‘Dawn Treader’ in 3D?
CinemaBlend.com‘s Kathy Rich was attending ShoWest in Las Vegas, when she bumped into Fox Filmed Entertainment’s CEO Jim Gianopulos. According to CinemaBlend’s website, “Fox plans to keep ramping up their 3D efforts. This year they’re releasing two movies in 3D: Avatar and Ice Age 3. Next year he says they’re releasing three. What he didn’t tell us is which three Fox movies those will be.”
As The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is one of the big movies Fox will be releasing in 2010, it’s highly likely that it could be released in 3D. The trend of 3D movies has been showing signs of steady growth, with current films like Monsters vs. Aliens thrilling audiences with the 3D experience. Dawn Treader as a story would lend itself quite easily to the 3D experience, and it will be exciting if this turns out to be true. For those who aren’t overjoyed at the prospect, 3D movies can also be viewed in 2D with no problems.
Read the full story at CinemaBlend.com.