Filming at Cleveland Point Comes to an End
Our NarniaWeb all-star spy ‘Tamara’ writes in that filming at Cleveland Point has come to an end. The ship will be dismantled on Friday.
I went back to the Narnia set this morning with my sister, and unfortunately it was the last day of filming (at Cleveland Point) yesterday and I MISSED IT!! So bummed. Pretty much everything was gone, just trucks to cart away the gear. The security lady told us that they are pulling the ship apart on Friday.
Then we saw these signs around the Cleveland shops that were similar to ones near the set for the extras, and so we followed the signs and found all the trailers and trucks and everything in a footy field carpark. But we couldn’t see anything going on. I heard a rumour (on Facebook) that they were filming behind some of the shops so we drove around for a while but still couldn’t find anything. It would have made sense though, filming behind the shops and all the trailers etc only 2 minutes away.
Thank you Tamara and all our other fabulous spies!
Thanks a lot Tamara. I loved all the reports and all. But now… *starts to sniff* Why do they have to DESTROY the Dawn Treader?!?!?! WHY?!?!? *cries hysterically and bangs head against wall* Ow.
Yea, I hope! I hope that they
didin't just put a little of the
ship in! ๐
its kinda sad for me. that beautiful ship! thats whats the most saddest: the dawn treader was only around for a little bit! awww, it was so beautiful. im surprised that thats all they had to do on it. i thought thats where they would shooting the most. well, i guess i'll get over it. does anyone know where they are going next?
you know what they should do with it, marima, they should set it up as a museum piece outside and allow people to walk onto it and see it really up close. i would give anything to step onto the Dawn Treader!
I can't belive they are taking the DT apart! ๐
those poor actors! i just think its absolutely imature and rediculous to fall over and act like celebrities are god, whether its them or someone else. it is so true that when you treat them like normal people(which they are) they appreciate that and are able to come out and not feel like they have to watch out for fainting girls! i just want to say to ben and skander and perhaps will as well, i am sorry for any fans, especially girls, who were fainting at your feet(perhaps they didnt really do that, but they acted like it) and i'd like to say that any fan who ever thinks of acting like that should be ashamed of that. they are people, just like you, and they have no reason to be treated like that and have the fear of that.
wow really? where do they plan to go next i wonder?
Has anyone been to the Warner Roadshow Studios website? ( It has heaps of info about what they have and they even have pictures of the "eight sound stages, three water tanks, ten production offices, editing suites, wardrobe, makeup, construction, paint and carpentry shops."
The place is HUGE. Spy photos? I doubt it ๐
I dont know how to link it but go to Google Maps and type in Movieworld, Gold Coast. The studios aren't linked on Google Maps but you can see it right in between Movieworld and Wet 'N' Wild Water World.
Haha no Ben was not the only one who got terrified, he should be congratulated for braving the fans as much as he did! Even extras bailed, it was because the crowds got so large and contained some scary fans within their midst! The nail in the coffin was a girl that really spoiled it for everyone at Cleveland. On the last day at 7.00am Ben came out again despite the group and signed and obliged photos. One young girl went berserk and nearly had a heart attack when he stepped out of the car, grabbed hold of him for a photo and WOULD NOT LET GO of him, and then after the photo ran around in little circles screaming and squeeling. Ben handled it really well and graciously, signing getting the photo and even correcting her fan sign from "Prince Caspian" to "KING Caspian". Which was quite funny! However after that the girl and her family groupies continued to scream and call out to the cast on set. At 10.00am when filming ended not even security or Traffic control knew how the cast got out! they were genuinely at a loss. Theres only one road out and we saw THREE extras, a faun and the dwarf leave. As far as cast goes that was it. All the kids that had come to see the final signing at Cleveland point missed out.
Up until that point the cast would come out and sign but not after a few fans went wild.
All the cast got driven around set, i felt sorry for them! Skandar went to the loo and came out to a SCREAMING and chanting group of girls! he ran away! imagine that not even being able to go to the loo without being followed and screamed at! Cars had to back into the set to get the cast SAFELY to and from the catering tent! so please people – be tame! then they will come out.
