Photos: Georgie Henley on the Dawn Treader
Dozens of pictures and videos have been posted online over the past few weeks, but Georgie Henley has been noticeably missing from them for the most part. Now, we finally have some clear shots of her on board the Dawn Treader, and she sure has grown up. Be sure to read the blog entry as well:
View the photos here (Notice the cordial at her side)
These photos may start more discussion about the actors’ ages. In the book, Lucy is a year older than Eustace (10, 9), but Georgie Henley is actually two and a half years younger than Will Poulter (15, 16.5). This does not necessarily mean the filmmakers have changed it so that Eustace is older. Filmmakers typically cast actors based on how old they appear, not necessarily how old they actually are.
Thanks to Lady Éowyn.
UPDATE: Thanks to Tamara, we have two new pictures of Georgie in which she is wearing a different costume, and what looks like a sword (not a dagger) on her belt!
yeah, Georgie for me passes for being a year older in comparison to Will. but she does seem so much older then when in Caspian; not that I don't like that. wow. and she has, what appears to me, to be Caspian's clothes on too! 🙂
Wow! Georgie certainly has grown up!
Hmmm…I wonder what in the world this scene could be? By the description before the photos, it makes me feel a bit wary. Could it be that Eustace (as a dragon) has "picked up" Edmund and carried him off? Or maybe he just fell in the water…
And those are definitely crossbows that the crew are holding…
So cool! But does this mean she won't get a dress in this movie? Please have these pictures not mean that! She's got to have a dress for Voyage of the Dawn Treader, at least one Narnian Dress.
Even if Eustace as a dragon had picked up Edmund, I don't think that it would necessarily ruin the storyline at all… we have to allow for some changes as long as they aren't major and don't compromise the story (remember the waterfall scene in LWW?). It would make sense that if Eustace discovered he was a dragon his first reaction would be to exert his power and anger…
And, technically, they would be sticking closer to the book if Lucy didn't have a Narnian dress.
It’s one thing to just say “Lucy wore Caspian’s clothes” in a book. It’s another thing to be constantly reminded of it, which is what could happen in a movie since they’d have to visualize it.
In the HP books, Harry’s scar is right in the center of his forehead. In the movie, that would be distracting, so they moved it to the right side of his forehead. It was a change that was made in the interest of being faithful to the book. Because, in the book, the scar is not a distraction. Same idea here with Lucy’s clothes.
OMG!! Georgie Henley is my favorite actress!! She has grown up so much!! They always style her hair in the movies to make her look younger then she really is. She is only 9 days older then me!
I still don't know if I agree with the costumes.
Technically, Lucy only borrows Caspian's clothes while her own are being washed and dried. She also buys a lot of "Lovely New Things" in Narrowhaven before the Dawntreader leaves port there. So I'm beginning to wonder about how much is being made of "Lucy borrowing Caspian's clothes". Georgie is certainly looking older though, my theory is that maybe the screenplay writers decided that a dress or even blouse with skirt, would be quite impractical on board a ship.
Very good points, glumPuddle and Lillyput90. I think it would be very reasonable for Lucy to wear Caspian's clothing on the ship. However, they do stay in Narrowhaven for two weeks, so perhaps she'll get to wear a dress then.
I wish I could see the pictures! My computer won't let me on the site, and they're not in the picture gallery!
Gah. Great, this is awesome and all, but SKANDAR. Can we get some clear shots of him please? I just wanna know that he even exists and was cast for this movie. xDD
Once again I'm reminded how perfect Georgie is as Lucy!!!! She has grown more then I thought! I think she could definitely look older then Will. And I love her clothes!!!!!!! I'm sure she doesn’t wear Caspian’s clothes for the whole voyage. Once she gets to Narrowhaven I'm sure she buys things like in the book. But I do hope they have her use some of Caspian's clothes at first, it would be great to have some book to screen moments like that!!!!
Georgie is such an very great actress can't wait yill it shows i hope this movie is beyond my imagination that every person can relate to.
This is amazing! She sure has grown a lot since the first movie! But it is cool to see more photo's!
Wow, Georgie/Lucy looks good! And she looks like she's having a great time aboard the Dawn Treader, as I always imagined from the book. I personally think she could pass as a year older than Eustace, especially if she acts more mature in some ways. But in the book, I remember reading in Eustace's diary entries about him saying "a kid like Lucy doesn't realize the danger" which makes me wonder if she really is supposed to be older than him. Does it actually say in the book that she's older? Eustace seems to think she's younger. But that might be just his snobby nature 🙂
Maybe Lucy will wear practical boy clothes while on the ship, or while adventuring, but on special occasions (visiting Coriakin or Ramandu) she'll wear a dress. I do hope they give her a couple dresses so I won't get bored with the boy clothes (even if they look pretty good on her) I hope they give her a lovely gown towards the end, so she can look all beautiful and queenly 🙂
Excellent point, glumPuddle. Most of the time Harry's scar is hidden in the movies.
