New Set Photo of the Dragon Cave?

MundoNarnia has a new set photo. We don’t know for sure if it’s for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader or not, but it looks like it could be the dragon cave full of treasure.

Dragon Cave?

They also have some concept art and set photos from an earlier shoot. You can check them all out here.

Thanks to Narniamiss for the heads up!

412 Responses

  1. Empress of the Lone Islands says:

    We have news finally!!! It looks really cool, I hope it is the dragon cave πŸ™‚

  2. Princess Arya says:

    AH! AH! AH! We have news! Finally!!! *tries to compose self* Yes, yes. Very neat. I hope it is for VDT too.

  3. Narniamiss says:

    I really hope it is also. If you look closely at this picture, you will see what looks like a treasure chest and some gold items on the bottom.

  4. 7chronicles says:

    Finally!!!!!!!!!! News!!!!!!!, I got spoiled with all the video's from Australia. I hope this is for Dawn Treader. The only other movie I could think that this could be used for would be Prince of Persia, I'm not evern sure if their done filming that though. Anyways, glad to get some news!

  5. GlimGlum says:

    That would be nice if it is. Definitely want that scene to be in VDT. Keep sailing on cast and crew!

  6. Sammie says:

    I'm just stupid, but is the cave unfinished, or is this just the outside of the cave they're filming?

    Loved the other photos, especially the ones of the WWII/late 40s scenes (presumably from before the entry into Narnia). I really like how the new films have included period visuals, letting us see Lewis' context for the Pevensies' (and Eustace's) situation.

    And so lovely to finally have news. Between filming at Cleveland Point and all the Barnes interviews for "Dorian Gray," I got so spoiled in terms of new news. πŸ™‚

  7. EmpressoftheLoneIslands says:

    Yes, Finally! I have been waiting for some news!
    I really hope that's the cave.

  8. Going4God says:

    Yes, I really do think it's for VODT!!! I mran, what else could it be for???

  9. Starlily says:

    I know, I'm starving for news! It seems like forever since the flood of spy videos and pictures. It feels like the Dawn Treader just dropped off the face of the earth. Ah, well, I guess it's a good test of my patience. πŸ™‚

  10. Starlily says:

    Oooh, you're right! If it is the dragon cave, it's looking good! And that would mean they're keeping the old dragon and the treasure and everything in the movie, which is good.

  11. yeswelovenarnia says:

    WOW!!!!! news!!!! finally!!!!! I really hope it is for VDT!!!!

  12. greenbird37 says:

    Good to have some news again! Very nice!

  13. Mark Friedrich says:

    I told you we would get pictures an news

  14. narnia_lover127 says:

    o this is soo exciting!! finally some more news!

  15. Giuliano says:

    News finally!!!!!

  16. Narniamiss says:

    Yeah, I think they are just using this for like a close up shot of maybe Eustace or the treasure. They'll probably use something else for a far off shot.

  17. Eden says:

    *coughs sheepishly* Erm, yes…. Anyways, I an SOOO glad we finally got some news, cause honestly I felt like I was in the middle of a desert where news would be water and no news would be… me dead. XD

    Nice pictures, I wonder what scene the cave is for. But why don't you guys think the cave pic is for VotDT? It was in an article-thingy with other pics from the DT, so I kinda assumed it was from there too.

  18. Narniabigfan says:

    NEWS!!!!!FINALLY! I was like dying for new news!!!And now,here it is!
    And hope that would be Cave in VDT.

  19. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    Yay! I know everyone else has already said this but: WE HAVE NEWS!!!!!!! THANK HEAVENS!!! Anyway, I think that this could definitely be the dragon cave, because you can see what appears to be gold and a treasure chest in the cave if you look closely. Go Narnia!

  20. Braden Woodburn says:

    Yay finally an update! Been awhile! But yeah, it does sorta look like a cave. Maybe the one that Eustace was in with that dragon! Anyways, good to see something new!

  21. Me Sa U Sa says:

    WHOOHOOO!!! I LOVE NEWS! =D That is pretty cool looking!

  22. Bother Eustace says:

    First news in weeks! I was nearly going insane!

  23. Bother Eustace says:

    If that's not a dragon cave, I don't know what is. There's gold and treasure spewing out of it!

  24. marcuydr says:

    finally news!!

  25. Frodo Fan says:

    YAY! The first bit of news in weeks! Wow, that picture of the supposed dragon cave looks really cool! I hope it is for VDT.

  26. Mark Hunt says:

    This is good. I though its not how I imagined the cave. Then again I would like to see more angles and other photo shots of this set-piece.

    To Narnia and the North!!!!!!!

  27. Starlily says:

    Hey, can anyone read the words above and below the photos? Does anyone know Spanish, or whatever language it's in? It probably doesn't say anything important, but still…

  28. narniafan4ever says:

    NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! horray!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I am so happy! That is really neat. At least we might have an idea of what scene they are filming now. πŸ˜€

  29. Aunt Letty says:

    MundoNarnia is our new hero! Three cheers!

