Lucy’s Reaction to MLG Going Overboard
A few days ago, Tamara posted a video showing the Mysterious Little Girl (Gael) and Rhinceย jumping off the ship. It started all kinds of speculation and discussion about who the girl was, and why she was jumping off the ship.
Now, this video might give us some another clue. It shows Lucy and Edmund’s reaction:
Before the calling action, Jeff Okabayashi seems to say “They just jumped in the water, and they’re swimming out to their mom.” It’s hard to read Lucy’s expression, but Edmund puts his arm around her. Any theories on why? Post them here.
This MLG is really killing me! I wanna know who in the blue blazes she is!!
Ooh. Good one! It MAY be a possibility…. (since they can digitally make day look like night (or, in this case, plain dark))
Hmm… sounds okay…. Except for the "forewarning" part. I don't like that idea (I always loved the part where they get captured).
but she's looking down….
I don't know why the sea Girl would be part of the Dragon sequence either. Was she actually seen in the Dragon scene? Films are usually shot out of sequence, maybe part of the Sea People scene was being shot the same day as part of the Dragon scene. As to being in a Narnian dress, maybe the Sea People scene was drastically altered. In the book, it is mentioned that a party of warriors (or was it hunters?) were angry at the Dawn Treaders trespass. Perhaps in the film, the sea Girl comes on board for a while and gets dressed up in human clothing. And this might be used to explain the other Sea People's anger. As to the lack of fins, the Sea People aren't the same as Mer-people if I recall correctly. Didn't they ride on Sea-horses, and I think Pauline Baynes illustrations show them with legs. And I think Princess Arya's speculation is a likely explanation for Rhince jumping overboard.
Cool more information!
My thoughts exactly…"their mother"? Does this imply that Rhince is MLG's big brother? Or did Okabayashi simply simplify it so he wouldn't have to say "her mother and his wife"?? That's definitely something to think about…
Besides, what fun are spy videos if you can't do any good, healthy speculating??? ๐
But in the other video, didn't Rhince shout "Elaine" or "Lily" or something like that BEFORE MLG shouts "mommy!" and jumps overboard? Two people don't usually see the same hallucination…unless they're both seeing different hallucinations, but that's merely a wild guess, especially since one of the casting calls was for "Gael's mum". I don't know. It's something to consider, I guess, but doesn't seem very likely.
Ditto. Their knowing beforehand would just ruin everything.
That's definitely something to think about! But I thought the island made nightmares (real dreams) come true, not daydreams.
Or Mysterious Little Gael. ๐
isnt that the sweetest thing! i love that! it shows that brother-sister love. that is just precious! i wonder if that means the little girl has left and lucy wont see her again. hmm…
perhaps it was a nightmare. perhaps she lost her mother and she had a nightmare about it. but the way lucy and edmund react dont look like she jumped into the water in the dark island. they would be freaking out. they're reaction is too solemn and simple for anything like that.
is that a sword? Lucy doesn't seem like a sword person, she's the healer, not the killer…
aww im sorry! all i can say that big brothers are amazing! they can change you're life, especially if you're a sister.
I'm not saying it's really jill, for all I know it may not be, but I'm saying is that, that actor, who ever she is has a great feauter in her hands and you never know she could be in SC sometime.
Yeah, that would make sense! I can't wait to see this part in the movie!
OMG!!!I just think the same like you think!there hasnโt been any interviews with the two of them…And i'm really wan't to see Skandar and Georgie being interview too.That would be so nice!!
sorry,i mean i really want to see Skandar being interview Together too…
That is so sweet! Aw! Brotherly love is awesome! :))
Yeah, i agree. Plus, the director yells, "she's jumped in after the mum…" So, they probably just call MLG's mom "the mum"…. just a thought.
I have a theory. Do you guys remember that scene in the book (it's been a while, so I forget it exactly) when the Dawn Treader sailed into this darkness, and inside was everyone's worst fears. Well maybe the writers took that out (for PG rating's sake) and instead added an area where everyone sees their greatest desires (sort of like the Sirens…) so this girl saw her mother and jumped off the ship, but then Rhince went overboard to save her. This is just a theory…
Aww, this is really sweet! It reminds me of my big brother and I. As to why Edmund put his arm around Lucy…I'm not sure…it seems like he's trying to comfort her. So, did something bad happen? Or maybe something bad was about to happen and nothing bad happened so Edmund was putting his arm around her to show relief. There are so many ways a scene like this could go!
