Dawn Treader Filming Report from Tamara

Caspian, Edmund and Lucy ~ TamaraNarniaWeb spy Tamara returned to watch the filming earlier today, and this time, she returned with a “totally awesome camera.” Along with taking pictures of the extras and crew, set, she also managed to capture a few shots of Ben, Skandar, and Georgie on set.

I went back to the Narnia set again today, armed with a borrowed, totally awesome camera (with 20x zoom!! arrrh love!) and around 3 hours to spare 🙂

There was a massive blue screen hanging by a crane in front of the ship so no one could see anything! There was this very small gap in which you could see some of the crew walking around but there was no way to see any of the actual filming. They moved the ships direction after about an hour and a half which gave us some more space to see but it was still very small.

I had no idea if any of the main actors where there as we could still see nothing! I did see all their chairs lined up with their names written on them, but unfortunately they were empty. But about 2 and a half hours in, I finally saw Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley doing a scene where they all looked to be drenched. I could be wrong but I could only see it through the camera as they were wayyyyy to far away to see it with my eyes only. There were people constantly spraying them with water as well.

There was a voice (with an american accent haha I have no idea who it was) who was obviously attached to a mic and would occasionally give directions and I definitely heard him talking about Reepicheep (he had just done something and they had to react.. I think..) and there was also something about a wedding dress.

I am going back again tomorrow (because I have no life haha – no really I think it’s super exciting) and maybe they’ll have moved the blue screen!

Here are Tamara’s pictures (we’ve also included one from RedBubble.com of Gary Sweet who plays Drinian).

Thanks so much Tamara for your report and pictures!

UPDATE: NarniaFans’ spy Tanika sent them a set of pictures from earlier today as well. You can check them out here.

131 Responses

  1. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    Does anyone feel like there is a lack of Aslan on the Dawn Treader? I would have thought they would have carved a lion's head somewhere on the ship, or have an emblem of Aslan on the sail. But, I don't see evidence of him anywhere on the ship.

  2. Saorise says:

    Your Majesty King Caspian…you look so aamzing;)

  3. HappyGiant says:

    Oh. 🙂 I thought it was seven!!!

  4. daughter of the King says:

    Great pictures! Yes, it is only a couple of months our time in between Dawn Treader and Silver Chair. Eustace's diary begins on August 6th in Dawn Treader. In Silver Chair he says that his adventure happened during the holidays (which translates to vacation in the U.S.), and the book opens with "It was a dull autumn day…….." Eustace guesses that it's been seventy years Narnian time, but no one's sure on how accurate he was. We just know Caspian is really really old.

  5. daughter of the King says:

    I am beginning to get used to the idea of Narnians on board. My only real concern was centaurs, but there don't appear to be any. I think minotaurs are cool, but they're the bad guys.

  6. daughter of the King says:

    That was my guess too, especially because Georgie's hair is styled differently.

  7. Narniamiss says:

    I really hope that Mr. Barnes' pony-tail is only temporary! But it was so nice to finally see some pictures of them on set like this, and wow, Georgie is getting so much older. Can't wait to see more!

  8. FriendOfNarnia2 says:

    I'm sure it is.

  9. Lady_Liln says:

    Hurrah! Thank you, Tamara! Awesome pictures!

  10. The narniad says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!We finally have pics of SKANDAR!!! He couldn't hide forever, lol! Can't WAIT for the film to come out!!

  11. Arwen says:

    That hadn't occurred to me…but now I agree with you. If I remember right, Caspian had a picture of Aslan on his cabin wall (Lucy sees it at the beginning?). I don't expect the movie to be a mirror of the book but I think Aslan needs to be somewhere! I'm sure they'll have him someplace though, we just haven't seen it yet.

  12. Karine says:

    Great pictures, thanks Tamara!!

  13. cuppycakesrach says:

    i know this is sooo awesome!!!!! … I love the hat too 😀

  14. Aslanisthebest says:

    Thanks alot Tamara! Wow, these pictures look *awesome*.

  15. Aravis(narniafan#1) says:

    I TOTALLY agree! SKANDAR IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU, SKANDAR! Even if it's not full bodied phoyos, I couldn't have seen him without you, Tamara. Thanks a million! You're my new favorite person! They probably finished the scene where Caspian gets the pevs and scrubb out of the water when the enter Narnia through the painting.

