Stand-in for Peter?

18300_Zak Morcillo112_DisplayWe’ve had lots of interesting news today. Here’s one final fascinating tidbit.

Zak Morcillo – Stand in (Peter), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

So it seems that Peter may make a cameo appearance in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader after all. And if Peter’s in this movie, it seems likely that Susan will be as well.

Thanks again for the heads-up icarus!

Edited to Add: There seems to be some confusion as to the part that Zak is playing. He’s playing Peter’s stand-in, NOT Peter. There’s a difference. A movie stand-in is someone who is very similar to a stunt double. They are there when the actor can’t be or doesn’t need to be. They’re cast the same height, weight and coloring as the actual actor so the crew setting up the shots have a body double to work with instead of the actor.

We posted a story a few days ago on Will Poulter’s stand-in, Morgan Keavney-Rattue here. If you read it, it might clear up some confusion.

If, as this story implies, Peter makes an actual appearence in the movie, he will most certainly be played by Will Moseley.

147 Responses

  1. iLiveInNarnia says:

    Strange. I have no problem if they put a little thing at the begining to see Peter and Susan going off to their own things. Wow. Im not sure how i feel about this though! If they are going to have Peter/Susan at all, they should have William and Anna!!

  2. Tirian says:

    The casting seems to indicate that he's a stand-in for Peter. (Not Peter himself.)

  3. fantasia_kitty says:

    Yeah, a stand-in is like a stunt double, only without the stunts. They're there for things like distance shots, making sure the lighting is ok, stuff like that.

  4. InLoveWithAslan says:

    Ok……I guess Douglas Gresham was right about VDT not being completely accurate to the book. So, Peter and Susan are mentioned in the book, but do we have to actually bring them back in the movie??? Sometimes I just don't understand Hollywood.

    iLiveInNarnia: I agree if they needed to have Peter and Susan in VDT then they should have brought back Will and Anna! If they are going to screw the movie up that is the least they could do.

  5. TumnusTheBrave says:

    Ya thats what i was thinking. Not the actor playing peter but kinda like a stunt-double but i doubt he'll have any stunts because if he is in the movie it'll probably be in the beginning before they get 2 narnia

  6. Lucy the Valiant says:

    That better not be the guy that will actually be Peter, if he is in the movie at all. Will is way cuter then him, and it just wouldn't be the same.

  7. Lutra's Pearl says:

    That is something that I could live with. It would be nice to see them again. Keep the story of Aslan alive!!!

  8. Starlily says:

    If Peter and Susan are shown briefly at the beginning or end of the movie, I guess I won't mind. It might even be a good thing, to make audiences realize where they're going and why.

  9. Zoe says:

    He doesn't even LOOK like William Moseley. Hopefully they don't do any close-ups. It would just look wrong.

  10. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Yes, I agree with you, Starlily. C.S. Lewis spends a page or two telling his readers where Peter, Susan, Mrs. Pevensie, and Mr. Pevensie are. Also, at the island of the Dufflepuds, Lucy stumbles across a spell that makes her "beautiful beyond mortals", and Susan is there too. So maybe Anna will have a small appearance in this one.

  11. The Archenlander says:

    "A stand-in is an acting term that refers to a person of similar size and shape to an actor that "stands-in" for the actor during the lengthy process that is involved in setting up a shot. This term is not to be confused with a double. The stand-in does not appear in the film"

    If this is the case then i'm ok with it…cuz that means that he is just standin in for Will.

  12. narnian resident says:

    cool. i always thought they should give them a cameo since Lewis did give some info about them. i think it would help let the audience know where those two are so they're not wondering, "where is peter and susan if they're not here in narnia?" it'll give a little backround story. i wonder if they can get william and anna? perhaps they're busy with other movies? idk i just hope they can get them instead of other people. it wouldnt be the same without them, even if its just a small cameo.

  13. glumPuddle says:

    Just a cameo at the beginning, hopefully.

  14. tenthofthatname says:

    Totally hoping this means a cameo appearance from (William Moseley's!) Peter.

  15. NarnianElf says:

    I think it's cool, but it wouldn't be the same without Will and Anna. Still, this is really interesting!!

  16. NarnianElf says:

    In my eyes, it would be impossible to screw up this movie. I guess that just shows how much of a freak I am. I just am positive that I am going to like it, and so I know that I will!!

  17. NarnianElf says:

    I agree. I always thought that a cameo would be a great idea, because if I had not read the books I would be like "Where did Pete and Sue go??" I think it would really explain things if they put a cameo in.

  18. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Agreed – though it might be perfectly understood by us Narniacs, the rest of the world might be wondering why Peter and Susan suddenly dropped off the edge of the earth 😛 It's not like they'd be playing a major role or anything.

