NarniaWeb Launches Redesigned Website, Forums

After months of hard work, NarniaWeb is proud to announce that our redesigned website and forum is now up and running. The new site utilizes open-source WordPress blogging software and the new forums are built on phpBB.

The website now features an event calendar, a beefed-up polling option, instant access to our twitter feed, new commenting options, a brand new image gallery, and many more shiny new features. You’ll have to do some exploring to discover all that the new NarniaWeb has for you. All content and news stories have been moved from the old website, but the old site can still be accessed by clicking here.

We have also upgraded and moved our forums. If you have already registered on our forums, it’s very easy to transfer your account. If you haven’t joined our community yet, this is the perfect time to see what you’re missing and get involved in the vibrant NarniaWeb Community.

The new look for

The new look for

If you rely on NarniaWeb email updates or RSS feeds for your news, be sure to visit today and check out all the new changes. Let’s hear your comments below and on the forum!

80 Responses

  1. NarniaWarrior says:

    You all did such an outstanding job…kudos !!! It is very user friendly and was setup and thought out very discreetly. Thank you and God Bless You !!! Long Live Aslan !!!

  2. Gertrude says:

    I was a little worried, but I actually love the change. It's really nice. You guys did an outstanding job!

  3. Quinlin says:

    A huge thanks to Tirian and all the people who put their hard work into making Narniaweb and its forum the best it can be! I know I really appreciate it!


  4. MinotaurforAslan says:

    Wow, the site looks really great so far, tons of awesome technical advancements, boy was this a suprise for me when I decided to check NarniaWeb just 2 minutes ago! Bravo, bravo!

  5. narnian1 says:

    Very Nice! Is great! Hope to enjoy further on my other computer as the one I am on is having problems with this site now.

  6. Edson07bs says:

    I LOVE IT, it's amazing, I never think anything about it. But this is perfect…

  7. yeswelovenarnia says:

    I think its cool!!! It was a little slow at first on my computer but after a while it started working just fine!! I think its also pretty easy to navigate which is good!

  8. kissinkate says:

    like the reply feature, thanks!

  9. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    Well I was actually very worried and slightly upset about the change because I'm a "No Change" sort of person, but the new site is great!! Thanks to everyone who put in their time and hard work to make this happen!

  10. daughter of the King says:

    Narniaweb is still going strong! The new poll is hilarious.

  11. 220chrisTian says:

    I love the changes! The colors! Great job, everybody! πŸ˜€

  12. Narniamiss says:

    Wow, great job! This looks great! It looks kind of 70's…but yeah, I like it! To be honest, was kind of hoping for something more "Narnian," but it looks great, honest.

  13. WhiteRider says:

    I don't like the sight right now because I don't like change but hopefully I will get used to it and I'll like it.

  14. WhiteRider says:

    One more thing, did the pictures for the character profiles get deleted with the new website cause I really enjoyed those!!!

  15. 7chronicles says:

    Looks Great! can't wait to go explore all of the new features! Narniaweb is my favorite website, I love coming on here everyday to check on Narnia news and see what other Narnia fans are saying about anything Narnia related, Thank You so much for all of the hard work you have put into bringing all of us Narnia fans the latest Narnia news, and for truly being the 1# website for Narnia movie news!!!! God Bless!!!!

  16. The Scribbler says:

    Thanks sooo much! You guys put a wonderful website together and then made it better, not an easy thing to do =) Im not a big fan of change, but you guys made a great new "Narniaweb house" and I cant wait to go narniawebbing in the future!
    God Bless you all and may the Lion be praised

  17. adamie says:

    Fantastic! what an improvement!

  18. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    WOW! Everything looks awesome! Thank you everyone! When I went to check if there was any new stuff today. I said, "Wow, this is new." Thanks everyone who worked on making NarniaWeb better! I love changes for stuff like this. Can't wait to venture into the new stuff! Anyway awesome. Long live Aslan!

    -Mirima Rosetrader Official Scribe of Calsidore.

  19. Nobody says:

    I'll be brutally honest with you, I don't like this new site at all. It looks absolutely horrid. Disordered, ugly, and uninviting. I can't even stand looking at it.

  20. Narnia Lover says:

    ALSOME! It's gonna take some time for me to get used to it, but ALSOME! I LOVE the new polls! You can chose more than one! I'll probably only pick one though! Glad to see that everything with Narnia Web is going great! The site looks almost better then the last! I'm not a big fan of change eather, The Scribbler, but this new website it FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work guys!:D

  21. Somebody says:

    I'm afraid I have to agree… it has some nice new features, but it really is rather disordered. Not the NarniaWeb I once knew… πŸ™

  22. Lady_Liln says:

    Ya know, it's rather rude to be "brutally honest" but not use a more honest name then "Nobody." πŸ˜‰

    I, for one, am not totally in love with this site, but I never was with the old one either. The reason I stay? The people, the community, and the mutual love of C. S. Lewis and Narnia. No one requires you to appreciate this site, nor do we require you to stay here. But there is no reason to post a poorly thought out "critique" on a site the day it goes live.

    Tirian, Fantasia_Kitty and all that mods work VERY hard to keep this site up. They put hours of work into this site, for no personal gain, and I think they deserve a more considerate message.

  23. midnightmoon says:

    WOW! the website looks awesome!!!

  24. Lady_Liln says:

    Conga Rats NarniaWeb! I'm enjoying learning my way around here again.

  25. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Great job Tirian, Fantasia_Kitty, and everyone else who helped create the "new Narniaweb" – it looks fantastic! πŸ˜€ You all deserve a pat on the back. πŸ™‚

  26. Glenstorm the Great says:

    i have to admit i was really scared but the website looks great! and they're are so many new features! it's gonna take some getting used to but it's cool…:D

  27. farsight1 says:

    Great new design. Props to the NarniaWeb staff!

