Big Interview with Douglas Gresham
A gentleman by the name of Ian Kath (who worked on the set of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as a prop maker) interviewed Doug Gresham a few weeks ago about the Narnia movies. Doug Gresham also talks a good deal about his own life and Christian beliefs. It’s a very long podcast, about an hour long, but here are the highlights that icarus has already transcribed from it (see more on his forum post).
Ian Kath: These movies, how well are they sticking to the originals, the books?
Douglas Gresham: Well, The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe was very close to the original book because the book was written in such a way that lent itself to being transcribed into the film medium. Prince Caspian we had to make some fairly major changes because the book isn’t written that way. In this movie there are a lot of differences in it also to, as Hollywood says, “derive the plot”. I’m ambivalent as to whether they’re necessary or not, I don’t really think so. But thats the way they wanted to do it, and it was either that or not make a movie, so I said “well go ahead and do it”. It will be very interesting to see the audiences reactions.
Ian Kath: It’s an amazing amount of work that we’ve put into this, and I just love what we’ve done, and if the story is as good as the work and the passion that we’ve put into it..
Douglas Gresham: I think the story in the book is better but it’s still a great story.
Ian Kath: I don’t know the story.
Douglas Gresham: You should read it, you should read all of the Narnian chronicles, but yeah I think it’s going to be a great movie. It’s a fabulous movie.
Ian Kath: Is the next one scripted yet?
Douglas Gresham: Oh no no. We haven’t got that far yet. We haven’t even decided exactly which one we are going to do yet. There are several reasons why we would go with The Silver Chair, but then there are other reasons why we might go with something else. One of the reasons for Silver Chair, I’m voting for going with Silver Chair, one of the reasons is that we have found an absolutely fabulous young actor to play Eustace.
There are several more transcribed bits that you can see in icarus’ first post just below this news story. But of course, you’ll want to listen to the whole podcast which can be downloaded on Ian Kath’s website here.
Edited to add: We cannot stress enough the importance of actually listening to the interview. While it may sound like Doug Gresham is unhappy with the way this movie is headed in writing, he sounds VERY excited about the movie when you actually listen to him talking about it.
Huge thanks to icarus for the find!
In defense of Edmund, I believe you're reading into his character. He only has one tift with Caspian in Voyage of the Dawn Treader and that's when the deceitful power of gold is affecting everyone. I certainly don't think that is a major part of the book, and definently not of the series. Therefore, I disagree that it should have been foreshadowed in Prince Caspian.
They can never change the books. Edmund, Caspian, Trumpkin, Reepicheep – they're always the same whenever you pick up C.S. Lewis' classics. This is just a movie.
wow! I had no idea that this many people shared my views on PC! LOL
~Where the water is sweet~
I don't really mind if they change it all around. In The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, a different production was going to make the story in modern day Los-Angeles, and the turkish delight was going to become hot dogs! Just so long as they don't change VDT to that extent, I'm fine with it.
I am already in love with VDT, and I just know that they are going to do a fabulous job. Please don't start critizing it đ
Wow, sounds like there is a bit more to this than we were thinking, eh? I was prepared for a few changes, but this actually sounds like the whole structure of the book is going to be changed. I know Gresham is excited, but he also seems a little hesitant about all of it. I agree with him; I think the story was as fine as it was. And I definetly think it was epic enough! I don't think there need be more "neccesary changes."
Hot dogs! That's insane! I don't have any problem with them changing it up a bit. C.S. Lewis can truly have a dizzying intalect, and it may get difficult to stick to everything on VDT. I still am not quite sure how I feel about having other creatures aboard the Dawn in previous spy photos. I am pretty sure I'll be fine with it as I watch the movie. I just don't want any "hot dogs" đ
if that actually happened, i'd sue walden media. đ lol
And by "Stupid things" I mean another "suspian" thing. That drove me nuts. I read this SUPER early leaked script that said Lucy was going to use the beauty spell to make herself more beautiful like Susan so that Caspian would fall in love with her. That would anger me… Small changes..not so much. đ
It's working now!
aww sorry to hear that. I mean i know how you feel…but i guess they made Trumpkin as realistic as they could. I mean, after being discovered, captured, punched in the face, tied up, and thrown into a river, i guess he should have been pretty mad. but again, i know how you feel about the change in his character from the book. although i must say, (and i know this is kind of random), the look on his face when Edmund beats him is priceless đ
Thank you! Finally a person who is flexible about things!
Aw I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other flexible Narnia fans. I know a few who don't hang out on Narnia Web for various reasons or just lurk. The polls IMO suggest the majority of fans can separate the films from the books and still like them.
Hm..for some reason, this isn't very reassuring.
