Photos: Georgie Henley on the Dawn Treader

Georgie with SwordDozens of pictures and videos have been posted online over the past few weeks, but Georgie Henley has been noticeably missing from them for the most part. Now, we finally have some clear shots of her on board the Dawn Treader, and she sure has grown up. Be sure to read the blog entry as well:

View the photos here (Notice the cordial at her side)

Lucy on the Dawn Treader

These photos may start more discussion about the actors’ ages. In the book, Lucy is a year older than Eustace (10, 9), but Georgie Henley is actually two and a half years younger than Will Poulter (15, 16.5). This does not necessarily mean the filmmakers have changed it so that Eustace is older. Filmmakers typically cast actors based on how old they appear, not necessarily how old they actually are.

Thanks to Lady Éowyn.

UPDATE: Thanks to Tamara, we have two new pictures of Georgie in which she is wearing a different costume, and what looks like a sword (not a dagger) on her belt!

Georgie with Sword


226 Responses

  1. Riklionheart says:

    OMG. Lucy has a sword run for your lives.

  2. daughter of the King says:

    A Narnian Ship, Jill is younger than Lucy.

  3. daughter of the King says:

    A sword? This could get interesting…….And I still don't see this little girl that everyone keeps talking about, where is she?

  4. Mark Friedrich says:

    Tsk, tsk, tsk. Georgie Having a sword? something's wrong here.

  5. Mark Friedrich says:

    By the way, Georgie looks great.

  6. Lutra's Pearl says:

    If you remember she is the on that was the fighter in th horse and his boy. And this is after that so it would make scence. Keep the story of Aslan alive!

  7. Eden says:

    Older than Skandar? IMO, I don't think so – she looks about 14-15 and he looks about 16-17. (Even though I know they are both older than that.)

  8. Mark Friedrich says:

    She was in the Horse and his Boy. However she wasn't supposed to fight in VOD.

  9. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    I love swords! Who says girls can't have swords? SWORDS ROCK!!!! I like this idea! I never could picture her with a bow in the book. Go Lucy and the sword!

  10. Narniamiss says:

    No one is saying "girls can't have swords," but it isn't accurate to the book at all. I do like the idea, but I'm wondering why she would need one.

  11. Boke_Wyrm says:

    That's a cool jacket, it appears to be under the red vest or jerkin that we've seen them wearing. I sure hope it breathes OK. Didn't Ms. Henley have a sword in the rowboat shots a few weeks ago? If this is the same sword, it is one cool piece of hardware.

  12. Ramandu's Daughter says:

    Oh, Thanks!

  13. Lirenel says:

    Just because she has a sword doesn't mean she'll use it. But Lucy *was* the "warrior-woman", so to speak, not Susan.

    So I would have no problem with her wearing or using a sword. Actually, it makes me happy because I was thinking people had forgotten "Queen Lucy the Valiant".

  14. Roguewolf says:

    I thought she typically uses the bow & arrows?

  15. skandyfan says:

    In my opinion it is perfect! I just can´t imagine Lucy with a bow, cause she´s not like Susan. I would say she´s braver. So I think it´s pretty cool that she gets one in VOD!

  16. Roguewolf says:

    Man, this is really starting to get off track! Why does she need a sword? There's no real battles and I think bows & arrows are neat! Why is it so hard to imagine her as an archer? It doesn't make her any less brave!

  17. Baraslan says:

    Well, in the book, Caspian offers her some clothes after she comes aboard. Maybe it's just part of the ensemble of clothing he gives her. It doesn't mean she's suddenly going 'Xena, Warrior Princess' or anything. It *is* a perilous voyage. I don't see why Caspian wouldn't give her something to *defend* herself with – which is different than her charging into the fight.

  18. Beth says:

    Remember, Lucy was who actually wanted to fight in LWW. "I think I could be brave enough." It makes much more sense for her to be carrying a sword here.

  19. Caspian says:

    Not that girls can't use swords, but Lucy having one is a little un-canonical. I believe she preferred the dagger. And bow. 😉 Hopefully she won't have to use it (with Inigo Montoya, the NinjaJedi Kind…er, Edmund, and Useless C.S. to protect her, she should be as safe as if Reep was the one with the big sharp pointy object. ;D)

  20. Xenithar says:

    She's grown quite a lot since LWW. And what's wrong about having a sword? It seems plenty sensible to me to carry one on a long and dangerous voyage :p

  21. Princess Arya says:

    Exactly! It seems to me like Lucy and Susan's personalities were swapped. Although I know Susan was the one who got the bow from Father Christmas, according to HHB she didn't often use it.

  22. MonkeySaru says:

    Guys, she's "Queen Lucy the Valiant", not "Queen Lucy the Gentle". 😉 This is why I'm absolutely fine with her having a sword in this one rather than Susan going all warrior in the other one. It's just the way they pulled it off that bugged me. She was too hot-shot about it, not really defending for her country. :/ Anyway. It would be awesome to see Georgie get in some fighting action in this one. Not the kind that will demean her character, but the kind that will show that she's a 20+ year old Queen and not a thirteen year old or however old she is now.

  23. Last King of Narnia says:

    It appears to look like a Dwarven sword from the hilt design. In the name of adventure and exploration I guess I really don't mind Lucy having a sword…But PLEASE do not turn her into a Miss Rambo who goes on unstoppable rampages(Ahem Susan the "Gentle"). Don't misunderstand me, a woman having a weapon is NOT bad but useing it to become someone she(or he) is not destroys them.
    ~Further up and Further in~

  24. StoryGirl says:

    I'm totally with you MonkeySaru. 🙂 Go Lucy!

