Filming Wraps on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

And just like that, filming for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader wraps up. According to the blog of Mirko Grillini filming finished up the afternoon of Nov 21.

As we have come to an end, the last opportunity of being all together was on Saturday night. My first hollywood wrap party…. wow. I can certainly do another one. There was so many people that I didn’t even get the chance of say hi to at least 75% of them.

It was great to see cast, crew and extras all together as one team, plus partners. Everybody was talking to everybody (or trying to) people dancing, the food was constantly coming around on large trays, and everybody seem to be happy.

We had finished the shoot late afternoon, just enough time to go back to the hotel, shower and get changed.

There were speeches from Mark Johnson, Michael Apted and the main cast, Ben wrapped it up with his amazing energy. I tell you what, he knows how to get the crowd going. He’s natural charm and portrayal are magnetic. Ben is not only a wonderful actor, he is a prince in real life, not because he’s from a royal family, but because he has an incredible good and friendly nature.

You can read the whole blog post here.

And now onto post-production!

Thanks to ellz_bellz for the heads-up!

124 Responses

  1. The Batman says:

    Wow! I had no idea that they would already be done filming! Thanks so much ellz_bellz, this is so exciting!!! Only 381 more days… 🙂

  2. Valentina says:

    Just like that??? WOW! Thanks for the info =DD

  3. Empress of the Lone Islands says:

    This makes me both happy and sad. The movie is ready to go to the next step of editing and such (one step closer to seeing it on the big screen!), but Edmund, Lucy, and Caspian won't be in Narnia anymore until Last Battle and Horse and His Boy. Now I'm looking forward to the trailers 🙂

  4. Violamom says:

    It's done already? Has there been ANY word about Ramandu? I'm looking on IMDB, and it's so bare of information it's hard for me to believe they've finished all the principle shooting. *Sigh* Oh well, I'm grateful for the information we DO have…thanks for everything, NW! Keep it comin'!

  5. glumPuddle says:

    Further up and further in! Bring on the footage!

  6. CaspianX says:

    Here we go!!! Now we're getting somewhere! It's a shame that it is most likely the last time we'll see Skandar and Georgie.

  7. midnightmoon says:

    wow done already! thats unbelievable!

  8. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Well done cast and crew! Now VDT, full speed ahead towards post production!!!

  9. narniamouse says:

    Now I hope they will give us a trailer

  10. Starlily says:

    I second that!! I second that twice!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. Karine says:

    Oh yeah! And what a nice man Mirko Grillini seems to be. A real pleasure reading his blog.

  12. Narnia Girl says:

    I'd like to see a trailer soon too.

  13. CEP Paul T says:

    Bravo Zulu to the crew! Fair winds and following seas as The Dawn Treader sails into Post Production. Enjoy a well deserved liberty over the holidays.

  14. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Me too! 😀

  15. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    We won't be seeing a trailer for at least another 6 months, but maybe we'll get some "behind the scenes" videos, or a quick sneak peek! I'll take anything they throw at us!

  16. Please Type Here says:

    Comon, Production people! Do post production and GIVE US A TRAILER!!!

  17. Lutra's Pearl says:

    I am really happy that they are done because that means that we are getting closer to when it comes out but it is still really sad that they are done. Keep the story of Aslan alive!!

  18. Eden says:

    That was quicker than I thought it would be. 🙂 I cannot wait till they release the trailer! Although that probably won't be anytime soon…
    But I am really glad things are really starting to move along. I'm getting even more excited! XD

  19. JadistarkilleR says:

    NarniaFans just confirmed that there is one more week to go for filming VODT. this wrap party was done for the general cast and crew since most people at this point will be leaving production given that their part is over. we're not sure if it means even main cast (Ben, Skandar, Georgie, Will) is done shooting as well. as you mentioned no one has had a word of Ramandu or his Daughter save from the earlier casting announcement.

    makes me kinda wonder if there would be any kind of "pick ups" which usually happens way after main production and sometime in the middle of the editing process. i'm a little concerned about that schedule because Ben Barnes as another film to do in Ireland next year and may not find it as easy to pluck himself off from there just to double back to Oz for pick ups, i'm pretty sure he's learned his lesson during the Toronto film fest 😉

  20. Lady Galadriel says:

    Well, Caspian will be back in SC. (And Eustace.)

  21. Lady Galadriel says:

    I guess I'm the only one who's actually sad that they're done filming. For me it feels like the "ending of the Pevensie era" (and we haven't even seen the movie yet!)! Hahaha, melodramatic!

    Can't wait for post-production to move on. But it's so weird that this movie was done filming so fast!

  22. always narnian says:

    Wow… It's over already? Amazing

  23. Empress of the Lone Islands says:

    Yes, that's true, I nearly forgot about Caspian in SC! 🙂

  24. JadistarkilleR says:

    so they've finished slightly ahead of schedule, this is very good. 🙂 looks like Apted ran a tight ship. certainly post production might start getting underway if not as soon as December then by January next year.

    truthfully i'm hoping that finishing this early *wont* give funny ideas to the studios to push for a summer release. they got no serious threat in December and a glut of potential BO killers during the summer with various sequels littering nearly every week of the summer (IronMan 2, Twilight 3, nth Resident Evil). KEEP NARNIA AS A WINTER HOLIDAY MOVIE WALDEN/FOX. it isnt summer fanfare. it never was.

