cool article.
    i REALLY hope they didn't move dragon island to the end. that would mean eustace would be a "prig" throughout the whole journey. no one would be able to take that.

  19. wolfloversk says:

    Well I guess I'd be in the minority too. I thought the battles were awesome, although I think a sea serpent battle would be enough for VDT. There is other stuff in the book and you don't always need battles to amp up the tension, there are other ways.

  20. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    I agree! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I agree too.I must say though; I am quite happy they said its not a swashbuckling story.I was worried it would be a Pirates of the carrabean like movie.I sure hope they keep to the book.

  22. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Yeah! What do you say, iLiveInNarnia? GlumPuddle for Narnia director! Ra ra ra!!! lol ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Narnia Mom says:

    This is just my opinion but to me the part where Eustace was transformed from being a dragon and back into a little boy was the most important part in Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Especially the part when Aslan tells him he would have to undress before getting into the 'bath'. No matter how many times he scrached away the old skin he could not shed his sinfull nature (dragon skin)by himself he had to let Alsan ( symbolic of Christ) do it for him. To me leaving this part out ( which I'm almost certian they will ) will rip the key element right out of the story.

  24. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    I'm going to quote "Narnia Mom" as a respose because I couldn't have said it better myself!

    Narnia Mom wrote:
    "This is just my opinion but to me the part where Eustace was transformed from being a dragon and back into a little boy was the most important part in Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Especially the part when Aslan tells him he would have to undress before getting into the โ€˜bathโ€™. No matter how many times he scratched away the old skin he could not shed his sinful nature (dragon skin)by himself; he had to let Aslan ( symbolic of Christ) do it for him. To me leaving this part out (which Iโ€™m almost certain they will) will rip the key element right out of the story."

    I totally agree with this and I do also hope that they don't get rid of this aspect of the story!

    Further up and Further in! ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. Puddleglum says:

    I agree. But as I stated before, if they leave his being transformed back until the end it could work if they still used the scene in the book. They would just have to have it happen at the "end of the world."
    If they were to keep Aslan's transforming from lamb to lion just before this happened, I can imagine the symbolism would be hard to miss by the audience.

  26. myartismylife says:

    Hi, Not sure if this the right space for my info.
    First I've been to the set of the Dawn Treader at Movie World again and the last day of viewing is the 26th of January (Austrlia Day).
    Second is that I've received a letter back from Dragon Prow Pty Ltd saying "Due to copyright, we are unable to sell any pieces of the Dawn Treader set, nor provide copies of any footage shot during production. This set must be also destroyed upon it completion with Movieworld, unfortunately, however such is the nature of the film industry."

  27. Puddleglum says:

    There goes my hopes of dumpster diving.

  28. narnia fan 7 says:

    What are they doing?

  29. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Sounds cool to me. It would be kind of neat having Eustace's transformation back to a boy at the end, but whatever I am flexible. I just wish we could have a trailer!!! REALLY BAD! Or a teaser! Anything! I am dying to have a glimpse of the movie with special effects! Long live Aslan and Sail on VDT!!!

  30. NarnianElf says:

    This is great! I love sea battles, and one at the end sounds wonderful! A climatic ending!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. Timo says:

    Maybe Eustace will fall in love with a dragon-girl! And this girl will save them from the serpant as a sign as her everlasting love for Eustace… But their love is forbidden, because Eustace ain't a dragon anymore, so the dragon disapears into the waters when she kills the serpent…
    That makes perfect sence! xD

  32. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    that would be…..interesting….hmmmm. I hope they don't do that! Might as well have them change the name of the movie if they do that! ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Jesse says:

    it sounds like a good quote. the thing I want to know is what about the part where they go to the island where dreams come true? is it in the movie? guess he didn't say…

  34. Johnny Vox says:

    I didn't read every comment but did anyone stop and wonder if it is the other dragon that was on the Island (one of the Lords)? I know in the book he dies but they may have him staying alive? Who knows. I honestly thought hollywood would drum up some evil mer-people to create a final battle sequence as they are noticed in the book at the very end. Well we will have to wait and see. Anyone know when the trailer comes out?

  35. Queen Emily of Narnia!! says:

    A sea serpent and a dragon battling? that will be very exciting clever and well TOTALLY AMAZING ICANNOT WAIT PLEASE HURRY UP IN COMING DECEMBER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. captveg says:

    I think people are reading the quote wrong. He's saying two things: "apart from a huge battle at the end with a sea serpent" – one scene at the end – "and a dragon" – another large action piece that is NOT tied to the first statement of the sea serpent at the end.

    And Eustace's scene, wherever it falls, can be picked up a bit for some action (more of him fighting the ship's men before they realize who the dragon is).

    As for moving the sea serpent to the end – makes sense, as you need an action set piece near the last 4th of the film for a movie like this.

  37. L. H. says:

    Are they making a 3rd movie to narnia…?!? rumors say there not bcuz they didnt get enough money off the last one…i hope this is not true and that they will continue finishing up the series into movies… i love them and would be heatbroken if they were not… please make them!!!

  38. Omac the centaur says:

    id hope so!! XD