  28. NarniaWarrior says:

    Very well put. although you did say it alot nicer than I was thinking about it. Great to see someone felt the way this newcomer did…thank you..

  29. JadistarkilleR says:

    lookin' great so far guys! i have yet to transfer my account to here, but i'm likin' the front page, and the comment fields with the autopreview. good job!

  30. fantasia_kitty says:

    The character profiles are still "in progress" πŸ˜‰ The pics will be back.

  31. georgiehfan says:

    I like the new design, but I don't like that you can't save pics from nes stories, and you can't access the most recently added pics like the old layout πŸ™

  32. RumbleBuffinTheStrong says:

    I think it looks alright. But theres nothing that shows what the newest news is. (“NEW“)

  33. MountainFireflower says:

    This will take some getting used to, but I do like it. It's well put together and easy on the eyes. I'm impressed.

  34. Narniabigfan says:

    The new design looks cool!But,i think i have to accustoming my eyes with this site, cause i feel like i don't know this site,even i knew this site for along time!God job to all of people who put their work on Narniaweb!

  35. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    The design is different but to call it ugly is rude and stupid. It has a clean layout and is well designed, just different. It will take time getting used too. That's all.
    Good work Tirian and mods!

  36. Edmund-is-hot says:

    I can't really tell what I think of it…I think I prefer the old site.
    Happy Birthday, Skandar Keynes! <3

  37. Aslan's Country says:

    It looks great! I've been coming here for a while for news and listening to the podcast, but today I decided to register in the forums πŸ™‚
    Thanks for all the hard work that went into the redesigning, and making me feel compelled to join πŸ˜‰

  38. I was a little worried too. This new site is a bit confusing, but it still is GREAT! For some reason, I feel like more news will come in faster. I love the new reply thing-a-ma-jing! Luv you, Narnia.

  39. It's not that ugly, you guys! I guess it's not as good as the first one, but hey!I think this site is very confusing, but give the people credit for at least giving us a site that gives the best Narnia information EVER!!!

  40. narnian resident says:

    its a little strange for me, but i think its just because im not always big on any kind of change. but i think its great they updated! i'll grow on it, as i always do for every change!

  41. Aravis(narniafan#1) says:

    Warrior for Jesus, I love your name! I wouldn't be able to stand for Jesus like your doing! I'm a christian too, and I think your really brave about sharing that you love Jesus! You truly are, a Warrior for Jesus!

  42. RumbleBuffinTheStrong says:

    Calm down people. Try not to argue. πŸ˜‰

  43. Elizabeth says:

    I like the old website better. Happy Birthday Skandar Keynes! πŸ™‚

  44. georgiefan1 says:

    I think I have to agree that the old website was better. easier to get around and just all around,, I really liked it. I do appreciate all the work everyone put into this lovely project, this will just take a wee bit of getting used to

  45. Candy says:

    lovely! the layout is awesome and so up to date! once I get the hang of it will love to assist you, again!

    cheers from Greece!

  46. WarriorQueen says:

    I love the new site. I like the whole design, look, and how much easier it is to navigate. It's so organized. Great job, people. :o)

  47. Lamppostshines! says:

    Hey- can someone help me out here? I have NO CLUE how to transfer accounts. I mean, i can't find any button anywhere. And when i tried logging in with my old info from the old web, it says I don't exist……

    um, confused?

  48. NarniaLuver4Ever says:

    I think your name is awesome. LOL And I happen to agree! πŸ˜€

  49. lucyrocks17 says:

    I love it

  50. lucyrocks17 says:

    oh yes i love ur name too i totally agree with. Avirus

  51. aravistarkheena says:

    Looks wonderful!

  52. Mangolite says:

    Simple and it's perfect.

  53. CEP Paul T says:

    Hmm. DNS is working now. No more visits by the back door. This will take some getting used to. No worries! Very nice!

  54. Sammie says:

    As a lurker, I just want to thank all those who do the website. As a newcomer to Narniaweb when it was still on the old site, I prefer the more categorized menus above (e.g. the "Movie Information" with the drop-down menu – it makes more sense to me than having the links split up, as before) – it helps with navigation – and the reply features here. Yet it's still the same colors and visuals. I'm looking forward to all the links being updated and all, when it reaches full functionality!

  55. checkers says:

    Hey guys, this is awesome!!! I was so scared when I came here. I was thinking to myself, "Do I have the right website?" But this is really cool. It'll take some time to get used to, but it looks really nice. Looking forward to getting on the new Narniaweb!!! πŸ™‚

  56. someone says:


  57. Ms. Puddleglum says:

    The site looks pretty good! My only concern is the annoying advertisements. Otherwise it is much easier to use.
    Thanks to all that put their time and effort into this!!

  58. Ms. Puddleglum says:

    Thanks for being an example, Warrior 4 Jesus! πŸ˜€

  59. RumbleBuffinTheStrong says:

    I agree with you guys.

  60. Reep&cheep says:

    I really love the new site! Unfortunately it's been giving me tons of problems…For a long time I wasn't able to get to it because the links provided just brought me back to the old site. But now it's finally working and I can see the new one. Soo then I try to convert my old NW account for the forums – no problems there until I try to log in and it tells me my username is incorrect. Making sure my username and password are absolutely correct I try again with the same result. I tried converting my account again, but it said it was already converted. *siggh*
    Anyway. I hope all that type of stuff will get sorted out, and apparently no one else is having problems. πŸ˜€