The Dawn Treader Crew in Armor
Kerrie Gurney has posted a set of pictures on her Blogspot account that shows the Dawn Treader crew (including Caspian) in armor. The armor the crew is wearing has a very different look to it than the armor that was used by the Telmarines in Prince Caspian – though Caspian’s armor sort of resembles Miraz’s armor a bit. Another interesting thing to note is one of the crew has a wound on his face.
You can check out the rest of Kerrie’s pictures at her blogspot page here.
Thanks to gryphon8 and jnjewlz for the heads-up!
UPDATE: Tamara has uploaded a video, and sent us a report with pictures. The pictures include a bell being supported by two faun statues, Lucy and Edmund in armor, and close-up of the ship’s name engraved, and the mysterious young girl we have been seeing.
The ship looks like its been attacked and the railing has been smashed in several places. I saw a lot of Georgie and she seems extremely cheeky, friendly and happy. Always talking to everyone! I couldn’t hear her though.. She and Skandar seemed to get on really well, they’d be talking right up until they called Action! then as soon as they called Cut! they’d just continue the conversation as if nothing had happened. Didn’t get to see any of Ben’s scenes because I had to leave but I did see him stalking around the back behind the crew a bit. He, like Skandar was wearing battle armour. Also saw some female extras.
To see more pictures, check out Tamara’s flickr account!
Awesome! Ah! It is looking great! I am getting SUPER excited for VDT! Sail on! 🙂
Oh my gosh, one can see those aren't done by WETA anymore.
Oh my, that's…interesting. :\
Ugh… It looks far too Telmarine. On the one hand, it makes historical sense for them to still wear Telmar-esque armor. On the other hand, I was really hoping Caspian would don something closer to Peter's look in the first two films. Aesthetically, Caspian just doesn't look very Narnian.
A big hmmmm…..
I don't think it looks Telmarine at all. This is much more medieval style thick plate armour. The Telmarines wore a much lighter Brigandine style armour from a later historical period. This is almost regressed to a LWW style imo.
Look at Lucy's sword. I don't know if i like the armor. I am sort of indifferent at this point.
Yes, I agree it has a bit. But while the sort of armor it is might be considered more Narnian, the aesthetic seems fairly Telmarine. For instance, look at the shape of the men's swords and the color of the plate. Also, notice the the plates appear to be formed out of hard leather, not steel.
While I think I can see the blend of the two styles, now that you mention it, I was still hoping that the old red and gold coat of arms would make an appearance.
I'm not too happy with the quality of the armor, especially on the crew. It looks rather fake and just a bit…childish? Perhaps it will look better in the actual film. And as Gregory said, I was hoping Caspian's armor would have a far greater Narnian influence. Not identical to Peter and Edmund, but less Telmarine than it looks like we're going to get.
It's still exciting to see new pictures, though!
As far as them being fake-looking, I am willing to bet that they aren't even supposed to look metallic. The plate looks very leathery, and I think that's on purpose.
I imagine I'll get more used to the idea of this sort of armor as time goes on, but my initial reaction is disappointment.
Ridiculous. If I told you "It turns out WETA is involved," and then showed you these same pictures, I think you'd love them.
Again, these are spy pictures. Spy pictures NEVER look as good as the real thing. Amateur cameras make things look cheap and fake. This armor was made for specific cameras and lighting conditions.
I just noticed another thing. This armor seems to clash with the overall look of the ship. If I were to see such a well-crafted and colorful ship come into port, I would be quite surprised to see such drably-clad soldiers come off of it.
Does anyone know who that little girl is in the Youtube video? I hope they aren't straying from the book…..
The armor looks good, imo. I think it will look better on the screen. 🙂 Go Narnia!
I love how it looks like a mix between telmarine and narnian! The swords are still telmarine, as far as I can see, just like the crossbows, but the shoulder looks like the armor of the centaur, and the chest seems to be an all new design with leather. I love leather in armor. It makes it look more flexible (in fact it probably is more flexible this way 😉 )In all I'm really happy with the overall design on this Film!
awesome pics and flix kerrie and tamara! georgie finally got a full length sword, not just a daggar.