  16. Narnia'sDLF says:

    Great Pics! We get a preview!

  17. JadistarkilleR says:

    those are some excellent shots Tamara they may have the bluescreen up, but you still got shots of the main cast and crew anyway, zoomed in and clear to boot! thats one in a million. thanks so much!

  18. narnian resident says:

    yes! finally we see skander! and this has to be the scene when caspian goes in the water to help the others at the beginning. omg this is so cool! now these are really awesome pics! thanks so much Tamara! man i wish i was there so bad!

  19. JadistarkilleR says:

    yeah those are one in a million pics lol! zoomed in and so clear despite the bluescreen covering most of the ship!

    looking at those photos the first thing that would come to a fan's mind would be the rescue mission Caspian did for Edward and Lucy when they returned to Narnia. but i dont see Eustace anywhere, even on the other photos from Narniafans. Will Poulter is either not there today or he's not in the shots.

    i'm also wondering if they're doing only certain shots, like maybe only scenes that involve Ben Barnes? Ben has the premiere of Dorian Gray coming out on Friday at the Toronto International Film Festival, he might be attending that so they're doing only his shots today so he can take the day off on Friday? just wondering…

  20. narnian resident says:

    yes checkers you're exactly right. narnia does not have an equal time span for a time span hear. it is said in one of the books "you can find than 100's of years have passed, or only a year, or a day, or no time at all". thats just how narnia is: magical and mysterious and just plain amazing! so, even though 1300 years passed in one year in PC, and only 3 years passed in one year in VDT, that doesnt say for any other times. perhaps one year can pass, and you go to narnia, and barely an hour has passed! or even a minute!

  21. pselpevensie says:

    cool photos! FINALLY some pics of edmund! BTW- what's with the faun? reep is suppossed to be the only creature!

  22. WarriorQueen says:

    Thank you so much, Tamara! They're wonderful pictures! It's also really nice to see Skander finally. Things are looking good. 🙂

  23. L.M. Pevensie says:

    Wedding dress?

  24. Alsan's my homeboy says:

    AHHHHHH!!! there's my man! Finally we get to see Skandar 🙂 those are awsome pics the camera must be a nice camera! Keep the pics coming!!

  25. Leolani says:

    C.S. Lewis made a timeline for Narnia, and Caspian was 12 in PC. 3 years later in tVotDT, he is 15. Not 27 or however old that actor is…. I really think he would have made a far better Rillian than Caspian. 🙂

  26. K. J. Hill (aka T. J. Black) says:

    Great pics! Thanks for taking them! I love hearing (and seeing!) news of the filming.

  27. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    YES!! Skandar's finally on set!! And those are great pictures!! My friends might kill me for sending them this since I tend to find out as much of a movie as I can before I see it, not caring if it "spoils" it for me (because it doesn't REALLY spoil it for me!).

  28. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    didn't you read the one article about the possibility of other non-Reep creatures?

  29. daughter of the King says:

    Actually, Leolani, I thought he would make an awesome Tirian.

  30. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Yeah, I agree. The book said nothing about any semblance to Aslan except for that picture in Caspian's cabin. (I say! Why DID C.S. Lewis make the ship like a dragon?) And it's not like Walden and Fox are going to let random NarniaWeb spies onto the ship to see.
    And if they have anything to do with Caspian's cabin or such-like, it would probably be shot on a soundstage.

  31. daughter of the King says:

    Perhaps they are going to have a scene where Caspian and Ramandu's Daughter get married? In which case they would be filming out of order.

  32. caboo29 says:

    I saw a carved gold lion head on the Dawn treader, I think it was sort of above and behind the helm at the stern of the ship. Can't remember what picture I saw it in though…

  33. Starlily says:

    Thanks! I see her now.

  34. JadistarkilleR says:

    if thats teh case why would they be dripping wet?