I think we need to look at the bigger picture. Peter Jackson created middle earth on screen. There were story changes, yes, but the scenery and the characters and the breathtaking music, made my heart long for a land such as middle earth in that trilogy. The question is, when you watch a Narnia movie, do you feel yourself being transported into Narnia? I did in LWW, a little bit in PC, though I felt all the lovely "Narnia" moments from the book were rushed over or omitted. I would have liked it if the trees had awakened and invited Lucy into their dance and she had found Aslan that way. I would have liked it if the dicovery of Cair Paravel was not so hasty, but we can't keep looking backwards. If in VDT there are beautiful "Narnia" moments, I will enjoy the movie. If Lucy looks over the edge of the ship watching the sun grow larger every morning and the sweet drinkable light glows within them all, I can forgive little changes. I the music is breathtaking and captures the heart of Narnia, I can overlook a lot! If as they approach Ramandu's Island, the dim, purple smell and the singing birds (perhaps with an amazing vocal score sung in Gaelic or something) pierce my very soul, I can be very forgiving. If as the Albatross soars over Lucy and Whispers "Courage Dear Heart", I shall be a contented little Narnia fan! If this movie makes me long for Narnia and the East like the book does, I think I will melt with happiness:). Lets be optimistic and let everyone be allowed to have their own interpretation of Narnia, even the filmmakers, I think that is what Douglas Gresham is getting at. He wants everyone to be able to see Narnia as THEY see it, not just as he sees it.
Good point, Jules, although I can't help being bugged when the movie deviates a lot from the book.
Oh, I certainly agree. I just know I have to keep things in perspective!
Very nice, Lillyput90. If those moments are there and the characters shine as well, VDT will be a worthwhile experience. đ
Agreed 100%
One thing that needs to be considered in all this is Douglas Greshamâs tendency for overstatement. And, given his personality (at least as it comes across in interviews), I have a hard time believing he is a pushover like some seem to think.
The first paragraph of Greshamâs words provided above makes it sound like he just gave in because he would make any compromise just to get the movie made. But if you listen to the whole interview, it does not really sound that way at all.
Try envisioning the Doug Gresham you are listening to in the interview in a meeting with the other producers discussing the movie. Can you really see Gresham caving in and saying some like, âOh, well. If thatâs the way it has to be.â?
Last May, Doug gave an interview in which he called himself the âNarnia Nuisance.â ( He described his role as co-producer thus:
âMy role is to make sure that everything in Narnia is really Narnian, and to constantly try to raise the quality of everything we do to the highest possible level, and also to ensure that each film contains and clearly portrays the essential and underlying meanings of the books.â
Now, you may disagree with some things Gresham has âallowed,â but I really doubt it is because he is not doing everything he can to make sure the themes of the books come through loud and clear.
If you are still not sure about Greshamâs strong personality, this blog response to the podcast may help convince you: (Note also Ian Kathâs reply.)
Ok, that was good!
You know, I don't think for true Narnia fans it's about flexibility. To Narnia fans, it's about staying faithful to the books. That's my point of view. Who can be a Narnia fan without being a fan to the true Narnia- which is found in the books. C.S. Lewis wrote them the way he wanted them- and they seemed to be loved for that- and not the way they are when changed.
Agreed! Love the way you put that
hey i wouldnt actually mind a SMALL scene of peter going off to study at the professor's, and susan going off to america. that would be cool, just as long they make it small.
hmm… would think of all the people they would listen to it would be doug gresham. i mean, hello!, he knew c.s. lewis personally! logic would tell me to go to him all the time for how the story should be done and help with it! boy, i hope they dont shoo him away because his opinion is being ignored….
yeah i think i'll go with "ditto"
Griffle you scared me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do that! đ
Narnian resident: yeah, I thought that would be cool. I wonder how they're going to explain what's going on. like in LWW they had the bombing scene to eplain what's going on. so I'm curious to see how they set VDT up.
Oh, I'm curoius to see the whole movie!
No, I'm going crazy to see the movie!
everyone thinks I'm so weird, y'know the disposable water bottles(like dasani, or aqufina) I ALWAYS write 'December 10th, 2010!' on mine w/ a sharpie. same for when I use a disposable cup, or when I write my name on a piece of paper.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He sounds very excited đ
Even though he says the book is better (which it always is) I know I'm still going to love this movie đ
"But thats the way they wanted to do it, and it was either that or not make a movie, so I said âwell go ahead and do it"
Actually, i think i would have prefered it not to be made then it made into a movie and ruined lol.
but thanks for the interview it was great!
wish i could use my forums account, but i forgot my password and google won't let me access my email :(.
hope to hear more.Talk to you guys later God bless -NBH- (hope you have a great Christmas! =D )
Narnian Resident I agree with that. That would be cool if they just showed a clip of susan going off into her nail-polish and junk, and Peter to his studies. Just as long as caspian isn't thinking about Susan when he gets married to Ramandu's daughter.. that would anger me
You bring up a good point. It seems like the people today aren't expecting what they used to expect of teens. They believe that it is okay for teens to be disrespectful, without modivation, and really moody without control. I wish it wasn't that way. But, the teen years are for maturity, learning to control yourself like an adult would, and so on. So, I think that the kids in Narnia (the books) show courage, strength, perseverance, and so on. But trying to bring it down the level of teens today takes away a lot of that beauty. đ
I am still excited for the movie, even if it isn't really close to the book as I would like. I think that they movies in general are good, but if they are going to hold the title of Narnia, they should stick to the main theme of the book. đ
Interesting interview, though!
