Edmund Has Escaped the Dungeon

Skandar’s official website has updated again to state, “Edmund has been removed from the dungeon.” There’s been a lot of speculation as to what this dungeon might be. The most logical guess based off of the book is he and the others were being held captive by Pug and the slavers. But it’s good to know that he’s managed to break free somehow and is off filming another scene.

Thanks to Zoe and Rose for the heads-up!

138 Responses

  1. narniaismylife says:


  2. Azon the Narnian says:

    Hmmmmmmmmm… If this is the dungeon in Narrow Haven shoulden't the rest of the children be with him? Maybe they were filming a scene where he is in the dungeon by himself, after Lucy and Eustace and Reepicheep get taken awy to be sold in the auction, and they will film Lucy, Eustace, and Reep in the dungeon later. That would be a very emotional scene in the movie if lucy was being forced away from Edmund, not knowing if she will ever see him again.

  3. Lyssa Pevensie says:

    Thats a good point Azon the Narnian, I never thought of that. But whatever it is, Im glad there is a dungeon in the movie. That is going to be so cool!

  4. Edmund-is-hot says:

    OOOOOH! It gets interesting and exciting by the minute! And yes, Azon the Narnian has a VERY good point.

  5. Lutra's Pearl says:

    Very intresting. I can wait to see the movie, I can't believe that we have to wait over 14 months before it comes out. Keep the story of Aslan alive!

  6. narniafan4ever says:

    Horray! Edmund is saved! πŸ™‚ lol. I wonder where the other kids are. That would be a really emotional scene if they mix it up and have Edmund left behind…..But, in the book Eustace was the one who wasn't sold. Hm…. Anyway, it is good to see that they are still making good progress! Sail on Dawn Treader! 14 months seems like an eternity right now. πŸ™

  7. no es gusto que edmund espere toda la internidad jajajajaja pero bueno bye

  8. Narnia Girl says:

    More interesting by the minute. Oh, I am dying for the movie…ahhhh. narniafan4ever is right, 14 months seems like an eternity right now. πŸ˜›

  9. narniafan4ever says:


  10. NarnianHarpist says:

    Ha ha, I hope they include Pug's "Nobody wanted to buy Sulky – had to throw him in free" bit!

  11. Caspian says:

    Probably the reason they only mentioned Skandar in the dungeon is because this is from a Skandar fansite. Lu and Eustace might have been there without them pointing it out. Interesting to think they might have been separated, though…

  12. Malfhok says:

    I think that even if the others were shooting in the same scene/dungeon, Skandar's Web site wouldn't mention it, since his site is about, um, Skandar. πŸ™‚

  13. Caspian says:

    ;D lol no kidding! Best part of the book! (well…debatably, of course. If they leave out the limerick someone's going to be very angry.)

  14. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    Yeah I read that las night on his website I'm glad he is out πŸ™‚

  15. narnia365 says:

    Well, that's good. Can't wait to see the movie! I wonder what they are filming RIGHT NOW…

  16. Narniamiss says:

    I wonder what this exactly means. It could just mean they are all done with filming the dungeon scene, and are moving on. I hope that is all it means.

  17. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Yay Edmund has escaped from the evil clutches of Pug! Cannot wait to see that scene when the movie comes out! So excited! *sighs* It's seems like an age when it will come out, but these reports help the wait. And when the trailer comes out I will be watching it almost every day! I hope it will come out in December! Sail on VDT!

  18. narniafan4ever says:

    I know! That part makes me laugh. πŸ™‚ I really hope that put all that stuff in there that has to do with characterizing Eustace as a total brat. lol

  19. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Good point, Azon. That would be a sad scene.

  20. Lutra's Pearl says:

    I really think that we need some interviews from the main actors. We only have one of Ben.

  21. narniafan4ever says:

    Yeah, I know. They all seem to be hiding….lol. Where is the interview with Ben?

  22. Lady Polly says:

    Great Now What?

  23. 220chrisTian says:

    Azon, Malfhok, and Caspian: good points. Let's pray God uses this scene to wake up Skandar and others who are spiritual prisoners and slaves to sin.

  24. When reading that title I couldn't help but think of "Elvis has left the building." πŸ˜‰

  25. daughter of the King says:

    That's a great thought.

  26. narniafan4ever says:

    Amen! I have been praying for the whole cast, to be honest. πŸ™‚ I really hope that they can all come to know Jesus as their Best Friend and Savior. πŸ™‚

  27. Molly says:

    Okay, here's some speculation (cue salt shakers): could Edmund be a hostage of the Dufflepuds? Maybe they are holding him to a "ransom" of Lucy breaking the invisibility spell. It sounds like something they might do. Then again, I don't think Lucy would need such coercion. Just a thought!

  28. pselpevensie says:

    that really would be emotional, but it might be a good scene for them to add i the movie.

  29. Starlily says:

    Yeah, they need to put something in the movie that shows what a "record stinker" (I think that's how Edmund says it) Eustace is.

