Edmund Has Escaped the Dungeon
Skandar’s official website has updated again to state, “Edmund has been removed from the dungeon.” There’s been a lot of speculation as to what this dungeon might be. The most logical guess based off of the book is he and the others were being held captive by Pug and the slavers. But it’s good to know that he’s managed to break free somehow and is off filming another scene.
Thanks to Zoe and Rose for the heads-up!
that's true!
I can imagine people starting to cry in the cinemas…aww!
that WOULD be a sweet scene!
would this have anything to do with that clip of Lucy calling out to Edmund from the ship? maybe he's getting taken to the dungeon?
It could just be that the 'dungeon' is a holding cell for slaves before the market day. Edmund is in it while waiting to be sold, and then he is taken out to be sold!
I expect it'll follow the book in that of their group only Eustace is left unsold.
For drugs??
Just kidding π
NO!!!!!!!!!! not a seance! That would ruin the whole movie! It is supposed to have a clean, christian feel to it!
sure hope so….then they can add the "no one want's sulky, here….had to throw him in free and no one would touch him…"
When I saw the title I just had to LOL. π But I'm glad that Eddie has escaped. XD Can't wait to see the movie!
Whew! Close one!
I don't remember a dungeon in the book.
That'd b cool, Azon. But as 7chronicles said in the other link, it'd be nice if this were, like, a scene that Edmund remembered with Mr. Tummnus and how he betrayed his own family. And I think that's a good idea, if 7chronicles is readin this. But Azon's idea is good too! Both are terricfic ideas. Which one, which one…
Well, this IS from Skandar's official website, so… Why would they have the others included if it's his website. You never know, it could be the rest as well or just him.
I say they put it in 105%!!!!!!
It takes place at the Golden Coast in California. Tamara (best narnian spy in the world) reported that.
Actually, Edmund was worse. Because, Eustace was a spoiled bratty child, but Edmund would've killed his own family for a crown and candy. Edmund said so himself in the book when Eustace and him talk about how Eustace meets Aslan. I quote Edmund:"You were only an ass, but I was a traitor…"
PS. Sorry for the bad word, I did NOT mean it. But that's exactly what it says in the book.
CANNOT wait 4 the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aslan is one the Move!
With God all things are possible. Keep praying.
Seance??? Don't scare me! Calling up the White Witch in Prince Caspian was more than enough occultism for me!
I was there at Cleveland Point for nearly all the filming, got to meet all the stars
The next filming location is NOT at the Golden Coast in California!!!! It IS at Warner Brothers Movie World Studios GOLD COAST QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you STILL don't believe me, go to this address http://www.narniafans.com/archives/7352 and READ FOR YOURSELF!!
The water tank received $500,000 in State Government funding. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will begin shooting late next week at the huge set built at The Spit. Exterior shots on board the ship will be filmed at Cleveland Point in September and interior shots inside the ship filmed at Warner Roadshow Studios.
And if any of you have any more questions for me, please don't hesitate to ask!
It's not like I'm going to bite your head off…
Wow thats good.
yup,that happend in the book!
its not a dungon relly its just a place were they put slaves until there bought
that is such a good idea, you should be the director of this movie!lol
That is true! I remember that from the book, now. π
Agreed! And just an FYI….seances are so evil and demonic. It is so dangerous and should not be practiced at all, let alone be put into such an awesome movie like this. π
Well that's good to know! LOL
you got to be kidding me?
Woo…go Edmund! π
NO, you're NOT better than Tamara, and Tamara herself said so. But who cares where it is, I'm just happy there's a movie! And nothing can change my mind about Tamara. I'm not kidding, even if you say Skandar Keynes is ugly(which he's not), I'll never change my mind! π
I meant that Tamara said so herself that it was in California. Sorry, mistakes coming.
CANNOT wait 4 the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And why the yelling? I mean, this isn't an arguement, just a misunderstanding, okay? I don't like to get into fights with people. Even on the computer where no one can get injured. Fighting is just not my thing.
okay, you two. That is enough. π We have not seen any reports from you yet, so you can't claim that you are better than Tamara without proof. Sorry, but it's the truth! π Tamara has been doing great so far!!!! π
btw…I was talking to you, "better_spy_than_tamara!!!!!!" .
Preach it brother!…or sister?
No offense, narniafan4ever, but maybe we should stay out of this. I mean, this is sort of personal… but if anyone thinks Tamara is a great spy can post on this comment. Please, I'd like to know who likes Tamara the best.
narnia insider, are you the same person as better_narnian_spy_than_tamara?
Good thought! I've heard so many creative thoughts so far(or should I say read :)) ) and they're all loveley! I wish they'd use them all in the movie. You all should totally write a letter to the director and tell him your ideas. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna see these in the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I can't wait for the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! π
What's a seance?
Wonderful suggestion, narnia resident! All these things I'm reading are GREAT ideas. I still seriously think you guys should send your ideas to the director!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! π π π π π π π π π π π π π
It's when people recite chants to "bring up the dead" and "talk with them". But what the people that do it don't know is that they are really talking to fallen angels who make themselves look like the deceased person they are trying to communicate with. It is really a scary and evil thing.
And know that…This is a hard thing to describe to someone when I don't know what their beliefs regarding religion is, so I hope this helps you understand and that I didn't offend anyone. π
Progress is Good. Thanks for the news! π π π π π π π
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WWHHAATT!?!?!?!?!?! What in he world are you talking about?! π π π
Oh, that make me feel SO much better!
What do you mean, "you got to be kidding me?" ?
Thanks! π
And my belief of religion is Christianity.
Yes, it's a great idea to put in the movie! And woudln't it be more better if Edmund pulled out his sword and started to fight to get back to Lucy or something? just a thought….
that would be great! And very emotional…especially if Edmund still gets carried away. I'm starting to cry just thinking about it! π
Yeah, my belief is in Jesus, too. Just making sure. π So, nice to meet you, fellow sis! π
Oops! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that it was personal. π I thought is was just playful banter…that's why I commented. So, sorry about that guys! And, no offence taken. π
what is you little creation supposed to be? I am really curious….. o->{= (that is a ballerina…or me π )
narniafan4ever, that's just what I believe! It's neat to connect on Narniaweb, isn't it? π
Meaning the part about the seance, and Jesus. By the way, don't seances make you think of King Saul in the Bible going to the witch to call up Samuel?
I hope no one minds us having these discussions which don't have much to do with the news story.
No, I'm not the same person as that narniainsider person, don't know who that is!
Well maybe I am better than her lol because if she says its in california and it's not – then clearly she cant be better! Ugh no need to bite my head off haha lol. just sayin…
and btw if it was tamara that reported the warehouse they filmed in for 2 days last week was in Russle St Cleveland, then that was wrong also!
Because I drove around that street for ages trying to find it, and all there is on that road is houses, a school, pool and a cemetery. No warehouses! So yeah..
yeah but how on earth could you do that? and they would already have the script written, so i dont think sending an idea would work.
King Caspian has released Edmund, Lucy, Reepicheep and Eustace ("Dawn Treader" – Chapter 3 and 4).
Aravis(narniafan#1), I also thought this was a playful banner thing. As WillMoseleyandSkandar said, she hates fights! So It's not personal. And I think Tamara is the BEST spy EVER!!!!!!!!!