12 New Photos: Reepicheep On Set
Twelve more pictures are up at MundoNarnia.com, including a shot of Reepicheep’s stand-ins. My guess is that the more realistic stand-in is used for lighting reference, and the green one is what the actors interact with during the scenes. In post-production, the green stand-in will be erased, and then replaced with a computer-generated character (voiced by Eddie Izzard). Green and blue are often used for this because these colors are considered to be the “furthest away” from human skin tones, and so are easier for the computer to isolate and erase.
This first sighting of Reepicheep on set should excite fans, since his role in “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is what made him the fan-favorite of the series.
Most of the photos show Ben Barnes talking to the crowd through the gate, and if you look at the bottom/right corner of one of them, you’ll see Douglas Gresham (co-producer, C.S. Lewis’ stepson).
What I want to know is… Which stand-in will be used for the scene where Eustace swings Reep around by his tail (if they include that scene)? Depending on how fast Eustace is swinging him, they might actually be able to get away with using the more realistic stand-in, and not using any CGI.
Wow! Cool pics! Nice close ups of Ben. And neat picture of Lucy on the Dawn Treader. I am so excited! I cannot wait for the movie!
Oh…and thank God this stand-in is brown, and not white. ๐
Aww Reep! He's so cute! (Reep: "Who said that?!") ๐
I see Georgie ๐
Well, he IS!!! ๐
I've been waiting for more of Georgie. Haven't seen her. But it's cool seeing Reep!
Go Reep!
Georgie is so CUTE!! I love her ponytail. ๐
Ya I think that is georgie or at least her stunt double.
If you were not under the protection of NarniaWeb, we would have fought to the death on this matter! But even such a question of honor must give way to the peace on this website.
I'm liking the look of this film more and more.
Very cool! I was wondering when we'd get to see Reep on set. Good show.
YAHOO! Pics of Reep! The cutie… *Giggles*
And a nice pic of Georgie!! ๐ I like her hairstyle, it looks nice on her, and it's nice to have something different than the last two movies. (Not that it matters… ๐ )
One more thing (I'm dangerous with the multiple comments option), I like Georgie's look even more without the red jerkin on top of her white shirt. She looks almost angelic wearing only white (I'm done now. I think).
NicE!!! And I luv the pic of Georgie! Im Lovin' it!!
It's definitley Georgie Henely. NOT her stunt duoble.
I still can't believe that Reep would allow (being swung by his tail) this to happen.
I think you're right. Georgie looks really good in white. And I love her hairstyle. I love the way they've been doing costuming in this movie. In the BBC version of VDT, the borrowed clothes Lucy wears look absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic (who would wear court clothes on a ship??? I mean, seriously!). The way they've done the costumes for this version seem much more realistic and practical.
hehehe cute and funny too (well, at least the person posing as Reep is funny). Reep's my bff's favourite character (and yes, she thinks he's CUTE)
que bien lo hisieron a repechep salio bn
sisisisisisi bye
Reepicheep — Have you ever heard not to challenge an elf to a duel? Eragon dueled me in the past and I believe he would tell you the same thing as well….
i agree ๐
i love the costumes and hair! so wonderful to get these pics!
aww…I was going to say oh my God ! he is so cute but I remember the line Silver the Wanderer said in the movie " Who said that?" cannot wait for the movie next year.
ALSOME! I love the pics! Can't wait to see the move! SAIL ON VDT!!!
I also agree!
Lol I love that line!
Yes, he's cute whether he likes it or not!!
yay reepicheep! and wow! she got really close pics of ben. i love that picture that shows georgie looking out over the edge. i cant tell if they're acting or not in that pic, but its cool.
wow! Those are all really cool. Ben has got REALLY long hair. But it still looks cool. ๐
Wow! how exciting! thats a cute pic of Georgie! Go Reep!
i saw the Ben Barnes photos earlier on another site, didnt know they were holding out on Reep from me. grrr :p
its good seeing Georgie on a fan spy photo that we can post. she is turning out to be quite a heart breaker, just look at her! ๐
and full stop! who is that next to Georgie? the one holding an apple? that looks like a child! is that the 8-9 yr old girl that was said to be on the ship? its certainly not a dwarf character– the hands are a dead giveaway. theres no way to tell if they were shooting or not, but that other girl cant be denied this time. of course it can be a production crew member, but those hands are not hands of an adult.