  19. Lady Galadriel says:

    I thought Anna stated she would NOT be appearing, not even for a cameo. But if that was old news from a few years ago, things could have changed.

  20. CEP Paul T says:

    A cameo is certainly not a bad thing. In a way, he and Susan both have a cameo in the book.

  21. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Well, I think that this is one of those situations where they need to make the "story" into an actual scene with Susan and Peter. They are mentioned in the book, so unless they have a narrator in the beginning telling what has happened (like they did in the Lord of the Rings), they should add an actual scene showing them going off to their own life. 🙂 That was my thought. 😀

  22. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    That might be true for her, but I never heard anything about Will saying that too….. 🙂

  23. Eden says:

    WHOA! My goodness, that nearly killed me when I read the title of the post! Good thing that Morcillo is only a stand-in… I would be SOOOOOO mad if they replaced Peter with someone else!!!!

    Anyways, I wonder how much of the film Peter and Susan will play a part in. Can't wait to see!

  24. Narnia Lover says:

    Interesting…..It would be cool if Will and Anna made it into the movie, but I know that's not a part of the book (though I've only read a few chapters. Never finished it. Wish I had the time, though! I'm reading the Left Behind books now! 😀 )

  25. Mark Sommer says:

    This is great! I have long said I would love to see Peter and Susan at the beginning of the movie. They ARE, after all, in the book. (Read the first few pages of chapter 1.)

  26. Narniamiss says:

    I was also hoping to see them at least for a bit; maybe a scene with the two older comforting Ed and Lu; maybe trying to encourage them in their unhappy stay with Eustace.

  27. Lady Galadriel says:

    Well, if they've seen PC, they should know that Peter and Susan wouldn't be there, unless they completely misunderstand the very last scene of [PC]. If they haven't seen PC, they don't know Peter and Susan exist! 😉

    I think adding in Peter and Susan would be distracting, and then, if the audience has not seen PC, they might say, "Why were the older brother and sister not brought to Narnia as well?"

    But I don't have any objections to a cameo of course 😀

  28. Lady Galadriel says:

    YOU KNOW WHAT! The book refers to Eustace overhearing the 4 talking about Narnia….hmm….that would be an excellent set-up scene. Otherwise, unless there would be a narration, audience members not having read the book will not understand how the 3 can't get along (except for maybe some random sort of, "oh, he just doesn't like them for some reason.")

  29. Mac-bond says:

    You know, I like the idea of having Peter and Susan in VDT (played by Will and Anna of-course). That is how I often imagined it to start, you know, showing them go their own ways… it would make more sense that way too. Can't wait to see how this plays out!

  30. Narniabigfan says:

    That would be cool if Peter and Susan appear in VDT. Even just for a cameo. I really hope (for long time) Will and Anna will involve to this movie!! and i won't they replace Anna or will with someone else.

  31. Elenatintil says:

    I think it totally makes sense for Peter and perhaps Susan as well to make a short cameo. "Show not tell" and all of that. It would also help bridge the changes in the cast for the movie-goers who haven't read the books. So I''m very glad to hear this and excited for a glimpse of Peter and Susan!

  32. MissAravis says:

    This is exciting. I was really hoping for a Peter cameo. I find it odd though that if Peter were to make an actual appearance, we would be finding about his stand in before finding out that Will Moseley was in it.

  33. Nathan says:

    Yes, it would be great for them to have a cameo, because the book does mention where Peter and Susan are and what they are doing, so it would make sense for the movie to give us a visual and inform the audience as to what they are doing. I believe Peter was with Professor Kirk, and Susan went to America with her parents.

  34. tenthofthatname says:

    I find it odd too, that's why I'm trying not to get too excited about William possibly making an appearance. Otherwise I'll be disappointed if there's no Peter cameo.

  35. jimmy says:

    that guy really looks like jpsh thomas(a australian actor).

  36. coracle says:

    Zoe, if you read what others have said to explain what a "stand-in" is, you will realise that is not a problem. Stand ins don't even get filmed.

  37. coracle says:

    Sorry, the book talks about Eustace overhearing only Edmund and Lucy talking about Narnia, when they are already at his house. That doesn't get Peter or Susan into the film.

  38. tenthofthatname says:

    Not only would it be great to see Peter and Susan, it would be a fantastic way to show how they've matured. At least in Peter's case, having his first (and only scene) in VDT showing him studying is wonderfully complementary to his first scene in PC where Peter's getting into a fight. It would emphasize his character arc, bridging what we learned at the end of PC, that he has learned all he can from Narnia. Now look at him a calm young man adjusting to life in England, with books instead of fists.

