33 New Photos of the Cast
MundoNarnia.com has posted thirty-three photos of the cast on set, including a good look at Gary Sweet as Drinian, Shane Rangi in a minotaur suit, and Caspian wearing what looks like a leather coat.
Thanks to ‘Salem’ for the alert!
we need more skandar pics!!!
Caspian with the coat= reminds me of Aragorn/ Strider. he even has a bloody ring!
i'm starting to like Gary Sweet. he lives up to his name π
That's so exciting! Does anyone recognize any of the other cast from other productions?
Pretty cool!! lokks like Sweet has a nice sense of humor…which is perfect for Drinian
If you look at the close up of Will you can teel he has freckles and that makes it more belevibe that they're related
Hehe, I agree. For some reason Caspian and Aragorn always struck me as similar (I suppose because they're kings returning to their rightful throne and all).
HIS COSTUME! HIS COSTUME! IT'S totally awesome. Wow. I've never wanted to sew a costume more in my life.
Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!! Thank you so much for the pics.keep it up! Keep the story of Aslan alive!!!!
Wow!!!! cool!! love the pics!!!! and the costumes….. i loooooove them!!!!!!
But no matter how much I like Caspian and Narnia Aragorn will always be WAY cooler. And I am a HUGE narnia fan.
You are right about that!!!! It is so cool, I would do somuch for something like that!
Nice pics! I know alot of people don't like Drinian, saying he's too old, but I think he's fine. When it comes to supporting characters like that I'm not too particular, and Gary Sweet seems like a good choice.
I don't mind the idea of fauns or dwarves on the ship but I really don't like the idea of minotaurs going too.
The coat he wears reminded me more of Miraz's..
haha totally agree with you π
Hmm does anyone know if Lucy is the only girl in VDT π
Great pictures! I'm loving what the costumes look like and that the actors seem to really be getting into character.
My first thought seeing the coat Caspian wears was "OMG, he's a Browncoat! Where's his Firefly class starship."
Then I remembered I was in a different fandom. Caspian is *not* Malcolm Reynolds.
Caspian has a ring! from who do you know! π
I think he looks a little atrang.Not at all how I imagine him.
I suggest you read the book so you won't have to ask such obvious questions π
well there's ramandu if u mean the whole movie but ifu mean on the ship then im pretty sure there isnt any other girl
Sorry,meant to say 'strange'
I wonder what Edmund, Lucy and Caspian's clothes look like.
I bet Lucy and Edmund are really tall! π
ha ha totally agree with you π
Ramandu's DAUGHTER!
Yeah I love Skandar so much! π
Do you like Skandar?
Yeah really cool. I can't wait to see it on DVD π
Have you seen what Lucy and Edmund's clothes look like?
I don't know how they look like!
Caspian looks kind of funny π
Me to π
I can't wait to see the VDT!
Who is Will?
Well, Aragorn's the one who does a lot of interesting stuff. Hehe, Caspian does too. But one of Caspian's biggest things he does is confront Gumpas in dialogue in his office, right? Aragorn is always doing cool sword stunts (like battling Lurtz and directing everyone at Helm's Deep) and you know the like π
looks great! we need more pics of skandar and will and georgie.
Oh, and trust me, I am MUCH more of a Narnia fan than LOTR. I love both but I only read LOTR last summer and just saw the movies a month ago; I've known Narnia a lot longer and there are things I appreciate about it in differentiation to LOTR.
Did anyone notice that Eustace finds a golden-arm ring in the dragon's cave in the book Vodt?
whose the guy in the red suit?
Will is Eustace (Will Poulter). If you meant who is he on the pictures, check the twelfth picture.
Lucy, do you know the costume website on Narniaweb? It has a lot of pictures from Vodt with the actors and their costumes, if you haven't seen pictures of them already in the news articles. You can get into it from Narniaweb's page by looking under the words "More Narniaweb." Hope this helps?
I am so much of a fan of Narnia!!!!!!!!!!
love Narnia soooo much!!!!!!!
Well I certainly agree with you there, he's not anything like how I imagined him. What I'm saying though is that in this instance, I can deal with a change. That's just my opinion though.
I love the pics but seriously I REALLY REALLY REALL WANT TO SEE MORE GEORGIE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't like Skandar – I LOVE SKANDAR!!! HE'S MY FAVORITE! SAIL ON VDT!!!
I can't wait! The pics are great! SAIL ON VDT!
Those are really cool pictures.
Loving the pics!
Like that Drinian pose. Nice pictures.
Take a look at the NarniaWeb costume site. They have some of the latest pictures of the costumes.
And what does this have to do with Narnia???
And will you please keep your comments clean??? We don't appreciate dirty comments.
No kidding! I agree with you Fire Fairy. We're supposed to be talking about Narnian things not our hard lives. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! No bad language! Some of us don't like to hear it.
The pictures are great! I laughed a couple of times at some of the actors being silly.
lmao! yeah that too!
Now you've done it, I see it too!
In absolute love with Caspian's costume, I think the brown on brown on brown will grow on me and if I recall correctly at some point he wears a wine colored coat too. The ring looks great on him!
Maybe that means they'll be keeping his Miraz-ish outburst in the film. I love that scene.
either its me or he looks like either obi-wan or qui goon from the 1st star wars film right?
I'm not satisfied with just a few pics of HIM you know…we need MORE pics!
and yes,I do love Skandar!
Really nice photos ….. very lucky person who made them … it's not just to make photos of Ben Barnes while he looks at you and laughs or Shane Rangi while wearing the costume minotaur
Yeah, I really like Caspian's costume! And I'm getting used to his beard, even though I'll never imagine Caspian in the book having a beard.