Bird’s Eye View of the Dawn Treader
Even though filming at Cleveland Point is over and done, some last minute videos and pictures are coming in. The first two pictures are from AintitCoolNews and they are spectacular. Someone sent them shots of the Dawn Treader at Cleveland Point from the air. It looks like about the time they had just finished building the Dawn Treader and right before they started filming. It could also be right after they finished filming and right before they started dismantling the ship.
Both of the pics came from AICN’s website and can be found here, but be warned, their story is very vulgar.
Thanks to Narniamiss for the heads-up!
Also LunaxSolar posted two videos on YouTube of the final day of filming, Sept. 24. It looks like they spent the day doing some pick-up shots from previous scenes.
Thanks to JadistarkilleR for the heads-up on the videos!
Wow! She's so big and of course beautiful! Really cool shots from above. Thanks AintitCoolNews!
Right on! I wish 12/10/10 would come sooner!!!!
Better late than never!!! Great shots!
I really like this shot of her; she really looks neat next to the water.
Oh, and don't bother reading any of the comments left on the Aint it cool site, they are pretty vulger too.
I hope they actually film some soaring shots of the ship – wouldn't that look spectacular on the big screen?
I was wondering what the Dawn Treador looked like from above. ๐
Loverly!! <3
Wow! Those pics are awesome! I can't wait to just her on screen now!!! ๐
Wow – the first glimpse of what overhead shots in the movie might look like! That's really neat!
The more I see of the Dawn Treader, the more amazed I am at the creativity and scale/size of the entire production. It's almost overwhelming… magical.
Thanks for the warning.
My thoughts exactly! (I'm so glad I'm not the only one who uses that word!)
All these videos of them filming make me want to be in a movie all the more!
Awesome! ๐
Wow, those shot's are spectacular! I want December 10th to come sooner!
Awesome pictures! I like it
she looks great in those pics! ๐ thank's for the heads up Narniamiss! And the videos were great to! Thanks JadistarkilleR! ๐
This wait for 12/10/2010 is going to drive me nuts!! ๐
argg…… I really want to know who is going to play Ramandu!!!!!
I must say I really like your name. Great books!
Oh yeah, they've got to do a shot like that ๐ The Dawn Treader is going to look fabulous on the big screen!
I was just going to say the same thing, I love those books!
Wow I am going to miss these guys! Is anyone else as sad as I am?
Can't wait till December 2010 when I get to see them again! =)
What does vulgar mean?
I've been thinking the same thing as all of you, but the more I think about it I want it to come, but the day beforeit comes I just want to keep waiting. I don't know why. Anyway about the movies(I saw no one talking about them)the first one looks like the sceen where caspian and edmund are conforting lucy 'cause I saw edmund lucy and what might have been caspian and the second I don't know whats going on. any one have a clue?
i'm so sad that shooting day was over but i'm thrill to see where is the next set will be filmed
The next set is going to be filmed at the Movie World Studio's on the Gold Coast. But it's a closed set, so public access to it is not allowed =(
Wicked! Finally some new news along with pictures and videos! Thanks so much!
Vulgar as in bad language. Ain'tItCool generally needs a lot of editing. ๐
I'm amazed at how much pictures and videos are coming through. Although, not that the rest of the film will be shot at a closed set, I guess won't get so much news now…
Anyways, Sail On VDT!
I feel the same way about the movies. I really want VoDT to be finished, but when it's finished I'm sad that it's all over. We have so much fun while we're waiting!
i dont think this was taken after the ship was finished but after the sail has been put up
wow, sweet pics! I can't wait for the trailer.
Here's the web definition: crude: conspicuously and tastelessly indecent; "coarse language"; "a crude joke"; "crude behavior"; "an earthy sense of humor"; "a revoltingly gross expletive"; "a vulgar gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited"
I know! Every day we get a little closer to the release date, but at the same time it feels farther away!
I can't see the videos!
But 12/10/10 is too long to wait ๐
I hate 'em.
Me too!
I am very happy
They got pretty monotone after a while.
I can wait. But I would like to know when the first trailer will be comeing out.Do they have footage made to put one together?
The sail was the last thing they did on the ship. ๐
Ever seen My Fair Lady? ๐
Why not! ๐
I luv Skandar! ๐
I KNOW! It's seems like eternity. And the Dawn Treader shrunk! ๐ Kidding. Compare the size to the cars. It's HUGE! And Edmund is still comforting Lucy. That's nice. Yea for Big Brothers! Mine is in NY ๐ I'm in Ohio. ๐ Far apart!!
And I hope more videos wil come. Glad to see someone actually kept the camera STILL! But If I were recording, I'd zoom up, wouldn't you? I mean, why didn't LunaxSolar zoom up? No idea! But still thankful for the video! Great to see slow progress.
I luv em too!
cool vids and pics
Oh Thanks^^ I had no clue what it ment.
I know if you know the relese date of anything and if your exited about it you get so use to waiting a long time that the day before you just want it to be 20 days away again.
What does that have to do with any thing?
nice shots!!
They sure are!
I can't believe everyone got to see the videos but me.
Cool, But 2010 is long time to be patient