  25. narniaismylife says:

    i highly doubt they would make it a summer release

  26. Anna's Sister says:

    It's so sad that we won't be seeing Georgie and Skander until the Last Battle. filming seemed to go by so fast.

  27. fantasia_kitty says:

    Well he confirmed that the Howard Berger still has a week left there. And they're for sure doing some last minute pick-up scenes that you do for every movie. But I still think that the bulk of the filming is complete. 🙂

  28. Narniagirl101 says:

    Great! Cant wait till it comes out. Now, I heard that it is coming out December 10th 2010… But I looked on savrel other sites and it says May 7th (I think7th) 2010. whitch one is the right date? Thanks so much!


  29. The Servant says:

    Is it really going to take 13 months to do cg?

  30. Tim says:

    I am hopeful about this, but hesitant. 'Prince Caspian' was a disaster – a truly terrible film that had no relation to the book. Will this be any better? I can ony hope so.

  31. 220chrisTian says:

    PC may have had little relation to the book but as a movie it was NOT a disaster! Movie-wise, I liked PC much more than LWW.

  32. Lady of Narnia says:

    Wow. They're done filming already? Wow. Sail on VDT!

  33. daughter of the King says:

    If all goes well, they'll be back for Horse and His Boy along with Anna and James McAvoy.

  34. daughter of the King says:

    May was the original release date. The release date as of right now is December 2010.

  35. que bien que este rapido el personaje sisisisisisisisisi y ps me informa el 21 de Nov

  36. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Wow, it's already wrapped up? It's seems like yesterday when the filming started. It's seems like such a short time to film though. I was hoping for some more updates on the cast, but that's okay. I'm glad Ben Barnes really is a nice person and not just a good looking actor. I hope William Moseley is like that too. It's good to know your favorite actors are really good people. Thank you ellz_bellz for the news! Sail on VDT!

  37. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    YES! Trailer! Come on people! BRING IT ON! I WANT TO SEE IT SOOOOO BAD! I will probably watch it fifty times when it comes out. 😀

  38. GlimGlum says:

    Great! Now it's time to put it all together. 🙂 Sail on VTD!

  39. narnia fan7 says:

    Awesome 381 days to go I can't wait Further up Further in!!!

  40. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    I agree. It's going to be at least a few months before we see any footage because they have to do CGI work, editing, and tons of other important movie stuff before they can even think about making a trailer.

  41. Jill Pole says:

    OHMYGAWD! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it's time for the trailer! Which I will watch devotedly for ever till the movie comes out!

  42. Farsight the Eagle says:

    Just like that!!! Yeah! Part 1 down, Part 2–waiting for VOTD to come to theatres!

  43. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    No probably not. They will probably finish with it much earlier than that, and let us hope they don't decide to be stupid and release it in the summer, instead of the winter.

  44. Peepicheep says:

    I am sad to see them go! But I can't until it finished! *faints with happiness*

  45. pselpevensie says:

    wow! filming ended REALLY quickly. it seems like yesterday Fox signed on. OMNLY A LITTLE OVER A YEAR TILL THE MOVIE!!!!!

  46. Why are you opposed to a summer release? Post-production doesn't take that long. I for one would love if it was put back to may 7th. Inform me if I'm wrong, but then they would be able to release the DVD in time for Christmas gifts(a good marketing idea in my opinion).

  47. The Great and Fearless Pug says:

    Wait, what about William?

  48. Christian says:

    Wow… Over already? I can hardly believe it started. I hope this means we'll be seeing a trailer some time in the near future. =D

  49. Lutra's Pearl says:

    I always thought that they would do the HHB next. Because they are going to have Shasta and Aravis in the LB. Nice to see you Anna's Sister! Keep the story of Aslan alive!

  50. skandarLover45 says:

    Sweetness! So excited for the movie! I ja'dore that it's almost done!

  51. Yes finally! Now we can get to see the whole thing soon!^^

  52. TumnusTheBrave says:

    sorry 2 down your vibe but that is if they make 'The Silver Chair'

  53. 7chronicles says:

    And to think we were so worried that we would never see VDT on screen! Thank God, it's done! Now bring on SC!

  54. Peepiceeka says:

    It's kind of sad that it's all over. But now we have less time before we finally get to see VDT!

  55. Silver the Wanderer says:

    I highly doubt they'd change the release date again…if anything, getting done early means they'll have more time to market and build up the hype!

  56. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    List of highly anticipated 2010 summer flicks:
    1.Iron Man 2
    2.Robin Hood
    3.Shrek Forever After
    5.Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time
    6.Sex And The City 2
    7.The A-Team
    8.The Karate Kid
    9.Toy Story 3
    10.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
    12.Hairspray 2
    Narnia films have not established themselves enough to be released in the summer, compete with other summer blockbusters, and be highly successful(i.e. Prince Caspian against Iron Man anyone?). A winter release date is much more practical and would ensure a high gross so that Walden Media will continue to make the Chronicles of Narnia. It is imperative for VDT to do as well as LWW or better if we would like to see any more Narnia films. Thus it would be most logical to release it in the winter when there is less competition.

  57. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Yes! I'd watch it fifty times too! And then I'd go and make all my friends watch it fifty times! And then by the time the day is done, I'd have it memorized, music and all. 😛

  58. Kotarki says:

    Now we can actually start speculation about a trailer coming along.

  1. November 22, 2009

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Husna Safira. Husna Safira said: Now onto post-production!! RT @NarniaWeb Filming wraps on VDT […]