  30. Reepicheep775 says:

    Finally! It looks like the news blackout is coming true, just like the Susan/Caspian romance before it.

  31. Narnia Lover says:

    NEWS!!!!! It looks cool! I wish we knew for sure what it was!

  32. JadistarkilleR says:

    could very well be. and if you look at the sketches, the top sketch looks to match the cave set.

  33. De says:

    Finally news!!!!!

  34. Narnia Is My Life says:

    Finally I was about to go insane because there hasn't been any news for ages!!!
    Anyway i really hope it is the cave!!

  35. narniaismylife says:

    its most likely to be for vdt

  36. Lucy&Reepicheep says:

    it probably is for Narnia, which is sooooooooooooooooooo cool.
    sail on VDT

  37. narniaismylife says:

    i like the WWII pics too

  38. Valiant Queen says:

    I agree! This looks great!

  39. narniafan4ever says:

    Yes, it is very good news πŸ˜€

  40. icarus says:

    Unfortunatley the concept sketches arent of anything. They are just randomly picked out of John Dickenson's website from a bunch of other sketches it seems. He has done loads of other sketches of reepicheep-looking mice which are clearly completley unrelated to Narnia ( i.e. this one here: )

    Also, if you read the comments section on MundoNarnia, a user called Cyclops says they have received confirmation from the artist that they are totally unrealted to the movie.

  41. tenthofthatname says:

    Finally some news! Loving the picture of Ben too and presumably Caspian's ring.

  42. cool! I was wondering when we were gonna get some new :p

  43. sirsimon says:

    HALLEULAH finally some news at bloody last!!!!!
    *Straightens hair* so anyway, the dragon cave looks cool, looks like they are sticking to the plotline,

    What happened to the Dawn Treader???

  44. I am the man says:

    Maybe it could be at Deathwater Island???

  45. aravistarkheena says:


  46. JadistarkilleR says:

    a couple of those are defo Reep Icarus, either that or Dickenson is ripping off Baynes lol! they may not be related to VDT, but they are defo Narnia related. the similarity is much to obvious to deny.

  47. JadistarkilleR says:

    btw, i dont think any of the Narnia related art work on Dickenson's site are top secret, otherwise he wouldnt have uploaded them for all to see. whether or not he admits to any of his artwork as being related to the current or future filming, thtas up to him and his confid clause.

  48. pselpevensie says:

    FINALLY! an update. i was getting really worried!
    nice pic! the cave looks really cool!

  49. icarus says:

    True, but there is absolutely no way that the picture i linked above has anything to do with any of the Narnia movies, even though the mouse in the purse has a reep-style feather and sword on him. And since that isnt Narnia, there is no reason to assume any of the other ones are Narnia related too, unless it can be proven beyond absolute doubt, which it can't. I would be more inclined to believe that the pictures in his sketch folder are simply just sketches, done for his own amusement, and thus he can draw whatever he likes, which seemingly he has.

  50. Lucille Brown says:

    Yes, finally, we are getting new again. It's seems like years since we got news. I hope it's the dragon cave for Dawn Treader.

  51. aslan's child says:

    finally!!!i've been waiting for news endlessly!!!.cool cave.i cant wait to see the cast up close!!!!!!!!!go narnians!!!whooooooh

  52. Silver the Wanderer says:

    YES NEWS!!! I was starving. I do hope this is from VDT – it definately looks like dragon cave.

  53. Nice finally something new.^^

  54. Aunt Letty says:

    what? Where?

  55. Aunt Letty says:

    Which WWII pics are those? Where is everyone seeing these other items they're mentioning?

  56. NarnianElf says:

    AWESOME!!!! I hope it is the dragon cave, that would be so cool! I love narnia.

  57. WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    It could be that Goldwater place where the water turns things into gold. But it's most likely to be the dragon cave. Besides, I doubt they're already at the Goldwater part. And FINALLY news! I feel like I'm 70. It's been so long. I hope more news comes quickly!

  58. NarniaWarrior says:

    yahoo…news..thanks and keep it coming…Long Live Aslan !!!

  59. LucyReepicheep4β™₯(used to be celtic13 and Narnian Jesus Freak) says:

    NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! πŸ˜€ *does a happy dance because there is news on NarniaWeb finally and then stops cause everyone is staring at her*
    Uh… sorry about that. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    I really hope that is for VDT!! I'll bet it's the dragon cave. Sail on VDT!! πŸ™‚

  60. WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush! says:

    It's probably just a ring like we wear for fun. Nothing serious like marriage though. Well… let's hope not. They're not filming Ramadu's daughter YET! they can't be that far in filming. And Ben is not married. If he is, WHY DIDN'T I KNOW?!?!?!?!
    PS. I do NOT have a crush on him. I ONLY like William M. and Skandar K. possibly Josh Hutcherson, but not as much as Will and Skandy.