At the Movieworld studios, in Gold Coast Australia.
Wow! That is quite the place!!
haha….I am getting so excited about this film. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! In order to quench my need and anticipation for the next movie, I am reading the story right now. Ah…if they stick to the book as much as we all hope, it will be sooooo awesome! :))
bummer, are they taking the dawn treader apart forever???? or just for this one part????
Oh! Too bad!
Thanks so much to all the spies and the mods for posting all those pictures and videos!
I cannot say how much I agree! These are just people, and I imagine they would appreciate it if fans would at least let them have some space. I know I would! Poor Skandar especially, he has so many female fans out there.
yo quiero ver el trailer de repechep y tamara y eutace y edmmund y el rey caspian y la reyna lucky todos juntos en el video bye
That's sad…Lol. are the actually going to take the ship somewhere else???
It's always disgusted me how some people view and treat celebrities. All those girls that dream of marrying Skandar (sorry if any of you out there are one of them) should know that they'd never have a chance. No reasonable, sensible man/boy would want to be literally worshipped by his wife/girlfriend. Most would want to be able to have a decent conversation, and I'm betting they want someone they can go to that helps get their minds off of celebrity life! And I think that goes for all celebrities as well. There may be a few that enjoy the screaming fans, but most would rather have real friends than fans. Stardom's a lonely life if you have no one to talk to as an actual person.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now…
It's a little depressing to hear that the Dawn Treader is being dismantled, but at least we know it's not permanent, although it may be the last chance we have of such detailed spy videos…Hopefully we won't have to endure an entire year of little more than nothing…ah, well.
They'll be taking the ship to studios in the Gold Coast, Australia for studio filming.
Chill out! They aren't destroying her, they're merely dismantling her for transporting her to the next filming site in Gold Coast, Australia! Breathe, please!
oh wow. now that is the best way to scare the celebrities away– grabbing them like their stuff on a sales shelf. heck it would scare a regular person away. thanks for clearing that up CaspiansStar. it does look like Ben is quite game when dealing with the fans. goodness knows you need to have an extended amount of patience and understanding when indulging people's wishes. and i feel a little sorry for Skandar. he's quite a character but it seems that he finds celebrity life quite uncomfortable, poor boy.
do try to sign up at the Narnia Web forums CaspiansStar, insight from those who are actually on the ground when all of these are happening is extremely valued.
thanks again!
well… it doesnt look to be as gigantic as Leavesden studios (where the HP films are made, and was impossible to get any news out). Movieworld looks to be smaller, but contains several sound stages, where i could guess they would use studio#5, since its the largest and houses the indoor water tank. also note that there is an outdoor water tank as well. some of the sets are probably already built, since there was news coverage before where they showed a garden (i'm forgetting which scene that could belong to) built in one of the soundstages.
depending on the terrain and where make-up/ wardrobe/ catering is located relative to the soundstage they're using there may be *some* chance that an intrepid narniafan could see something /someone. the best is to check out that website, it actually shows a pretty detailed layout of the studio. ๐
the studio shows up at wikimaps:
its right smack in the middle of the themeparks! LOL :D, its surrounded by trees, parking lots, open spaces, man-made lakes, heck even the overpass across the way. definitely a good chance for some spying when they come out of the sound stages and/or the wardrobe buildings (since they're across studio#5). heck a brave soul could probably climb that rollercoaster and have an unhindered view of everything ๐
LOL! anyway, good luck to y'all intprepid spy reporters. its not gonna be as easy as Cleveland Point, but its not impossible like Leavesden ๐
I have heard that the owner could well be the excutive producer as he is related to CS Lewis he would have a lot of pulling power
I have also had the oppurtunity to meet with all the cast and crew and caspianstar is correct treat them like normal people and they will gladly talk to you in return gary sweet is an extremly nice guy and always willing to have a chat ben barnes is a really down to earth fellow aswell didn't get to see much of skandar of georgie but they always seemed very friendly
I know! I feel so bad for the actors. ๐ I can't agree with you more, Fire Fairy! ๐
Yeah, that is good. So, they aren't done with the ship yet. horray! ๐
awww what's next
the garden that they showed was coriaken's garden