NarniaWeb Sends Letter to Dawn Treader Cast

This month NarniaWeb sent a support letter to the cast and crew currently working on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. There were over 3,000 of you that signed your names to this letter and we delivered every single one to the cast and crew.

Dear Ben, Skandar, Georgie, Will, and the whole Dawn Treader cast and crew,

After a few tumultuous months where we didnโ€™t know whether or not this movie would even be made, we are extremely excited that all of you have returned to film the next chapter in Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Will, as the newcomer, we are extremely excited to see you as the much-loved character, Eustace.

If you donโ€™t know already, we are members of, an international website for fans of the Chronicles of Narnia. Weโ€™ve been fanatically following all the Narnia movie news since November of 2003 and for us, December 2010 canโ€™t come soon enough.

We are behind you all the way and know you will do a great job. We canโ€™t wait to see you again at the cinema!


The Members of NarniaWeb

Thanks to all of you who signed the letter!

Cast Letter Sent to the VDT Set

Cast Letter Sent to the VDT Set

111 Responses

  1. redeemedqueen says:


  2. Leolani says:

    Yes Aravis(Narniafan#1), I also think it would have been a great movie if it had been just a movie. But the fact that they claimed it was based off of Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis…..ugh.
    Me Sa U Sa, If this doesn't seem rude, I would suggest you read the book.

  3. There was one for LWW and PC; sorry you didn't get to sign!

  4. Leolani says:

    I agree that it was nice to send them the letter, even if I don't agree with everything it says.

  5. NarniaNut says:

    I didn't mean to be rude when I laughed;it was just so ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. NarniaNut says:

    Thanks narnian resident for answering my question!I should look out for that next time…(if there is a next time)

  7. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    Yay! My name is on the first page ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. loverforBen says:

    Sweet! I was wondering when they were going to send it!

  9. King Skandar the Just says:

    YAY!!! I signed too!!!
    further up and further in!!!

  10. Lucy says:

    Me to I love! your green feet they look so cool I wish I had that picture ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Lucy says:

    say that name is really cool ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Lucy says:

    Me to ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. elizabeth says:

    my name is on one of those sheets ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. StoryGirl says:

    Long live Aslan! Go Dawn Treader! ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. InLoveWithAslan says:

    Thank you very much. I like it too! Aslan gave me that idea!!!!

  16. Rani says:

    Mine's there too, but i can't see it there. hahaha

  17. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    My names on there some where. I made sure I put it there. You think they'll give a reply? I am just so excited! Unfortunately I do not think a trailer will be made until this December. Though that seems an age now, I anxiously await it with the utmost anticipation. Long live Aslan! Long live King Caspian and may your days in Narnia be many! Sail on Dawn Treader may the wind always be in your favor!

  18. Justin Grant says:

    I signed my name

  19. NarniaWarrior says:

    this is sooo awesome….go VDT>>>LOng Live Aslan !!!

  20. Aravis(narniafan#1) says:


  21. Aravis(narniafan#1) says:

    oops… my comment accidentally commented narnialover101. Sorry.

  22. Aravis(narniafan#1) says:

    Whoops. I'm an idoit. I commented again here on the wrong comment(narnialover101 down below) and replied again to say it was down there, but i replied on the wrong comment again! Anyway, I commented to finish my replies here down at narnialover101's comment.

  23. go narnia says:

    Whether all the signatures are read now or later, either way, it is all appreciated.

    Narniaweb and all the posters are great.

  24. Aslan's child says:

    what day does it come out in december?

  25. Narnia Lover says:

    I can't believe it! My name was on there as well! It was like 172 or something like that! But they are just normal people like all of us. They have feelings and loves like everyone. But it does make you speachless to think that they might just read your name on there! And 3,000 people sighned! That's amazing! Thanks to everyone on NarniaWeb who sighned and sent it! SAIL ON VDT!

  26. Narnia Lover says:

    Same here! But I didn't know that this site existed when they had those letter out! I wasn't that big of a fan for LWW but PC, I started to freaken go busurk! SAIL ON VDT!

  27. skandargirl_95 says:

    …there might be a 50:50 chance that they'll read the whole thing(and read all our names),but is it even possible that they'll get over 3000[more or less] names?
    I hope they do!

  28. HM Swanwhite says:

    Oops, I forgot to sign my name. I just never got round to it. My bad! I'm kind of annoyed now. Anyway, good on all you 3000 people who did sign it. Wow, I can't believe it was so many!!!

  29. Lucille Brown says:

    I think that shows that we are so much more excited for Dawn Treader than we were for Prince Caspian.

  30. Reepicheep the fearless says:

    i'M ON IT TOO!

  31. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    Yay! That's a lot of signatures! I was signed at number 18 and then later on I signed my whole family's names! hahaha Go Narnia!

  32. que chido estas yea sisisisisi bye

  33. Feather~Light~Heart says:

    very nice letter!!! this year I got to sign it ๐Ÿ˜€ yay!! I wonder if they actually go through and read all the names? That would be pretty awesome if they did…..

  34. InLoveWithAslan says:

    VD comes out December 10, 2010, Aslan's Child.

  35. ExtremeFan says:

    yaaaayyyyy our names are on that!! i wonder if they acually read all the nameso ut loud!ohow kool is that?! good letter!

  36. HappyGiant says:

    YIPPEEEEE!!!!! *faints* Sososo excited!!!

  37. HappyGiant says:

    Who exactly do you think you are Teddy C? Let's just say I better not EVER come face to face with you by accident and find out you're 'Teddy C'.
    Besides, it's fun to squee! Everyone with me? one…two…three! SQUUUUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. HisWarrior says:

    So am I! Yippee!

  39. Lucy P. says:

    Same here!

  40. Me says:

    No one told me! ๐Ÿ™ But 3,000, that's great!

  41. georgie_fan says:

    wow there are so many narniaweb fans including me i'm really happy to include my name in the leeter ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Narnia Lover says:

    I hope they do! If I ever got a letter from fans then I would read threw all the names even if it took me months!

  43. Giuliano says:

    Yes….We hope that the letters come soon

  44. NarniaQueen411 says:

    Yay!!!!! i am soooooooooo excited! Me, my sister, and my BFF (that doesnt really like Narnia – but i am getting her there!) all signed it!
    I wish i could see our names… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. NarniaQueen411 says:

    Hmm i wonder is it A-Z by first name? or by last?
    if they did it by first name i am on the first page (A ๐Ÿ˜€ )
    but if they did last, i sadly am an O ๐Ÿ™
    i do hope on some boring night someone reads all the names ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  46. katrina says:

    NarniaWeb rocks!!! Great job. I hope they read it!!!

  47. The narniad says:

    OMG!!! I SIGNED IT AND NOW IT'S BEEN POSTED!!!! I'm sooooo excited! Sail on VDT!!!!

  48. HappyGiant says:

    I'm sorry about that. But they're still planning on making the Silver Chair. Maybe you can sign that one.

  49. Chloe says:

    My name is on there! I knew signing it would turn out to be a good thing.

  50. BenBarnesGal says:

    LOL! aravis ur so funny.

  51. J. G. Heck says:

    I believe I signed that.