  25. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Sweetness! But I have to say: I think she should have a bow and arrows rather than a sword. (After all, that's the way it was in VDT.) She looks great! Yay Lu!

  26. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    haha. You're funny, Caspian. "Inigo Montoya" and "Useless C.S.". 😀 Only, "U.C.S." won't be doing any protecting… until later (wow, just realized how /funny/ that sounds! Eustace /protecting/ in VDT!). ;P

  27. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Oh, yeah, and in HHB too.

  28. Jackie Lewis says:

    Is it just me (am I being hopeful) or does that sword look somewhat like Rhindon? Peter did give it to Caspian, but it would be too big for Lucy, right? Someone say something logical against this theory.

  29. Aslan's Meadow says:

    I think it's a great idea….Lucy having a sword.

  30. narnia is awsome it is ba like BA BR

  31. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Alright, here's some logic agianst it….We've already seen pics of Caspian with..which be Rhindon.
    (ok, not the most convincing)

  32. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Cheer up, GP, maybe they'll fight some pirates and merpeople underwater or something. 😉 I know you'd love that to pieces. As MonkeySaru said, she's Lucy the Valiant. Of course she's going to be wearing a sword. So there are no real battles in the book, she could be wearing it "just in case." I know I would.

  33. i thought you were typically gay

  34. 220chrisTian says:

    The costume is confusing to me. It doesn't look like something from the Dawn Treader. It looks like something she would be wearing either before she enters Narnia [London?] or after the voyage is over [wedding?]. But I could be wrong. And is the item on her belt a sword or part of a satchel?

  35. Edmund-is-hot says:

    Oh, I don't want her to have a sword really. I'm not sure it will be right….but we'll just have to see.

  36. Princess Arya says:

    Logic! Why don't they teach logic in these schools? lol jk
    But unfortunately since I haven't taken any logic classes either, I can only use common sense here:
    It doesn't look too much like Rhindon to me, because all I could see was the hilt. And if we know Peter gave the sword to Caspian, I don't think Lucy would have it. (After all, 😉 it was Peter's gift from Father Christmas. I don't think Lucy would use it. That would probably cause a problem with fans!!!)

  37. BA BR says:

    i love narnia !!!!!!

  38. Mark Friedrich says:

    But remember she dose have a dagger to protect her self.

  39. Mark Friedrich says:

    I Just ment she looks great.

  40. Mark Friedrich says:

    the Problem with a sword is it doesn't fit in with the series of books. I don't know about you, But I like to have things just the way they are, mainly straight from the books.

  41. katrina says:

    cool pics, but i think Lucy should stick to her dagger. but i guess we'll just have to wait and see, maybe it won't turn out to be bad!

  42. Starlight and Snowflake says:

    i think that's called girl power go georgie

  43. narniafan4ever says:

    Well, the clothing she is wearing is supposed to be borrowed from Caspian. The clothing she was wearing when she entered Narnia got wet. That is also why it all looks so big on her. 🙂

  44. Lucy&Reepicheep says:

    I think its fine the Lucy has a sword as long as it isn't her's, it would be fun to see Lucy's dagger in the movie, but her having a sword shows a bit of maturity

  45. Lucy&Reepicheep says:

    I agree with you Mirima, swords are awesome, and I think it would be good for her to have a sword, Go Lu,

  46. Starlily says:

    Look at the last picture. The man has his arm around the little girl. And look at the "12 new pictures" news story. The little girl is standing to the left of Lucy, in the sixth picture. Hope that helps.

  47. Weapon Master says:

    I don't know if I'm too wild about Lucy having a sword. Not that she couldn't handle it, but I would prefer that she sticks to a bow and dagger like the books say.

  48. HappyGiant says:

    NathanCD, we'd rather you refrain from calling anyone that.
    Yeah, she does look awesome! She looks so much older.

  49. HappyGiant says:

    Now that you mention it, there are no fighting w/ wepons in VotDT at all! But I'm ok with a battle, as long as it isn't like fledged out war (which it actually might be, considering what Ben barnes said about 'pitched battles'.

  50. Aravia(narniafan#1) says:

    Yea, I thought so too. And maybe the reason she's calling for Edmund is because he fell overboard or got hit by the serpent or something… And I'm glad she's wearing Caspain's clothes. But I hope she has a narnian dres when she leaves. Because this is her last time in Narnia!

  51. HappyGiant says:

    I just can't imagine Lucy with a bow, maybe you can, and that's good, I guess. Thing is, I'm actually sort of happy she has a sword because I was afraid Lucy might seem to much like Susan.

  52. ImaNarnian says:

    I just got to say this. Sorry if I embarrassed you, Mark. But when u said she looks great, the 1rst thing that popped into my head was: AW!!! Young Love. Do u have a crush on her? Just wondering…

  53. HappyGiant says:

    Eustace protecting in VotDT is sort of funny… ;). But then, what kid whose name sounds like Useless will protect anyone?
    haha, Inigo Montaya and NingaJedi… 😀

  54. HappyGiant says:

    People say someone is great and not have a crush on them! It happens all the time.

  55. HappyGiant says:

    You are so right Lucy&Reepicheep!!

  56. HappyGiant says:

    Nathan, please stop saying those sort of things. thanks!
    btw, georgie looks awesome, can't waiut to see more pics of her!

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