The Sail Unfurled

Flickr account member jacs1234 snapped the first shots we’ve seen of the Dawn Treader’s sail unfurled. Click on the thumbnail below to go to his Flickr account and check out the sail in all its glory! Keep in mind too that this may not be the full sail, and more could be added in later with CG.

Dawn Treader Sail Thumb

We also have the first shot we’ve seen of the tail lantern from Photo Synergy’s Flickr account.


Thanks to icarus for the heads-up!

UPDATE: jacs1234 has also included a short video of filming. You can check it out as his site here.

Thanks 7chroncles!

84 Responses

  1. Lucy the Valient says:

    Cool I'm first!!! The sail looks so cool opened and flowing! Can't wait for the movie! Sail on VDT!!

  2. InLoveWithAslan says:

    It's sooooo pretty!

  3. Queen Swanwhite says:

    oh wow! Thats pretty…and unique!

  4. Crimson Dragon says:

    Wow, it looks amazing! Wish I could see the design on it better. But it looks great.

  5. Musgrave says:

    Pretty cool. I don't really like all the detail on the ship but I could get used to it. The sail does look majestic though.

  6. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Wow! Pretty, but I expected it to be a bit more reddish purple but it is fine. It looks beautiful! Can't wait to see it on the movie!

  7. Lucy the Valiant says:

    She is the most beautiful ship ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous! Now if we could just shave that crazy beard off of King Caspian……..

  8. CEP Paul T says:


  9. fantasia_kitty says:

    That is one purple sail! LOL

  10. NarniaWarrior says:

    Does anyone know when the pics for sail unfurled and the pics from Tamara will be put on the image gallery? just wondering. Long Live Aslan !!!

  11. Shasta says:

    Cool! That looks great!

  12. Narnia Lover says:

    I think it looks great! SAIL ON VDT!!!

  13. JadistarkilleR says:

    its beautiful!

    i hope someone can take a photo of the entire sail, because it looks like there is some kind of design/ symbol on the upper right corner there.

    we also have yet to see Caspian's standard as King of Narnia. will it look just like Peter's? or would it have changed slightly given that he is also Telmarine? or would they come up with a completely different standard for Caspian the Seafarer?

  14. Nobody yell at me or freak out or anything, but the sail honestly doesn't look purple to me. Maybe it is just my computer screen, but to me it looks pink and blue… ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. JadistarkilleR says:

    its your computer screen :p

  16. Karine says:

    I'm falling in love all over again!

  17. The Archenlander says:

    this looks so cool. the purple looks so rich. looks great.

  18. pogginfan says:

    Beautiful! I love the latern, the detail is fantastic. And the sail's as great as ever. ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. narnian1 says:

    already posted in the forum but I can't help but comment here as well. I love both!!

  20. Fluffernutter says:

    Love the color!!!!!
    Can't wait to see the entire thing!!!!

  21. daughter of the King says:

    My monitor is doing the same thing. I was expecting it to be larger…………

  22. glumPuddle says:

    That's my girl!

  23. Griffle says:

    That purple is perfect! I wonder what the gold design on it is of…

  24. gina says:

    OMG im so excited
    but i want to see skandar !!!

  25. gina says:

    and i love the color

  26. greenbird37 says:

    Very nice!!

  27. Embrace says:

    What can i say?! Absolutely breathtaking! Prince Gaspian! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. Kate says:

    It's beautiful! I have some major respect for the design team. What wonderful attention to detail!

  29. kissinkate says:

    Freak. Out. I love the Dawn Treader! Too bad that its probably going to sit in some prop warehouse after the movie is done. They should rent it out for slummber parties or something, C'mon!

  30. Laura Elizabeth says:

    Looks nice! Hopefully more will be added to it, though.

  31. kissinkate says:

    What a dream job, thinking this stuff up! I definately got to give it up to these people, they're crazy good!

  32. Aravis Narnia says:

    Wow, that is beautiful! I love the purple.