  35. JadistarkilleR says:

    at Narniafans, the spy Tamika got a photo of a young blonde lady she thought was Laura Brent (Ramandu's Daughter). upon closer inspection it wasnt Laura, but then some people are thinking she's actress Tamsin Egerton (she does look like her). this lady was spotted on the ship and may have had a script in hand. a lot of this is wild guesses at this point, but if there was a talk of a wedding dress and this mysterious pretty lady on set there may be something else going on… maybe the daughter of the Duke of Galma? the Duke did try to marry his daughter off to Caspian at the start of their voyage.

  36. Reep13 says:

    I am not sure if this movie should be epic, but I am still so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. King Skandar the Just says:

    Yay! I love the pics of Skandar!!! I can't wait for more!
    I love the Chair pic also!

  38. Narniac says:

    If it's the Duke of Galma's daughter I hope it's not played up!
    Or maybe this is Ramandu's daughter's stunt double? Although I suppose it makes more sense for her to be the Duke's daughter.

  39. Narniac says:

    I mean, considering that C, L & E are dripping wet. Suits the timeline better for her to be the Duke's daughter.

  40. ben says:

    tis good

  41. Elizabethfoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuygollufvolyh says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!!! ITS FINALLY SKANDY!!!!!!! i dont really care if its just like the top of his head luv ya! 😉

  42. Leolani says:

    Yeah, daughter of the King, now that you mention it I think he would have made a pretty good Tirian also!

  43. greenbird37 says:

    These are great pics…finally some pics of the cast and what awesome pics they are! Its finally coming along!

  44. Puddleglum says:

    Looks like there is a fawn in the crew by one of the pictures. Unless green underwear is common on board Narnian vessels.

  45. Puddleglum says:

    a satyr as well? Hope they play a better flute than Mr. Tumnis did.

  46. Michael Lagura says:

    Swooosh!!! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be excited about this film. I'm dying to watch this. Thanks for the updates Tamara, you are one heck of an angel.",)Sail on Dawn Treader!!!

  47. Be looking forward for more updates.

  48. Lili says:

    *sees skandar* wait for it, wait for it *faints*
    he's beautiful!!! 🙂

  49. InLoveWithAslan says:

    Great pictures! Thanks Tamara.

  50. Fire Fairy says:

    Wow! We definitely did not get this good of pictures for PC!! And you know, the idea of Caspian with a beard is kind of growing on me. Perhaps they were working on the scene when Caspian pulls Eustace and the Pevensies out of the water? I don't know. Speculating will only make waiting worse… So, Further up and further in!!

  51. aussie_lucy says:

    Great bunch of pictures. The ship crew are looking great!

    Thanks for posting them, Narnia Web and thanks for taking them, Tamara! 🙂

  52. skandargirl_95 says:

    looks at Skandar
    *Starts to stare*
    *starts to drool on the keyboard*
    *little sister starts slapping her face*
    *gets back to her senses*

  53. skandyfan says:

    it is so cool! The first pics I saw from Skandar and I am so happy, that his haircut is the same like in Prince Caspian! He looks great with it!
    Thank you Tamara for giving us this news! In Germany it is not that easy to get…:)

  54. Tauriel says:

    Great pics! 🙂 It really looks like the scene where Caspian jumps into the sea to pull Lucy, Edmund and Eustace out. Nice to see Skandar already, even though only from the profile! 😉

  55. Taigan says:

    This is absolutely amazing! The pictures look great (thanks Tamara 🙂 ) and we finally get to see some of the actors in action!
    Sail on DT!

  56. daughter of the King says:

    Like I said, they are probably filming out of order. Any shots that are going to occur on the Dawn Treader will be filmed now, no matter when in the movie they actually take place. And that makes sense, the blond on Narniafans being Laura Brent's stunt double.

  57. Eden says:

    LOL at #59 and #62! Great pics, so glad to have some of Ed now!

  58. Skandar! says:

    Skandar is so cute, is'nt he ?? =) Great pictures !! 😉

  59. loverforBen says:

    SWEETNESS!! I love these pics!!!!!!

  1. September 8, 2009

    […] Você pode ver as fotos que a Tamara conseguiu em nossa Galeria, daqui até aqui (incluindo uma vinda do site RedBubble.com do Gary Sweet, que interpreta Drinian). Há algumas fotos mais no site NarniaWeb. […]