Photos: Georgie Henley on the Dawn Treader

Georgie with SwordDozens of pictures and videos have been posted online over the past few weeks, but Georgie Henley has been noticeably missing from them for the most part. Now, we finally have some clear shots of her on board the Dawn Treader, and she sure has grown up. Be sure to read the blog entry as well:

View the photos here (Notice the cordial at her side)

Lucy on the Dawn Treader

These photos may start more discussion about the actors’ ages. In the book, Lucy is a year older than Eustace (10, 9), but Georgie Henley is actually two and a half years younger than Will Poulter (15, 16.5). This does not necessarily mean the filmmakers have changed it so that Eustace is older. Filmmakers typically cast actors based on how old they appear, not necessarily how old they actually are.

Thanks to Lady Γ‰owyn.

UPDATE: Thanks to Tamara, we have two new pictures of Georgie in which she is wearing a different costume, and what looks like a sword (not a dagger) on her belt!

Georgie with Sword


226 Responses

  1. Ramandu's Daughter says:

    Does any one know if they got another cordial? Because I saw Lucy's cordial in the Narnia Exhibition, and isn't that still going on?

  2. Eden says:

    Finally, alot of pics of Georgie! Oohh, I can't wait to see this scene in the movie… It sounds very interesting! I wonder what happened to Ed… πŸ™

    Hopefully we'll get more pics soon! XD I'm such a picture hog… LOL

  3. SavedByGrace says:

    She does look so much older than Skander. Hmmm, wonder how this will play out.

  4. fnafa4ever says:

    omg creepy moment. In those pictures she looked like a cross between me and my cousin. I never thought either of us had any resemblance to Georgie, but after seeing those pictures I'm starting to think differently. She definitely looks older in this movie than any of the others, she's starting to look more like a young adult rather than a little girl. I think she'll look older than Will. (I'm still having to remind myself that this is the new Will, not the old one… its very confusing.)

  5. Ranger of Llangolenn says:

    Where are the Skandar pics?! I WANT SKANDAR PICTURES!

  6. NarnianPrincess says:

    Could it be when they are at the island where dreams come true? she could be calling to edmund on a lower deck, and looking up scared of something… just a thought.
    i don't think they would make Edmund fall into the water; rather unheroic for Edmund's character πŸ™‚

  7. Lucy says:

    Who will get married?

  8. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    OMG she is getting so pretty! Man it seems like yesterday she was that cute little eight year old! Now look at her! It makes me want to cry. *sniff* :'( πŸ™‚ Awesome pics of her. I think Will looks younger so I think they will keep him younger. Thanks so much for the great pictures of Lucy! On to Skandar! We need better pics of him! πŸ˜€

  9. Idk. My brain is just messed up with Narnia. I guess I'm just still learnig.

  10. MassiveGeorgieHenleyFan says:

    OMG!! FINALLY GEORGIE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the movie!

  11. Lucy says:

    Me to i really want more Ed pics!

  12. Lucy says:

    Me to.
    Go Skandar! πŸ™‚

  13. Princess Arya says:

    Lucy — Caspian and Ramandu's daughter would. Did you read VDT?

  14. Lucy says:

    Does anyone know were the place is were there are the characters ages?

  15. Lucy says:

    Even when she is grown up she looks cute! πŸ™‚

  16. Lucy says:

    But I will in a few days,nice really nice name! πŸ™‚

  17. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    wow Georgie has grown up so much! She is gorgeous! I wonder why she is calling out Ed's name? Can't wait to see the movie!!!

  18. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    haha me too!

  19. Laura Elizabeth says:

    Nice pictures…but not the clearest. I hope they aren't changing the storyline too much. And I hope Lucy won't wear boy clothes the whole time.

  20. Wow. Better guess than mine.^^

  21. Weapon Master says:

    Great! I love that they are keeping her cordial and dagger. She does look good in her costumes so far. I know that she gets a lot of new things in Narrowhaven, but I agree that a long skirt would be impractical on a ship, so I'll have to wait for more photos before I decide.

  22. Umm… 00 I figured most of the people here were girls by
    – by their user names, and I sort of got that Image when I read the comments stuck in my head. but I need to fuigure boys are on here too so I need to be more imgaginative. (and read the user name first) ^^

  23. I think they make a replica every movie so that it could fit better in the belt and so the belt can fit on georgie.

  24. Shy Galadriel says:

    aw! she looks so big! She's grown so much!!! I can't wait to see her in VDT, she MADE Prince Caspian.

  25. narnian resident says:

    why on earth would edmund fall in the water for any reason?

  26. true-narnian_queen says:

    This movie is so going to ROCK!!!!all the pics i have seen are AWSOME Keep them coming!!! GO NARNIA!!!

  27. I've been on a ship and its way windy and if they want to have the illousion that they are on a movig ship pant would be more pratical.

  28. narnian resident says:

    just what i wished! now we need some videos. wow georgie is 15!!! i thought she was 14, and i thought i had figured out that she was actually younger than me! i just dont understand how she got older than me! wow no wonder she looks so old! im telling you her appearance says she 16 or older! crazy!!!

  29. narnian resident says:

    i think she looks amazing, like a female pirate. not that thats what Lucy is, but her outfit is perfect on a ship. afterall she wore caspian's clothes, thats why they look so big too.

  30. narnian resident says:

    that other little girl was mentioned before being seen on the set. what on earth could she be there for? i dont recall any other girls on the ship. and perhaps Lucy is yelling at Edmund to try to tell him something, because i dont think he could be taken off or something.