  33. Lucy P. says:

    I love that shade! It;s perfect!

  34. PrincessLeia327 says:

    Wow! The color's amazing!!! The whole ship is absolutely stunning. Great job film crew!!!

  35. 7chronicles says:

    The ship is gorgeous, Iโ€™m reminded how happy I am that they decided to make the sail purple. I was getting worried that they werenโ€™t going to add the lanterns. I hope they add one on the dragonโ€˜s chin, Iโ€™m happy they kept at least one. Canโ€™t wait to see them lit up as the enter the dark island., hopefully!

  36. Francisco Cabello says:

    It's great to see the sail for the first time. Looks great. but because one side is in the shadows it looks like a dark blue.

  37. BenBarnesGal says:

    *Gasp* It's such a BEAUTIFUL purple. I LOVE IT!!!!

  38. Lamppostshines! says:

    i love the color!!!

  39. Eden says:

    Wow! I LOVE IT! Honestly, I wasn't expecting the design on it, but I'll get used to it.
    It's such a beautiful deep purple!

  40. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    *Gasp* Oh my goodness! It's beautiful and stunning and amazing, and just perfect. My Dad walked up to me just as I saw the newest news stories and he was like "Hey can I get on the computer real quick?" And I was like "No way!! The sail is here and it's purple!!!!!!" And of course he looked at me like I was insane! LOL Yay! Go Narnia!

  41. twinimage says:

    WOW, that's very purple. But I REEEEALLY like it! ๐Ÿ™‚
    The sail really sets it apart from any carnival ride.
    Is there a design or "logo" on the sail? I can't tell what it is. Either way, it's excellent! If anything, they've done the ship more than justice.

  42. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Yay! It's so cool! And PURPLE!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  43. jacs1234 says:

    Hi, I took the sail pic. I didn't know it had a following. If I go down there again I'll try to do better. When I took the pic it was getting dark and they had really bright lights on so the colour may be a bit wonky.

  44. jacs1234 says:

    I just downloaded a quick video I took of the filming. It's not great quality though as it's a crappy camera.

  45. Lucille Brown says:

    This is a really cool sail! This is the Dawn Treader sail!

  46. aussie_lucy says:

    Pretty! The Dawn Treader is looking really great!

    The lantern looks nice too.

    Thanks for posting the pics.

  47. edmund rox says:

    ok, this new website is so confusing… But anyways, I kinda like the sail, but still not big on the head. Umm… The lantern looks really good.

  48. Rorimac says:

    I agree. It looks more blue than purple to me, with a pink light on the left hand side.

  49. AJAiken says:

    Wow. ๐Ÿ˜€ Absolutely beautiful!

  50. Chris says:

    I much prefer the Dawn Treader they built for the BBC series. This one is far too unrealistic and it looks like something from a fair ground. The sails of the BBC ship had a much better design.

  51. Karine says:

    Thank you so much for taking it! You don't know how long we've been waiting to see it =) We're like kids at Christmas lol Could you make out what the design on the sail is? Perhaps when you go down there again.. (that would be great ๐Ÿ˜€ )

  52. Karine says:

    Thank you very much for the video as well! Anything we get is precious ๐Ÿ˜€

  53. Giuliano says:

    Very beautiful!!!!it's amazing!!!!!

  54. yeswelovenarnia says:

    Ok WAY COOOOOL!!!!!!!!!! really beautiful!!!!!!! NOW WHERES SKANDAR???????? (I am seriously wondering if they are replacing him or something????i sure hope NOT!!!)

  55. wannawork4Weta says:

    Good grief, it's perfect!!

  56. Karine says:

    I was told there are but they're not allowed to share them. So I googled Skandar Keynes on Dawn Treader set and found this:

    Courtesy of Lassiter who claims it's Skandar. I would love a confirmation ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. marcusydr says:


  58. Narniamouse says:

    The sail looks small