I see what you did there, ohohoho…
I agree with you! She looks very grown up.
Good pictures of Ben and Georgie! Her hair and costume looks amazing!!!
Yeah, I like Georgie's hair! It's like pigtails or something, and I always imagined Lucy in pigtails. I do hope they switch costumes a few times in the movie, though, because having one outfit might be boring, even if it looks good.
I know! I was looking at the pictures, and I'm like, who is that?? Another girl? The only reason I can think of her being there, is if the Narnians bought her in the lone islands, and invited her along. Or maybe she's just temporarily visiting….. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out. Hopefully it won't change the story.
I think if I was an actor, I'd rather act with the fuzzy stuffed Reep, rather than the hairless green one, which has no personality. ๐
Yeah, it would get boring having only one costume the whole time. But I think they'll change it at some point in the movie…
The only thing is that it might be kinda hard to find nice clothes in the middle of the ocean! ๐
Well, Eustace IS at least 3 feet taller than him… ๐
oh absolutely awesome!!!!!! I really wish I could be there!!! "Oh my gosh he's soooooo cute!!!!!!" Reep: "Who said that??"
Who else has noticed how much Georgie resembles Anna in that shot? She hasn't got Anna's mouth, but her hair, eyes and facial expression are SO Susan in PC.
Can't wait to see more !!
They will probably find some new clothes for Lucy before they leave Narrowhaven – it says in the book that they spend several days there to load the ship and get ready for the rest of their voyage.
Yes, there is definitely another in the sixth photo, I saw that myself. Who's the man with grey hair in the same photo? At first I though it was Apted, but he appears to be in costume (unless I'm mistaken – my computer won't open the pics full-sized, so I don't know for sure).
Could the old man be Lord Bern, and the be his daughter? I suggested something like this on the forum before this photo came out. If that's Lord Bern, maybe the idea has some merit.
(P.S. I normally comment on News Stories as Crimson Dragon, but I decided to switch over to my forum name, it's about time I do.)
Reep is so cute!
I have a GOOD feeling about this! ๐
Oh ok, that's good!
hapy boy is ernesto
gracias por aver compartido la foto de repechep
I'm hoping that Lucy will get a couple outfits in Narrowhaven, and maybe, if we're lucky (I love costumes ๐ ) maybe she'll get one when she's with Coriakin, or one when she visits Ramandu's island. That's what I'm hoping, anyway. And I'm looking forward to Ramandu's daughter's costumes too. They should be lovely! (I hope)
nice pics!
It depends on the camera shots really. If they had a few close shots of Reep's face – you know, those almost still shots where the camera is fixated on the character and you can see the blurring background behind as they're swinging around? – then they'll have to CGI him in so that we can see him shouting and yowling and fighting for his sword and all that good stuff.
But I hadn't really thought of the whole sequence just be from kind of a side-angle just watching Eustace swing this mouse around…I think that in order to make the right J-cuts in the film, they'd have to cut from focusing on Reepicheep to the outside shots a few times before the sequence ended. I can't see it all just being the stand-in Reep swung around without any CGI.
nice pictures! I love the pics of Ben!
I also was pondering who this might be. What if it was the mer-girl Lucy saw? LOL that would really blow things out of the water!
Haha…nice pun, but no I'm sure it is not a mer-girl.
Agree all the way!
I would like to think that Reepicheep would rather "Coragous, Courtious, or Cevorous(is that how you spell it?)" wouldn't you think?
The costumes for everyone are lovely! I have taken a personal liking to Ben's. I'm modeling him for halloween.
But Eden, Reep is a warrior! He took down like, five Telemarines in 2 seconds by slashing their ankles! I have to believe that if he was picked up he would slash whomever was picking him up.
Probably they'll shoot it both ways and do a combination.