"But that might be just his snobby nature"
I'm with you here; I believe it's just Eustace being snotty. It's strongly implied that Eustace is younger at the end of "VDT" because Ed and Lucy are told they are too old to return, but Eustace is not. Also, in "LB," Tirian describes Jill and Eustace as "younger still" than Peter, Ed, and Lucy.
Eustace may be akin to an "unreliable narrator," at least in his journal accounts; he thinks far too highly of himself at this particular juncture for us to take him words completely at face value. (I'm not saying everything is wrong, just that we have to separate the facts from his bias.)
This is also why I have no problem with the film having Will Poulter swinging an oar. While Eustace says he's a pacifist, it appears he isn't a very good one. He says he hates fighting but clearly picks one with Reep, and his policy of non-violence doesn't seem to extend to his collection of dead bugs on pins (though whether or not he's the one to kill them – still). Moreover, Ed and Lucy clearly do not back him up on the pacifism claim. Given, Ed may think Eustace deserves whatever thrashing he gets and is silent for that reason (though I believe Ed to be of higher character than that), but even the kind Lucy doesn't back Eustace up and say, "Oh, yes, Eustace hates violence."
What Eustace is at this point is a cowardly bully – he can be quite violent with those he believes he can defeat, and when he cannot, he comes up with a lousy excuse (hence Lewis' description of him as someone who couldn't stand up to Lucy or Ed in a fight but knew there were lots of ways to make a guest miserable in your own home).
Yes, Lucy is older than Eustace, however, in the chapter where Edmund wakes up and finds Eustace after he's un-dragoned, Edmund first just sees a shadow, and it is described as being too small to be Caspian, and too big to be Lucy. So, Lucy is older, but smaller. Actually, she was described as being small in LWW too.
Nice pictures. Can't figure out what scene it is though.
That wouldn't be accurate to the book at all. I know what you mean, though. I love those Narnia dresses, too!
Great she looks amazing
There is a man and little girl that you can clearly see in the last picture. I'm dying to know who they are, but I can assume they might be father and daughter by the way he has his arm around her. Any ideas?
so looks so great! it's lovely to see some picture of her on set again! 🙂 as far as the age thing goes- i think she definitely looks older than eustace has in the pictures we've seen from him- actually, i'm surprised to learn that the actor is actually older than him. and as far as georgie potentially looking "too" old for the book age- 1. it doesn't really effect the *story* at all. if lucy and edmund actually returned 2 years later instead of 1, everything that makes the story good is still the same. 2. it looks like she's sporting a middle part, like in the 1st movie- a classic move to make her look younger. a side part usually ages you up, and a middle part usually takes off some years.
an interesting thought- are they talking about physical age or spiritual age when they say younger/older in those examples you mentioned?
Sammie, thanks for reminding me of those references to Eustace's age. I think that Lucy should be presented as more mature than Eustace, but still keep her childlike faith, which is really more important than her real age. And yes, if Eustace was a true pacifist, he wouldn't always be picking fights with people. Still, when he becomes nicer in the book, it's neat to see his better traits of character (I noticed at a few points in the book he seems interested in science and botany) come to the surface.
Anyway, yeah, I could discuss things like this all day, but I'll shut up now 🙂
Oh, wow! I didn't even notice that before! Who is this mystery girl? Is she going to be there for the whole voyage? And another thing: if Lucy is shouting for Edmund and staring at a flying creature, does that mean Eustace the dragon is carrying Edmund around? So many questions and so few answers! I guess we'll just have to wait to find out.
she looks so grown up and beatiful.but i like her hair flowing down her back better like in prince caspian and wow shes groen up. i miss the cute,adoreable little georgie!!!but im sure she'll deliver that same innocent look of lucy's!!!
I also wonder! Hmmm… But I don't recall Eustace picking up Edmund in the book. Oh well! The pics of Georgie are AWESOME!!! What happened to our sweet, adorable, little Georgie? She's GORGEOUS!
If Edmund fell over in the water, that'd be a laugh! But there is a sailor with an arrow on string. Perhaps the sea serpent hit Edmund. Even if it's in the daylight and the atack of the serpent is probably dark, they might film it in daylight and add special affects of darkness to make it look nightish.
