Dawn Treader Filming Report from Tamara

Caspian, Edmund and Lucy ~ TamaraNarniaWeb spy Tamara returned to watch the filming earlier today, and this time, she returned with a “totally awesome camera.” Along with taking pictures of the extras and crew, set, she also managed to capture a few shots of Ben, Skandar, and Georgie on set.

I went back to the Narnia set again today, armed with a borrowed, totally awesome camera (with 20x zoom!! arrrh love!) and around 3 hours to spare πŸ™‚

There was a massive blue screen hanging by a crane in front of the ship so no one could see anything! There was this very small gap in which you could see some of the crew walking around but there was no way to see any of the actual filming. They moved the ships direction after about an hour and a half which gave us some more space to see but it was still very small.

I had no idea if any of the main actors where there as we could still see nothing! I did see all their chairs lined up with their names written on them, but unfortunately they were empty. But about 2 and a half hours in, I finally saw Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley doing a scene where they all looked to be drenched. I could be wrong but I could only see it through the camera as they were wayyyyy to far away to see it with my eyes only. There were people constantly spraying them with water as well.

There was a voice (with an american accent haha I have no idea who it was) who was obviously attached to a mic and would occasionally give directions and I definitely heard him talking about Reepicheep (he had just done something and they had to react.. I think..) and there was also something about a wedding dress.

I am going back again tomorrow (because I have no life haha – no really I think it’s super exciting) and maybe they’ll have moved the blue screen!

Here are Tamara’s pictures (we’ve also included one from RedBubble.com of Gary Sweet who plays Drinian).

Thanks so much Tamara for your report and pictures!

UPDATE: NarniaFans’ spy Tanika sent them a set of pictures from earlier today as well. You can check them out here.

131 Responses

  1. NarniaWarrior says:

    Thanks for the pics…tamara….It was well done…Long Live Aslan !!!

  2. adamie says:

    Great Picks! more magical creatures, Aaah!!

    So now we have a faun, a minotaur (I think we even saw two), and a satyr. But what does the text say on the mast? The Mighty D… Dawn Treader perhaps? And a list of it's captains beneath it?

  3. HappyGiant says:

    Long live Tamara! Thanks!
    They might be doing the scene where they arrive in Narnia. But where is Will then? I saw a saytar and a faun. Oh, well.
    Yes! Go tomorrow! Yay! Can't wait to see more!

  4. rorry says:

    ooohh… this must be the scene when they arrive in narnia… *jump*

  5. random. says:

    Wow! I'm so impressed! This movie will be epic!! I can't wait to see it all in one piece on the big screen, then right in my own living room! Ah! So excited!

  6. BradenWoodburn says:

    That's so rad Tamara! These are excellent photos! Pretty cool seeing actors in action. I do wonder what scene they could have been doing. Being drinched.. maybe it was an aftermath of that dragon attack they filmed the other day?? Dunno! Still, this is wonderful news!

  7. Narnia Lover says:

    THERE ARE PICS OF SKANDAR!!!!! FINALLY! I can't wait until next year! Thanks for the eaport! SAIL ON VDT!!!

  8. 7chronicles says:

    Tamara, Thank You so much, the pictures are great. This is what I love about narnia, The book is coming alive before my eyes, this is so amazing!!!! When I read the book for the first time, I don't ever think I could have imagned seeing it come to life like this. I can not wait to get fooage of the cast!!!!

  9. GlimGlum says:

    Thanks, Tamara. Great to see Edmund, Lucy, and Caspian together on the Dawn Treader. And Skandar is there with his name on his chair. Uppermost right corner picture.
    Mr. Tumnus was on the Splendor Hyaline in The Horse and His Boy, so I guess a faun is OK for the Dawn Treader.

  10. Forrest Lybrand says:

    I'm fairly sure this is when they first enter Narnia, and were just pulled onto the ship.

  11. JoK3R says:

    Thanks Tamara! Wow nice shots of Edmund, I also like how there are Narnian creatures on the boat. GREAT PICS!!!!! (Altough I still think Caspian looks sooooo dumb with that beard and hair)

  12. Drelborn says:

    Sweet pictures!

  13. therinca says:

    Thank you so much for all the pictures Tamara! They're β€œtotally awesome” pictures πŸ™‚

  14. TumnusTheBrave says:

    i understand that you guys do like creatures aboard the dawn treader other than reepicheep but really what is wrong with fauns. fauns should be ok.centaurs are a big no no especially since it on a ship, i think one maybe two minotaurs is ok but any more and it'll be crowded

  15. Arwen says:

    Oh, I wish I was there!! If those three were drenched, I wonder where Eustace is!

  16. elizabeth says:

    cool pictures πŸ™‚

  17. yeswelovenarnia says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skandar!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!! Wow awesome pics!!!!!!! (But I still think and I will never change my views that there should not be any narnian animal but reep on the ship. There were never any fauns or minotaurs on the ship. There wasn't room for one!)

  18. Leolani says:

    Yes, Caspian is supposed to be 15 years old!

  19. Leolani says:

    Yes, the Dawn Treader was only 'a little bit of a thing' compared with the ships in our world or the ships that Lucy and Edmund had owned in the Golden Age.

  20. Lutra's Pearl says:

    Thank you so much!!!! It is so cool to see the pics. We still have to wit over a year tell it comes out!!!!!!:( I don'tknow if I can last that ling. Keep the story of Aslan alive!

  21. HappyGiant says:

    Who directly said fauns aboard the dawn treader were awful??? There was just ONLY telmerines besides Reepicheep in the book, so it's not like we were expecting it. And are there really centuars? Please, satyrs, minoutaurs, fauns are fine with me, but why centuars? i can't imagine them on a ship!

