Narnia Halloween Party on the Gold Coast

Howard Berger celebrates Halloween -

Howard Berger celebrates Halloween -

Just before filming wraps up for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Howard Berger threw everyone a bigย Halloweenย party.


Oscar award-winning make-up artist Howard Berger threw a Halloween party for fellow cast and crew of the Chronicles of Narnia film on Saturday.

Berger, from the US, tells CC he was feeling homesick and wanted to bring the American holiday to the Gold Coast with a party at Southport Bowls Club.

He says Halloween is one of his favourite holidays and he’s even more enthusiastic than his teenage kids.

“I phoned to ask them about Halloween and they were like ‘Dad, it’s not until tomorrow’. I’m more excited about it than they are,” says Berger. also interviewed Ben Barnes who said “he has enjoyed his time on the Gold Coast and is not looking forward to returning home to the UK. The Gold Coast is beautiful.”

And finally, Skandar Keynes happened to mention that “the Gold Coast gives him the heebie jeebies.ย That, and ‘evil pumpkins.’ ” Though he never did explain why he found the area scary. Perhaps he was joking?

You can read the three stories here,ย here, and here.

Thanks to everyone who sent this story in!

98 Responses

  1. campgirl says:

    Sweet! That's a hilarious picture of Howard! What's he dressed up as? It looks kinda like the little boy on Wild Things….maybe?
    I don't think I'd want to go back to the UK if I was Ben, either!! Hmm, I wonder why Skandy said that…. Wish that one had pictures!! :p

  2. glumPuddle says:

    Ahhh hahaha great to see Howard in that costume! "Where the Wild Things Are" was a huge inspiration for him. He had it read to him every night as a kid.

  3. Narnia Lover says:

    ALSOME! That's cool that they threw a Halloween party! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Lissi says:

    Hahahahahahaha! Skandar is so funny!

  5. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    Wow skandar really lol gotta love him

  6. aslans_song says:

    I love the picture of Howard! Glad to see this new movie didn't ruin the book for him!

  7. MurtaghLuv says:

    Lol, I wonder what everybody dressed up as?

  8. dinky doop bum says:

    Georgie went as Superwoman, Ben and William went as The Mario Brothers, Shane Rangi went as a nun, Ben went as something with huge purple glasses etc. etc.

  9. lanternwaste says:

    haha. wow. cool.

    news has really been slowing.

    i'm sad that filming will wrap in three weeks. :[ can't wait for the movie though!

  10. lanternwaste says:

    really? how do you know?

  11. coracle says:

    Georgie went as Wonderwoman. Ben was Willy Wonka.
    Will and Skandar were the Super Mario Brothers.
    My favourite from the pictures I've seen was actually someone who went to the party as Howard!!

  12. Narniabigfan says:

    How do you know that?

  13. tenthofthatname says:

    Some truth to the Mario Brothers thing or photoshop? See the thumbnail next to "Evil pumpkins scare Narnia star Skandar Keynes"

  14. tenthofthatname says:

    That's how I feel. I guess filming had to end eventually, but when they're in the middle of filming it makes me think they'd work on bringing the magic of Narnia to life forever. On the other hand, I'd love to see the movie as soon as possible. Win some lose some sort of situation. I love seeing that they're having fun while working though!

  15. JadistarkilleR says:

    yup thats it exactly! theres an article saying that Berger was approached to do Wild Things but he declined it because the film was being done in a way that he didnt quite like.

    somehow its quite gratifying to see Berger come in dressed like that. way to go Howard!

  16. JadistarkilleR says:

    wait coracle (Mod?) how'd you know this?

  17. JadistarkilleR says:

    if there are photos that exist, where are they? link anyone?

  18. dinky doop bum says:

    1. i saw the pics on Tami and Howards facebook and 2. i was there =)

  19. adamie says:

    I bet that's something we might find in the extra's of the dvd and blu-ray!

  20. JadistarkilleR says:

    thanks dinky doop bum! couldnt anything else not be found on FB lol!

  21. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Howard Berger has great taste! He looks great in Max's wolf suit, very cool. I can't wait for Where The Wild Things Are to come to Australia.

  22. JadistarkilleR says:

    dinky, cool photos! did you come in costume? which character?

  23. Mal says:

    Hey, what we can think is that after the filming news, we watch all the cool trailers that will come out afterwards!!!!

  24. Me Sa U Sa says:

    I hate halloween! But that looks silly.

  25. iLiveInNarnia says:

    Haha. I love it! Skandar….ah skandar… That's all I need to say. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. skandyfan says:

    Actually I donยดt really like halloween, but Iยดd really loved to be on that party! Who was Skandar from the Super Mario brothers??

