Narnian Men Make Empire’s ‘100 Sexiest’ List
EmpireOnline has listed the 100 Sexiest Movie Stars of all time on their website. Two of Narnia’s leading men have made that list: Ben Barnes coming in at #38 (here) and James McAvoy at #9 (here). Just as a side warning, if you read the full list, there is a lot of bad language to be aware of. Thanks to 220ChrisTian for the heads-up!
okay that's…odd. Not sure what reaction I should have to that…erm….aaaawkwaaaaard…
I think it's rather hilarious that we've been so starved for news that when we do get some we end up talking about the exact definition of "sexy"…
What I want to know is…what does "sexy" have to do with anything? I mean, it just proves that the world is more concerned with lust and all that rather than actual acting talent!
WilliamMoselyandSkandarCrush, I feel the same way. I mean, what is this world coming to? Especially when people are more concerned with how the actors look and how lustful they make them feel, rather than being concerned about how talented they actually are!
BTW, I think it's quite hilarious that we've been so starved for news that when we do get some we end up discussing the exact definition of "sexy" and "hot"…
WOW!! My older sister met him. =D Nk
Yes. I am glad you agree with me. =D
WOW! Good Debate. But, I also agree about how stupid is it to have the *sexy* list. it is absolute down right p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c
That's what I think too.
Jonny DEPP!!! you got to be kidding me. He has turned in to a total jerk. anyway. WHOOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO I love star wars movie.
I might just have to use that against you,;)
ahh! that comment was an accident sorry, how do I delete it? :s
I honestly don't have a clue. 😉 sorry.
Wow I didn’t think by posting that comment it would make such a fuss!
I’m really sorry if anyone is offended by it and I totally agree with WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush about the whole “sexy” thing I mean it’s not that important news and for kids under 9 I don’t think it is suitable but oh well!
Again I’m really sorry but it is kind of funny that because I said one thing over 16 people have posted about it!
From NarinaIsMyLife
P.S I'm a girl!!
I say that James was REALLY good in "Becoming Jane."
I have to agree, I think saying someone is "hot" is pretty much the same as sexy. Did you really mean good looking? I think that is an ok way of saying you like someone's looks. 🙂
It may be "true" to you, but it is also just your opinion. It isn't a fact to everyone. 🙂
Haha, ditto.
I still would have chose Will and Skandar, but we had no say in it did we? Congrats to Ben and James!!
ugh how is this news. if i had to agree with anybody i'd vote for james mcavoy, but i'm not that type of girl :p
Oh I guess that makes sense.^^
It's Junk. I'll never understand some people. I guess it's good people like them, but not for THAT.
I actually agree with you.
Sorry to dissapoint you and all, but sexy IS hot. have you heard of words that mean the same think (can't remember the long word. Maybe synonyms?) Well, that is what hot and sexy are. I would side with you, but that sort of bothers me when you say that (okay…it bothers me a lot.) I'm just stating my opinion, and am not trying to be mean, please don't take it as an attack.
I think it's pretty stupid. Hopefully some good will come of it and at least boost the ratings.
lollollol. Who would've thought on narnia web we'd be discussing good looking men who have NO RELATION TO NARNIA WHATSOEVER. Hint, hint. Please stop.
CORRECTION: My last post was based on on a skim of the posts. Please ignore it and if possible delete it.
I never get these lists. It's just nonsenense to me.
WHO CARES ABOUT JOHNNY DEPP?!?!? I certainly don't. You know, he's really not that cute. Bit I never really look at those lists. Thakns narniaweb for tellin us bout the language stuff. Really appreciate it.
Oh whoops! Haha.
me too, and to me it's just plain yuck.
Hot and Sexy r NOT the same. I repeat: NOT the same. I'm serious. They have two different meanings. Hot means: good-looking
Sexy: well. I'm not even going to try to explain. I agree with WillMoseleyandSkandarcrush.
Your kidding!?! I wanna meet him… 😀
Haha! I agree Fire Fairy.
Robert Pattinson has his cute moments(like when he actually showers lol)but I just don't think he should be number 2…
Yes! James Mcavoy for Bilbo!!!!
I agree. Becoming Jane is one of my favorite movies that he is in. Although Penelope was really good too.
Ha ha ha. That's real funny
Hot and Sexy are the same!
Wow, this is a lame debate. And on Narnia web it's funny we're debating about THIS!
Look them up in the websters Dictionary! I shall settle this once and for all!
"Hot- a reletively high temperature"… oops, wrong context. Hot: Oh my! "HoT- sexually( I am NOT going to put the rest in hear!) also: sexy." They use the word sexy. Look if you don't beleive me. there. I believe we're done. 🙂
Why is it stupid? Just because people think these men are good looking? That's cool that they are being honored. Don't be such a Puddleglum.
I think you are very right.I saw the word 'sexy' here and I was thinking,um,why do they have to drag THIS to Narnia?
*grins* nope but it is really wierd. =D I actualy had a crush on her. nk. I hope you meet him someday!
Oh please people GET A LIFE!! What is so disturbing about this list?!?! It's fun!! And two of my favorite actors are on it…Ben Barnes AND James McAvoy…woooho!!! It is "Narnia related" after all, it's just a fun post!! GET OVER IT!!
lol That's so true. Sad, but totally true! 😛
Put Will on the list!!!!!!!
No,don't you get it? There's so little real news that we're all starved for something other than the MLG.
And there is the moral aspect also…
Well even though these contests are pretty dumb they should at least put good looking guys Robert Pattinson is not good looking, and Zac Efron looks like a donkey in my opinion. So this is not narnia news,
Oh man, Mr. Tumnus on the 100 sexiest list. That's so funny/weird.
Sorry if I've offended anybody with my pessimistic attitude. I just have a hard time seeing why we should care about who's "sexy" and who's not. I've always preferred to base my opinion off the talent of the actor, not on how they look. But still, I think it's rather funny that so many people like certain actors because they look "hot", even if they have no acting talent whatsoever. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying none of these actors have talent. In fact, most of them are probably excellent actors. I just think we should focus on acting talent rather than looks).
He's in lots of other movies (and was nominated for best kiss once) so most people don't know he played a faun. But I know what you mean.
"oh please people GET A LIFE! These things are fun!"
YOU may think it is. You stated your opinion, so I hope you won't mind when I state mine and say these lists are absolutely ridiculous. I'm not saying it's particarally BAD for Narnia, I've been wanting news for a long time on the movie, but this… I don't see how it's 'fun', could you tell me why you think so? I don't really understand why they are.
Oh, and you can have your own opinion, but anyone (and I empathsize anyone) would know why some of us don't like this. i mean, it's all over the page on the web you're staring at right now. The moral aspect is horrible, I am a Christain and I really don't think these lists are right.
Oh, and by the way, I do have a life.
It IS Narnia-related news. Why? Both current and former Narnia cast members are in the list! But being Narnia-related is why it appears in "Word on the street" instead of "Narnia movie news." 😉
oh la la thats great and i like the movies better than the books and i love reading and thats also sad because im a writer
it's sad, our world. And I'm VERY disapointed in Narniaweb for posting this article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, totally!
And if anyone read my post where I said I wasn't sure if this was good or bad, I changed my mind. It's RIDUCULAS and personly, I think it's kinda gross. 😛