Notice that part of the ship's side is torn away! Which battle do you think this is – the one with the sea serpent? It did crush part of the ship (though I think just the tail).
yeah ithought it was only the tail that was broken now this is more exciting
Whoa, anyone else notice that Edmund has Peter's sword by his side?
Love seeing new videos AND new pictures!
Looks great!
why are there women on the ship i thought it was an all boy crew ship, except lucy of course
Yeah, look. It is the little girl again. Maybe we can try and find a photo. Were there any little girls cast that we know of? That is just so strange.
Right about now I am utterly confused. 😛
In the first of the second set of photos is that edmund on the left? Is he carrying Peter's sword? What do you think?
I see a lion head on the hilt. Do you think Caspian and Edmund duel over the right to carry Peter's sword.
Considering how they're at sea, a load of plate armor and chainmail would probably not be very helpful. I think the leatherlook with some metal is practical. I love that Caspian's trousers have those buttons down the thigh as he wore a similar style in PC. And his spaulders are gold so there's that red&gold Old Narnia element.
Also, is that Ben's stunt double who's carrying Rhindon?
The teenage Lucy is starting to look as cute as the older version of herself in the first film (Played of course by Georgie´s own older sister) judging by these great pictures!
It looks like Rhindon! Though I couldn't tell it was Skandar, I actually first thought when did Colin Morgan get on set.
It definitely looks like Ed has Peter's sword…
Haha, Georgie's little dance in the video, and the other little girl's a little later. Now Ed needs to dance…
That is Edmund and he is carrying Peter's sword.
yeah, that's interesting. Great pics!
yeah….Idk. i'm gonna look around and see if there is a new cast list with her on it. It's worth a look. 🙂
I def see that look! I also happen to love her appearance in this film even if the sword isn't canon.
I thought his sword looked a little like Peter's. At least I thought I say a lion's head.
It could be that he loses it to Edmund at Deathwater. I have a feeling that scene will be extended to a full fight either way.
Hey, I found a list of the "supposed" cast list from the book. Maybe we can get a clue as to who this little girl is. I saw at the bottom of this first section, there was a character known as "sea-girl". Just a thought….. Anyway, here is the link to the list
I LOVE THAT ARMOR!!!!! I like that Edmund and Caspian's match, both being the only Kings onboard. And I have to say it again, I Love Lucy's clothes.
It looks like Edmund has Rhindon, so maybe Caspian gives it to him after they duel. And I definitely think that Lucy's sword is a dwarf sword. I also think that the little girl may be Lord Bern's daughter or maybe she is from the Lone Islands and she is with everyone seeing the Dawn Treader off from the Lone Islands. overall I love the job Isis is doing with VDT!!!!
yeah, I thought so, too. I hope the director doesn't add too much artistic creativity. Please stick with the book as much as possible! 🙂
That sounds like an idea, Caspian gives it up to Ed after that spar on the ship. He did miss out on getting a gift from Father Christmas! And I think Lucy's carrying a dwarf-made sword too.
I love the parallel between Peter and Edmund's armor matching and now Caspian and Edmund's armor matching. It's a nice bridge between the first two films and this one.
I agree that there will probably be an exchange between Edmund and Caspian on deathwater island. It may not be more then what was between the DLF and Edmund in Prince Caspian though.
These pictures are so exciting! I cannot wait to see this movie– I am loving the look of everyone's costumes–even Lucy's sword. It's going to be different from the book no matter what, and I can't wait to see what they do.
Oh…great *sarcastic*…now that Peter's gone, the ownership of his sword is basically up for grabs? Better not!
Who else is beginning to be concerned about Lucy being way too tomboyish is this movie? I mean, all we've seen her in are boys clothes, not just one set but two sets of boys clothes. I really hope she isn't going to be all rough and "I'm-just-as-good-as-a-boy"ish. I mean, Lucy in the book is still very much a girl. The sword is off-putting, Lucy doesn't need a sword, unless there are indeed new action sequences. Lucy is supposed to bring a femminine presence to the ship, not blend in with all the men:(. Maybe the little girl and the ladies are Lord Bern's family. I can't think of who else they might be.
I think it might be a bit more heated than the fight with DLF as there is that moment where Edmund claims it under Peter the High King and Caspian responds something akin to "So that's how it is?" before Lucy stops them. Fight choreography potential.
Who is that girl?????????? I think the armor is okay.