  30. narniafan4ever says:

    That is an interesting thought. But the Dufflepuds are really, well….ahem….stupid in the book. Like, they can't think for themselves and are kind of like blind sheep following their leader (the head dufflepud).

  31. oh yes! a scene liek that between Lu and Ed would be heart-wrenching, but wonderful!

  32. narniafan4ever says:

    The funny thing is, Edmund was a brat in the LWW, but Eustace is like 5 times worse! It's ironic and hilarious at the same time. πŸ™‚

  33. redeemedqueen says:

    Amen! They live in a country that is becoming more and more Godless…They really need our prayers…I can't understand how they can be in a series of movies with so much christian symbolism, and yet be so blind…especially Skandar (considering his character, which is my favorite…He does an amazing job…)…it's so ironic…

  34. Narniangirl says:

    LOL nice another owner of PC: The illustrated Movie Companion. The profile on Skandar and the others I have to say is my favourite part of the book, very well written. WOO can't wait for the trailer! (i know I'm getting ahead of myself but I can dream!"

  35. narniafan4ever says:

    i totally agree with you. I mean, Edmund's character is such an awesome one (probably my favorite as well). It shows that even those who reject Christ at one point in their life can eventually be saved and changed by the Ultimate Healer and Giver. I think Lucy's character is my second favorite cause it seems to represent that child-like faith that we as Christians should have. Yay, Jesus! And yay Aslan! πŸ™‚

  36. narniafan4ever says:

    Hey, you're not the only one who is is dreaming right now. πŸ™‚ I'm on the same ship as you. I know I already said this, but 14 months seems like an eternity. πŸ™‚

  37. narniafan4ever says:

    I guess it is a good exercise for my patience, you know? πŸ™‚

  38. Braden Woodburn says:

    Yay he's free hehe!

  39. Puddleglum says:

    That was my question.
    Does anyone know where the next round of filming is to take place?

  40. Molly says:

    Yes they're foolish and silly but they are at the same time somewhat menacing. Invisible people with invisible weapons who blindly follow a proud, thoughtless and somewhat undiplomatic leader…
    Still, I acknowledge that to do this the filmmakers would have to change the spirit of their adventure on Coriakin's island. But I wouldn't put it past them!

  41. aravistarkheena says:

    OMBB!!! That makes me cry just thinking about it!:(

  42. narnian resident says:

    that would be a really cool scene, it would be an emotional scene and it would show the relationship between these siblings. afterall, Edmund and Lucy get much closer in this story. it would be so awesome to see Lucy fighting to get back to Edmund when she's wrenched away

  43. narnian resident says:

    cool. i just love to hear movie news! this is interesting. hey, wouldnt it be cool if Edmund suddenly took out his sword and fought to get the others back? fought for Lucy? that would be cool, but i dont think they would do it. just a thought!

  44. Lucille Brown says:

    I just hope they have both the limerick and that part about Pug not being able to sell him.

  45. spottedmask says:

    Yay! Good for him…at least I think thats good

  46. spottedmask says:


  47. King Skandar the Just says:

    Yay! I hope you get back together with Caspian soon!

  48. Mark Friedrich says:

    I a gree with Azon the Narnian

  49. GlimGlum says:

    So Skandar acted well enough for Edmund to move on to other scenes. But that's no surprise since Skandar has done such a good job portraying him in LWW and PC. πŸ™‚
    Keep it up Skandar! Looking froward to the VDT version of Edmund.

  50. Last King of Narnia says:

    Whew! thank the Great Lion he is free now πŸ˜‰
    ~Further up and Further in~

  51. pselpevensie says:


  52. JadistarkilleR says:

    i was thinking of the Narrowhaven/ slave market scene as well. but despite the fact that it is Skandar's official site (and therefore all news would concern only himself), i couldnt shake the feeling that this scene will play slightly differently from what we're expecting. it could very well be that Edmund is alone in all this, either getting into prison and/or getting out of it.

    also didnt they say that the prison set that they're using is still somewhere in Cleveland Point? i guess its not quite the last day of filming yet, despite that we got two reports saying that _so and so day_ is the last day πŸ˜€

  53. narnia_insider says:

    The next round of filming is to take place at the studios at Movieworld. Filming there has already begun.

  54. Narnia&The_North says:

    Yes, that would be a great scene… it would make their rescue and reunion so much more dramatic and emotional. I can't wait to see how all these bits of news we're getting play out in the film! πŸ™‚

  55. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Agreed, Azon. I'd love to see Georgie handle that scene if that's how it turned out to be. I'm glad Eddie's free, at least.

  56. Mark Friedrich says:

    I couln't agree more

  57. Mark Friedrich says:

    When I first saw Georgie, I thought to myself yes this is girl that should play Lucy because she does it so perfectly.

  58. ASLAN'S CHILD says:

    i dont know what this dungeon means but at least he broke free.lol.

  59. Narnia Lover says:

    Oh my gosh! I can't wait to see the movie! And that seance sounds ALSOME!!!! πŸ˜€ SAIL ON VDT!!!!!! πŸ˜€

  60. Narnian Jesus Freakβ™₯(used to be celtic13) says:

    What seance??