LWW on ABC Family

Just a heads up, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is airing on ABC Family. On November 12, at 7:30 eastern/6:30 central p.m. the first movie in the Narnia series hits the air.

32 Responses

  1. aravistarkheena says:

    Oh, cool! First comment!

  2. jadis of narnia says:

    Cool.. I'll be sure to catch it.. hopefully it'll have the extended like last time.. 🙂

  3. andrea says:

    that great!! Like every november and december They play it!!

  4. Sammie says:

    Does anyone know if Disney will show "Prince Caspian" on network television (ABC) eventually? I know they are showing it on Showtime and it will eventually be on USA, but I was wondering if there were any plans for network television. The first time I saw "LWW" was on ABC – I believe around the time "PC" was to be released.

  5. MurtaghLuv says:

    cool, I wouldn't watch on that any way, it would just be easier to watch in the dvd player, but still thats cool, thanx for the heads up.

  6. 220chrisTian says:

    An Anna Popplewell Facebook fan page sent its fans the following link saying when her different movies will appear on TV in the next week. Only LWW is on network TV. The others–PC, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and The Little Vampire–are all on cable. http://www.locatetv.com/person/anna-popplewell/54602

  7. I htink they will show PC around the time VDT comes out because the first time I saw LWW on ABC is when PC was out in theaters.

  8. YAAAAAA! I haven't seen LWW in a long time! (mainly because my DVD of it is stuck in our DVD player that doesn't work). ^^

  9. Princess Arya says:

    Is PC going to show on Nov. 8? (Wait, that's tomorrow!) Cool….

  10. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    sweetness! I watch it every time it airs on t.v. 😀

  11. Fire Fairy says:

    Oh no! How sad!

  12. Fire Fairy says:

    I might just watch it, even though I have the collector's edition DVD. I don't know yet…

  13. Sammie says:

    Yes, I figured ABC/Disney was showing "LWW" so they could both get viewership (Nielson-wise) with Disney's "PC" coming as well as remind people that "PC" was coming to theaters. It would help Disney both ways.

    But we all know now that "VDT" is now Fox and "PC" is Disney. Airing "PC" might get Disney/ABC viewership on TV, but it would help Fox at the box office; that's why I'm asking.

  14. 220chrisTian says:

    The first time I saw LWW on ABC was last March. Didn't PC come out last May? I don't have cable so I can't get ABC Family, which means I can't watch LWW next week. 🙁

  15. 220chrisTian says:

    Yes, November 8 is tomorrow. Here's what I posted on AslansCountry.com: "Starz Cinema will air Prince Caspian tomorrow at 1:45am, 11am, and 7:25pm ET. And there will be repeat showings of PC on November 11, 12, 16, 17, and 19." No cable for me = no PC either! 🙁

  16. entonces la informacion de leon es para el 12 de NOMBRIEMBRE DE ESTE AÑO A OK BYE

  17. Aslan's Meadow says:

    ABC family is different from plain old ABC…right?

  18. Narnia Lover says:

    Yes. I'l see if I can watch it! 🙂

  19. starkat says:

    Yes. ABC Family is the ABC cable channel and not the over the air channel that everyone has access to.

  20. The Batman says:

    According to this article from last June, USA Network picked up rights to air Prince Caspian, and will do so in September of 2010


  21. Lady Polly says:

    Yea!!! i can't wait!!!

  22. Ha! it all right my grand parents have it so I could borrow it from them anytime plus I'm trying not to watch narnia that much so it doesn't get borring.^^

  23. nightshade says:

    I know! The extended version is awsome! During the battle when the centuar fires the fire arrow, it turns into a hawk and a bat/human tries to stop it. It's so awesome!

  24. Sammie says:

    Thank you for the reminder. I may need to consider getting cable, at least for a month. Phooey.

  25. SavedByGrace says:

    that's horrible 🙁

  26. greenbird37 says:

    I never get tired of watching it! will try and catch it!

  27. I didn't get to see it because I had to go to bed early for school and I watched the part where the pevensies went to Mr.tumnus' house at one place and when I got home it wasn't on.

  28. I love this movie but alas! I have no cable!

  29. NarniaWarrior says:

    For anyone that is interested…It was very exciting to watch LWW on family…they aired it on HD…which is totally awesome ! The video was sooooo clear and precise…it would take your breath away….and how could you ever get bored watching it…even if it was 100 times. It is the best…PC will also be in HD at some point…and remember it will be awesome also when they show the extended version…If you were fortunate enough to buy the DVD's they show the scenes that were left out on an extra disk. The 3 1/2 hour TV version, with commercial's of course, is the extended version of LWW…so buckle up when PC hits the airwaves…you will see most of the clips they took out and then use your DVR to record it…Long LIve Aslan !!!

  30. Aslan's Meadow says:


  31. wolfloversk says:

    Ahh… I missed it… again. I have the original version on dvd, but I dropped it so now it skips during my favorite part and I always miss it when its on TV.