  31. Anonymous Narnian says:

    I like how much Georgie's grown here. Given, she doesn't look 10 by any stretch of the imagination, but (as GP said) she looks older than Will, and that's the material point. It's good to see that she still has the cordial with her. I was expecting them to get rid of it, since it plays such a small (but good) part in the book. I hope they'll keep Eustace's seasick scene!

  32. pselpevensie says:

    Georgie really isn't the girl she was in LWW. she's really grown up.
    Nice shot of her.

  33. NarniaNut says:

    How old is Lucy in the movie?

  34. Narnia Lover says:

    Georgie looks so much older now!!! I love the way she looks! πŸ˜€ SAIL ON VDT!!!

  35. Zoe says:

    Georgie is 14. Narnia Web staff messed up. If you notice, they say that she's 2 1/2 years younger than Poulter, but Poulter is listed as 16.5, which is only 1 1/2 year older.

  36. Reep13 says:

    I totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. CelticPotterNarnianFan says:

    I think she looks like she came out from the book. πŸ™‚

  38. Eden says:

    Yeah, we have such a shortage of Ed pics! We need more… Too bad I don't live in Australia, cause I'd be snapping photos left and right! πŸ˜‰

  39. daughter of the King says:

    Check out Character Profiles under More Narnia Web.

  40. decarus says:

    Lucy did get new clothes after they visited the Lone Islands. She received new things there. They could easily have her in a new dress. It just depends on how they want to play it. I sort of like the idea of her dressing like the crew, but i would also be alright with her having a change at some point.

    It all depends on whether or not they keep the islands in the same order.

  41. Lucille Brown says:

    Narniamiss, um….wouldn't she get a dress when she got shoes on the island where governor Gumpas was. I mean I don't think it exactly says it but wouldn't it make sense.

  42. kate Achey says:

    I like geogie heney

  43. I think Willmoselyskandarcrush may have been on the right track. Perhaps Ed was knocked off by the sea serpent, and *something* comes to his rescue… whether it's a flying creature… or a flying person (That being Ed. πŸ™‚ Seems to me like it will be a rather exciting scene, and I can't wait to see it! πŸ™‚

  44. Yeah, she was born july 9th 1995… she still looks way older than she did in PC. I'm not quite sure what I think.. it kinda paves the way for an older Jill because she is about the same age as Lucy…hmm i think i'm just thinking outloud:)!!!

  45. I must say that after seeing all the post, it seems that there are lots of possibilities. It would seem rather unheroic of Edmund to fall in the water now that I think about it.
    And I would like to see Skandar pics… I am sure they will come soon! I wish I was there with my camera. How exciting that would be! πŸ™‚

  46. dw4 says:

    actually i think georgie looks fabulous in those getups. she's wearing them well. and i won't mind if she wears them through the whole movie. remember elizabeth in pirates of the carribean. soon enough a narnian gown would get rather tiring, i think.

  47. fnafa4ever says:

    Loving the sword. Please tell me she gets to use it.

  48. Wow a sword?! Talk about Grown up Lucy! can't wait to get some vids. ^^. I hope she gets a video of Georgie using her sword!

  49. Lucy Helen Ycul says:

    I'm excited that Lucy gets a sword besides her dagger. πŸ™‚ YEAH!

  50. glumPuddle says:

    I dunno about the sword. It makes me nervous, just because we're already concerned about them adding action sequences.

    Surely she'll get to use it, right? I mean, if it was just for decoration, why wouldn't they just let her keep the dagger?

  51. Lucy the Valiant says:

    Lion Witch and the Wardrobe- 8-9, Prince Caspian- 10-11, and Voyage of the Dawn Treader- 13-15.

  52. Lady of the Green Kirtle says:

    Personally, I hope they do eventually put her in a dress (or at least SOMETHING a little more feminine) those male cloths look so unflattering on her. As much as I hate to say it, she looks a little like a boy in some of those pictures

  53. Princess Arya says:

    A sword? Lucy? She never even used her dagger…although, of course, that's referencing the books. Of course anything could be different on a ship (like her clothes), but the sword is totally new…. Just I hope she isn't made into an Eowyn replica!

  54. Prince Norin says:

    Okay, so the new costume looks a little more boyish, but not too much… and the sword: if you remember, Lucy is said to have a bow at the ready when they enter the dark island… so Lucy can fight. But, I admit, I am nervous about the sword. It's not a bow and arrow.

  55. 7chronicles says:

    I like the sword, I bet Georgie likes it a lot! The sword looks like it's dwarf crafted. I wonder if Trumpkin gave her his sword. if Lucy, Edmund and Eustace end up joining the voyage as they leave Cair Paravel instead, he may give it to her.

  56. skandargirl_95 says:

    does she?
    I know she's younger than me…about a year I think,but she doesn't look older than Skandar…

  57. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    I think Georgie looks great in that costume. She's certainly grown up a lot since LWW and even PC. Lady of the Green Kirtle, not everything has to be dresses. The sword looks good. I'm very happy with the costuming so far.

  58. The Narniad says:

    She doesn't look older than Skandar! I AM SO HAPPY THERE ARE FINALLY PICTURES OF HER!! She's been avoiding the camera, and it's been frustrating me. I think it would be ACE if she got to use a sword, and gets to take part in all the action! She looks amazing, and December 2010 can't come fast enough!!!

  59. Guamnarniafreak says:

    Awesome.I'm a year older than her but I know she's
    much taller than me.
    But don't you think Skander and Georgie are
    probably the same height.They've certainly
    grown a lot.