33 New Photos of the Cast
MundoNarnia.com has posted thirty-three photos of the cast on set, including a good look at Gary Sweet as Drinian, Shane Rangi in a minotaur suit, and Caspian wearing what looks like a leather coat.
Thanks to ‘Salem’ for the alert!
I agree! I cant wait to see it in theaters! oh 2010 cant come soon enough!
I'm locing that coat that Ben is wearing…makes him look very kingly!
hey so i was at the set today watching, and they were filming a scene on the ship with lucy and a young girl about 8-9yrs old… does anyone know who this could be… cause i was sure lucy was the only girl on the boat???
I love Narnia! Narnia is the best ever! I love it! I love all the costumes! Especially Caspian's! It looked awesome! Cannot wait to see him wearing it in the film or at least on a trailer. π
I think the ring means Caspian is the king. A King Ring. π
There's Marjorie and Anne (Lucy's English friends.)
Time to read the book, Lucy.
Obi-wan, Qui-Gon, Aragorn…. lol! he's likened to every distinguished pop-culture icon. thats not really a bad thing :D. in fact its a sign that Caspian may be on his way to join their ranks.
these are awesome!!! I wish they had some more pics of Skandar though…
Will looks awesome, and so does Ben! I love his beard!
Which one is Skandar? The guy with the pony tail?
It looks as if there will be more than one… interesting.
You said just what I was thinking, Lucy! CANNOT wait 4 the DVD!!! but i hate the way Drinian looks. Anyone agree?
WHERE is Skandsr?!?! And WHERE is Georgie?!?! They count as the cast, right?
I KNOW!!! WHERE IS SKANDAR?!?! and WHERE is Georgie? The count as the cast too, right?
que padre personajes sisisisisisi la verdad que si
Skandar is Skandar Keynes, the guy who plays Edmund. Look at the cast and crew page, and you'll see a picture. (if you don't know already, look in Movie Information a the top of the screen) Hope that helps. Sorry if I'm telling you things you already know.
I don't have any objections to Drinian's age. The one in the BBC movie had graying hair…but at least he had hair! I would never have imagined him bald, and he just doesn't look like the right person to play Drinian.
ATTACK OF THE SKANDER FANS! No offence, of course, but I think that everytime a large group of people who like Skander or Ben say so. No offence, again. I like Skander to! But not much, and just as a fan.
I know why can't it come out now!
Well I don't mean right now but like in December!
love your Skandar pic! π
I really agree. BALD!!?? I never imagined him that way./
You don't know who Will is??? NOOOOOO!!!! Tell me this isn't happening!!
Why do you keep repeating Gary sweet's name? π
Oh right.
I am talking to Starlily! π
Well, I have a thery that Eustace and the Minotaur will gag everyone up, throw them out to sea, and become Pirates!
Oh, how they change the movies! π
Good grief, read the book! Read it! No matter how good VotDT will be, and I'm sure it'll be fantastic, the book is almost always better then the movie. Not just in Narnia films, either, in others, too.
Sorry you didn't say Poulter.
To HappyGiant π
Oh thank you so much I haven't been there for a long time!
It helped all lot.
To Princess Arya! π
Oh please!It's fine to me! I'm completely puzzled!
Picture the following senario:
Drinian is being chased, THEY are at his heels. Those girls. Wanting to pet his long, long, hair on hois handsome face.
He trips on his oh so long and beautiful hair, he turns around to face the women and his fate.
It was then he decided to shave his head as soon as he could.
Well,I'm a regular genius, aren't I?
Of course I'm kidding! π
Me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, good. *breaths sigh of relief*
What dose that mean?
Well, you can't expect everyone who likes Narnia speaks english! That would be so horrible! So many people… not even knowing what narnia is… *shudders*
I don't speak any other thing then english, so if you can translate that, go ahead! (wish she knew different languages.)
I'm partial to Qui Gon because the Liam Neeson connection is too good to pass up.
JadistarkilleR: I would love to see this film series' Caspian become iconic, if not him then I believe at least the Dawn Treader will!
You've just offended me, Happy Giant. Not being a total crazy lover of Skandar? Whoa! I thought every girl loved skandar and will moseley!
I TOTALLY agree, Aravis! Who would not be in love with Skandar or William M.? Unless Happy Giant is a boy… uh-oh. Sorry if you're a guy, H. Giant.R u a guy?
You're welcome! π
C'mon! BALD?!?!?!? Can someone tell me why we have a BALD captain?!?!?
I know! Where are they?
Haha, I think he does look a bit Star-warish too!
Well sorry HappyGiant!
Do you like Lucy!
I am talking to princess Arya! π
Do you know were the childern's age is?
I love Lucy! I played her in a drama version of Vodt back in April. I also like Susan π
What's wrong? Seriously, you've just hurt me, Lucy! What did i say wrong? All i said was not everyone who likes Narnia is English, and that i wish i knew more languages!
Is that sarcasm? I hope so. cause i don't really now how to answer that.
And please don't misunderstand me. I'm just not crazy about Skander.
I'm a girl. And actually, I did kinda like skander, but for a very short time. And I didn't really tell anyone.
Are u being sarcastic? I mean really! maybe you should just shut up if you're going to be like that when nobody does you wrong.
Well, sorry Lucy!
I can't believe I'm saying this! Lucy's one of my favorite characters!
What's the big deal? Don't fret about it, anyway. it's not like you'll be seeing much of him.
Every girl HAS to have a crush on SKANDARRR!!!!! He's just so AMAZING!!!
I think they'll be adding stuff in CGI and finishing it off after filming Lucy. I've read a ton of stuff about this thing, and that's the only reason i can think of.
I'm so annoyed! Skandar and Georgie were never camera shy before! *pouts* We've seen nothing of Geogie for AGES, and barely ANYTHING of Skandar! NEED PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS always thought unusual from my fellow girl classmates π (actually, i'm not joking. but i just love the wink!)
Sometimes you can find pictures of them on youtube that arer not on narniaweb!
I know, I burst into Hysterical laughter when I first saw the beard. Ah well, I'll learn to live with it I guess. At least it doesn't look bad on Ben, and makes him look older. :S
you've got an awesome name "lucy". God bless all of you and i'll be back on forums soon..i've been so bloody busy.alot
of summer projects i've been doing. hope to see you all on forums! i'm so excited for this film, words cannot discribe!
narniad, that's not necessarily true. There are many girls who do not have a "crush" on Skandar (and for good reason!).