  22. HappyGiant says:

    He's seven years older in VoDT, remember? πŸ™‚

  23. narnian1 says:

    Great pics! Thank so much for returning and giving this report to narniaweb!

  24. Feather~Light~Heart says:

    EDMUND! πŸ˜€ Hurray finally pics. Looks amazing thanks sooo much Tamara. Wow this makes me so excited. VDT is really going on. Hurray! (can't help but think where's Will? -Eustace-) πŸ˜€ Long live Aslan.

  25. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Thanks so much Tamara for the great pictures! You're lucky to get to see the filming up close like that.

  26. redeemedqueen says:

    YEAY!!! We finally have pix that are definately of Skandar/Ed!!!

  27. redeemedqueen says:

    If I remember correctly VDT is 3 years later in Narnian years; 1 year later in our time…

  28. StoryGirl says:

    Ah! Most of the pictures are to big!
    But they're still awesome. πŸ™‚

  29. katrina says:

    wow, so amazing!!! really, really exciting!!!!!! sail on VDT!!

  30. fnafa4ever says:

    There are finally pics of Skandar! YES! So exciting! My mind is going crazy as to why they are wet, but my guess is this is when they are saved from the water after being pulled in through the picture.

  31. Giuliano says:

    Finally we see Skandar

  32. Lucille Brown says:

    Finally, pictures of Skandar. I was wondering what happened to him. It looks like they are wearing English clothes,Georgie and Skandar that is. I hope this is the scene where they come in from the picture on the wall into Narnia.

  33. Crimson Dragon says:

    Had to zoom my internet browser window way out to see most of those… but they're great pics!

  34. Narnia Lover says:

    It probably is! I can't wait!

  35. Narnia Lover says:

    1 year ower time is 1,300 years Narnian time.

  36. Narnia Lover says:

    Well, if it's from the beging where they first come into Narnia from the pic frame on the wall, then Eustace is probably somewhere out of the shot of the pics.

  37. ExtremeFan says:

    yaayyy skander!!! very kool.

  38. Narnia Lover says:

    That's my guess, too! It most likely is! SAIL ON VDT!

  39. checkers says:

    Not nesessarily, that was only the case in Prince Caspian. If you stay in our world for one year, you might go back to Narnia and 3 years Narnian years would have passed, or 1,300, or no time at all. You never know. And yes, I believe it's only 3 years between PC and VotDT.

  40. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Thanks so much Tamara! The pics are awesome! It is so nice to see Skandar finally. And I bet that seen is where Edmund, Ludy and Eustace come to Narnia. I'm almost positive. I cannot wait to see the movie! Or at least a trailer would be awesome, just to satisfy my need to see moving pictures and hear their voices again, but in a totally new setting. This is SOOOO exciting!

  41. Arwen says:

    To confirm – yeah, it's three years between PC and VDT. The seven lords disappeared seven years before VDT ;). And the times do vary every time. I'm not sure how many years later Silver Chair is, somewhere in the frame of 60 or 70, and I'm not even sure there is a year in our time between SC and VDT. Might be only a couple months.

  42. martin the warrior says:

    sweet pics! i cant wait for the movie

  43. Silver the Wanderer says:

    That's exactly what I did! Haha πŸ˜›

  44. decarus says:

    I think this is when they first enter Narnia and Caspian pulls them from the water.

  45. Starlily says:

    So it looks like they have a lot of human crew members on the ship. That's good. I still have mixed feelings about the creatures on board, but at least they don't make up the whole crew. And the satyr is so cute!! I can't help liking the satyrs and minotaurs because they look like animals, and I love animals. My main concern about the movie, is that they do a good job with the story and the themes. By the way, where is Georgie? I don't see her.

  46. Starlily says:

    Maybe the centaurs are at the beginning or end of the movie, on dry land in Narnia. I really doubt they have them on the ship. It wouldn't be practical. But practical might not be an issue to the filmakers πŸ˜‰

  47. Starlily says:

    Where is Georgie? I can't find her! Can you tell me which picture she's in?

  48. true-narnian_queen says:

    AWSOME! ILOVE THEM! Oh i wish i was there to see Ben in action but it was great to see pics of him as King Caspian(and i think he looks great with long hair and a beard it makes him look older)SAIL ON DAWN TREADER!!!

  49. true-narnian_queen says:

    I agree 100% it has to be that part!!!

  50. Awesome! Love the pictures, cant wait for the movie! But I'm not crazy about Ben's beard.

  51. You can't see her face, but there are a few of her from the side

  52. Narnia Lover says:

    I agree with you!

  53. The Batman says:

    You can see Georgie best in picture 44. (9th row, 4th pic) she's also in 33, 34, 45 and 46 πŸ™‚

  54. The Batman says:

    Haha, I love the one of the guy on his phone on DT πŸ˜‰ Thanks so much, Tamara!

  55. Weapon Master says:

    I wasn't sure at first, but now I don't have any real problem with other mythological creatures being on the ship. I also like that all the human crew seems to have matching outfits, but I still don't like the fact that they are portraying Drinian as bald-headed.

  56. BringAlagaesiaToNarnia!!!! says:

    Bet you "American Accent" is K.C.

  57. BringAlagaesiaToNarnia!!!! says:

    Definetly. I think Ben looks okay with a beard, just not for the part of Caspian.

  58. Ramandugirl says:

    Hi girls, don't u know where was it? when they will come to visit Hungary?? thx Tamara, u r cool:)

  59. BringAlagaesiaToNarnia!!!! says:

    Hey, which one has Georgie in it?

  1. September 8, 2009

    […] Narnia Web and Narnia Fans have some new pictures from the Dawn Treader set at Cleveland Point that include […]