Head to the forum for more information and discussion on that if your interested 🙂
Maybe when her own clothes dry off she'll out them on again. Or just stay in Caspian's clothes. Who cares?! I'm just excited 4 Georgie pics! And This might be when the serpent attacks (like aravis(narniafan#1) said up there)!
Georgie Rocks
Oh my god, I am so glad they finally put so much Lucy pics! 🙂
About tim we see Georgie!
I think she has to be my favorite character in the book.
Mainly because she is the youngest and sees and feels this more than the others.
She is very sweet too, just like Georgie herself hah.
Looks great!
Me to, I like her when she was small.
But I like her grown up to! 🙂
Oh cool! I love her outfit! =)
I think it would most likley be Eustace because in the blog it said she is also looking up and in the book it said that Eustace wanted to get revenge on Edmund and caspian , but he decided no to. And if you remember in the other clips the Eustace dragon attack all fo the crew was on the ship so mabey they were all gatered on the boat in a hurry for more protcetion or to get more crew and weponry to help attack and Eustace picked up edmund to put him on the ground and try to tell him he was eustace by spelling it out on the sand like he did in the book. And if you read the bok fully you got to remember Eustace wanted to talk to edmund about he being changed back to human and about Aslan so I just think that sceen coul be about that Eustace trusting Edmund.
WHOA! It's hard to think that really is Georgie. Shes grown up so much. AW…. well everyone is growing up.
About Eustaces journal. I think they will at least film part of it like how they do in movies when they show a map or something they get a clear shot of it so the aduince can see and read it then someone calls for eustace and they show him and he puts away his journal. Like that or they can have something in the bonus features that shows eustaces journal.
Yeah, I can imagine them doing that…
Mine to!
I agree. she looks so good in caspians clothes.
The Georgie pics are awesome! I think she looks good in Caspian's Clothes!
I think it would be nice if Lucy could have a dress for the end of the world, you know, when she meets Aslan. But the interesting thing about VDT is that it's a new style from PC and LWW; they're on a ship rather than in Narnia. So to have her in new clothes the whole movie is a nice new thing to happen.
If I recall right, she gets girls' clothes in Narrowhaven, so I always thought she had dresses and such after that. Before that was when she had to wear Caspian's clothes…. Although I really don't think this should be too big of a deal.
Erin, I thought it had to do with the level of maturity, and spiritual growth too. Edmund and Lucy are younger in VDT than Peter and Susan are in PC when they can't come back.
Thank you so much for the pictures! It's finally Lucy!
estas chido todo sisisisisisisisisi y quiero que eustace se combierte el ragon y quiero ver el trailer de ese video que se conbierta eustace en ragon por favor
Though, so far, Isis seems to have done the costuming so well as not to make the clothes look ridiculous on Lucy (like they did in the BBC version). Personally, I think that it has been tastefully done (if, indeed, she does not end up having any Narnian dresses, though it would make sense if she picked some up at Narrowhaven) that I do not find it personally distracting. Though they are techinically "boys" clothes, they seem to have been costumed in a way to still give Lucy her great feminine quality.
Right on Lillyput90. Just what I was thinking. In the sense of adventure and exploration I don't think they will have Lucy wear a dress for any long amount of time if at all. I would also mention that Georgie is turning into quite the beutiful young lady.
~Further up and Further in~
Now I see comments about how they imagined eustace and lucy, but I see no one talking about this anywhere (and it dosn't have to be in this update paritculary it can be anywhere) is something htat puzzled me when reading the book. Now I liked Narnia because of the movies and not the books(which I'm ashamed of) and it says 1 year passes in our world 1300 years go by in Narnia and I'm pretty sure it mentions that in the book to , but I'm not sure.any ways it says 1 year passes in our world in VDT and 3 years pass in Narnia. How does that work out? I always imagined it a couple of months in our world when reading the book. so that confuzzles me.
Thy most likely would if they film Caspian's wedding (which would be cool)
Aravis, our world time is different from that in Narnia. "Any amount of time may pass in Narnia." It always varies, from seconds to minutes to hours….any amount of time. I can give you a ton of examples!
OMBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is so pretty in Caspians clothes. My sis is doing something for Hallowene (i know that is not spelled right but im to lazy to see how to spell it) and she is going all out on it.She all ready has it planed!!:0):0):0)
Yah she is
your right
Mabye they mean they have not learned as much as lucy and ed
Wow Lucy looks awesome!!!! Really nice in Caspian's clothes!!!
Boy she looks hot!!! 🙂
But if they film the wedding scene, Georgie still wouldn't have a Narnian dress because the kids wouldn't be there anymore!
Typically, I would be disappointed with how old Georgie looks. But now I'm relieved, because she'll probably look older than Will Poulter, which is important.