I'm feeling torn about this. They're great pictures, but I'm not wild about the armor, or Edmund carrying Rhindon. The armor is supposed to make a majestic and impressive display when the soldiers march into Narrowhaven, and I'm not getting that vibe from this. Lucy carrying a sword is another discussion thread entirely.
that is not narnian armor,it's telmarine armor!!!
Just for the record, the book did say that Lucy had to wear some of Caspian's clothes since her's got wet when they arrived in Narnia, and she is described in Hourse and his Boy as a fighter.
Well, I am curious to see what direction they are heading with that… for one thing, in a previous video in which Edmund and Caspian are dueling, Caspian is using Peter's sword! It seems that the sword has become a "status symbol" of the kingship of Narnia, similar to an orb or scepter. When Peter handed Caspian his sword in PC, he was also handing over his authority as sitting monarch. Or perhaps Caspian just decided to bring the sword on the Dawn Treader along with other treasures, like Lucy's cordial… Just a thought.
Lucy's sword is definitely a dwarf sword!!! I think its cute…maybe it was Trumpkin's!!!
I really think the production so far is going well. As for Edmund having Rhindon, I think that Caspian would have given it to him as soon as he got on bard the ship, as a mark of respect. Anyway, he and Edmund always got on reasonably well in Prince Caspian.
I think Georgie's attire is amazing, and that seh deserves a sword in this movie. After all, she's always been left out as part of the action, and it's been proved in the Horse and His Boy that she enjiyed taking part in the sction and defending her country as she rode to war with Edmund. What I find most upsetting from these pictures is the fact that Will Poulter is missing, and nobody else is. After all, in the book, Eustace was always made to help out in the more violent situations, even though he whined about it. Also, THEY WRECKED THE SHIP!!! That is just NOT a good thing. And anyway, why would they blow parts of it up if they had spent so much time building it? I hope it's some sort of seperate ship, like they rebuilt the deck in it's wrecked state.
Can't wait for VDT, SAIL ON!!
Yeah, I noticed that, too.
Note: she is carrying a dwarfish sword, not a woman's weapon. This in some strange way reconciles the idea to me a bit.
It seems to me from the slightly ill-fitting clothes to the choice of weapons that she is outfitting herself for a perilous journey, making do with what was brought on board for a predominantly male crew. She can't wear her British clothes the whole time! And where do you expect her to find Narnian dresses in the middle of the sea?
There's no way that the girl is the Sea-Girl, because that girl in the book was uder water and portrayed as a kind of Mer-girl, and the girl on deck looks very much human to me. I think she'll be one of the Lord Bern's daughters or some character that was added in by the script writers.
I think you are right. That would make more sense. 🙂
Thanks for the correction! Narnia 4ever!!!!!!
Much as I want her to retain her femininity on board (and she still can even in men's clothing), I can understand the reasons for putting her in more masculine clothing. This isn't a pleasure cruise they're on; it is a dangerous voyage in which she may be called on at any time to defend herself! Her willingness to endure this journey and don this at times ill-fitting clothing for the sake of the king's quest is what sets her apart as a true Narnian queen, not a fickle Telmarine princess!
As for the sword, it is a dwarfish weapon, not a heavy man's sword or even one built for a woman. It is something a child might carry in a pinch (as Jill Pole does in LB). In other words, at least she isn't wearing some outlandish warrior-woman regalia like Susan wears in PC (:P). I find that rather comforting.
I think it is telemarine armor. Cause Caspian IS telemarine. By the way… I LOVE the pics of Skandar with Georgie. They're SO sweet. It looks like Georgie is nervous of fighting 4 the first time. And Skandar is trying to comfort her. OH! 1 more thing… SKAAAANDARRRRRR!!!!!!!!! anyone agree with me about the stuff b4 the big Skndar thing?
soaking wet and in armor- maybe the sea serpant fight.
i wonder what the scene with them all in armor is??
Oh, yes, Peter did hand his sword over to Caspian…I just meant I don't like the idea of EDMUND having it. This is just too weird knowing Peter gave it to C. and then now it looks like the sword may be in other people's hands!
Yeah, so did I! I thought I was going crazy for a moment there, so I'm glad I'm the only one who saw Rhindon hanging there at Edmund's side. Very interesting…