*Edmund slings his arm around Lucy's shoulder*
"Don't worry, Lu. Caspian'll have to shave sometime." ;D
The MLG is going to be the death of us. I'm sure of it. Never knew a Caspian to die of curiousity, so I'll probably be the first.
It IS Gael! I watched the first video of Lu reacting her jumping overboard, and she yelled "Gael!" So yes, it IS Gael.
Interesting and yet confusing… What meaneth this?
Arn't there any more pictures of Skandar, Georgie and WIll together. And by the way does anyone know what Anna Popplewell and William Moseley are doing these days, since thay have left the Narnian scien. I'm sure they're watching what's going with VOD closely
Oh, By the way, this is public, so watch your language.
Wow, i think you might be right! they look like they might be brother and sister… *Crazy Thery alert* what if they just rescued their mom from Pug!
Are you sure they didn't say "the mum" as just a title that they gave her? hmmm….. interesting things to think about… :/
Yeah this is exactly my point/ what I think. Rhince must have a little sister (or now boy), Gael, the MLG and they are saving THEIR mother they're siblings so it's got to be there mother. Or at least this is what it looks like to me.
uh, i dont think so. that would definatly be me ๐ i love my skandy candy… idk wat that means really… ๐
That would be posotively absolutely gottabe rediculous! I hope by the Lion's Mane something that drastic would never happen.
Hmm, it would be really interesting if both Rhince and Gael were having a nightmare (via Dark Island) and both jumped off the boat, upon seeing something horrible happen to their mother/wife? Kind of an interesting theory, but also kind of far out. I certainly hope they don't do anything that drastic!
I think it is Sea people.
I'm sure this isn't the sea people because in the book it said that Lucy recognized them as the sea people coming to their coronation. We've already seen them in LWW right before the camera zooms up and towards the hall after the battle…
Seeing this, i am convinced that she is not a sea person.
There is a possibility that Director Apted might want to change the style a bit. But if this is true, then i have to say, i prefer Andrew Adamsons mermaids…just my thoughts…
Sea People? Do they have actors playing the sea people, Because I don't see them.
i know because i have a little and big brother and an older sister
Agreed, Narniamiss!
Well, Sea people don't come in until the end of the book, so she can't be a sea-person.
But, I do hope they put that scene in there with the sea-people cause the description in the book is so neat! But, I don't think they will need actors for that part….they could probably use CG for that. ๐
i think the director said she was swimming out to her mom.
How sweet! Geogie/Lucy looks so different to me.
I think Gael is the guy honestly.
I can't believe Georgie has grown so much
I KNOW! Edmund, too! I makes me feel old….lol
Maybe the little girl is a fellow captured slave that Edmund and Lucy had befriended. Then when they were freed she came with them and then jumped off the boat when she saw her mom on shore. Just an idea.
Oh and who is gael?
Well, think about it. Remember how long VOD got even before the actual start of the filming because of the uncertendy of the movie it self. If Silver Cair is like VOD, meaning Fox being droped and a new production company taking up the spot, I could see that little girl in SC.
Gael is the little girl you're talking about.
that sounds pretty good except for them being warned about the slavery. That's one of my fav parts! then again, I can't really think of a part I don't like ๐
I agree. Lucy is the healer. โฅ
hahaha! LOL! ๐ Caspian NEEDS to shave! Oh no, don't die! Then you won't be able to find out who the MLG and what is she doing in the movie! ๐
Who IS the MLG aka Gael?!?!? I don't remember her in the book.
That is why we are all concerned about her being in the movie….she isn't mentioned in the book. ๐
Me Too! ^^
I agree! All I can think about is… AWW BROTHERLY LOVE!^^
Well, the only person who jumped over in the book was Reep….Plus, they both saw the same person and they both must know her cause they both called to her. (sorry if that was confusing…'s kind of a run-on sentence) anyways, if you remember in the first movie at the pev.'s coronation, there was a fast little scene that had mermaid-looking things come out of the water by Cair Paravel. Well, Lucy mentions that in the book when she sees the sea-people and says that "they were dancing at our coronation…" Or something along those lines… ๐
oh…and when I said "they" I meant, MLG and Rhince. ๐