  39. tenthofthatname says:

    Silver the Wanderer said "dropped off the edge of the earth" not "dropped off the edge of Narnia."

  40. Griffle says:

    I guess this is my fault for jinxing it ito existence by jokingly saying that I heard they would be in the movie and had you heard anything more about it? Sorry!

    I personally don't mind it, if they're doing a cameo appearance in the beginning of the film.

  41. Sugar Mouse says:

    There is video of Skandar supporting smth on the Narnia set. Can anyone ask admins to post it ?

  42. Starlily says:

    It would be wierd to have Peter and not Susan. Or maybe they would show Peter going to live with the professor, and just mention that Susan was going to America?

  43. Doesn't Lucy see Susan in the magician's book? I think it it would be okay for them to be in the movie to say good-by's to Edmund and Lucy

  44. Sugar Mouse says:

    There is video of Skandar supporting smth on the Narnia set. Can anyone ask admins to post it ?


  45. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Lady Galadriel… If they watch the movie and have no idea why Peter and Susan aren't going to be in Narnia, then it will mean more money for the movie company cause they will want to rent the other movie to find the answer…At least, that was my thought. haha. Then again, maybe they could have a parting of ways between the four children and have them talking about Narnia and how Peter and Susan aren't allowed there anymore. Or, they could just put it later in the movie as a topic of discussion between Caspian and Lucy and Edmund. Hmmmm….Guess we will have to see how this turns out! 😀

  46. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    hmmm….I don't know. It would be weird to see Peter and not Susan. Guess we just have to wait until the movie comes out.

  47. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    That is the best idea yet! 😀 hee hee

  48. narnian resident says:

    hey thats smart, tenthofthatname! i havent of it like that yet! it would definitly compliment the way he's matured if we see him studying instead of fighting. and for susan they should show how she's matured, yet kinda make her out as a stylish, traveling beauty so the audience knows how she's turing away from narnia. what would be cooler is if they show peter and susan each have a scene talking to someone about the past years. peter would be settle and say stuff like, "there's been alot thats happened to make me grow up", or something like that. susan would say, "oh yes, we had our childhood games, and though i perhaps do miss them, they were terribly silly indeed. really, i dont know why my brothers and sister still play around with them". that way we could see that peter will not forget narnia but susan will. idk its just all a fantasy in my mind right now.

  49. narnian resident says:

    oh yes i forgot about that part. that would be interesting if they put in susan for that part, and lucy looking at her wanting to be as pretty as her, but she doesnt do the spell. hmm, i wonder what it would be like if the scene had them talking to eachother, and susan almost becomes like a phantom, trying to tell lucy to go ahead and do the spell. idk prolly not. it would prolly look wierd having her own sister, even if that sister doesnt believe anymore, to be like that. just another silly fantasy of mine.

  50. CoriaKing says:

    I agree with GlumPuddle completely. Please, don't let Susan and Caspian Meet at the end. The Horror, The Horror!

  51. Lady Galadriel says:

    Perhaps I misunderstood the book. But it says, and I quote,

    "Still playing your old game?" said Eustace Clarence, who had been listening outside the door and now came grinning into the room. Last year, when he had been staying with the Pevensies, he had managed to hear them all talking of Narnia and he loved teasing them about it. He thought of course that they were making it all up; and as he was quite incapable of making anything up himself, he did not approve of that.

    ~ VDT chapter 1, pages 4-5 (in my edition)

    It sounds to me like he heard them "all" talking of Narnia?

  52. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    William Moseley is way cuter than this guy, but whatever. I miss William! WAAAAAHHHH!!! :,(

  53. Lady Galadriel says:

    Yeah, we'll have to wait to find out. This will definitely be interesting, I agree. It will be fun to see if/how many of our theories were the right thing.

  54. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    You should be a script writer in the Narnia films, narnian resident! 😀 I like it idea alot 🙂

  55. carlytr says:

    it dose not borther me any i meang it would not ruin anythimg. peter and susin shoud a little part in the story.

  56. fnafa4ever says:

    *jumps up and down with girlish glee* YES! I was so going to miss him in this movie! Now I don't have to!

  57. GlimGlum says:

    My sentiments as well. Go Anna and Will! Sail on VDT! 🙂

  58. ernesto says:

    que bueno que si que metan mas personajes bye

  59. A says:

    He better not show up because it would be going against the book! And I wish that movies would follow the books better i have been growing up with Narnia and i hope that it won't just become a plane story to me. i think narnia as a real place and i wish it was. Even thou Peter is my favorite person in the books/listing CDs/movie I would like it if this movie would follow the book.

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