  27. Eden says:

    Yeah, I hate Halloween too. I wish we had gotten some actual NEWS, instead of this. But I suppose it ain't anyones fault. The lack of news is like a drought. No one can control the rain! XD
    Well, no one except God. ๐Ÿ˜€

  28. yeswelovenarnia says:

    WOW that must have been soo much fun!!! aw man filming wraps up already!!!!!! no fair!!! I want more news and we hardly got any!!!!

  29. JadistarkilleR says:

    Skandar came in as Luigi. Will Poulter came as Mario. to be honest, they had the best concept costume. simple but very effective.

  30. narniaNut says:

    If filming wraps in three weeks does that mean the movie will come out ahead of schedule?

  31. Narniabigfan says:

    AWESOME!They're all having fun! I love the picture.
    But Skandar looks different, but still love it!

  32. Fire Fairy says:

    Nope. Don't forget that they still need to do all of the CGI and VFX. That'll take them several months, at least. Besides, I think the filming schedule says they planned on wrapping it up in three weeks, anyways.

  33. lucyrocks17 says:

    Howard looks awesome love the costume!! =)

  34. Princess Arya says:

    Wow! Nice costume, Howard ๐Ÿ˜‰
    How you guys all saw this so fast I sure don't know…usually I'm one of the first!

  35. Princess Arya says:

    Wait — filming is ALREADY about to wrap up? I know it's supposed to in November…but I thought the schedule said they still had to film at more islands, not just the MovieWorld studios…

  36. y el final de la pelicula cuando la van a firmar ya quiero que lo pongan el trailer por favor

  37. 220chrisTian says:

    I hate Halloween too. ๐Ÿ™ But at least Skandar didn't like "evil pumpkins." LOL! I wonder what gave him the "heebie jeebies." ๐Ÿ˜‰ Pray for them all, folks.

  38. 220chrisTian says:

    Thanks for the pics, dinky.

  39. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Yeah, I agree as well. But, it does make you wonder why Skadar didn't like the "evil pumpkins". lol. That made me laugh. ๐Ÿ˜€ And, I'm praying for them, too.

  40. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Is there a way I can see the pics without being a member of Facebook?

  41. decarus says:

    No you don't.

  42. Aunt Letty says:

    'sides, it only said that filming was wrapping up on the Gold Coast. Likely they have set filming to do still, if not other locations.

  43. aravis_tarkina says:

    Ditto there, Princess Arya. What's the deal? Are they all done, or something?

  44. Matt Taylor says:

    this is disapointing, considering Narnia is meant to be a set of books based on Christianity. C.S.Lewis wouldn't be pleased

  45. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Are you kidding! Skandar has been here since flim one! We've GOTTA love him! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Lutra's Pearl says:

    Oh no, we are finally getting news and I wont be able to be on for a long time!!!! At least I saw this first. KEEP THE STORY OF ASLAN ALIVE!!!!!!!!

  47. NarniaWarrior says:

    Halloween Party!!! Hmmmm. Lutra's pearl…The story of Aslan will live forever!..Long Live Aslan !!!

  48. Lutra's Pearl says:

    I can't get to them!

  49. Hmmmmm I wonder why Skandar Doesn't like the Goldcoast and I wonder if its a joke? and LOL abot the 'evil pumpkins' ^^

  50. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Really? Ahh that's so funny! Haha. I love the Mario Bros. ๐Ÿ˜›

    I wish we knew more about what they were filming though. *is starving for news*

  51. waleed sajjad says:

    SKANDAR??!! AFRAID OF THE GOALD COAST??! ive neveer herd of anything weerder! i wonder why….
    by the way – i think i saw David Vallon on the scooby doo movie-u know, the real one. in the cast section of the vdt it sed he was on scooby doo, but i didn't know which. it wasn't until the second viewing that i reelized the creepy dude giving the fone to scooby was vallon. lol!

  52. Me Sa U Sa says:

    How true! =D
    God Bless you.

  53. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Me too!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  54. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    Haha…very true, Eden. ๐Ÿ˜€

  55. iLiveInNarnia says:

    That's amazing!!!

  56. narniafan4ever โ™ฅ says:

    I wish I could see the pictures. ๐Ÿ™ sniffle. I don't have a Facebook at the moment, so I can't see the pics! ๐Ÿ™

  57. narnian resident says:

    at first i thought he was the white witch! lol wasnt that a silly idea! yeah he does look like the boy from wild things.

  58. narnian resident says:

    and how were you there?! lucky….i would have loved to see the mario brothers! and shane as a nun! oh that would have been so hilarious! my brother had to dress up as a nun once, along with other teens, to do a play at my church. more like a rediculous redo of sister act! ๐Ÿ™‚