Do you mean with Susan too? Or just with the original actors? Because if it's the former, I would disagree with that drastic devation from the book, but if you mean my second question, I could not agree more whole heartedly!
I do believe the movie will be great,
But I think they've gotten addicted to changing the story ever since P.C. was made
– LWW was too famous to change, but now it's up to the high priests of hollywood to decide what makes itself into the film… and some of these guys have not even read the book??
I totally agree… =D Glad ya'll think so too!
Wait, why would they NOT do the silver chair next? If they do HHB that just would not be acceptable. NOT ACCEPTABLE I TELL YOU! :O
ibookworm – you are one of the first people I have read that agrees with with me about the destruction of Peter's character within the film. Holywood seems to have a real problem these days with heros. It was the same with LOTR when PJ turned Aragorn into a wimp running away from his responsibilities. One of the reasons why I love the books so much is because of that nobility which C. S. Lewis brings out so well in the children.
I can see where you are coming from, but I do feel quite strongly that if a director wants to make a film of a book then it is beholden on that director to be as true as physically possible to the original. He/she is relying on the fan-base of that book to go and watch the film, so…
If they can't commit to that honesty, then they should go off and write their own story, and make a film of that instead of cribbing from someone else's idea. I do think that there is a real question of honesty and integrity here, and mucking about with something that many millions of people have got a lot of emotional capital invested in is not a good way to do business đ
Rant over !
"Prince Caspian we had to make some fairly major changes because the book isnât written that way. In this movie there are a lot of differences in it also to, as Hollywood says, âderive the plotâ." NO U DON'T NEED 2 DO THAT DOUGLAS. honestly LWW was the better one from LWW and PC… doesn't that kinda make u think that you'll make more money and please the fans if you stay close to the book! There is no reason for this. Ridiculous. No offence or anything to douglas but it shouldn't be that way… they should stay really close to the book especially after what happened to Prince Caspian
if they're gonna make the movie EXACTLY the same as the book, then it'd be a wee bit boring to watch, don't you think?
I think it's good that they're adding something different to the movie…but I hope it's only JUST A BIT of a change from the book…I hope I'm not gonna sound like I'm pro-changes, but I think I'd be bored to death if they made it EXACTLY as the book…
I just watched the movie last night(though I missed MOST parts of the film…)and I was thinkin' "Hey! It's not THAT bad…"
if I could put it in other words…"The change was for the better", 'coz it turned out to be one great movie!
I'm comfortable with the changes…it's the date they showed it that worried me…being May the blockbuster month…so it showed "unsuccessful"
people,don't blame the script; blame the DATE that PC was shown…
Lillyput90,you put that so beautifully and elegantly. That is EXACTLY how i feel about it, down to the last word :).
I agree wholeheartedly about Peter, but I also think that Aragorn was still amazing in the movie; Peter was, to put it delicately, a very troubled young man in th PC movie. I don't see why they needed to change Aragorn (I imagine it was to create suspense etc.) but he was still the gentleman, the strong presence, the leader, and everything that he needed to be. The only difference was the non-acceptance of his fate, rather than the eager anticipation for it. I LOVE watching Aragorn throughout the entire LOTR trilogy movies, I do not enjoy Peter's attitude and sarcasm in PC. He went, in my opinion, from Hero (in LWW) to Zero (in PC).
Why does Hollywood feel the need to remake a classic like VODT? I liked the book and if they have changed it too much- I am not going to like the movie. What audience do they think they are playing to? They have a built in fan base that they seem to like offending. I had my suspicions about PC and they were confirmed.And PC did poorly. LWW was a much better film. Why should we think VODT s going to be better than PC? So what- they built a pretty ship. PLOT is more important than fancy setting. They had better not forget that point of the Voyage was to seek adventure and Aslan. If they do- all is lost. If the scenes with Aslan go awry… it won't even be the Chronicles.
I'm not buying this movie if its simply a horrid Narnian heresy or any of the merchandise! I will not support it. And I love the books. Yes- PC was that bad in my book. They defamed Peter's character and made Caspian a push over and they forgot the whole point of the book: To awaken all Narnia. They left out the best part of the book. Everyone who has anything to do with writing the Script or acting it should be required to read the book first.