12 New Photos: Reepicheep On Set
Twelve more pictures are up at MundoNarnia.com, including a shot of Reepicheep’s stand-ins. My guess is that the more realistic stand-in is used for lighting reference, and the green one is what the actors interact with during the scenes. In post-production, the green stand-in will be erased, and then replaced with a computer-generated character (voiced by Eddie Izzard). Green and blue are often used for this because these colors are considered to be the “furthest away” from human skin tones, and so are easier for the computer to isolate and erase.
This first sighting of Reepicheep on set should excite fans, since his role in “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is what made him the fan-favorite of the series.
Most of the photos show Ben Barnes talking to the crowd through the gate, and if you look at the bottom/right corner of one of them, you’ll see Douglas Gresham (co-producer, C.S. Lewis’ stepson).
aravistarkheena, it's Courageous, Courteous, and Chivalrous.
The chapter after they leave the Lone Islands, it is mentioned that Lucy went shopping and bought seaboots and cloaks and a few other things. So they could use that and give her a whole wardrobe. Probably won't, but…
wannawork4weta, Reepicheep does pull out his sword and slash at Eustace's hand.
Maybe it's Georgie's stunt double? Kind of hard to tell from this angle.
Great pictures!
The two were filming together, though. Maybe she's the young girl dufflepud that originally said the invisibility spell? That woudn't explain why she's on the ship, though.
Yay! A good picture of Georgie finally!
If they don't put Eustace swinging Reepicheep by the tail I'm gonna freak out!!!
That would be an interesting twist, but I'm not sure that's it. I do wonder, though…
aravistarkheena,were you trying to write 'courageous'?
Oh my God,can you believe that its Georgie?Think back to when she was doing The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe!WOW!
I love the costumes!Its just like my imagination is being made into a movie! ๐
They will probably give her a new one at the end;they ALwaYS do.
And he was taken off guard;you know how nasty Eustace was at first! ;()
I don't think Gresham would allow that.(changing the story,I mean) ๐
I don't think Reepicheep would appreciate being called 'Reep'.
I did see one picture of her ๐ I hadn't mentioned…
Didn't he get called Reep quite often in the book? *shrugs*
yay!!!! Georgie pictures!!!!!
Everyone called him "Reep". Read VDT. "'Aren't you going to say anything, Reep?' whispered Lucy." (chapter 14 ("The Beginning of the End of the World")) "'Yes, Reep, I know we have,' said Caspian." (chapter 3 ("The Lone Islands")).
Please don't say "thank God" unless you really mean it.
Please don't take God's name in vain. Very inappropriate.
umm… look at what happened in PC. I wouldn't say that just yet.
Yay Reep!
And WHAT is with Caspian's PURPLE shirt?!?
Haha Caspian must love the purple sail as much as we do ๐
Oh yes – that green one sort of scares me ๐
lol maybe Eustace will be a purple dragon!!! ๐
Yes, he was nasty. Perhaps I hold Reep to an impossibly high standard, as a Narnian, an invincible swordsman, (I know, he had his tail cut off) BUT I still want to ask Mr. Lewis why he wrote that bit in. It's so degrading for the noble swordsman.
thats so awesome!.
hey, maybe reepicheep in some shots will be animatronic!.
i cant wait 4 it 2 come out in december next year, me and my sister are gonna go,and bring a friend with us (she dosent like narnia, but she said she'd go,we're gonna get her off of twilight and into narnia more)
I love the pics of ben, and the pics of georgie are great too! ๐
i cant wait 2 go c it!!!!
I think that was the point wannaworkforweta.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see Georgie in any of these pictures. Could someone please tell me where to look
I almost didn't either. Check the 6th pic.
I really think that 'Reep' really likes the nick-name. It's alright if some of us didn't know.=) See you Narnians!
I love G-d!(I do that(-) because I know that I'm not worthy enough to even WRITE His name. He trully IS good! I'm glad that He lets this production to be made! =) You guys are great Narnians! G-d be with you all!
PS. Aslan represents G-d. Some of you probably already knew that. 'Cause C. S. Lewis was a christian. Pretty cool, huh?
Oh, from Mcidees(Mcdonalds)? Hahah! That's funny!
Hah! He didn't allow it. He'd never! Not Reep. Oh, how I just love my little buddy!
You go girl! Go get her off of that vampire junck! Introduce her to Aslan(G-D)!
No, the line, "'Oh, he's so cute!' said Lucy. 'Who said that?' said Reepacheep." From the PC movie!
You're right! She does look a lot like Anna!
i think there really good but some of them were really bad and reepicheep is soo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
que pongan una trailer de repechep por favor
Very cool, Jill Pole.
They're likely to do a lot of CGI, though I agree a few cuts of a CGI would make a stand in a lot more believable.
*thinking about the BBC version of Reepicheep*
shudder… a lot of things have changed since then. ๐
@wannawork4weta : Well, I'm sure he would have, IF Eustace wasn't the Pevensie's cousin. But since he was, I'm sure Lucy and Ed would have objected to him killing him. And I don't think Reep would ever do anything against Ed or Lucy's wishes. I think (IMHO ๐ ) that Reep would see it as dishonorable and disloyal… Although it was terribly degrading for Eustace to do that to Reep.
ha! yeah, I know, huh?
Ariel_of_Narnia: thanks for taking a stand!
There are actually more pics of Georgie on Mundonarnia.com now! I'm not sure why Narniaweb hasn't posted it yet…
Okay,Okay,I forgot.
And YES I did read the book!
I love how Lucy's clothes look like! ๐
I never thought I'd say this aloud, but… Damn, Ben Barnes is so sexy in the beard and the long hair with a pigtail in the back! ๐
um, jill, of course you can write it. if you are a child of God, then he will not mind if you say his name, let alone write it! dont ever feel you are not worthy enough to even say or write his name. you have every worth to do so, especially because he loves you.
say "omg" for "o my goodness!"
i love her costume too. i love everyone's costume, even eustace's english clothes. by the way, is he ever changing? i mean, if he eases up on being in narnia on a ship he should change into narnian clothes. i think all the costumes look perfect for a narnia voyage. i was afraid they were going to have lucy where a narnian dress. not that i dont like them, but not on a ship, especially for the fact that there wouldnt be any dresses on the ship! but im really happy with her costume and hair. even if she's wearing "men's" clothes, she still looks so pretty!
Agreed, Jesus died so we could freely claim that we are His child.
wannawork4weta, Lewis didnt write that to say anything about Reep, he wrote that to show a good description of eustace's character and how mean and rude and nasty he was. Reep does a good job defending himself, afterall he couldnt kill eustace even if he wanted to because he was related to King Edmund and Queen Lucy.
When they finish the movie… Will they be selling the Stand-in? if so… How much!? LOL! it's SOOOOOOOOO Cute! (not the green one though…)